reborn family

Chapter 1109 Resignation Report

The speed of the central government is very fast. This time, it perfectly reflects the high efficiency of the central government.Three days later, just three days after Nie Zhenbang returned to Hongjiang, Wang Suzhou arrived in Hongjiang in person.

At Hongcheng International Airport, the flight from the capital landed slowly on time.Stopped slowly on the No. [-] apron of Hongcheng Airport, and the gangway trucks waiting beside had slowly approached. Next to the gangway trucks, Nie Zhenbang led the leading members of the Hongjiang Provincial Party Committee to wait here.

Behind everyone, three Coaster commercial vehicles are arranged neatly and orderly behind.Behind these cars are the internal buses of the airport and the minibuses of the airport.

The cabin door opened, Wang Suzhou stepped down at the front, and behind him were his entourage.

Nie Zhenbang has already greeted him, shook hands and said, "Minister Suzhou, welcome."

Wang Suzhou smiled and nodded slightly: "Secretary Zhenbang, you are too polite, thank you comrades from Hongjiang Province for your kind welcome."

After speaking, after Wang Suzhou shook hands with the members of the Hongjiang Provincial Party Committee, Wang Suzhou also said directly: "Secretary Zhenbang, I think it's better to go to the Hongjiang Provincial Party Committee first. Let's not hinder their work at the airport."

On the Coster commercial vehicle that took the lead, Wang Suzhou, Nie Zhenbang, Fang Yuanshan, Qin Guanghan and Xu Hongzhuan sat together.In front, these are the top three provincial party committee leaders in Hongjiang Province.Xu Hongzhuan was lucky enough to be in the same car because of his status as secretary-general.

Of course, from a long-term perspective, Xu Hongzhuan will soon take over as the executive vice governor, and taking a car is worthy of his name.

At this moment, Wang Suzhou and Nie Zhenbang sat face to face, pondered for a while, and Wang Suzhou also said slowly: "Zhenbang, this time the personnel adjustment. Generally speaking, several heads of the central government have fully considered your suggestion. I came here, one is to announce your decision on personnel appointment and removal, and the other is to talk to a few comrades."

Hearing this, Nie Zhenbang didn't show too much surprise on his face. The adjustment of Hongjiang's personnel has been carefully considered and weighed carefully.on the recommended candidates.It is not simply considering oneself, but balancing the interests and attitudes of all parties.In this way, the higher-ups will naturally not have any opinions. Nie Zhenbang had already expected this result.

While Wang Suzhou and Nie Zhenbang were talking, the car turned into the compound of the Hongjiang Provincial Party Committee.The speed of the car also slowly dropped.At the entrance of the auditorium of the Hongjiang Provincial Party Committee, it stopped steadily.

After getting off the car, under the guidance of Nie Zhenbang, a group of people walked directly towards the auditorium.The entire Provincial Party Committee Auditorium was full at the moment.The main leaders of all prefectures and cities in the province were all present.Retired veteran cadres from various departments, bureaus and committees, as well as the leaders of the four major teams of the provincial party committee were also present.

Above the rostrum, a banner hangs high.At the meeting of leading cadres in Hongjiang Province, the nine big characters stand out vividly.As Nie Zhenbang and Wang Suzhou walked into the venue, the audience stood up, and everyone turned sideways and looked over, amidst the attention of the provincial cadres.A group of people stepped onto the rostrum.

The middle position is naturally Wang Suzhou, Nie Zhenbang is on the left, Fang Yuanshan is on the right, and the other leaders sat down in an orderly manner according to their ranking positions.

Xu Hongzhuan, secretary-general of the Provincial Party Committee, served as the master of ceremonies for this meeting of leading cadres.Amidst the warm applause, Xu Hongzhuan had already walked over.

First of all, a series of procedures, the audience stood up and played the national anthem.After the majestic national anthem fell.Xu Hongzhuan also continued to speak: "Please sit down, the hot summer, the fragrance of lotus leaves, today, we gather together. Here, the provincial leading cadre meeting is grandly held. Next, I invite the members of the Political Bureau, the head of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Comrade Wang Suzhou, read out the important decisions of the central government."

At this moment, Wang Suzhou also stood up, raised his hands, quelled the warm applause of the audience, and said with a smile: "Entrusted by the Central Committee. Now, on behalf of the organization, I will announce an important decision. After careful consideration by the Central Committee , After careful consideration and decision by the central government. Comrade Nie Zhenbang was removed from the posts of Hongjiang Provincial Party Committee Secretary, Standing Committee Member, and member; he was appointed otherwise. It was also decided to appoint Comrade Fang Yuanshan to concurrently serve as Hongjiang Provincial Party Committee Secretary."

There are also rules in the announcement of organizational personnel.Generally speaking, in the reading of exemption documents, the positions are from big to small.In the reading of appointment documents, it is completely the opposite, from childhood to adulthood.In addition, in general, like Fang Yuanshan's situation.He himself is already a member of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Committee, and the top leader of the government.In this case, the previous few sentences about appointing committee members and standing committee members will basically be omitted, and the term concurrently will also be used in terms of wording.In comparison, from now on, Fang Yuanshan is on the shoulders of the secretary and the governor.

