reborn family

Chapter 1036

Time flies, and it is the golden period of golden autumn and October. At this time, nearly five months have passed since May, the May Day Golden Week.

Over the past five months, the strategy of strengthening the province through tourism formulated by Nie Zhenbang and implemented by former governor Wen Baogui, after these months of precipitation, finally, the time to test the results of the [-]th Golden Week is about to usher .In Wei Lin's office of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, at this moment, Shi Ximao and Cai Jianhong, deputy directors of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee; Liu Zhaokun, director of the Provincial Radio, Film and Television Bureau; Inside the department's conference room.Looking around at the crowd, Wei Lin was also a little dazed. This meeting can only be regarded as an internal meeting of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee.Of course, Zhou Danian doesn't count here.Gathering the elites of the province's propaganda outlets, Wei Lin can be sure that this meeting will definitely bring a huge earthquake to the Hongjiang officialdom that has been silent for two months.Thinking of this, Wei Lin looked around the crowd and said with a serious expression: "Comrades, the main issue is to call everyone over this time, the promotion of the Golden Week this time. The propaganda department, this is where the mouthpiece is, and it is very important. Once, Hongjiang Province determined the strategic goal of strengthening the province through tourism. This was personally guided and supervised by Secretary Nie of the Provincial Party Committee. "Wei Lin's words are very serious, it can be said that they are loud and powerful.As soon as he opened his mouth, he went straight to the topic, which fully reflected Wei Lin's pragmatic work style.After a pause, Wei Lin continued: "At the Southern Chu Tourism Expo in May, Hongjiang Province won the championship. Over the past few months, it has continued one after another. Many tourist attractions in the province have been remodeled and expanded, and have also been developed. There are a lot of new attractions. This time, it is the [-]th Golden Week. It will be time to test the results. The Provincial Party Committee attaches great importance to it, and Secretary Nie even personally intervened. I hope that the Propaganda Department can do a good job in this area, and take Come up with a plan, make a documentary, and fully show the changes in Hongjiang Province in the past few months." On the side of Lushan, a famous tourist attraction in Hongjiang Province.As the most famous scenic spot in Hongjiang.Here is the first stop for documentary filming.

Under the lens of the camera, the staff of the provincial TV station and the provincial newspaper stood at a high place, overlooking the area.

The crowds of tourists, like locusts passing through, poured in here, at the main entrance of the scenic spot.All kinds of public facilities are available. In terms of tourist guidance and organization, Lushan City is here.A lot of manpower has also been invested. Although there are many people, they seem to be in an orderly manner.

Then, the scene changed, and under the leadership of the host, the film crew came to several newly opened star-rated hotels in Lushan City.These hotels, without exception, are the results of investment promotion at the last tourism expo.

"Mr. Zhang, hello. We are the film crew of Hongjiang TV's "Walk Around the Red River" travel documentary. Excuse me, Mr. Zhang, what is the current occupancy rate of the Tongcheng Hotel after it opened last month? It is said that this time , Tongcheng Hotel Group Co., Ltd. invested in the renovation and construction of six hotels in six cities in Hongjiang, including one five-star hotel and five four-star hotels. I would like to ask Mr. Zhang. Why do you have such a big interest in Hongjiang Province? Confidence."

Obviously, such interviews are also carefully planned, and the question of this kind of interview is also closely centered on the topic of a strong tourism province.

The interviewee is the boss of the Lushan branch of the City Hotel, Mr. Zhang.Although it is only the boss of a branch, Mr. Zhang is still very cooperative and said with a smile: "Of course I have confidence. As far as I know, this time, there is only a new five-star hotel, which is the only one in the red city." Tongcheng International Hotel. The other four four-star hotels are the same as ours. They are remodeled hotels. After opening at the same time last month, the occupancy rate of the hotel has reached more than 70.00%. Time, starting from the 29th of the end of the month, our hotel rooms are all full. Hongjiang is rich in tourism resources, and now, Hongjiang's tourism brand is getting louder and louder. I believe that with the development of Hongjiang tourism in China and even The influence in the world is getting bigger and wider, and the turnover of our city hotel group will become more and more popular.”

Wushan in Meiping City, here, is one of the new tourist attractions developed by Hongjiang Tourism Bureau this time.This time, through the Travel Expo, Meiping City has introduced a well-known domestic tourism investment group. In just five months, the investors have worked overtime.Finally, it opened the door to welcome guests in time for the Golden Week.

Unlike Lushan Scenic Area, which is a well-known tourist attraction that focuses on natural resources and scenery, Wushan Scenic Area, a newly developed tourist attraction, focuses more on the comprehensive development of natural scenery and leisure and entertainment.

