reborn family

Chapter 165 Getting Funds


Liu Wenqing seemed very happy at the moment. The development momentum of Lixian County is very good now. The Mercy Farming Company, an enterprise that even Jiang Zhen pays attention to, has a brand-new model. Now it has become a demonstration enterprise in the whole district. With the development of new grass species Replacement, the introduction of a large number of high-quality varieties, at most, within three to five months, can produce a huge economic effect on the side of the Minnong Company, and at the same time, social effects and brand effects will follow.Afterwards, Longhua Mining has entered a period of rapid production development.

These two enterprises have already made achievements, and now, Li County has made new moves.As the nominee for the first and second leaders in Li County, I have face on my face, and I can also have a reputation for knowing people and making good use of them. [Search for the latest updates in .z

Immediately, Liu Wenqing also laughed: "Secretary Chu Bin is here, sit down quickly. Now I can't understand your cadres in Lixian County. The speed of development is getting faster every time, and this economic plan is getting faster every time. How about it, did you feel anything when you visited the developed eastern coastal areas this time?"

After all, he was his direct subordinate. Although Liu Wenqing was a little dissatisfied that Zhang Chubin did not report in advance about the last investigation, but after this period of time, Liu Wenqing calmed down.

Hearing Liu Wenqing's words, Zhang Chubin also had a flash of joy on his face.Zhang Chubin knew Liu Wenqing very well.It's not a big-hearted person, but he's not the kind of person with a small stomach.This bit of guts is still there, and now, as expected, Zhang Chubin nodded and said: "Secretary, this is a development zone plan I made, please have a look."

Liu Wenqing took the plan handed over by Zhang Chubin, and immediately said with a smile: "Development zone? It seems that you have worked hard. This is a new type of thing. At present, in the northwest, only Urumqi has set up a development zone." , other prefectures and cities are all looking at the effect, but didn't expect it. You have gone to the front of the city instead."

Opening the plan book, Liu Wenqing also read it carefully. There were almost [-] pages of the plan, but Liu Wenqing read it very carefully. After reading it for about half an hour, Liu Wenqing raised his head, and was also a little surprised. Liu Wenqing knew Zhang Chubin's ability. Among the officials, Zhang Chubin's ability, to be fair, means that Zhang Chubin's political and obedient level is very good at the middle and lower levels.Zhang Chubin was able to complete everything assigned by his superiors very well.However, in terms of creativity and courage, Zhang Chubin was still a bit short, but this plan completely broke Liu Wenqing's view.

Looking at Zhang Chubin next to him, Liu Wenqing said in a rare way: "I have seen Chubin's plan for this development zone, and it is very good and very thoughtful. It seems that the saying is true, close to Zhu Zhechi, close to Mo Zhehei. After Chu Bin and Xiao Nie formed a team, this level of ability has grown."

Liu Wenqing pointed to the planning plan on the coffee table, and continued: "The plan of your development zone is basically done very well, especially in the idea that there is no such thing as three links.

Very insightful.At present, local leading comrades and local cadres must have this kind of thinking, change their thinking, and focus on economic construction in everything.The old set of ideas before must be gradually discarded.To change minds.Functional government departments are positioned as service providers, not high-ranking officials. "

At the beginning, Liu Wenqing's words made Zhang Chubin a little happy.But the following words, Liu Wenqing's names and praises, were all plagiarized from Nie Zhenbang.This strengthened Zhang Chubin's mind even more.After Xue Daming planted the seeds in Zhang Chubin's heart, this desire to snatch credit, power and profit grew uncontrollably.

With Nie Zhenbang's ability, Zhang Chubin believes that under the hands of Nie Zhenbang, the development zone will definitely be carried forward, even a huge development. Li County will become an economically strong county in Bazhou City, and even an economically strong county in the entire autonomous region.Let's be bolder.It is not necessarily impossible for Li County to become a national miracle.

However, in that case, Nie Zhenbang is the county magistrate and concurrently the secretary of the working committee of the development zone.All the credit will always belong to Nie Zhenbang.I am just a person hiding behind and drinking soup.When the time comes, when talking about Li County, people will talk about Nie Zhenbang, not Zhang Chubin.Moreover, in terms of development, since Zhang Chubin went to Yangwu County for inspection, Zhang Chubin believed confidently.This development zone, that is the case, has preferential policies such as three exemptions and two half discounts.With the policy of attracting investment in land expropriation and construction fees, plus green channels.Zhang Chubin is very confident that if Nie Zhenbang can do a good job, he will also be able to do a good job.This thought, after Xue Daming said it, Zhang Chubin's mentality gradually became uncontrollable.Just now, Liu Wenqing's words strengthened Zhang Chubin's determination to get the secretary of the working committee into his hands.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Chubin tentatively said: "Secretary, although the matter of the development zone is still in the preparatory stage. However, on the personnel issues of the development zone, I still want to discuss with you in advance."

