reborn family

Chapter 106 The Plan Begins

With Mu Dingjian's words, as the deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee and the chairman of the Youth Federation, this is a serious deputy ministerial cadre.For Mu Dingjian, promoting Nie Zhenbang was an easy task.

The next day, Director Guo directly approached Nie Zhenbang. This time, Director Guo's attitude was even more kind. If at the beginning, Director Guo was still suspicious and thought of having one more friend and one more way, then, Now it is shocking. Director Guo is clear about Mu Dingjian's character. First.

As soon as he walked into the big office, in front of everyone, Director Guo smiled and said: "Everyone, be quiet, our office has finally stepped out of a character. Xiao Nie, Comrade Nie Zhenbang, starting today, officially transferred to the youth Civilization preparatory group, as a member of the group, responsible for the coordination of the group's work. The level is the official level."

Hearing Director Guo's announcement, the entire office banquet was silent for a while, and then everyone applauded, and some admired it.There are also those who are jealous.However, it was more of a shock.

Even Nie Zhenbang himself did not expect that Mu Dingjian would be so tough that he would directly pass the level of the sub-subject level and directly put himself on the right pestle.

Of course, it is completely reasonable to be promoted in this way. In this era, at this time, as an undergraduate, after graduation, according to the regulations of the country, you can enjoy the sub-department-level treatment and even enjoy the full-department-level treatment in some poor and remote areas in the west. impossible things.

However, this is just a paper document. If it is replaced by 80s, this document will still have a great effect.However, in the past year, not many people in the officialdom have really paid attention to this thing.

Of course, this rule also gave Nie Zhenbang a reasonable explanation for his direct promotion.Nie Zhenbang didn't know that this was just a strategy of Mu Dingjian's.Being able to reach the position of deputy minister at Feng Sui's age, even with a regimental background, Mu Dingjian's own ability is worthy of recognition.In addition, this also indirectly shows Mu Dingjian's behavior in dealing with people.

Now that it has been decided to let Nie Zhenbang join this plan, it is necessary to increase the level.Speaking of the sub-subject, if it is spread, it will inevitably give people a feeling of stinginess. Whether it is a main subject or a sub-subject, at the level of Mu Dingjian, it is a trivial matter at all, and it is better to do it in one step.In this way, it can be regarded as a show of favor and confession to the Nie family.

At this moment, listening to Director Guo's words, Zheng Gensheng had already stood up, the excitement and excitement in his eyes could not be concealed, and Nie Zhenbang's sudden improvement made Zheng Gensheng more sure of his thoughts.Not only was Zheng Gensheng not jealous of Nie Zhenbang's progress, on the contrary he was very happy. Now that he had decided to embrace Nie Zhenbang's thigh, Zheng Gensheng could only benefit from the promotion of Nie Zhenbang's status.

"Congratulations, Zhenbang. This time, you have climbed the ladder." Zheng Gensheng said with a smile.

The so-called Climbing the Cloud Ladder means rising step by step, straight up the blue clouds.Nie Zhenbang was also very clear about the meaning of this sentence, and then stood up with a smile, and said to Director Guo: "Director Guo, I thank the organization for trusting me, thank you for your care and love for me, and thank the superior Please rest assured that the leader has trained me. I will definitely do my job well in the new position. This is my natal family, and I will come here often in the future. Colleagues, Brother Zheng, you must welcome me."

Nie Zhenbang also had something to say, and Zheng Gensheng knew very well that what Nie Zhenbang said was to tell himself not to be impatient. Next to him, Director Guo also nodded very satisfied.Some people, once promoted, show a feeling of arrogance and arrogance. Nie Zhenbang's performance at the moment is as low-key as ever.Such a person, even if there will be no intersection in the future, at least, he will not give people a feeling of arrogance.This can be regarded as a mature performance of Nie Zhenbang.

Mu Dingjian's character is indeed as his name suggests, he has a firm style of work, and he is vigorous and resolute. On the third day after talking with Nie Zhenbang, he set up an office next to the office of the All-China Youth Federation in the office building of the League Central Committee. The preparatory group for the plan was formally established.

What Nie Zhenbang didn't expect was that Mu Dingjian was personally listed as the team leader on the preparatory team. In addition, Mu Dingjian's secretary Wei Bin was also transferred by Mu Dingjian to serve as the executive deputy leader of the preparatory team. Responsible for the daily work of the preparation team.

As Mu Dingmaru's secretary, Wei Bin's level is also a serious director level, and it is enough to be the deputy head of the preparatory team. After all, this is an internal matter of the All-China Youth Federation.As the chairman of the Youth Federation, Mu Dingjian still has this right.

