reborn family

Chapter 184 Dramatic Assessment

Dong Wan is very dissatisfied with the environment of the Lixian Hotel.Compared with the luxurious and grand layout of the sitting and mocking club, the Lixian Hotel is not much different from a hut.The Pear County Hotel, which was still built in the 60s.All small one-story houses and several banquet halls are set up separately, just like that kind of factory buildings.The entire Lixian Hotel, except for a few small yards that have been redecorated, is dedicated to entertaining superiors.Other guest rooms are even worse than guest houses.

Yan Fengjiao moved very quickly, and Nie Zhenbang asked herself to come forward, one is to avoid suspicion.Another layer of meaning, there is also the idea of ​​giving up this work to myself.Naturally, Yan Fengjiao accepted everything with a smile.

In the banquet hall of Lixian Hotel, at this moment, the entire venue has been re-decorated.There was a bright red carpet all over the place.In the front, a row of tables was covered with red woolen cloth.A pot of gorgeous flowers is placed at each end.In the background is a huge map of the planning map of the Lixian Development Zone.On the map, there is a banner, welcoming the Beijing Wojia Group to settle in the signing ceremony of the Economic and Technological Development Zone of our county

Under the stage, according to the layout of the capital and the South China Sea, a lot of chairs were deliberately placed.At this moment, in the venue, there are also long guns and short guns.Reporters from Northwest TV Station, Northwest Daily and other provincial media in the Northwest, reporters from Bazhou TV Station and Bazhou Daily, plus the local news media in Lixian County, a total of more than a dozen news media have already sat down.

Arrive at nine o'clock.Yan Fengjiao and Li Lixue, on behalf of Lixian Development Zone and Wojia Group, walked up to the rostrum and signed the investment intention contracts respectively.

"May I ask Mr. Li, what made you make such a big decision to invest in the infrastructure construction of Lixian County. Can you disclose the specific details?" He Xinyan, a female reporter from Bazhou TV Station, also started to interview at this moment. The little girl is older. A little bit, but the words are still as sharp as ever.

The contract this time has not been fully announced, but only adopted a result-only method. After all, the content of the agreement is still very sensitive.Whether it's Li County or Li Lixue, it's impossible to announce it to the public.

Immediately, Li Lixue also smiled and said: "This reporter's question is very sharp, but I'm sorry, this is a commercial secret of our Wojia Group. We are full of confidence in investing in Li County. Li County's rich agricultural Animal husbandry resources and apocynum resources are good product bases for Wojia Group. This is also our original intention of investing in Li County. Good son, thank you friends from the press.”

The next day, the Northwest News program of Northwest TV broadcasted the signing of the investment agreement between Lixian Development Zone and Wojia Group.All of a sudden, the Lixian Development Zone was trying to appear in the sights of Northwest officials, and after that, other prefectures and cities also began to be tempted.

At the same time, the organization department of the Bazhou Municipal Party Committee organized the first public selection of cadres in the history of the Northwest. Now it has reached the most critical time, and a candidate for the position of deputy secretary of the working committee has been finalized.It will be Yang Zhengping, the current deputy director of the Kushi Environmental Sanitation Bureau.Two deputy directors of the management committee have also been appointed. One is Gao Yuanshan, director of the Party and Government Office of Tuanjie Town Party Committee Member of Ta County; the other is Leng Guohua, former Party Secretary of Shengli Township, Li County.

For Leng Guohua, it was a part-time job. Shengli Township was here. Apart from the affairs of the development zone, Leng Guohua was also the party secretary of Shengli Township.

Compared with the smooth determination of these positions, the competition on China Merchants' side is particularly fierce.For the position of director of the China Merchants Bureau, no less than 100 people in the entire Bazhou City signed up.

After the primary election, more than half of them were cut off, and after the review, there were only six places left.This time, Fang Gushan, head of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, came out in person.The final assessment will be held at the Li County Party Committee at [-] o'clock this morning.

At this moment, several candidates had already arrived here. Looking at the empty courtyard of the Lixian County Party Committee, they were a little confused.

Next to it, Xie Tao, the director of the Young Pioneers Office of the Youth League Committee, also frowned at this moment: "What's the matter, the staff of the Lixian County Committee are too sloppy. In which conference room are you going to be assessed and how to go, you have to make a sign Come out. We are not the cadres of Li County, aren’t we blind?”

Next to him, another candidate also nodded and echoed, "That's right, we agreed on nine o'clock, why is there no one at eight fifty now, and we have to notify in advance if there is no assessment. It's better to apply for a few other positions. There are not many people. The results will come out soon. I was also worried about the fierce competition for other positions, and I wanted to choose a position that was slightly worse. Unexpectedly, choosing from the left to the right would make the competition the most intense. up."

At this moment, an old man came out of the office building of the county party committee, looked at the few people gathered at the door, and said immediately: "You guys are here to select the director of the China Merchants Bureau. The location has been changed temporarily. It was originally Those who decided to be with the county party committee suddenly switched to the county government. It is in the large conference room on the third floor of the county government. At this time, the leaders may already be waiting for you."

