reborn family

Chapter 1162 It's a matter of human effort

When Nie Jialiang said these words, there was already a trace of bitterness on his face.Nie Jialiang's ability and comprehension are still very good.This also made Nie Zhenbang nod in his heart.

Back then, when the Nie family was defeated, Nie Jialiang seemed to be in power at this time.This alone is enough to prove Nie Jialiang's ability.

One school with two bureau committees, this is already against the sky.Brothers Nie Guodong and Nie Guowei from the previous generation entered the game at the same time.That was by chance.This opportunity was created.

Even so, Nie Guowei gave up a lot.After serving as a deputy prime minister for only one term, he retired sadly.This is the ready-made example.

Now, in the third generation, the three brothers of the Nie family, Nie Zhenbang, have entered the bureau committee level. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Nie Zhenbang will definitely be one of the nine tripods in the future. Great opportunity.

In addition, Nie Jiamin is developing very well in the army now.Next, there must be no suspense about the main job in the military region.Even entry is not impossible.After all, the Nie family's background in the military is still profound.

As a result, Nie Jialiang's situation became more embarrassing.A family of three brothers, if they all become bureau committee members.Inside, there is also one of the Nine Cauldrons.How to say this, you know, the entire country, the bureau committee is only 25 people.

How can other families tolerate the existence of such a super family that overrides everything.Therefore, Nie Jialiang had to make sacrifices, which was impossible.This is also the root of the difficulty that Nie Jialiang said.

Nie Zhenbang was not surprised that the elder brother could see so clearly. With the elder brother's ability, he couldn't see this at all, but it was a bit strange.

After pondering for a while, Nie Zhenbang smiled and said, "Brother, it's not necessarily true, it depends on people."

Speaking of this, Nie Zhenbang paused.But he said seriously: "I think it's a very good choice for Yang Anguo to take over your position. Besides, isn't your brother-in-law serving as the secretary of the municipal party committee in some city in Yuzhou Province? Young people, you still need to add a little more." burden."

Nie Zhenbang is only 42 years old.Nie Jialiang's brother-in-law seems to be about the same age as Nie Zhenbang.Even if it is small, there is a limit.However, speaking from Nie Zhenbang's mouth now, these words.Old-fashioned, young people, you have to take more burdens.If you don't look at people, you will feel like an old man.

However, Nie Jialiang didn't feel that there was anything abrupt.There is such a saying in the martial arts world.Those who have achieved are teachers.The same is true within the system.What is the status?

Nie Zhenbang's position is here, and no one dares to say anything wrong after saying this.

At this moment, Nie Jialiang also pondered, and there was a feeling of light in front of his eyes.If it works like this, it seems that this is really possible.

To put it bluntly, this is also an exchange of interests.Nie Jialiang's Yue family is only a second-rate family in the capital.but.There are still a lot of connections.As for Nie Zhenbang's father-in-law's family, let alone.The Yang family in the capital must be a top family.

Yang Anguo's current position is the same as that of Nie Jialiang's at the beginning, deputy provincial level, a position that is neither awkward nor embarrassing.I want to, but the radish on it is not so easy to pull.Yang Anguo's qualifications and background are still lacking, but Nie Jialiang doesn't have such a problem.

Nie Jialiang's age.Slightly older than Yang Anguo.More importantly, Nie Jialiang has crossed the hurdle of ministerial level.And with a few years of seniority here.

Get Yang Anguo to Huaxia Group.There is also the achievements of the Motor City waiting here in exchange for the Yang family's support for Nie Jialiang.The Yang family will definitely do it.And very willing.

In addition, the same is true for Nie Jialiang's Yue family.Push Nie Jialiang's brother-in-law one step into the ranks of vice-provincial.For Nie Zhenbang, there is no problem.Nie Zhenbang still has a lot of contacts in Yuzhou Province.Li Taishi retired as Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Yuzhou Province.This is a face.Mr. Mu used to be the leader of Yuzhou Province.With these two relationships, it is not a big problem to promote a deputy provincial level.

Nie Jialiang's brother-in-law went up, and naturally, the other party would go all out to support Nie Jialiang's ruling side.Anyway, this is also their son-in-law.It is also good for them that the status of the son-in-law has risen.

Nie Jialiang was obviously very excited when he heard it, but after a while, he gradually calmed down, looked at Nie Zhenbang and said, "Third brother, it's a good way to do this, but will it be harmful to you?" Influence. Mr. Qiao's side..."

Nie Jialiang's words revealed a kind of concern everywhere.This also made Nie Zhenbang very pleased.Brothers of the same clan must have this kind of sincere attitude of mutual trust, mutual assistance, and mutual consideration.Only in this way can the family prosper forever.If it is intrigues and mutual conflicts.Families are hard to last.

