reborn family

Chapter 247

"Nie Shuji, hello, welcome to Yun County... oh, no... come to Yunshan Town to inspect and guide the work. I am Tang Fangming, the deputy county magistrate of the Yuanyun County People's Government, and the person next to me is the left-behind Cadre, it turns out that Comrade Mi Fugui, deputy director of the county government office." Tang Fangming has already greeted him at this moment, very excited and happy.Hands outstretched.A look of hopelessness.

No wonder.Looking at the appearance of Yunxian County, Nie Zhenbang knew the worries of these left-behind cadres.Although, it was merged into Xinli City.However, all the cadres in Yun County are panicked at the moment.The top leaders of the party and government in Yunxian County were naturally transferred away through their connections.The rest are still these cadres in Yun County.We are all worried.

At this moment, although Nie Zhenbang's expression is not very good, after all, the situation of Yunshan Town is already here.

The entire city was in a state of chaos.

This and chaos, don't mean the chaos of anarchism.It is a manifestation of the Oneness mentality.Throughout Yun County, the remaining cadres were not in the mood to go to work.At this moment, if Nie Zhenbang hadn't come over, I'm afraid they would have gone home to rest.At this time, anyone who has a little connection is thinking of transferring away, in the eyes of the cadres in Yun County.Yun County was merged into Li County to form Xinli City.From now on, the cadres in Xinli City will definitely be dominated by the cadres in Li County.As a result, many cadres in Yun county couldn't figure it out.He is also the top leader, so why should he be downgraded?and.Many people are not used to being a leader and then listening to other people's orders.People's hearts are scattered like this.

This situation will not be rectified in a short period of time. We can only wait until after the new year, when all the teams in Xinli City form other groups, and all the cadres in Yunxian County have moved to Xinli City. After returning to Yunshan Township for management, normal order can be restored.

Immediately, Nie Zhenbang also nodded slightly and said: "Major Tang, Director Mi, hello. At this time, as a left-behind cadre, it is very good to be able to stick to the job. Is there any arrangement for the Public Security Bureau?" The establishment of Xinli City this time happened suddenly and the time was short. Negligence in all aspects of work is inevitable. However, the public security department must stick to its post to ensure that the people have a stable and peaceful Spring Festival. "

Other relevant government departments should take a break. Public security and fire protection are key departments, and they absolutely cannot take a break.

Tang Fangming also nodded at this moment and said: "Secretary Nie, Director Chen made a special trip to come here to arrange the Spring Festival duty in each township and the police in the county. Please rest assured the secretary. We are confident that Quanyun County will The common people lived a stable and peaceful Spring Festival."

Hearing that Chen Le rushed over to arrange the affairs of the Public Security Bureau, Nie Zhenbang nodded in satisfaction.As for Chen Le, in terms of work ability, he can rest assured.Immediately, Nie Zhenbang also said with a smile: "Director Yin Ran and Chen are here, so I won't ask any more questions. I think we should follow the original plan to visit the poor people."

As Nie Zhenbang's voice fell, the group returned to the car again, and the convoy filed out. At this time, the streets of Yunxian county were already sparsely populated.

Suddenly, a figure in front caught Nie Zhenbang's attention.On a street, a thin figure was wearing a thick cotton coat at this moment.Wear a cotton cap.Still holding a shovel in his hand, he swept away piles of snow on the road, exposing the hardened cement road.

Looking from a distance, along this street, extending forward, a road about two or three meters wide has been cleared.

Because it was a snowy cloudy day, the sky looked gloomy all day long, and his vision was a little blurred. In the haze, this short figure seemed incomparably tall.

Here, the whole city, from cadres to ordinary workers, even when all the common people are warming up at home and blowing on the heater, on the street, you can still see such a sanitation worker cleaning the street.In stark contrast to this, Nie Zhenbang's eyes were a little moist.

Immediately, Nie Zhenbang said in a deep voice, "Xiao Wang, pull over and stop the car."

Nie Zhenbang's cars all stopped, and the convoy naturally also stopped. At this moment, seeing the convoy parked next to him, the sanitation workers also stopped their work.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang could see clearly the appearance of the worker. He was about 1.7 meters tall, not very tall.Dark skin, although the clothes are a bit old, but they look neat.The age of the man is about 40 years old.Looking at Nie Zhenbang and his group, the man's face showed a little panic and fear.

Nie Zhenbang watched, only feeling a little moved in his heart.This is by no means a deliberate disguise for myself to see. The snow on this road is not an ordinary project.Moreover, the man's expression was somewhat fearful.Nie Zhenbang was even more touched and moved.This is an ordinary sanitation worker who has never seen anything in the world. Facing so many leaders, he must be a little afraid and afraid. "I... I finished scanning this point, I will leave right away, I will leave right away, no one told me to avoid it today. I just kept scanning this way." The moment the man opened his mouth, the hesitant words made Nie Zhenbang even more confused. and sad feelings.

