reborn family

Chapter 240 Autonomous Region Investigation Team

Autonomous Region Party Committee Compound.The party committee office building is located in the small meeting room on the top floor.At this moment, all members of the Standing Committee of the Northwest Autonomous Region are already sitting here.

Jiang Zhenquan looked around, and then said: "Comrades, this special meeting of the Standing Committee is to discuss the economic data reported by the Lixian County Government of Bazhou City this year. Comrades express their opinions on the economic data of Lixian County. What are you talking about?" Do you want to? You can say it as much as you want."

As Jiang Zhenquan's voice fell, next to him, Lin Haikun, the executive vice chairman of the autonomous region government, said: "Secretary Jiang, I think this data is suspected of being watery. Remember, it was not like this in the Nanhai Special Economic Zone. A huge growth rate. Can Li County be so fast? Isn’t this playing the piano indiscriminately? I suggest that the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region send a professional investigation team to Li County to investigate this matter. It’s not the same as the Great Leap Forward. Is the yield tens of thousands of catties per mu?”

At the same time, several other members of the Standing Committee also expressed their opinions one after another. It is no wonder that the data of Li County is too shocking.

Next to him, Li Yifeng also frowned slightly. This time, the old leader's grandson was really showing off too much.If such data is false, it will definitely be severely punished by the party committee and government of the autonomous region.If it's true.Then the rest of the region really lost face.This also offended other cadres in the whole district, and they were still immature.He only cares about his own achievements.

Thinking of this, Li Yifeng also said in a deep voice: "My personal opinion is that the party committee and government of the autonomous region should take the lead and form a joint investigation team with various departments, and even consider asking people from other prefectures and cities to make observations. Let’s go to Li County together to investigate the economic data.”

Hearing that Li Yifeng agreed to carry out the investigation, Jiang Zhenquan was also taken aback for a moment. In the northwest, I am afraid that he is the only one who knows about the relationship between Li Yifeng and the Nie family. Moreover, he only found out by chance.Now, even Li Yifeng agreed to investigate and review.Jiang Zhenquan was naturally a little surprised.Immediately, Jiang Zhenquan understood Li Yifeng's thoughts.

Ginger is still old and spicy.Let the party committee and government of the autonomous region come forward and form an investigation team with the relevant departments of the autonomous region, which will inevitably include people from all factions.Let people from other states and cities also participate.In this way, fairness and justice can be maintained to the greatest extent.This is to confirm Nie Zhenbang's achievements.

However, at this moment, Jiang Zhenquan also felt happy to see the results. For Nie Zhenbang, Jiang Zhenquan still admired him very much. There are not many people with background and such ability.What's even more rare is that Nie Zhenbang's style of dealing with affairs and dealing with people is very much in Jiang Zhenquan's liking.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhenquan, as the head of the autonomous region's party committee, finally made a final decision: "I think this is very good. It's not clear if you don't investigate. The truth is more and more clear. It can be considered that the Audit Office and the Finance Office will work with other The departments will form an investigation team together as soon as possible. Officially stationed in Li County."



The home of Municipal Party Secretary Liu Wenqing

At this moment, Liu Wenqing was sitting in the study. Just now, Liu Wenqing received a call from secretary Tang of the party committee of the autonomous region.Regarding the data of Li County, the autonomous region is also in trouble.Today, the investigation team is preparing and will arrive in Li County in the near future to conduct a comprehensive assessment and review of the situation in Li County.

Although, Liu Wenqing has great confidence in Zhang Chubin and Nie Zhenbang.At this time, I couldn't help but feel a little worried when I received this call.The party committee and government of the autonomous region sent an investigation team. Liu Wenqing had already expected this matter.Such a big achievement.When it was announced, it was enough to shock the whole country.It is inevitable that Li County will appear on "Seven O'Clock Everyday".

However, confidence is confidence, Liu Wenqing was still a little worried, so he called Nie Zhenbang.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang is working overtime in the office. As the end of the year approaches, the work becomes more and more busy. Now, it is freezing cold in the northwest.All engineering buildings have been shut down.

Most of the main works of the new office buildings of the Lixian County Party Committee, the County Government, and various county-level agencies have been completed, and now, it has entered the stage of interior decoration.It is estimated that by May [-]st next year.The entire Li County can be relocated to a new office building for office work.At that time, the urban area of ​​Lixian County will be more than doubled than it is now.

Nie Zhenbang is currently looking at the itinerary sent by the government office.The Spring Festival is about to enter.Stability and security management before the festival cannot be slack.The government office also specially selected some units for condolences and group worship.

