reborn family

Chapter 1032

Facing Yan Aimin's invitation, Nie Zhenbang seemed to be in a good mood today, nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

With that said, Nie Zhenbang turned his head to the others and said, "Everyone, let's take this opportunity to learn from Director Yan and get some experience. As the most famous Dahe Group in Hongjiang, there must be merits in management. Yes, this is a rare opportunity."

Nie Zhenbang's words naturally won the approval of other leaders next to him. Next to him, Zhou Chuanjia also smiled and said: "Secretary Nie's words speak to my heart. Before, I always wanted to come here to learn from Yan Dong, because For various reasons, the trip has not been able to take place, and today it has been fulfilled.”

Since the readjustment of the division of labor of the provincial government, Zhou Chuanjia, as the deputy governor of the Standing Committee, has also made great adjustments in the work in charge.

In the government team, Zhou Chuanjia's position is very embarrassing. It was okay before. When Wen Baogui was the governor, Zhou Chuanjia consciously approached him, hoping to get a share of his political achievements as a bargaining chip for his promotion. However, people As good as it is, Wen Guigui's transfer made Zhou Chuanjia's situation very embarrassing.

The new governor Fang Yuanshan and He Yusheng have a good relationship. As the former governor's subordinate, He Yusheng doesn't want to see him, so even Fang Yuanshan doesn't want to see him anymore.

In the government team, neither the top leader nor the second leader wants to see anyone. It is conceivable how bad the situation is.

In this adjustment, Zhou Chuanjia's real power units and departments, such as the Construction Department and the Housing Management Bureau, were also adjusted.In this way, Zhou Chuanjia had nowhere to go. In this case, Zhou Chuanjia could only approach Nie Zhenbang, so that he could keep his last hope.

"The words of Vice Governor Zhou have reached my heart, and I have long wanted to come to study." Secretary-General Xu Hongzhuan also said with a smile.

Here, Yan Aimin smiled and said: "Leaders, this is criticizing me. It seems that our Dahe Group was negligent before. Here, in front of Secretary Nie, I apologize to all the leaders."

The atmosphere was very relaxed and harmonious. A group of people stepped into the elevator and visited the office of Dahe Group.The office atmosphere of the entire Dahe Group is still very good. It is very rare that everything has a clear system of management.

Then, a group of people came to the meeting room of Dahe Group.In the conference room, a group of accompanying leaders, together with several senior vice presidents of Dahe Group and Yan Aimin, sat on both sides of the conference table.Nie Zhenbang sat on the main seat in the middle, and said with a smile: "Comrades, do you have any feelings? Today, it is not a standing committee meeting here, we will treat it as a seminar, and you can feel free to have any thoughts or feelings. Speak freely."

After the words were finished, Liu Yaowen smiled and said, "Secretary Nie, let me start with a few words."

As he said that, Liu Yaowen looked at Yan Aimin and said, "Before, after listening to Director Yan's plan, I thought it was very good. Now, with the continuous development of the economy, the sense of responsibility of the enterprise is weakening day by day. This is a very serious matter. Social issues. Dahe Group can consider giving back to the society while developing, which is a signal that our entrepreneurs are also paying attention to the society while developing themselves, and the intensity of this attention is also increasing accordingly. "

"I personally feel that Dahe Group is very constructive on the issue of low-income housing projects. While carrying out commercial development, it also takes into account the needs of ordinary people, cooperates with the government, and obtains policy preference and support. Don’t forget to give back to the society and the people. This is a pioneering work. In my opinion, this matter can be included in the government’s planning to form a new system and model.”

Affordable housing, this is what Nie Zhenbang is aiming for today.Before, when considering housing price control, Nie Zhenbang already had a rough plan and outline in mind.The rise in housing prices is of course driven by real estate developers and real estate speculators behind the scenes. These are only auxiliary factors. The most important thing is the rigid demand for housing from ordinary people, which is the most direct factor driving the rise in housing prices.

After the housing reform policy, both state agencies and enterprises and institutions abolished the housing allocation system.The original collective housing has now evolved into the need to buy a house. This comes and goes, coupled with the growth of young people in the city, the demand for housing is also increasing. When there is a market, there will naturally be price increases. This is a market economy. embodiment.

Therefore, when it comes to housing price regulation, what Nie Zhenbang considers the most is not how to limit prices and purchases, but how Nie Zhenbang considers how to meet the needs and wishes of the majority of ordinary people to buy houses.Obviously, affordable housing is Nie Zhenbang's trump card.The construction of affordable housing has increased, and more commodities have been supplied to the market.Ordinary people have more room to choose. Those who have money will naturally choose better commercial housing, but those who have no money can also choose affordable housing. In this way, the whole family does not need to borrow money.No need to bite the bullet, the whole family repaid the loan.For this house price, without this demand as a recommendation, the overall supply and demand are balanced. As a result, it is difficult for house prices to rise.

