reborn family

Chapter 1114

As the car drove out of the compound in Qinxi County, the expression on Nie Zhenbang's face became more and more gloomy.Going to Jin'an City, let Nie Zhenbang experience the arrogance and arrogance of the Zhao Group firsthand.With a cold snort, Nie Zhenbang's expression was unprecedentedly solemn: "Meddle in your own business, I really have to take care of this nosy business."

In the next few days, Nie Zhenbang was like watching flowers on horseback.Checked out a lot of cities.The entire Longxi has ten prefectures and cities under its jurisdiction, which are Liangzhou City-Yizhou City-Yongzhou City.Qinyang City.Weiyue City.

Shi'an City.Jin'an City - Linzhou City - Qinchuan City and the ancient city of the provincial capital.

In the next four days, Nie Zhenbang walked through seven of them, and finally only Shi'an City and Gudu City remained.

Basically, Nie Zhenbang spent most of the traveling time in the city at night for half a day.Basically, Nie Zhenbang feels a city at night, look-look, walk-walk.Understand - the local customs, see - the local economic development.From the mentality and expressions of the citizens, one can probably see something.Then, after ten o'clock in the morning, at ten o'clock, I went on to the next place.Arrive in the afternoon, take advantage of the afternoon and evening time to learn about this place.In the evening, after dinner, I rushed to the next city to rest.

After four days, even though Nie Zhenbang was physically strong, he was also a little tired.Finally, within one day, Nie Zhenbang came to Shi'an City.

This is the place where the revolutionary ancestors once fought hard.The scenery of the Loess Plateau, the loess is all over the sky, revealing a kind of dryness and poverty.Cave dwellings can be seen everywhere.Because of the serious soil erosion, it can be seen that there are dense ditches as far as the eye can see.All green.Even, many places have been gradually desertified.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zhenbang's face became gloomy, and the An River meanders through the urban area of ​​Shi'an City.The whole city is well built.but.Nie Zhenbang did not stop.Towards the distance, toward the depths of the Loess Plateau.

The speed of the car was kept at [-] yards. Considering his purpose, Nie Zhenbang didn't take the high speed, but walked aimlessly along the provincial or even county roads in Shi'an City.

The environment here is very harsh, and the deeper you go, the more impoverished and poor you become.

Faintly, one could hear the tune of Xintianyou.Peasants with white hair, driving goats, singing on beams.The high-pitched and clear voice is so penetrating.

The destruction of vegetation here is extremely serious. On the mountain ridges and in the valleys, they are all bare, and there is not much green to see. Look around.What caught the eye was all loess.

When the strong wind blows, there is a scene of loess all over the sky.The environment has become so bad.In such a place, the water and soil can no longer be maintained.In addition, it was originally dry and rainless.Under the vicious circle.For the common people here, survival has become a kind of difficulty.

Then, breed goats.Cattle and other livestock, these are the big consumers of vegetation.The poorer, the worse, the worse, the poorer.This has become a vicious circle.

There is a long way to go.Seeing all this, Nie Zhenbang felt an unprecedented sense of heaviness.If we say that before, in Jin'an City, Nie Zhenbang's mood was full of anger.So.At this moment, there is a kind of depression.There is a sense of mission.Serve as an official, benefit one party.These words were given to Nie Zhenbang by the old man when he was still alive.This is a famous saying.It's not what the old man said.Inherited from ancient times for thousands of years, there has been such a saying in domestic official circles.

However, Nie Zhenbang has always kept it in mind, and has always implemented it in this way.However, after seeing all this, Nie Zhenbang's heart also became heavy.

Continuing to go deeper, the original asphalt road has been replaced by a dirt road, and the car passed by.In the back, raised - the dust of the road.

Suddenly, a figure on the mountain ridge ahead caught Nie Zhenbang's attention.Far away, a thin figure.Walking with difficulty on the mountain ridge, on the back of the figure was carrying a basket that was as big as half of his body.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zhenbang stopped the car involuntarily, opened the door, and got out.Walked towards the mountain ridge.

As the figures of the two drew closer, Nie Zhenbang was shocked, how big is this. 12 years old?Still 13 years old, a child, wearing very old-fashioned calico clothes.On the back, carrying a big pannier, step by step, it can be seen that such a heavy weight is heavy for a child.

Nie Zhenbang went up, and directly held the child's back basket on the shoulders. Inside, there were two large white cuboid-shaped kettles.You can see that the clear water inside is shaking.Just these two kettles weigh at least eighty catties.

