reborn family

Chapter 297 Case 1

Nie Zhenbang's voice is very loud, Big Brother, that is, the first generation of analog signal mobile phones, and the sound quality is not as good as in Beijing. The place, the sound quality is still very clear.

Secretary Ouyang Xia called, Nie Zhenbang didn't dare to neglect, hung up the phone, and immediately got up, before Nie Zhenbang could speak, Liu Bin next to him said in a deep voice: "Third brother, depending on the situation, there should be a case. Big case. Let's go there together. If there is anything, I can help you: "

Although Zheng Gensheng's personnel and organization relations have not been adjusted yet, it will be a matter of time. After this phone call, Nie Zhenbang has left, and it is meaningless for the three of them to eat and drink here again. After all, Nie Zhenbang is still the protagonist.

With the four of them together, Li Shu started the car and rushed directly to the office building of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.At this moment, it's already off work. I didn't expect that many offices in the office building are still lit, which is enough to prove that there are still a lot of people working overtime.

Take the elevator directly to the eleventh floor. This is the high-level office building of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. When you walk to the door of Secretary Ouyang Xiahua's office, this is the first time Nie Zhenbang has seen Ouyang Xia.After all, he is a high-ranking official with a ministerial brand. This concubine, Nie Zhenbang also took a deep breath, walked to the door, and knocked on the door.

Soon, the door opened, Huo Qiuyuan looked at Nie Zhenbang, and said in a low voice: "Director Nie is here, come in quickly."

Walking into Ouyang Xia's office, Nie Zhenbang took a casual look and said respectfully, "Secretary Ouyang..."

Ouyang Xiadong looks about 60 years old, his hair is a little gray, but his eyes are very sharp.The bridge of the nose is very thick: it gives people a feeling of self-containedness.

Because of the heating in the office, Ouyang Xia's coat was hanging on the side, with a thermal underwear inside, a white shirt outside, and a knitted gray vest outside.Looking at Nie Zhenbang's demeanor, Ouyang Xia also nodded secretly. He is indeed a son cultivated by the Nie family, and he is indeed a person who is valued by Mr. Nan and Mr. Xi.

Immediately, he waved his hand to signal Nie Zhenbang to sit on the chair in front of him, and Ouyang Xia threw over a piece of material from his table soil, and said in a deep voice, "Xiao Nie, look, this is an old comrade of mine who came from Ludong Province. sent over..."

Looking at the cover of the letter, this letter is from Dameng County in the Dongmeng area of ​​Shandong Province.This place, Nie Zhenbang also knows, this is an old area of ​​the Red Revolution:

Opening the envelope, the first line of words shocked Nie Zhenbang. To the leader of the Central Commission for Disciplinary Inspection, I am a veteran in the Eastern Mengshan Mountains.I don't know, this is still our party's world:

After reading the full text, Nie Zhenbang was also shocked.In her previous life, Yingran Nie Zhenbang also learned about many such things from TV media: news columns. However, this is the first time that she has actually experienced it: Yijie participated in the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, and was awarded a special award. The minister, however, was forced to the point of nowhere: that sound of seriousness, it was Nie Zhenbang and others who slapped Ouyang Xia severely on the face.

"Xiao Nie, have you finished reading? I just want to say one thing. Since this case is under the jurisdiction of your fifth room, it will be supervised by your fifth room. Are you confident in completing it?" Ouyang Xia's aura is not ordinary provincial and ministerial officials can be compared.He has been on the front line of discipline inspection work for a long time, and even reveals a murderous look in his words and deeds.

Nie Zhenbang, the concubine, also stood up seriously, and said in a deep voice: "Secretary Ouyang, I promise to complete the task...!

At this moment, Ouyang Xia really appreciates Nie Zhenbang's straightforward and straightforward attitude.Discipline inspection cadres, what they want is this and an indomitable momentum, if they are submissive.Investigating a case is timid, so why investigate: all cases that require discipline inspection cadres to dispatch, which one is not a serious case.

Nodding in satisfaction, Ouyang Xia said in a deep voice, "Xiao Nie, this investigation, I mean, to bypass the Ludong Provincial Committee and the Ludong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. After all, the investigation is at a county level. Unit: If the notice goes on, it will inevitably give people a feeling of distrust of the local government. Therefore, I ask your investigation team to conduct pre-case investigation and evidence collection in a secret way. After the factual evidence is sufficient, you can contact Ludong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. As for the Ludong Provincial Committee, I will be in charge of coordinating when the time comes. If you understand it, if you understand it, you will organize the staff immediately. You will rush to Dameng County tomorrow morning..."

Nie Zhenbang is also a little excited. After all, this is the first case he has supervised since he took office as the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Moreover, it is still a small case: this is very suitable. To Nie Zhenbang, if he is involved, it will be a big case and he has no experience. , it may not be possible to get it done, but now?This is a chance to practice.Immediately, he said to Ouyang Xia: "Secretary Ouyang, please don't worry, please don't worry about the organization. I will immediately mobilize capable forces to form an investigation team. Before tomorrow night, I must rush to Dameng County: "

Back in his office, as soon as Nie Zhenbang entered, the three of them who were drinking tea on the sofa in his office stood up at the same time.They all looked at Nie Zhenbang suspiciously.

Putting the materials in his hands on the table, Nie Zhenbang also moved a stool and sat down.Immediately said: "Comrades, there is a case."