Previously, under Nie Zhenbang's consideration, he originally hoped that Liu Kun, Zhao Xinglong, or even Zhu Lafeng would be responsible for this matter.Compared to the whole country, maybe they don't have this strength yet, but compared to a province, not to mention Liu Kun and Zhao Xinglong, even Zhu Lafeng has this economic strength.

However, after Yan Cangsheng's invitation and meeting with Yan Aimin, Nie Zhenbang found a more suitable candidate.

Yan Aimin and her Dahe Group are the best helpers to cooperate with this housing price control policy.One, the identity of Yan Aimin, is the daughter of the old leader Yan Cangsheng.

With Yan Cangsheng present, he still has a certain appeal to various cities in Hongjiang Province. In addition, Dahe Group is a local company in Hongjiang, with a strong appeal, which Zhu Lafeng and the others cannot match.

Come and go, here, Yan Aimin also hopes to be able to board Nie Zhenbang's aircraft carrier and set sail anew.And Nie Zhenbang also hopes to hand over the work of affordable housing to Dahe Group.When these two parties meet, it's like the bastard and mung bean, both of them have their eyes on each other.

Next, after Liu Yaowen, Zhou Chuanjia and Xu Hongzhuan also expressed their opinions and opinions one after another. Without exception, they all clearly supported the construction of affordable housing.

Here, Nie Zhenbang also nodded slowly, coughed and said: "I have listened to the opinions of many comrades just now. I am still very happy. This shows that there are still capable people among our leading cadres."

On the issue of indemnificatory housing, Comrade Chuanjia, you should personally take charge of it and negotiate with Yan Dong. Here, my goal is to strive to have 30 sets of indemnificatory housing in the province by the end of this year Start construction, and then, in the next four years, we will increase the start of construction of affordable housing.Dahe Group, as the backbone of this affordable housing construction, must sign a clear agreement with the provincial government.A certain degree of tax relief should be given to the Dahe Group, and appropriate inclinations should also be considered in the policies for the Dahe Group.

Speaking of this, Nie Zhenbang said sternly: "From the perspective of historical experience, from the previous increase and trend of housing prices in large and medium-sized coastal cities, it is urgent for Hongjiang Province to adhere to the housing price control policy. Things that must be implemented. I hope that the cooperation between the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government and the Dahe Group is just the beginning. In the days to come, I hope that ordinary people can live in their homes.”

After Nie Zhenbang's voice fell, there was deafening applause in the conference room, and everyone seemed more excited and excited.

Home ownership is the first time Secretary Nie has really put forward a clear goal.For other leaders, this will definitely be an opportunity for themselves, an opportunity to work hand in hand with Secretary Nie.

Yan Aimin is also very excited, home ownership.At this moment, I have to say that Secretary Nie's skill is really not comparable to that of ordinary people.

It is conceivable that after the Dahe Group got into the relationship with Secretary Nie at this moment, the low-income housing alone would be enough to bring hundreds of millions of profits to Dahe.

Thinking of this, Yan Aimin also nodded and said: "Please rest assured, Secretary Nie, Dahe Group, up and down, must fulfill their duties, strictly demand, and do a good job in the construction of affordable housing projects."


It was the Hongjiang News broadcast broadcasted by Hongjiang Satellite TV. Fang Yuanshan looked very leisurely, holding a teacup, watching the TV screen indifferently. After arriving in Hongjiang, the Hongjiang News broadcast became a must-watch for Fang Yuanshan every day. programme.

Immediately afterwards, the picture of Nie Zhenbang appeared in front of Fang Yuanshan.Fang Yuanshan stood up after hearing what Nie Zhenbang said in the meeting room of Dahe Group.

Nie Zhenbang's determination is not small, even the goal of home ownership is reflected.Moreover, on TV, Nie Zhenbang has no taboos.Emphasized the need to increase the construction of affordable housing.

Obviously, this is in response to some of my words yesterday.Yesterday, I just said that I would increase development efforts.This is good, but today, Nie Zhenbang proposed to increase the construction of affordable housing to form a complete system.Isn't this singing against yourself, forcing yourself to submit?

After all, Nie Zhenbang is the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. In this kind of place, he said these words, but he did not tell himself clearly that Nie Zhenbang insisted on following the line and policy of house price control and would not give in.

This move made Fang Yuanshan's brows furrowed. It is impossible to just collect it like this. Next, it depends on how the two sides play the game.

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