reborn family

Chapter 156 Nie Zhenbang's Head Is Getting Big


The conference room on the side of the Construction Bureau is a long strip like a classroom.At this moment, Nie Zhenbang was sitting in the central seat, with Yi Jun and Li Lin next to him.

At this moment, Jiang Chungui also regained his composure. Jiang Chungui felt a little resentful towards Yi Jun, but there was nothing he could do.Being the celebrity next to the county magistrate again, Jiang Chungui could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach at this moment. [Search for the latest updates in .z

"Director Jianming, on your behalf, I will report on the basic situation of the Construction Bureau." Nie Zhenbang pondered for a moment, then clicked on Xiong Jianming.

Xiong Jianming gave himself a good impression.This person is not the kind of person who would add insult to injury. Based on this alone, Xiong Jianming's nature is not bad.When he criticized Jiang Chungui in front of everyone in the Construction Bureau just now, Xiong Jianming not only did not take pleasure in his misfortune, but even spoke out to excuse Jiang Chungui, which proves that Xiong Jianming has a good heart.In this case, Xiong Jianming could stand by the side like Jia Zhenghe.Just keep silent, there's no need to risk offending yourself by talking.

Therefore, at this moment, Nie Zhenbang naturally paid more attention to Xiong Jianming.Hearing Nie Zhenbang's words, Xiong Jianming immediately nodded and said: "County magistrate, as of last month this year, our Construction Bureau has completed the construction of municipal public facilities and landscaping, and won 300 million yuan from the superiors. Raised more than [-] yuan. Completed the basic transformation of street lights in Lixian City, and the greening project of Lixian Park... In addition, in terms of public utilities, the county water company is basically preparing for the foundation of the current county water plant. On top of that, we will strive to establish a new water intake and branch factory in the upper reaches of the Ta River to ensure the drinking water of the people in the county.”

Speaking of this, Xiong Jianming paused, looked at Nie Zhenbang's face, and then continued: "It's just that there are still many difficulties in funding the construction of the new factory. Now, the expected investment is 600 million yuan. With more than 380 million yuan raised, the autonomous region government can obtain about 150 million yuan in special funds for civil projects. However, there is still a gap of nearly 70 yuan, and the county party committee and county government will help to find a way."


Nie Zhenbang pondered for a moment. Drinking water, power supply, and vegetable basket projects are all issues related to people's livelihood. Not a problem.However, with the development of the economy, the waterworks in Lixian County are still old waterworks built in the 60s and [-]s, which can no longer adapt to the development of the current situation.It is necessary to build new waterworks.

However, with 70 funds, Nie Zhenbang was a little embarrassed.Now, Nie Zhenbang is clear about the financial situation of Lixian County.Let alone 70, 70 is enough.Nie Zhenbang can take out his own funds casually.However, use your own money to subsidize government programs.There is no such precedent in China.Moreover, it is hard to say where the money came from.It is said that his own money was posted upside down, and if it spreads, the county magistrate will use his own money to subsidize, not only will he not get a good reputation, but it will even give people an image of using money to buy an official, and maybe it will make the higher-ups have ideas .This plan is not going to work.However, this is an important project, and it is also a promotion for Lixian County. Immediately, Nie Zhenbang also nodded and said: "Well, 70. It's not much. The [-] will be handed over to me. In the early stage, start construction first, and follow-up In terms of funds, the county will come forward to solve it for you."

After finishing speaking, Nie Zhenbang looked at his watch, and it was almost 11:30. Immediately, Nie Zhenbang also stood up: "Well, overall, I am very satisfied with the work of the Construction Bureau. Although the Construction Bureau is currently vacant, but , I hope that the members of the bureau's party group team present here will still take their responsibilities seriously, and don't think that the work of the bureau chief is vacant, so the work will be suspended. Well, I have to go to the next one, so I won't stop."

Hearing what Nie Zhenbang said, Xiong Jianming and the others were stunned. They looked at each other, and Xiong Jianming stood up and said: "County magistrate, look, it's time for dinner soon. Or, you are here with us Eat here before going back."

Nie Zhenbang waved his hand, that's how it is in the officialdom, the leader inspects, it seems that the leader is dissatisfied if he is not here to entertain the people below.This is a bad habit, but Nie Zhenbang decided to seriously reform it at this moment. Although he had never been in the officialdom in his previous life, he was still clear about things that had a relatively large impact in society in his previous life. Among them, this is the most memorable What is more is the three public expenditures.At this moment, Nie Zhenbang is determined to kill this trend from himself.

Looking at the expressions of Xiong Jianming and others, Nie Zhenbang said with a smile: "You guys, it's just a meal, you can eat it anywhere, as long as you do your job well, this is the greatest respect. Politeness is not reflected in the meal , but reflected in the work."

