reborn family

Chapter 242 Promotion to Provincial Development Zone

In the auditorium of the Lixian County Party Committee, Lin Haikun was sitting on the Guixi stage, with Wenqing and Ding Aiguo on both sides. As for Nie Zhenbang and others, they could only sit off the stage at the moment.

This is a small-scale meeting, and the main target is the Li County investigation team.Lin Haikun pondered for a while and then said: "Comrades, the development of Lixian County is shocking. As the saying goes, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. The ancients, do not deceive me. Before coming to Lixian County, I was skeptical. Li County, a year ago, this was a poor county in our autonomous region, a state-level poverty-stricken county. The land is sparsely populated. Life is hard. Even a poor county that can’t even pay wages. Now, Li County The development of the county gives me the feeling of being in eastern Guangdong."

Facts have also proved that the combat effectiveness of the Li County Party Committee and government team is still strong.The work of Li County is worthy of recognition. This time, it is not only a review of Li County's economic report, but also a review of Li County Economic and Technological Development Zone.I hope that all comrades in the investigation team will act in a pragmatic, serious and responsible manner.Strict and factual investigation and review.Comrades observers in various prefectures and cities should also play a supervisory role.Be sure to return a real economic data of Li County.

This is the tone that Lin Haikun set for Li County. With this sentence, with this speech, the economic data report of the entire Li County, no matter what the final investigation results are, at least, it is trustworthy data.

Next, a total of [-] tables were opened in the Da Fuhao Hotel.The specifications of the reception were still in accordance with Li County's official reception standards.Since there were still things to do next, the group of people did not drink.

After the beef meal, the investigation team acted separately.People from various departments such as auditing, finance, industry, agriculture, etc. were stationed in various units in Li County, and all the data of this year were moved out. At the same time, observers from various prefectures and cities also followed these investigation teams. .It can be said that this incident completely eliminated the possibility of cheating in Li County. Under the eyes of the entire autonomous region, Li County's economic data will be invisible.

Li County Finance Bureau here

In the conference room of the Bureau of Finance

Guo Guodong, director of the Local Finance Audit and Budget Department of the Autonomous Region Finance Department, looked at the calculated data in front of him, and was a little shocked.

Next to him, Yiha and several other observers from prefectures and cities looked at Guo Guodong with such an expression.Also got together.One of them, Qi Kou, asked: "Old Guo, how is it? It's not out of the question. I'll just say it. How can Li County's economic data be so brilliant and successful? It's true. But such a good result, it must be true. It has moisture in it."

Guo Guodong glanced at the person next to him, and he knew very well that now, Li County has become the target of public criticism in the whole district.Such brilliant data, if it is true, won't it embarrass other prefectures and cities if it is released?Nowadays, not only the party committee and government of the autonomous region demand real data, but all the prefectures and cities are looking forward to the water in the data.

At this moment, Guo Guodong shook his head and said, "Old Chen, I'm afraid it won't be as you wished.

The results of our review.It was even more terrifying than the results reported by Li County. "

The man also didn't understand at the moment, looked at Guo Guodong and said, "Old Guo, what do you mean? More terrifying? Could it be that Lixian is so bold that he dared to make a big fraud. This is too courageous."

"Old Chen, I'm afraid you misunderstood. What I mean is that the economic growth rate of Lixian County is not only without any moisture. The result of our review at the moment is that the actual growth rate of Lixian County this year should have reached 90.00%. It looks like 20.00, that is to say, Li County should have concealed [-]% of the [-] points this year." Guo Guodong said again.

To be honest, this, as a result, Guo Guodong also couldn't figure it out. 70.00% 90.00 data is reported, and [-]% [-] growth rate data is reported, there is no difference at all. The result is the same..." I don't believe it. I question it, and then it is an investigation and review. Why does the Li County government want to hide it? Down so much, for next year to consider it?

Next to him, the man called Lao Chen, with a look of astonishment, said loudly: "Old Guo, you, the data, did not make a mistake. It's so high. How is this possible?"

As soon as the voice fell, Guo Guodong's face darkened, and he said with a straight face: "Director Chen, you are also doing financial work, and you are also clear about my personality, Guo Guodong. Under the supervision of you professionals, do you think , Is it possible for me, Guo Guodong, to cheat? Besides, is my character, Guo Guodong, a cheater? Since you are worried, this information is here, and you can recalculate it yourself. "

Director Chen also realized this in Yiha City. Didn't he clearly disbelieve Guo Guodong when he said that?In officialdom, the most taboo thing is this and that.It is strange that Guo Guodong is not angry.