At this moment, the phone on the table rang suddenly. Looking at the red phone, Nie Zhenbang didn't dare to neglect it.This phone call was made by the leaders of the municipal party committee, and the people who usually called him were either Liu Wenqing or Ding Aiguo, as for Cheng Xinhua.The relationship between the two is there, but there is very little contact by phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Liu Wenqing's voice came over: "Little Nie, this time, your Lixian County has become a big hit in the whole region. After reporting the economic development and growth data of Lixian County, it was obtained by the autonomous region. The party committee and government attach great importance to it. This time, for an objective, fair and rigorous attitude, it is also based on being responsible to Li County and the central government. This time, the party committee and government of the autonomous region will send an investigation team. The prefectures and cities will also send personnel as supervisors. Participate in the entire investigation work, on your side, I hope you don’t have any thoughts and burdens. You must do a good job in reception.”

Hearing this, Nie Zhenbang nodded immediately. Nie Zhenbang guessed what happened to the investigation team.Report this data.It is strange that no investigation team came down to check.Think here.Nie Zhenbang immediately nodded and said, "Secretary, please rest assured. We will go all out to do a good job in reception, and we will never discredit Bazhou City."


On this issue, the party committee and government of the autonomous region are very fast.In less than two days, a huge delegation of more than sixty people was quickly formed.

The north wind was bitter.howling wind

At this moment, at the junction of Lixian County and Kushi County, the leaders of the four major teams in Lixian County were already waiting on the side. Zhang Chubin and Nie Zhenbang were both wearing dark long thick windbreakers at the moment.The fur collar stands up.Stand on the sidelines.

At this moment, Zhang Chubin is also a little excited. The economic data of Li County has attracted the investigation team of the autonomous region. I heard that it is still headed by Lin Haikun, the executive vice chairman of the autonomous region. This makes Zhang Chubin very excited. The more attention the leaders of the autonomous region pay .Zhang Chubin is happier, which means that his future prospects will become bigger and bigger.

"Zhenbang, why don't you go sit in the car for a while? According to the news from Kushi, the investigation team stayed in the Bazhou Hotel for one night, and they don't know when they will leave." Zhang Chubin whispered to Nie Zhenbang next to him said.

Nie Zhenbang nodded and was about to speak when a police car drove up ahead.Parked on the side, Chen Le quickly opened the car door and walked over: "Secretary, the county magistrate, according to the news from Kushi, the investigation team has been out for about an hour. According to this speed, it is estimated that soon coming."

After waiting for less than 10 minutes, a convoy came towards Li County with the police lights flashing ahead.In addition to the investigation team, the car of Bazhou Municipal Party Committee Secretary and Mayor also followed.

The convoy slowly stopped in front of everyone, and the windows of a black Mercedes in front were lowered.Lin Haikun smiled, nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Comrades Chu Bin and Zhenbang have worked hard. Thanks to the comrades in Lixian County. If it is cold, get in the car. Go to the development zone first."

The executive vice chairman of the autonomous region set the tone, which made both Zhang Chubin and Nie Zhenbang stunned. This situation is not simple.

Generally speaking, the investigation team has to stay, but the attitude of going directly to the development zone seems to have been clearly stated.This time, it's business.

The convoy moved forward slowly.Nie Zhenbang also said to Zhang Chubin who was next to him: "Secretary Zhang, let's get in the car too. We are all seeking truth from facts about the situation in Lixian County, and we can stand the assessment and investigation. Since Vice Chairman Lin has already said it, all of us Just follow the instructions of the leader."

On the side of the development zone, at this moment, the flags are already flying, and the drums are ringing.On the side of the road, the people of Gemu Township had all been successfully relocated to their new homes.Every household has found a job in the factory on the side of the development zone.

Today, there are spacious and clean streets, green belts on both sides and bus stops.All of this is like in a dream.

Lin Haikun also got out of the car at this moment. This time, when the investigation team came down, Lin Haikun volunteered.Lin Haikun also heard Nie Zhenbang's name from his son Lin Yang.In the autonomous region, Nie Zhenbang is considered a celebrity.Now, come up with such a big achievement.Lin Haikun didn't believe it at first.Only then did Lin Haikun take the initiative to ask for a job.

Looking at the factories, government buildings and newly built residential areas on both sides of the new town of Li County. In Lin Haikun's heart, there was some belief.

Next to him, Nie Zhenbang also walked up, and introduced to Lin Haikun, Liu Wenqing and others: "Chairman Lin, Secretary Liu, leaders, here is our Economic and Technological Development Zone in Li County. This year, our county development zone will introduce funds More than 27 million. At present, there are [-] factories that have been completed and put into operation, and [-] factories are under construction."

Lin Haikun nodded with a smile, and then said: "Well, yes, in the northwest, in Li County, I saw such a situation. I seem to see a feeling of being on the eastern coast. The Li County Party Committee and Government Team, Being able to overcome the difficulties in the remote areas of the Northwest and rely on its own advantages. It is indeed not easy to achieve such achievements. It is worthy of praise and promotion, and it is worthy of learning and thinking by the cadres of the whole region."

After finishing speaking, Lin Haikun suddenly walked forward when no one expected it.

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