reborn family

Chapter 1212

() Throughout the first month, when you come to Mr. Qiao, it is basically considered as an end, and everyone who should go is gone.Those who should visit have visited.What needs to be communicated is also communicated.

In the conversation with Mr. Qiao, Nie Zhenbang could feel Mr. Qiao's intentions, and he could also see that Mr. Qiao's appreciation was undisguised.Nie Zhenbang is very clear that his situation is quite special.Since entering politics, the relationship with Comrade Yuan Kang'an and Shen Xiuchao has been very good.It seems more appropriate to describe it as harmony.But, really.I am an out-and-out Joe family member.

This is also the reason why Mr. Shen is lukewarm to him this time.Regarding the competition and arrangement of Jiuding's core, Mr. Shen's opinion is clear.Because, Shen Guoquan was his hand-picked candidate.It's almost at the door.It is absolutely impossible for Shen Xiuchao to give up Shen Guoquan and choose Nie Zhenbang instead.

On this point, even Mr. Qiao had to compromise.Even at Mr. Qiao's level, there are rules of the game.If there are no rules, things will be chaotic.Regarding the arrangement of the next candidate, although Mr. Qiao has ideas, he cannot compromise. This is politics.

It's hard for Nie Zhenbang to speculate on Mr. Qiao's intentions.However, I have done everything I need to do, and I have done everything I need to do. Next, I have two days of free time on the fifth and sixth day.Nie Zhenbang also has his own arrangements.

The top-down approach has already been taken, and the next step is the bottom-up approach.On the fifth day of the first lunar month, at [-]:[-] p.m., today, the entire Dynasty Club had a rare sign saying it was fully booked.

Today the entire dynasty has been emptied by Nie Zhenbang.Tonight, this is a gathering of brothers in the circle.

In the lobby.There are no outsiders, and the waiters are all selected with excellent quality.Trustworthy and reliable people will be in charge.

On the sofa side, Liu Kun, Zhao Xinglong, Li Hua, and Yang Anbang were all sitting comfortably.Next to it, there are many predators in the economic world scattered around.These people are all leaders in various industries in the country.Without exception, they are all business people.This is the team that Nie Zhenbang has built up over the years.The scale of nearly a hundred people.Covers various industries.It can be said that this is a grand gathering of the business community.

Some of these companies are in fact secretly controlled by the Tenglong Consortium.Naturally, he is a loyal supporter of Nie Zhenbang.

"Third brother, today's situation is not quite right. You have a big plan." Looking around.Zhao Xinglong spoke up.

here.Liu Kun, on the other hand, remained silent.Unlike Zhao Xinglong, Liu Kun can be said to be the first to follow Nie Zhenbang.Back then, the two of them plus Yang Anbang, when the three of them started the Wo Family Group together.Back then, when I went to Russia alone with my third brother.All this is vivid.

Liu Kun is the most familiar and understanding of Nie Zhenbang.No wind, no wave.The third brother did this.I'm afraid it's not just because of myself.The main reason, I am afraid, is this year's Jiuding competition.

Seeing the appearance of the third brother, Liu Kun's heart moved.But he said slowly: "Xinglong, don't be heartless. Be quiet."

As he said that, Liu Kun looked at Nie Zhenbang and said, "Third Brother, is it because of the Jiuding competition?"

After saying these words, the scene immediately fell silent.Behind the faction is not only the interests of Nie Zhenbang alone.Just like now.And that's just the economics.Most of these people were looking at Nie Zhenbang.

Among them, the top ones, Liu Kun, Zhao Xinglong, Li Hua and others are also descendants of aristocratic families.behind this.It also involves their own families, sometimes.It's not that Nie Zhenbang can give up just by saying give up.

Zhao Kuangyin's yellow robe added to his body, so it may be that the people under his command have no plans to seize benefits.And now, Nie Zhenbang's situation is the same.Of course, it's not enough to fall out. Now, with Joe always around, the situation is stable.No matter who it is, it is simply impossible to take the road of strength.Only competing from the side is the right way.

And, that's still part of it.Within the system, Nie Zhenbang also has a huge team under him.These people undoubtedly hope that Nie Zhenbang can make great progress in this stall and make further progress.

This situation is actually quite normal.I remember that an entrepreneur once said this when he was interviewed by a reporter.

At that time, the question from the reporter was: "You are already a super rich man worth tens of billions or even tens of billions. To you, money is just a number. Why do you still work so hard and so hard? ? Take it easy, go to tourist and leisure resorts around the world every year for leisure and vacation. On weekdays, spend time with your family, take care of your children, and enjoy family happiness. Isn’t it great to have family fun?”