At the same time, Zhang Jue, the secretary of another vice chairman of the Youth Federation, served as the deputy head of the preparatory team. At this moment, the real official members of the preparatory team were Nie Zhenbang, Zhang Zhuo, and Wei Bin.

In the small conference room of the Youth Federation, Wei Bin is sitting at the head seat, next to Zhang Jue and Nie Zhenbang, Zhang Jue is a young man of about 34 to [-] years old, and at this age, he is only a deputy director. In contrast, both Nie Zhenbang and Wei Bin seem to have a much more promising future.

Zhang Jue's figure is tall and thin, with big eyes, but the black eyeballs are small, and the whole person looks gloomy.

At this moment, Wei Bin seemed a little high-spirited. As Mu Dingjian's secretary, Wei Bin knew many inside stories.The Youth Civilization's plan... Once it is rolled out across the country, the influence and effect it will produce will be huge.Although Mu Dingjian and other big bosses took away the big achievements here, as the actual operators, Wei Bin and others will also obtain enough political capital to lay a good foundation for the next promotion.

Moreover, this time, it was Wei Bin's first job as the main person in charge. Wei Bin already had a belief in victory in his heart.

Looking around, Wei Bin then said slowly: "Brother Zhang Jue, brother Zhenbang, I believe that the importance of the Youth Civilization Project this time, so I don't need to say more, since we have already left Together, this shows the trust of the superior leaders in us. Now Secretary Mu has made a detailed report to the Central Committee of the League and the Central Committee of the Party, and has been recognized and affirmed by the head of the Central Committee. We are the focus of this plan , Our preparatory team must also earnestly grasp the work. From the current point of view, enriching the team of the preparatory team is our first important task."

As he said that, Wei Bin continued with a smile on his face: "Now, the entire preparatory team consists of us three bachelors. Everyone can speak freely about what they think. Comrade Zhang Jue, what's your opinion on the selection of the preparatory team members?" No?"

As soon as Wei Bin finished speaking, Zhang Jue put down the tea cup in his hand, coughed, and said in a slow voice, "Secretary Wei, you are too polite to say that. Originally, you are the executive deputy Chief, and we are in charge of the overall work of the preparatory group. We should listen to you, but since you said so, I would also recommend a few candidates. Comrade Gu Jinqiang, a regular-level cadre of the Agriculture and Industry Department of the Youth Federation, is a good comrade. Very good Familiar with rural youth work, there are levels. In my opinion, it can be fully enriched. In addition, Comrade Luo Zejun, deputy director-level officer of the Ministry of Urban Industry, I think can be enriched in the preparatory group to serve as the office director of the preparatory group. Others, I will not More comments."

Zhang Jue talked lightly and eloquently. As soon as he finished speaking, both Nie Zhenbang and Wei Bin looked a little unhappy.On Wei Bin's side, Zhang Jue said politely on the surface that Wei Bin was the main one, but when he opened his mouth, he didn't mention Wei Bin's position in the preparation team, but referred to him as Secretary Wei, which seemed a bit inappropriate.In addition, among the two people recommended by Zhang Jue, the first one is just a plea, and the latter is Zhang Jue's real thinking.The so-called director of the office is of the same nature as the director of the office of the unit and the government. This is the big housekeeper of a unit.If this position is really given up, it is worth discussing how many people listen to the words of Wei Bin, the executive deputy team leader.

On Nie Zhenbang's side, his face was also gloomy, and he was responsible for the liaison work of the preparation team.This is something that has been firmly established.This scope of work is basically performing the duties of the director of the office. However, in the preparatory team, there is no such formal title. Get involved in leadership.

However, now that Zhang Jue did this, it was tantamount to stealing Nie Zhenbang's job. Nie Zhenbang absolutely didn't believe that Zhang Jue couldn't see it.At this time, there are only three people in the preparatory team and two deputy team leaders. Could it be possible to send an ordinary soldier?

In this way, it shows that Zhang Jue didn't take Nie Zhenbang seriously at all, and he just wanted to steal your job.

At this time, if Nie Zhenbang didn't express anything, then he wouldn't be Nie Zhenbang. Looking at Wei Bin, at this moment, as the executive deputy team leader, Wei Bin is in charge of the overall situation, so naturally it is not easy to express his opinion immediately.Immediately, Nie Zhenbang smiled and said: "Since Team Leader Wei has called the roll call, I will also say a few words. On my side, there is a suitable candidate, Comrade Zheng Gensheng from the General Office of the Youth Federation. Zheng Gensheng is also a colleague, and I know him a little bit. He is very capable, and he is a top student in Huaqing. He has worked in the Youth Federation for five years and is very familiar with the work of the Youth Federation. I think it is possible to enrich Comrade Zheng Gensheng. There are a lot of things. The preparation team. I think we still need some people to do things. What do you think, Team Leader Wei?"

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