reborn family

Chapter 1215 There is a Scandal in Longxi

() Liu Zhentao's statement has two meanings. On the one hand, and the most important aspect, it is to be subdued.During the Chinese New Year period, some rumors in the province were necessarily related to him.At this time, Liu Zhentao stood up, no doubt showing his sincerity to Nie Zhenbang.On the other hand, it reflects Liu Zhentao's intelligence.Under this situation, Secretary Nie suddenly opened fire.First, Secretary Nie's direct descendants expressed their support.Immediately afterwards, Wang Benchang also spoke in agreement.The general trend is the general trend, even if you oppose it, it will not help.On the contrary, it will damage his prestige in the province, and the gain outweighs the loss. At this moment, choosing to agree is undoubtedly the best way.

Looking at Liu Zhentao, at this moment, Governor Zhentao's face was as calm as usual, without any difference or change in peace.This kind of self-restraint and auspiciousness.Liu Zhentao did not earn his name in vain.

After pondering for a while, Nie Zhenbang said slowly: "Since everyone agrees, then it's settled. Here in the Provincial Party Committee Office, Secretary-General Xiaomin, please draft the document. Copy it to the four major teams and the committees of all departments and bureaus." And all prefectures and cities. Cadres in the whole province must quickly calm down. Carry out ideological study and strengthen work. Resolutely put an end to the work style and attitude of overstaffing. "

After Nie Zhenbang announced the adjournment, all members of the Standing Committee stood up.Nie Zhenbang walked in front, but when he passed by Zhang Fangwen, he paused and said, "Minister Fangwen, come to my office for a while."

In Nie Zhenbang's office, on the sofa in the reception area, Zhang Fangwen was a little cautious.There was a faint fragrance in the room.I didn't use the office for eight days, the doors and windows were closed, and the air in the room didn't circulate much.As soon as he got to work, Xia Gang did a general cleaning, opened the windows for ventilation, and sprayed some air fresheners.

The heating in the office is fully turned on.Nie Zhenbang also took off his coat.After pouring Zhang Fangwen a cup of tea.Then he sat down and said, "Minister Fang Wen. This year is the year of general elections for provincial, municipal and county party committees and government officials. There are many comrades who have reached the age limit for retirement. This time, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee It’s a lot of work. In addition, there is something I want to discuss with you privately. I want to hear your opinion. If it’s feasible, I’m going to bring it to the Standing Committee for discussion.”

When it came to the election, Zhang Fangwen's mind was also tangled for a while, Zhang Fangwen was pondering the meaning of Nie Zhenbang's words.As the head of the organization, Zhang Fangwen is in charge of the organization and personnel affairs.How to manage.How to manage.This is learned.In the eyes of outsiders, Minister Zhang is extremely powerful, he is in charge of the official title of the whole province, and he is the leader of the provincial party committee who holds real power.

Indeed, this achievement can be achieved.Member of the Standing Committee of the Longxi Provincial Party Committee.The Minister of Organization is also an alternate member of Zhong Yang.Ordinary people may not be able to achieve it in their lifetime.In addition, it is true that he holds real power.At the level of local counties and cities.Minister Zhang has great prestige.

However, like a person drinking water, he knows whether he is warm or cold.Only when Zhang Fangwen really sat in this position did he know. Rizi is not as beautiful as imagined.

As the head of the organization, the top leader of the provincial party committee is stuck, and it is embarrassing.The job responsibilities of the organization minister overlap with those of the full-time deputy secretary.The full-time deputy secretary is also called the party secretary.In charge of organizational personnel and ideological and ideological work of the party and the masses.

In this way, organize the position of minister.Extremely embarrassing, if you can't get the support of the top leader.The so-called power is just a castle in the air.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang's words also made Zhang Fangwen ponder.At this time, Secretary Nie summoned himself alone.There was also talk about elections.What does this imply?Is it alluding to the changes in the hearts of the cadres below during the Chinese New Year?

After pondering for a while, Zhang Fangwen nodded and said: "Secretary, the organization department is already preparing. The preliminary estimate is within this month. Before the Lantern Festival. Set up a special work leadership team, and I will personally serve as the team leader The leaders of each department of the Organization Department will serve as members. Prepare to go to all parts of the province during this period of time. Supervise and guide the implementation of the election work. Strictly supervise the principles and procedures of the election. We must strictly follow the organizational instructions Spirit. Follow the instructions of the secretary. Do a good job in the elections at the city and county levels."

Listening to Zhang Fangwen's words, Nie Zhenbang smiled lightly.Obviously, Zhang Fangwen did not let go of his heart.However, Nie Zhenbang didn't take it seriously.It is normal for leading cadres in the province to have concerns.