Hearing this words, the rich man smiled and said: "Back then, when I started from scratch, I also thought that I would be satisfied with 10 yuan in my life. When I earned 10 yuan, I I want to make millions. When I reach a million, I think, I want to make tens of millions. When I reach tens of millions, I think, it would be great if I could become a billionaire. When I reached ten million When I became a billionaire before, at this moment, I realized that, except for the company, other than some real estate such as houses and cars, my money in the bank was actually negative. At this time, I still owed the bank loan. So, I continued to work hard. When I didn’t owe anyone any debts. I looked back, when I wanted to give up my career and go back to the countryside. Only then did I realize that I can’t turn back. Now, under my , Tens of thousands of people watch me eat, not to mention the top management, the middle management and the grassroots workers are all watching me. If I don’t do it, tens of thousands of people will lose their jobs. This is unbearable of."

In fact, this example seems very complicated, but it is also very simple to put it bluntly. To sum it up in one sentence, people are in the world and cannot help themselves; the situation of Nie Zhenbang is also the same.When he stepped into his official career, he was just like this rich man.Thinking about doing something in the officialdom.

However, when Nie Zhenbang came out of Xinli County step by step and reached the present, he was just like that rich man, riding a tiger.Concession, retreat, this is a kind of disrespect for the people in your team.Nie Zhenbang's future and fate are no longer his personal business.The interests of too many people are hidden in it.

After pondering for a while, Nie Zhenbang looked up at Liu Kun and said, "Kunzi, I don't want to say more. In short, you all remember one thing. No matter what the situation is, you must not underestimate this issue. At present, it is better to be quiet than to move. I have my own arrangements, and the above also has the strategy of the above. If anyone dares to mess up, don't blame me, Nie Zhenbang, for not recognizing this brotherhood."

Looking at Liu Kun, Nie Zhenbang had no choice but to speak to warn.Some things are not so easy.There are too many things involved here, too complicated.If you are not careful, it will be a situation that is beyond redemption.

After pondering for a while, Nie Zhenbang said slowly: "My problem is actually a question of age. In the past few days, I can see from my visits to Mr. Shen, Mr. Qiao, Mr. Mu and others. Basically, there are already It’s a clear conclusion. This is a very normal thing. Now, what I’m thinking about is not my own problem, and I’m calling you all together, mainly thinking about the matter of Ling Baodong in Yuzhou City.”

Yes, it was Ling Baodong.Now Ling Baodong and Li Guohua are fighting fiercely and are building momentum for the matter of entering the Ding Ding.Since I have no hope.Then, under comprehensive consideration, the most threatening person must be pulled down.

Things within the system are too variable.It is too long before the next term, and there is still a long distance of 12 years.Even if it is only eight years, this time is too far away.What will happen in eight years.After Ling Baodong enters the core of Jiuding, what will come out of his operation.No one can guarantee.The best way is to pull Ling Baodong down.

"Third Brother's opinion, I think it's very pertinent. Ling Baodong has always been at odds with Third Brother, and now he's getting into a hot fight with Li Guohua. This person really needs to be guarded against." Li Hua pondered for a while, and also Nodded in agreement.

Everyone knows that Ling Baodong's son Ling Xiao was sent to prison by Nie Zhenbang himself.Ling Baodong spoke nicely, saying that the emperor broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people. When interviewed by reporters, he even made a high-profile statement that Ling Xiao was his son, and he was deeply saddened by the crimes committed by Ling Xiao.I am also deeply sorry that it was he who did not educate his son well, which eventually caused his son to act recklessly and disregard the laws of the country.Today, the son is arrested and imprisoned.This is the best outcome for him.He believes in the fairness and justice of the law, and firmly supports and maintains the majesty of party discipline and state laws.

These words are just words, and they are high-sounding.However, it is just to deceive the common people.It can also be seen from this point.Ling Baodong can make use of the issue of his son's imprisonment.Promote his glorious image of being honest, honest and selfless.this means.This person is extremely kind and forbearing, if Ling Baodong is in the core of Jiuding.No matter where he is, it will be a big trouble for Nie Zhenbang.

Moreover, judging from Ling Baodong's qualifications and resume, it is most likely that Ling Baodong will take up the position of the second chief.Thus.That's an even bigger threat.You know, the elections are all departments led by the No. [-] chief.

As Li Hua's voice fell, Yang Anbang next to him was Nie Zhenbang's uncle and brother-in-law. Yang Anbang also slowly said: "I heard that Ling Baodong has a lot of people's complaints in Yuzhou. They say that his wife is wrong." Domineering. Some authoritarian. It seems that this is not groundless."

Yang Anbang's words have undoubtedly represented his attitude.This side just started talking about the issue of suppressing Ling Baodong, and he has already pointed out some loopholes and directions.It is self-evident what this means. ()

ps: Let me talk about the plot, as I write here, it is actually gradually coming to an end.From seven hundred chapters to now, more than 500 chapters have entered the ministerial level. More than 150 million words.Even Lao Cai himself was a little surprised.Going down further, Lao Cai is very entangled in changing the municipality directly under the central government.Deputy national level, a little scared.dare not write.In short, either this month or next month.This book is almost finished.As I write this, I feel a little sad and a little bit sad.Feeling haggard and depressed.First update.

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