On Wushan Mountain, the crisp grass gives people a feeling of being far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Various leisure facilities and fun items allow people to completely relax their minds.relax yourself.

Here, although it is not as crowded as Lushan, it has just reached the saturation capacity of a scenic spot.It doesn't look empty, but it also develops the maximum reception capacity of the scenic spot.

This time, when they came here, the film crew did not choose any investors to interview. This time, the film crew focused their attention on the surrounding people.As a native here, the previous life, and the current life, this is a point of view and a contrast.

Around Wushan, it was originally a quiet countryside, but now there are many farmhouses and farmhouse hotels.The film crew walked into a family very casually.

As soon as she entered the door, the hostess of the house greeted her with a smile. A rural woman in her 50s, dressed in a typical rural style, seemed a little surprised to see the reporter's arrival.

At this moment, the location host reporter greeted him with a smile. After some self-introduction, the host introduced the topic and said with a smile, "Auntie, now that Wushan has been developed into a tourist attraction, will it have a big impact on the people around you?" "It's big, it's big. "The aunt is very talkative, looking at the camera, she was a little embarrassed, but she said very sharply: "The party's policy is good, now, our common people's life will be better.Engage in tourism development, our green mountains and green waters have been preserved.Relying on tourist attractions, my family opened a farmhouse.During this period of time, many customers came over, and dozens of native chickens were consumed. After this period, I still have to feed them.Feed hundreds more. "

The host smiled and said, "Auntie, it looks like your family's business is doing well. Can you disclose the specific income?"

When it comes to income, the aunt's face is a little embarrassed.Chinese people all believe in the truth that wealth is not revealed.At this moment, when it comes to such a sensitive issue, aunt would never talk about it.After a few twists and turns, the aunt smiled and said, "Not much, thanks to the government's policy. During the Chinese New Year, please come to our new home as guests."

Although the aunt didn't say how much she earned, her words were shocking enough.At this moment, the house in Auntie's house is still an old-fashioned bungalow in the past, which shows.The conditions of the aunt's house are not very good. Now, this is just the beginning, and the aunt is full of pride and wants to build a new house.Even if I had a lot of savings before, at the current prices, even a new house in the countryside costs at least 10,000+.this means.This year's income is at least tens of thousands.

The film crew's filming lasted for seven days. After the golden week passed, the provincial TV station also edited it at the fastest speed. The documentary was broadcast on Hongjiang Satellite TV on October 4000th.Throughout the seven days, the film crew traveled all over the mountains and rivers of the Hongjiang River.Every scenic spot, whether it is a newly developed scenic spot or a previous scenic spot, is full of people.A boom.The faces of the people around, and even the people in various cities are all smiling.Relying on the Golden Week, the entire Hongjiang Province received [-] million tourists during these seven days.You know, the total population of Hongjiang Province is only a little more than this number.This statistic is absolutely terrifying.

The influx of so many people does not only benefit the scenic spots.All cities, as well as the counties below, have benefited.With popularity, business will naturally flourish.this period of time.Even the commercial transactions in the urban area have increased a lot.

On the provincial government's side, Fang Yuanshan's face was gloomy at the moment, and on the opposite side was He Yusheng, the executive vice governor. As soon as the documentary "Traveling the Red River" was broadcast, it immediately aroused great repercussions in Hongjiang Province. Now, the common people have personally realized the benefits and realities of this province's view on tourism.

After that, it might be even more difficult for Fang Yuanshan to refute Nie Zhenbang's strategy of strengthening the province through tourism.

Here, He Yusheng's complexion is also not very good-looking. He Yusheng is a little unbelievable that a trip will have such a big effect, and it will be effective so quickly.

Looking at Fang Yuanshan, He Yusheng continued: "According to the statistics of the Provincial Bureau of Statistics, during the seven days of the Golden Week, the province received 36 million tourists. The tourism revenue was more than 7000 billion yuan. The profits and taxes were more than 289 billion yuan. The province Long, in this way, I'm afraid our situation will become worse and worse."

The voice fell, and there was a hasty knock on the door. Immediately afterwards, Fang Yuanshan's secretary Zhou Liren walked in from the door with an extremely serious expression, and said in a low voice: "Boss, I just received a call from Jiang Zhengyi in Meiping City." Phone call. There was a geological disaster in the Meiping mining area.”

Upon hearing this, Fang Yuanshan immediately stood up.A geological disaster occurred in Meiping City, Fang Yuanshan's first thought was that Oak Group invested in the coal mines in Meiping City.At this time, this kind of thing happened, regardless of whether it has anything to do with the Oak Group, but in front of the brilliant achievements of tourism.Compare the two.There is no need to say which is better.Ask for the top, seek the essence

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