A few people beside me have already come up, persuading: "Guo Chu, calm down, calm down. Lao Chen didn't mean that, the main reason is that Li County is out of order. He even concealed the data and didn't report it. .Let’s call Director Lin Weimin from Li County over to inquire.”

On Lin Weimin's side, he was notified by the staff of the Finance Bureau that the investigation team was looking for him. Lin Weimin didn't dare to neglect him, so he rushed to the meeting room and looked at the people waiting. Lin Weimin also smiled and said, "Director Guo Commander, leaders, is there anything we need to cooperate with?"

Director Guo also calmed down at this moment. Although Old Chen's words were not pleasant to listen to, others have already apologized. There is something I need to consult with you. After our review, the economic growth rate of Lixian County has actually reached 90.00% [-]. Director Lin, you deliberately concealed the growth rate of more than [-] points, why? Consider, is it for the speed of economic housing development next year?"

This remark made Lin Weimin a little embarrassed. The party committee and government of the autonomous region sent an investigation team, and Lin Weimin knew that this matter could not be concealed.I was also prepared in my heart.However, when asked at this moment, I was also a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: "Director Guo, leaders. There are indeed considerations for concealing data. Another point, we are also worried about this, whether the data is watery, so, This suppressed the growth rate of [-] points."

After a pause, Lin Weimin said sincerely: "Director Guo, leaders, here I am going to make a review to you. We should not conceal the data, and we should maintain a realistic attitude. In the future, our Li County Finance Bureau Comrade, we must strengthen our studies in this area. We must maintain a pragmatic style of seeking truth from facts and being modest and prudent.”

Lin Shangmin's words made Guo Guodong and others feel anxious.The Qianbu of Li County, from top to bottom, are too arrogant.This is no mistake.

This is simply showing off.

The current 70.00% [-] data is enough to make people upset.It also increases how other people live.

Guo Rijiang waved his hand, and then said: "Director Lin, you are busy with your work. We have nothing to do here."

On Xiao Diao's side of Lixian Hotel... "i... the No. [-] courtyard of the guest house has become Lin Haikun's residence at the moment. It is in the living room of the house. The investigation team of the autonomous region's party committee and the heads of various departments are all at the moment Sitting on the sofa.

First of all, Guo Guodong, as the focus of this investigation, first reported the investigation situation of the Finance Bureau to Lin Haikun, looked at the people in other departments beside the sofa, Guo Guodong organized his language, and then said in a deep voice: "Chairman Lin, In this investigation, under the supervision of observers from several prefectures and cities, we conducted a detailed review of the Li County Finance Bureau, including the accounting books of the Finance Bureau over the years and the current bank accounts of the Finance Bureau and other relevant information. Check. Our result is that the actual economic growth rate of Li County should be around 90.00%[-], which is [-] percentage points higher than the economic growth rate reported by Li County.”

As the voice fell, personnel from auditing, agriculture and other related departments also expressed their opinions one after another. The director of the Agriculture Department and the Animal Husbandry Management Office even said: "Mr. Lin, this investigation found that the actual number of cattle and sheep on hand in Li County The number, as well as the number of slaughter, is completely in line with the growth rate of 97. The herdsmen in the county, under the model of the farming company and the company plus farmers, the actual number of cattle and sheep raised by each household is 600 According to the output benefit of the farming company, farmers can earn about 200 yuan per cow and 4 yuan per sheep. Last year, the total number of slaughtered animals was at least [-]. The average The income of three hundred and one heads. The annual income of each household has reached about [-]. Our opinion is that the economic growth rate reported now is indeed reserved.”

Auditing is the same issue.At this moment, Lin Haikun was also thinking when he heard the news.Immediately, Lin Haikun also stood up and said: "Well, tomorrow, I see, the investigation team can continue to go deep into various industries and towns in Lixian County, and take a closer look. Today, that's it, you go back first, the district, There will be a comprehensive judgment."

The situation in Li County also completely exceeded Lin Haikun's expectations. The vigorous development of the Li County Economic and Technological Development Zone surprised Lin Haikun even more.At this moment, the situation of the investigation team is already obvious.If it continues, I'm afraid there is not much need for it.

Now, the brand of the provincial-level economic and technological development zone, Lixian County has been established.As for the economic growth rate, whether it is based on Li County or the survey, Lin Haikun is also a little confused.Immediately, Lin Haikun also picked up the phone and dialed the number of Jiang Zhenquan, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region. I am afraid that only Jiang Zhenshe can make the decision on this matter.

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