As he said that, Nie Zhenbang said: "Dameng County, Shandong Province, the old revolutionary base area is a national-level poverty-stricken county. Secretary Ouyang received a report letter in his real name. The whistleblower is a veteran of the Anti-Japanese War. The matter is very clichéd. The county party secretary The son of the old soldier who killed the daughter of the veteran, this child couldn't think about it for a while, and committed suicide. The veteran went to discuss it, but was beaten: the report letter also contained evidence of the county party secretary's domineering and domineering. At the same time, the veteran was repeatedly arrested by the local The public security organs imprisoned, detained, brutally beat and threatened. The family house was also demolished by the local government under various pretexts. Now, the old man lives alone in the county town of Dameng County. During this year, the veteran also Visited and investigated a lot of things. According to the materials, the son of the county party secretary has harmed at least ten young girls. No matter what the facts are, at least we have to go there in person. Secretary Ouyang has already issued an order The worker asked us to organize an investigation team overnight and set off early tomorrow morning. If such a person is real, we must bring him to justice and send him to prison."

Speaking of this, Nie Zhenbang paused, looked around the three people and said: "This time, I decided to follow in person. I have no experience in working in the Commission for Discipline Inspection. This time, I will take this opportunity to learn. Old Zheng will be with me. Go, let Liu Bin help you deal with your organizational relationship..."

Looking at this material, Gao Wei was also a little surprised. It seemed that in his mind, he could imagine the shadow of an old man running around looking for evidence and visiting everywhere for his granddaughter's affairs.

Immediately, Gao Wei also nodded and said: "Accordingly, normally this case will be transferred to the local provincial commission for discipline inspection. This time, Secretary Ouyang actually personally supervised the handling: It seems that this matter has made Secretary Ouyang very angry..."

Next to him, Liu Bin also nodded and said: "Weizi, you don't know that Secretary Ouyang was in Dameng County in four or a few years. He started working there. Tell me, can he not be annoyed? "

Gao Wei also nodded at this moment and said: "Third brother, the case of Ludong is assigned, which is the responsibility of our Sixth Division. I think, the three of us, plus the four officers of our Sixth Division, a total of seven people can go there. gone."

Hearing Gao Wei's words, Nie Zhenbang also nodded. Although Gao Wei is young, he still has quite a lot of experience in discipline inspection work.Seven people, no less than half, is very suitable.There are too many people, the goal is too big, and there are few people, and sometimes we cannot separate ourselves.Seven people can guarantee the investigation and progress of the case without attracting too much attention.

Immediately, Nie Zhenbang also said in a slow voice: "Okay, I think it will be determined according to this number of people. Wei Zi, please go down and contact me, and make an appointment to go to the airport in Luquan City. I have made a guarantee with Secretary Ouyang. Tomorrow We must arrive at Dameng County at night..."

Gao Wei is obviously much more familiar with things like investigating cases than Nie Zhenbang.Immediately, a phone call was made to the Beijing Airport. After asking Nie Zhenbang and others for their ID numbers, they booked seven air tickets.As for Gao Wei's four people, their ID numbers are all on file at the airport, so there is no need to ask them at all.After finishing this, Gao Wei made another call to the four of his subordinates and told them to pack their clothes and luggage.Early the next morning, it was agreed to meet at the airport.

The next day, Nie Zhenbang got up very early.In this, although there are reasons of habit, there is also a sense of excitement. After all, this is the first time Nie Zhenbang has handled a case.

At around eight o'clock, when Nie Zhenbang arrived at the airport, Gao Wei had already brought Zheng Gensheng and Si Jing... Young Kaizi was waiting here.

Seeing Nie Zhenbang coming, Gao Wei and others greeted him, Gao Wei also introduced: "Director Nie, let me introduce you, these are four comrades from our department, Xiao Song, Xiao Zhao, Xiao Bai and Xiao Zhang. It is a veteran discipline inspector with rich experience in handling cases..."

In formal occasions, Gao Wei still knows how to advance and retreat.At this time, it is naturally inappropriate to call him third brother, and it is naturally most appropriate to call him Director Nie.

Nie Zhenbang smiled and shook hands with the four people one by one, then nodded and said: "Everyone is ready: nonsense, I will not say more, if I say it, I am not afraid of being laughed at by comrades. This is also the first time I have actually handled the case. This time , mainly you and Director Gao, and Director Zheng and I made a special trip to follow the study..."

After changing the boarding pass, at 08:30, the plane began to slowly taxi on the runway and accelerate, soaring into the sky.After about an hour or so, the plane slowly landed at Luquan Airport in Luquan City, the capital of Eastern Ludong Province.

As soon as he went out, Nie Zhenbang looked at his watch. From here to Dameng County, there are still nearly eight doors and an hour's drive. Nie Zhenbang did not dare to delay and neglect, and said to Zheng Gensheng who was next to him: "Director Zheng, go to the office." A business car is here and we chartered a car to go there. If you take a car, it’s too late... ps: Brothers and sisters, it’s the last nine days. At present, our monthly ticket list is 17th, and the monthly ticket No. 6 is classified this month, and we can rush again I have achieved such a result. I am very grateful to everyone for your help. Traveling a hundred miles, half ninety, the last nine days, don’t capsize in the gutter. Please support with a monthly ticket. Keep this advantage until the end. Thank you brothers and sisters

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