What a simple word, what a simple person.When I was working normally, the first thing I thought of was to worry about whether it was my fault.Such a person is worthy of Nie Zhenbang's respect. Immediately, Nie Zhenbang tried his best to say in a soft voice: "Comrade, don't get me wrong. You haven't done anything wrong. Don't be afraid."

Next to him, Mi Fugui came up, and said with a serious expression on his face, "You are a worker from the sanitation department. This is secretary Nie Shuyu, our Xinli city committee secretary. Secretary Nie asked you something. Answer well. .”

Mi Fugui's words made Nie Zhenbang frown. There are too many people like Mi Fugui in various local government systems.

At this time, Nie Zhenbang said to the sanitation worker: "Brother, don't be afraid. Now, let's take it as a daily routine. Here, there is no book that doesn't write. Brother, I think there are many people in this county. Go back and rest, why are you still outside?"

This sentence made the middle-aged man feel a little embarrassed.Immediately, he touched his head in embarrassment and said, "This area was originally in charge of me. I saw that it was very cold and the snow was so thick that it was not very convenient for people to travel, so I thought of clearing a road. Come out, it will be more convenient for everyone to go out."

Very simple words, without any embellishments, just such a simple thought.There is no high-sounding reason.However, Nie Zhenbang felt a little warm and moved when he heard it.Although such a person is ordinary, the brilliance of human nature is perfectly interpreted at this moment.

After groping for a while, Nie Zhenbang took out 500 yuan from his body.Usually, Nie Zhenbang usually does not carry any money.This time, because I want to come to condolences to the staff who stick to the front-line posts, I want to condolences to the poor households.Therefore, Nie Zhenbang specially prepared some.

The money was stuffed into the hands of the middle-aged man.Nie Zhenbang said: "Brother, this little money is a little bit of my heart. Look at your life, brother. You are not doing well. Don't shirk, take the money and live a good year."

Looking at the back of Nie Zhenbang going away, the middle-aged man didn't look back for a long time, but his heart became even hotter.He murmured: "Good man, Nie Shureji is a good man. This time, we in Yun County will also have a good life."

Next, Nie Zhenbang and his party went to Yunxian Heating Company, where they visited the staff who were still on the front line of heating.But compared with the government agencies, some key departments related to people's livelihood are operating normally at the moment, which makes Nie Zhenbang very satisfied.

After encouraging and praising the spirit of the heating company, Nie Zhenbang then sent rice oil and cash to the homes of several five-guarantee households in the urban area of ​​Yun County.

At the home of Wu Sanniu, a destitute household in Tuanshan Village, Tiaoma Town, Yun County.

Seeing a family of five or six people huddled together on one bed, the wives and children were still wearing thin summer clothes, shivering from the cold.Nie Zhenbang was even more shocked.

Seeing Wu Sanniu's shy look, he took the 500 yuan condolence money he handed to him with his callused hands, and remembered Wu Sanniu's simple words: "Book of Nie, we can't accept this money, we can't accept it." Take it.With this white flour rice, with this oil, we have enough.I heard that it is easy to find a job in Xinli City. I will go there after the Chinese New Year. We have hands and feet.can survive...

Feeling the kindness and friendship of the simple villagers, even though life is still very poor.However, the good hope for life has not been lost.Nie Zhenbang's own soul has also been sublimated.My own work still has a long way to go.

After returning to the urban area of ​​Xinli City, which is the original county seat of Lixian County, Nie Zhenbang walked into the office with his head buried.Because Nie Zhenbang was still insisting on going to work, Yi Jun did not go back at the moment.

As soon as Nie Zhenbang took off his clothes, he immediately told Yi Jun next to him: "Xiao Yi, show me the economic data of Yun County this year. After that, you go back. It's the New Year's Eve. Go back and accompany me My parents. You don't have to worry about me. "

This year's Chinese New Year, Nie Zhenbang had no plan to go back. After visiting Yun County now, Nie Zhenbang couldn't wait for a minute. He planned to read all the information of Yun County first, and then consider the overall development plan.

Yi Jun looked a little embarrassed, the secretary was working overtime, so he went back by himself.Is this secretary still competent?Getting ready to speak.The phone on Nie Zhenbang's desk rang.

As soon as Nie Zhenbang was connected, the voice of his elder brother Nie Jialiang came over, with a very serious tone: "Zhenbang, grandpa told you to come back tomorrow. This is an order!"

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