As soon as this appointment and dismissal decision was announced, the audience was silent.At this moment, the leading cadres in the entire Hongjiang Province were dumbfounded.This incident was too sudden for everyone, especially those close to Nie Zhenbang, for example, Li Youquan, secretary of the Wenchun Municipal Party Committee, Zhang Zhiqiang, secretary of the Yuanzhou Municipal Party Committee, Liu Junwei, secretary of the Lushan Municipal Party Committee, and others were all stunned. .

how so?This is the first thought in their hearts.The matter came too suddenly, and I didn't even get any news beforehand.

On the contrary, on the faces of some leading cadres in Qinfang Yuanshan, after a short period of shock, a kind of joy followed.Secretary Fang became the top leader, after that.Doesn't that mean better days are coming?

Here, Wang Suzhou paused, but continued: "Comrade Nie Zhenbang, during the period of working in Hongjiang, the speed of economic development in Hongjiang Province ranks among the best in the country. Hongjiang Province, economy, culture, health Remarkable achievements have been made in construction, education, and infrastructure construction. This year, in the flood fighting and rescue work of Hongjiang Province, no dike or embankment collapsed. This is very remarkable. This Also fully explained.

Comrade Nie Zhenbang is a good leader and a good cadre.For his work, the organization has given full affirmation.Today, Comrade Nie Zhenbang is about to be transferred from Hongjiang due to work needs. However, I believe that under the leadership of Comrade Fang Yuanshan, Hongjiang's work will definitely be even better.more attention. "

Amid the thunderous applause, Wang Suzhou briefly summarized Nie Zhenbang's achievements, and made an expectation for Fang Yuanshan's succession.

As he said that, Wang Suzhou turned to look at Nie Zhenbang, and said with a smile, "Comrade Zhenbang, leave Hongjiang, please say a few words."

Nie Zhenbang nodded, and immediately stood up, thinking about all the leading cadres of the conference, and bowed deeply.This move also made the entire venue quiet.

Looking around at everyone, Nie Zhenbang said with a smile: "I have too much reluctance and regrets for Hongjiang. During the two and a half years of working in Hongjiang, the people of Hongjiang are simple and hardworking; the cadres of Hongjiang Pragmatic and open-minded. It has given me a lot of deep memory and education. Hongjiang is a good place with outstanding people. Here, I have not done enough. The living standards of Hongjiang people need further development and improvement .Hongjiang's economy also needs further development and improvement. I remember, when I came, I said it. Since I took office, I have regarded myself as a Hongjiang person. At this moment, although I am gone , but, in my heart, I will still be from Hongjiang..."

"I have three regrets. The first regret is that Hongjiang's tourism development should be able to do better. Hongjiang Province is rich in tourism resources, natural environment, and beautiful scenery. The historical sites and cultural heritage are profound. It is a masterpiece bestowed by God. I believe that Hongjiang belongs to China, and Hongjiang should belong to the world. The second regret is that the income of the people in the province should be more. The third regret is that I can no longer work together with everyone. There are a lot of ideas, a lot of work, which can only be left for later."

Nie Zhenbang didn't say anything big, nor did he publicize his political achievements and merits.Between the words, plain and true.simple.But it is the most contagious kind of speech.

In an instant, all the leading cadres in the audience fell silent.Immediately afterwards, everyone stood up spontaneously.There was thunderous applause.

Fang Yuanshan was also smiling at this moment.He walked out of his seat and hugged Nie Zhenbang tightly on the rostrum.

At this moment, Fang Yuanshan has no jealousy.Working with Nie Zhenbang, Fang Yuanshan learned a lot and experienced a lot.His mentality has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Nie Zhenbang raised his hand to calm the emotions of the audience.Continued: "Comrade Fang Yuanshan has become my successor. I am very happy and I am looking forward to it. I fully agree and support this organizational decision. Comrade Fang Yuanshan's father, Comrade Fang Maotang, was in the Red Jiang grew up and had a deep affection for Hongjiang. Comrade Fang Yuanshan inherited the glorious tradition of his father and came to Hongjiang. I believe that his feelings for Hongjiang are sincere and sincere. Next, please Secretary Fang, speak for everyone."

This is Nie Zhenbang's resignation meeting, and similarly, this is also Fang Yuanshan's inauguration meeting.For Nie Zhenbang's understanding and care.Fang Yuanshan was extremely grateful.At this moment, Nie Zhenbang's support will make his career as a secretary much smoother.

Fang Yuanshan bowed deeply, and then said: "First of all, I would like to thank the organization for its trust. I firmly support the organization's decision and obey the organization's distribution... Next, I would like to thank Comrade Nie Zhenbang for everything he has done for us. There is a saying that goes well , the predecessors planted trees, and the descendants enjoy the shade... I have reason to believe that with the sincere unity of the leading cadres of the province, the strong leadership of the provincial party committee, and the solid foundation laid by Comrade Nie Zhenbang, the future of Hongjiang will definitely be Even more beautiful and brilliant."

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