Next, after having lunch in the canteen of the county government, Nie Zhenbang rushed to the Transportation Bureau in the afternoon. Perhaps he got the news from the Construction Bureau in the morning. other than the chief.There was no sense of fanfare.

The matter of the Transportation Bureau made Nie Zhenbang even more troublesome. The funds required for transportation construction are extremely huge.Although there are funds allocated by higher authorities, sometimes local governments also need to raise funds by themselves.Except for the income from national highway toll stations and road maintenance fees, the sources of income for the Transportation Bureau are not extensive.Coupled with the small population of Li County, the maintenance cost of large roads has increased significantly.As a result, the transportation bureau's funds are also more difficult.After all, this is another one that asks for money.

However, Wei Chenglin, a member of the party group of the transportation bureau and the chairman of the trade union, gave Nie Zhenbang a good feeling.

The work reports of the entire Transportation Bureau and some professional data interpretations are basically answered by Wei Chenglin.The other deputy directors seemed to be a decoration.Wei Chenglin is a typical scholar-type cadre. When it comes to professional things, he can talk eloquently, but when it comes to other things, he is like a boring gourd.It is quite normal for such a person to be squeezed out to the position of chairman of the trade union.

After a few days, after Nie Zhenbang visited several important agencies and bureaus, the news that County Magistrate Nie never accepted the hospitality of his comrades has already spread throughout Li County.

Nie Zhenbang only had a general idea about the candidate for the director.However, in the past few days, Nie Zhenbang's head has gotten bigger.There is no other reason, looking at the documents on the table.The Construction Bureau needs 70 yuan, and the Transportation Bureau needs more.About 150 million, the health bureau also needs money, the improvement of the conditions of the Lixian People's Hospital and the basic township health centers below, the inheritance and development of traditional ethnic medicine, all of which need funds.Although the Finance Bureau is in charge of finance, it still needs money.In short, there is only one word in Nie Zhenbang's brain now, money.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang felt that the county magistrate was not good.Lying back on the chair, Nie Zhenbang rubbed his face vigorously, and said to himself, "Money, money. Where can I get money?"

"Hehe, what is the county magistrate up to?" Suddenly, the door opened.A voice came.

This made Nie Zhenbang jump up. Looking at the person in front of him, Nie Zhenbang also laughed. The deputy county magistrate, Bai Like, pointed to the sofa and said, "Magistrate Bai is here, please sit down."

Since he became the acting county magistrate, Bailike went to his office more often. Unlike Bayar's mentality, Bailike kept his mind calm.Nie Zhenbang's rise to the top position is already unavoidable. Instead of making trouble with Nie Zhenbang, it is better to build a good relationship. At least, there is still a position of executive deputy county magistrate.

Bailike sat down naturally, took the teacup from Yi Jun, and said with a smile: "The county magistrate is worried about financial matters. The Northwest region is poor because it is financially poor, and the local government can't afford it. If various investment plans cannot be implemented, it will naturally fail to develop.”

"Old Bai, how did you solve this problem when County Magistrate Wu was here?" Nie Zhenbang also asked at this moment

Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, Nie Zhenbang doesn't feel that asking Bailike will reduce his prestige much at the moment.

Bailike was stunned for a moment. At this moment, Bailike didn't expect Nie Zhenbang to ask such a question, and his surprised expression flashed by. Regarding Nie Zhenbang's attitude, Bailike also secretly admired it. Nie Zhenbang's pragmatism was not just pretending or It was blown out, but it was done in real terms. If he were in this position, Bailike thought he couldn't be so chic, and even if he wanted to ask, it would be just an insinuating question, not so direct.

Immediately, Bailike pondered for a while and said: "County Wu used to move here and there. He asked for some finances from the city, and those who were late in arrears. Then he asked for some money from some units in the city with good profits. A year's delay One year, after coming here like this, as for the construction, I never dared to implement it, and I didn't even have this idea... ".

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang also has the feeling that a clever woman can't cook without rice. This time, Nie Zhenbang has a deep understanding.Development is not just about having a plan.

It really needs economic and financial cooperation.Immediately, Nie Zhenbang also stood up and said, "Thank you, Lao Bai. In the future, the work of the county government will require your support."

When Bailike heard this, he also became a little excited. The meaning of Nie Zhenbang's words was already obvious.Although, the executive deputy county magistrate is not something that Nie Zhenbang can decide.However, with Nie Zhenbang's approval.The possibility of self-improvement is also much greater.Immediately, Bailike also smiled and said: "County magistrate, you are too polite. It is my duty to assist the county magistrate to do a good job in government work. It should be done. If you are busy, I will not bother you." .”

After sending Bailike away, Nie Zhenbang also started to get busy at the moment. Now, the county party committee team has basically stabilized, and it's time to confirm the members of each bureau at this regular standing committee meeting.

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