Without saying a word, Nie Zhenbang just helped the child up. —Going straight down the mountain ridge, at this moment, the child put down the basket, nodded to Nie Zhenbang and said, "Thank you, uncle."

— Open your mouth, full of Qin opera.However, Nie Zhenbang could hear clearly.He could hear it clearly. What shocked Nie Zhenbang even more was that this child was actually a girl.

Heart - sour.This is a child. Looking at this body, I'm afraid it's even smaller than Panpan.At this moment, Nie Zhenbang felt that he was a little emotional, and his voice was a little choked up: "Son, are you going to walk so far to drink water?"

"That's right, the well water in our village is all salt water, so you can't drink it. Only this side has sweet water wells. In the village, every household has to walk five miles of mountain roads every day to carry water." The child I don't think there is anything.Looking at the clear water in the basket, his face showed a kind of anticipation, a kind of happiness.

This scene made Nie Zhenbang even more sad: "Son, what about your parents? You are so young, you should go to school."

The girl's face and hands were dirty, but her eyes were clear.Hearing these words, there was a hint of sadness in the little girl's eyes.He lowered his head and stopped talking.

Seeing this, Nie Zhenbang came up and said with a smile: "Son, come on, today, Uncle will help you carry the water. You will lead the way."

Follow the girl, go straight along the ravine, about, after a distance of one kilometer, turn a corner, and in front, a typical farm village appears.

The girl's home is on the east side of the village, two cave dwellings. ——At the door, the girl shouted loudly: "Grandpa, grandma. I'm back."

The door opened, and an old man with dark skin came out.Gray homespun sleeveless vest.Thick mille-soled shoes.On the wrinkled face, Lin Shi and honesty are written.

Seeing Nie Zhenbang, the old man was stunned for a moment, and before the old man could speak, Nie Zhenbang smiled and said: "Old man, I am a passer-by here. At first, on that mountain ridge over there, I saw this child alone carrying water. It's poor, so I will send her back."

"Master, how old is this child? Isn't your son and wife at home?" Nie Zhenbang was a little dissatisfied. How could such a young child make her carry such heavy physical work.

However, what Nie Zhenbang didn't expect was that when the words fell, the old man sat silently on the edge of the threshold, sighed and said, "Oh, big brother, you don't know, this girl is suffering. My son. Not long after I met her, I went to Jinmei to mine and died there. The daughter-in-law was still young, so she remarried after leaving the baby. This girl lived with us two old people. Now, we are getting older, I can't move my back."

silence.There was another silence.At this moment, Nie Zhenbang's heart also became heavy.Sitting next to the old man on a stone pier, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed it to the old man. Nie Zhenbang also said, "Master, how is the harvest this year? Can you survive?" Why doesn’t the child go to school? This is not acceptable. This is related to the future of the child.”

Speaking of this, the old man also nodded: "Then why don't you read it, it's a holiday now.

I will be in junior high school next year.After finishing junior high school, that's all. It's a pity for my baby.She has the best grades, and the teacher praises her every year.However, this is my situation.We are Mufa, we can't afford it.Throughout the year, it's okay for those who have labor, and if they go out to work, at least they can fall behind a little, just like my family. After a year, if you can have a hundred and ten yuan, that's not bad.I can't afford to read it again.If we get older, we can find a good family and get married, so I and her grandma will be worthy of her father. "

The pain of the peasants, the pain of the peasants.The more it is in such a poor and backward place, the more obvious it is that the history of relying on the sky and mountains has never changed much.At this moment, Nie Zhenbang felt a little depressed.

Nodding his head, he looked at the old man and said, "Master, don't worry, it will get better, it will get better. The party and the government will pay full attention to the rural issues.You can rest assured. "

Nie Zhenbang's words made the old man feel a little baffled.At this moment, Nie Zhenbang stood up suddenly, touched his pocket, and took a look. At this moment, there was only a thousand and a few tens of dollars left on him.All other cash was placed in the car.

Taking out a thousand integers, Nie Zhenbang walked up to the old man, handed the money into the old man's hands, and said in a low voice: "Old man, take it. - A little heart. No matter what? Children must study. No matter how hard it is, you can't suffer." Without children, only knowledge can change destiny."

"Hey, big brother, this, how can this be done, can't be done." The old man was also dumbfounded.It never occurred to me.Nie Zhenbang will make such a bold move.

The old man stood up, still holding the thousand dollars in his callused hands, and was about to return it to Nie Zhenbang.However, Nie Zhenbang has already turned around at this moment.He said to the old man: "Master, you accept it, and I will definitely come to see you in the future."

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