Upon hearing this sentence, Xie Tao immediately raised his wrist and said in surprise: "It's terrible. It's 56:[-].

Only 4 minutes left. "

After speaking, Xie Tao ran out.At the same time, the others anxiously followed and ran towards the opposite county government.

In officialdom, the concept of time is very important.Other times are fine, just a little later.There are only a few cases where it is not too late.In one case, don't be late for the meeting.During the meeting, either the leader or the subordinate, if you are late, it will give people a bad feeling.There is another situation, which is the current situation. When inspecting, don't be too late, this will reduce your impression points.

At this time, at the gate of the county party committee compound, a black Santana drove in. In the car, a man with clam mirror and leather jacket got off, looked at several people, and spoke Hong Kong-style Mandarin. Said: "The development of my hometown is so fast. I also want to invest this time when I come back. Hey, sir, may I ask who to look for if I want to invest in the development zone and start a business."

At this time, when it was officially urgent, Xie Tao would not care about these things, he trotted all the way across Kuli Street and entered the county government.As soon as I rushed to the meeting room on the third floor of the county government office.Seeing that there were already two people missing, the four of them were a little happy. Minister Fang hated latecomers the most, and this was well-known in the city.This time, it is definitely impossible for the two latecomers to be selected.

At this moment, the door of the conference room opened. Fang Gushan was at the front with a serious face, and Zhang Chubin, secretary of the Lixian County Party Committee, Xie Yi, deputy secretary, and Nie Zhenbang, the county magistrate, all came out behind him.

Looking at a few people, Fang Mushan immediately said: "The assessment is over. The candidates have been decided. The director of the Lixian Investment Promotion Bureau is Comrade Fan Zhenming, the deputy director of the Academic Affairs Department of Bazhou City Industry and Trade School. The deputy director is Bazhou Li Yan, the director of the finance department of the agricultural school, and the other deputy director, let the Li County Party Committee make a decision."

At this moment, listening to Fang Gushan's words, Xie Tao and others were stunned. What's going on?I don't even know what's going on in the assessment, but the assessment has already been completed. Could it be an appointment?

Thinking of this, Xie Tao immediately looked at Fang Yushan and said, "Minister Fang, I'm not convinced. The assessment hasn't even started yet, so why is it over?"

Xie Tao is the son of Vice Mayor Xie.Lao Tzu is also at the deputy department level and Fang Gushan's level. Although he is not a member of the Standing Committee, Xie Tao has a backer after all. Xie Tao is naturally unwilling to be so ambiguous about this kind of official status.This pestle, Xie Tao didn't care so much about you, so he immediately asked.

Fang Gushan had a smile on his face, even if Xie Tao didn't ask, Fang Yushan would still say this.Such is Fang Gushan's character and conduct.In organizational work, the most taboo thing is injustice.If this is the case, there will be no prestige, and it will not be able to control the scene.

Immediately, Fang Gushan turned around and said, "You guys, come with me and have a look."

Walking into the meeting room, the meeting room on the county government side, the large windows just facing the office building of the county party committee, the situation of the county party committee compound can be seen clearly.There is nothing missing at all.At this moment, Fan Zhenming and Li Yan were still explaining something to the man wearing the toad mirror.

Fang Gushan immediately said earnestly: "Comrades, the details determine the fate. From the time you came to the county committee, don't you think everything looks strange? The dignified Lixian county committee compound is deserted, and it is neither a holiday nor a holiday. It’s not that there are other things. In addition, firstly, there are no signs, and secondly, there is no reception. In this respect, it shows that your mentality has been out of balance. Then, someone came to ask about investment, and you are fine. For this official hat, everything Ignore it. Comrade brother, you are going to be the director of the Investment Promotion Bureau, so you care about investment promotion so much?"

Seeing that Xie Tao was a little dissatisfied, Fang Tushan waved his hand to stop him, and continued: "Yes, yes, I know. You will say that you haven't taken office yet, you are not in office, and you don't seek political success. This also makes sense. But, Do you see how other people do it?"

This sentence, but it made the four of them speechless.Next to him, Nie Zhenbang also stood up and said, "That person below, do you think that we deliberately arranged it for you now? Let me tell you, this person, named Zhu Lafeng, was also a well-known gangster in our local area back then. He ran away after the reform and opening up. The special zone has gone into the sea. Now, I have earned several million worth, and I really returned to my hometown to invest. It’s just that I received it yesterday. When Minister Fang talked about the assessment, I came up with this idea and asked Mr. Zhu Lafeng Come and try it out."

At this time, Zhang Chubin also smiled and said: "The emphasis is different. It is okay for several comrades to actively demand progressive ideas. Although they were not elected, they still have opportunities in the future. The sincerity of the government, please stay and have a light meal together

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