Liu Wenqing was also stunned at this moment. The matter of the development zone is only a rough idea after all. In terms of setting up the development zone, Liu Wenqing also specifically learned about it. The development zone is not something that the local government can open just as it says. .A municipal-level development zone needs to be approved by the municipal party committee and municipal government.If it is at the provincial level, it also needs to go to the Provincial Planning Commission to file for the project and obtain approval and assessment.Only after full inspection and evaluation can the requirements of the provincial development zone be met.

At this time, it seems a bit too hasty to determine the personnel issues of the development zone team.However, since it has been said.Liu Wenqing also wanted to hear Zhang Chubin's opinion.Immediately, he smiled and said: "It seems that you Li County officials are not unprepared. This plan has just started, and there are personnel considerations. Although it is a little urgent, but this kind of rainy day plan The mentality is worth affirming.”

Zhang Chubin immediately nodded and said: "Secretary, the level of the development zone, I mean, is tentatively designated as a deputy department-level unit. Regarding the selection of the secretary of the development zone working committee, I would like to recommend myself. I will personally serve as the development zone working committee Secretary. As for the candidate for the director of the Development Zone Management Committee, my initial consideration is to let the current head of the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee, Xue Daming. In this way, the development of the development zone can also be guaranteed. On the issue of coordination among various agencies .It’s better to have me in charge personally.”

This sentence made Liu Wenqing ponder, and gave Zhang Chubin a meaningful look. Originally, Liu Wenqing thought that Nie Zhenbang would also be the director of the management committee.However, unexpectedly, Zhang Chubin proposed such an unexpected personnel arrangement.

Could it be that there was also a conflict between Zhang Chubin and Nie Zhenbang?Zhang Chubin's attitude and thinking made Liu Wenqing think of this.Nie Zhenbang's ability to develop the economy has been fully proved. Even Liu Wenqing privately thinks that Nie Zhenbang is the most suitable secretary of the working committee.However, at this time, Liu Wenqing was also a little embarrassed.

On the one hand, considering the development of the development zone from Li County to Bazhou City, there is no doubt that Nie Zhenbang is the most suitable person with background, ability, and ability to attract large investments. On the other hand, Zhang Chubin After all, he is his own confidant, if he supports Nie Zhenbang, what Zhang Chubin thinks in his heart, and what kind of mentality other subordinates will have, Liu Wenqing is not sure. Gone.After pondering for a while, Liu Wenqing still decided to support Zhang Chubin. Although Nie Zhenbang said that the situation in the development zone might be better, but after reading this plan, Liu Wenqing also felt that Zhang Chubin was really a little bit different this time. a feeling of.Even if it is not as good as Nie Zhenbang, but Zhang Chubin can make such a planning plan, I believe that the development of Lixian Development Zone is still no problem.

Just before Zhang Chubin arrived in Bazhou, Nie Zhenbang also rushed to Bazhou from Li County the next morning.In the office building of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, at this moment, Nie Zhenbang was sitting in Ding Aiguo's office.

Seeing Ding Aiguo's tight lock at the beginning, Nie Zhenbang also knew what Ding Aiguo was worried about.Immediately, Nie Zhenbang also smiled and said, "Mayor, are you worried about funding?"

Ding Aiguo nodded, then put down the materials, raised his head and said, "Zhenbang, the plan is a good plan, and it is very good for the early planning. The purpose is also very clear. Moreover, you can fully consider Bazhou City's consideration. The local characteristics of Li County. This kind of development plan is in line with reality. However, even if it is an area of ​​six square kilometers, as you said, the road surface is hardened, the park is greened, and the accompanying infrastructure such as water, electricity and communication The construction and the funds required are not a small amount. There is a limit to what the city can support. I am afraid that the most important thing is to rely on yourselves."

Nie Zhenbang is also very clear that Ding Aiguo's words are definitely not polite words, nor is he crying for poverty, and Bazhou City is not rich.According to this plan, the funds for road construction alone are a big burden. Moreover, the northwest region is not like the mainland. If it were the mainland, it would be able to introduce a lot of funds for infrastructure construction, and then repay it in the form of land compensation.Here in Li County, real estate has no resources.Even if this road is blocked.

According to Nie Zhenbang's preliminary estimate, in the early stage, if you want to start it, at least 5000 million yuan is needed.For Ding Aiguo, it is estimated that he can give 1000 million yuan, which is not bad.In the name of the Li County Government, borrow from the bank, with a limit of about 4000 million.Well, there is still a gap of [-] million.Thinking of this, Nie Zhenbang also nodded and said: "Mayor, how about I go to the district to see if I can get some money from various departments."

Logically speaking, Lao Cai is really embarrassed to ask for a monthly pass.However, Lao Cai did not expect that he would fall ill during the critical period of the monthly ticket for the new book because he was so unlucky.Watching the brothers behind get closer and closer.Seeing the great god in front of him getting farther and farther away, Lao Cai had the cheek to ask for a monthly pass.Ask for a consolation.

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