Looking at Zhang Fangwen, Nie Zhenbang immediately said: "Minister Zhang, I have a preliminary idea. Starting this year, the appointment, removal and selection of organizational personnel at the county and city level below will all be in the hands of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. After being under the jurisdiction of the province, each prefecture and city is entrusted by the provincial party committee. It is responsible for the daily management of county-level cadres within the jurisdiction. It is also responsible for the appointment, dismissal and dispatch of county-level cadres. However, the official document procedures are the same From the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. What do you think?"

In doing so, Nie Zhenbang also had his own considerations.In this way, the prestige of the provincial party committee can be directly radiated to the level of counties and urban areas.

Zhang Fangwen was a little surprised.If Secretary Nie made this move, it was a perfect move.The organization and personnel were brought back to the provincial party committee.The control of the following is also stronger.The prestige of the provincial party committee will undoubtedly increase a lot.More importantly, Nie Zhenbang used it skillfully.On weekdays, the prefectures and cities are responsible for the management.This sentence also means that if it is necessary, the provincial party committee can directly intervene.This limits the power of local prefectural and municipal leadership groups.

Immediately, he nodded and said: "I agree with the secretary's idea with all my hands. The selection and appointment of leading cadres at the county and division levels is brought under the provincial party committee. This has been implemented in many places in the country. Judging from the implementation situation, it has reduced the number of middlemen. Moreover, in some places, finance is even listed separately and directly brought under the jurisdiction of provincial finance. This makes the use of finance more reasonable and also greatly improves the administrative efficiency below. I think this proposal is good. "

"Hehe, that's all right. In this case, Minister Zhang, after you go back, look for data in this area, make detailed statistics, and the situation in other provinces. If necessary, you can send a special inspection team to brother provinces and cities. Take a look and learn. In this way, you can grasp the problem better." Nie Zhenbang then said with a smile.

Outside the door, there was a knock on the door.Nie Zhenbang frowned and said, "Go in."

Xia Gang walked in with a solemn face, glanced at Zhang Fangwen, nodded his head, and then said: "Secretary, Minister Hongying is here, saying that there is an urgent report."

At this moment, Zhang Fangwen also stood up: "Secretary, then I will go first."

Such scenes are commonplace within the system.Basically everyone knows how to do it.Nie Zhenbang also nodded and said: "Okay, let's post the text, I won't send you off."

Speaking, Nie Zhenbang said to Xia Gang: "Xiao Xia, please come in, Minister Hongying."

At the door, Li Hongying saw Zhang Fangwen and nodded her head as a greeting.into the office.Li Hongying said: "Secretary, according to the news from the Provincial Radio and Television Center just now, I am going to work today. After receiving the news report clues, some media reporters reported to Qin'an County, Yongzheng County, and Datong District under Qinchuan City. Some units in the counties and districts conducted unannounced visits and investigations. It was found that many units had violations of varying degrees. Even in some units, the Spring Festival holiday was postponed after the Lantern Festival. When a reporter was interviewing, he was on duty The staff's answer was even worse. The reporter asked, to take such a long vacation. Whose regulation is this? The national statutory holiday. Why no one goes to work. Their answer is even more speechless, even saying that it is them rules."

"Minister Hongying, what do you mean?" Nie Zhenbang looked at Li Hongying and asked.

At this moment, Li Hongying said, "The reporters from our province and Taiwan are also conducting unannounced visits. They also obtained first-hand information, do you see?"

Without even thinking about it, Nie Zhenbang said directly: "Normal broadcast. This kind of thing, the propaganda department should not only broadcast it, but also increase its efforts and increase the weight of media supervision. The news media must be truly utilized. The role of public opinion supervision."

There is nothing to consider about this kind of thing. Of course, it is a scandal for Longxi Province.However, from another perspective, it also reflects the sincerity and honesty of Longxi Province in governing.

As for those units at the local level, they are not considered by Nie Zhenbang, only at the county level.It can't even be said that they are at the county level, but only department-level cadres.Such a thing.It will not have any influence on the provincial party committee at all.

The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds.Could it be that Nie Zhenbang can guarantee that the leading cadres in the whole province will not have any problems?This is obviously impossible.

Li Hongying also breathed a sigh of relief. In Li Hongying's heart, there is another guess. It is said that this time, reporters from the National News Agency and the National TV Station also participated in the unannounced visit.Although this is just a guess from the provincial station.Li Hongying did not dare to report this unconfirmed news.However, there is no wave without wind, and there is no wind from a hole.There must be something real in it.

If Nie Zhenbang asked to block it, Li Hongying would be really embarrassed.At that time, it will inevitably take more effort, the media in Longxi Province.Li Hongying can control it, but Li Hongying can't control the national media.After all, it is only the news and propaganda department of Longxi Province.At that time, even if there are connections and connections above, it will take a lot of effort and effort to block it.

At the same time, after Li Hongying left, Nie Zhenbang walked to the door and said to Xia Gang, "Xiao Xia, call Wang Haolin from Qinchuan City. Ask him to come to the province."

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