Nie Zhenbang was very aware of Nie Jialiang's concerns. The Huaxia Group was established in his own hands, and then passed on to Nie Jialiang. Now, Yang Anguo has to be arranged.This is a large state-owned central enterprise.No matter how it looks, it looks like its own private enterprise.Although it was established by myself, the original planner was Mr. Qiao.Will this make Joe always have an idea?

In addition, whether it is the arrangement for Yang Anguo, the arrangement for Yuzhou Province, or even the arrangement for Nie Jialiang's ruling party, it is not just a few words and lip service.This has to be done through the organization department, or even through the bureau committee meeting.In this case, it is bound to owe some favors.

In this world, the most difficult thing to repay is the debt of favor.In this way, it will affect yourself more or less.

However, Nie Zhenbang didn't care at the moment, he waved his hand and said, "Brother, you don't have to worry about these things. I will arrange everything for you."

When he said these words, Nie Zhenbang naturally exuded an aura.The so-called living and supporting the body, has been in a high position for a long time, so Nie Zhenbang naturally has an extraordinary spirit.Today's Nie Zhenbang is not that down-and-out cripple.

After a pause, Nie Jialiang stopped the urge to speak, and said directly: "Brother, I know what you mean. There is no need to say these things between brothers. When the old man was alive, he often said it. Brothers should Respectful and friendly. Mutual respect and mutual accommodation. The words that the old man appreciates most are family and everything. We are the blood of direct relatives. Before, I didn’t have this ability. Now, since I have this ability, this thing should be done. In ancient times, There is one person who knows the myths and legends about chickens and dogs ascending to heaven."

"Third brother, I..." Nie Jialiang's face was obviously very moved, and Nie Jialiang was very proud.The eldest son and grandson of the Nie family.It's normal to be arrogant.However, since Nie Zhenbang appeared, he has been suppressed all the time.In Nie Jialiang's heart, he was unconvinced at first, but now he is accepting his fate.And at this moment, that is admiration.Admiration from the bottom of my heart.In terms of temperament, Nie Jialiang was completely convinced.

From another angle, from another position, Nie Jialiang admitted that he would never be able to be as good as Nie Zhenbang.

"Hehe, big brother, two brothers, is it necessary to be so hypocritical? Besides, it is good for me to do so. You know. My age is actually a big disadvantage." Nie Zhenbang said with a smile.

Being young means that you don't have enough connections. Compared with others, Nie Zhenbang's biggest shortcoming is that he has too few available people.Many of the subordinates of the year have retired.Every step of Nie Zhenbang is a process that almost takes others a lifetime to complete.For example, Lin Mohan and others are not young now.When Nie Zhenbang came to power, this was the shortcoming of Nie Zhenbang.

However, Nie Jialiang is very clear, although, on the surface, it is indeed the case.The third child's background is slightly insufficient.However, this is not the most important thing.

With the ability of the third child, he has the support of Mr. Qiao and Mr. Mu.The third child is not without advantages and opportunities.The reason why I say this is just to make myself feel at ease.

After pondering for a while, Nie Jialiang nodded and said, "Third brother, you are right. Brothers are of the same heart, and their benefits can cut through gold. From now on, the elder brother will hand over the hundred catties to you."

This sentence was completely approved by Nie Jialiang.Nie Zhenbang also laughed happily at this moment, and then said seriously: "Brother, I won't talk about that. At present, the most important thing is the Automobile City project. This is the focus of my tenure in Longxi. It is also related to the development of the entire western region. The overall situation. Can it be done well? The key now is the Motor City. Next, the negotiation with lt company. You have to take it easy."

Taking it easy means nothing more than loosening up, as long as it is not a violation of principles.Others can let some.This is also an element of successful negotiation.

Nie Jialiang naturally understood this meaning.Then he nodded and said, "Don't worry. I know what to do."

Nie Zhenbang laughed and said, "Brother, just grasp the principles and the bottom line. I don't want to make Huaxia Group suffer because of promoting this matter. In that case, you will be stained. You should If you insist, you still have to stick to it. For some trivial things, just relax a little bit."

Nie Zhenbang thought about it for a while, but he still didn't explain. Although lt company is very likely to be a branch of Tenglong Consortium, although it is very likely that it was written by Li Lixue and Dong Wan.However, there are other possibilities as well.Things are uncertain, no one can say for sure.

Besides, even if it is accurate.Nie Zhenbang will not reveal it either. The Tenglong Consortium, this behemoth, at least for now, Nie Zhenbang will not reveal it to anyone, not even the Nie Jialiang. The involvement is too big. A consortium owns more than the entire country.This is extremely terrifying, especially in a big country like China.If others knew that Nie Zhenbang had mastered such a great amount of energy, coupled with his own status, I am afraid that even Joe would feel restless.Naturally, Nie Zhenbang would not do such a stupid thing.

p: Well, let me just say that some time ago, because my mother was hospitalized, many things were delayed at work.For the next period of time, updates will be concentrated at night, with Chapter 1 being updated at about ten o'clock, and Chapter 2 before twelve o'clock.I hope brothers and sisters forgive me

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