reborn family

Chapter 320 Media Exposure

After pondering for a while, Ding Guohong coughed and saw that everyone's eyes were on him, then smiled and said, "Secretary Yan Shuo, everyone, let me say a few words."

Shen Yanshuo didn't have any accidents at the moment. The members of the Standing Committee all knew the way of it. Who is the leader of the Tianhai Group, they all knew that Ding Haitao was Ding Guohong's son. Now, Ding Guohong was involved in such an important case. It's strange to come forward.

However, Shen Yanshuo felt that it was a little unwise for Ding Guohong to do so at the moment.This case obviously involved the crown prince of the Nie family. In doing so, Nie Zhenbang's comrade-in-arms also died because of it. The matter was so big.If he doesn't give an answer, Nie Zhenbang won't let go, and even the military won't let go.

Things are one size fits all.There is nothing to say about that soldier who kills and pays for his life.What's more, he has already [Baidu post first issue] committed suicide.When a person dies, the lamp is extinguished, and all crimes have been uncovered once and for all.However, the local government bullied military families, even oppressed and humiliated them, how should this be accounted for.If you don't give the military an explanation.What do other soldiers in the army think?He desperately defended his ancestors and borders, and finally couldn't even protect his own family, so would anyone serve as a soldier?Therefore, the army must also be paying attention to this matter.

You, Ding Guohong, don't care about the occasion, and you can't wait to jump out at this moment. Isn't this courting death?However, considering that the two are from the same faction, Shen Yanshuo did not refuse Ding Guohong's request, and immediately signaled: "Governor Guohong has something to say, of course it is okay."

Ding Guohong pondered for a while, and then said: "Everyone, Xi Zhi, I have heard many experts study and verify this bamboo reinforced concrete. Bamboo is tough and has a strong tensile capacity. Compared with those inferior steel bars, it is stronger. There are many. Moreover, bamboo is a renewable resource. In my opinion, this bamboo-reinforced concrete is not impossible. It can be regarded as an innovation for our country in terms of energy saving and construction industry. It is a new type of thing. It has just appeared , it is inevitable that there will be some fuss. Especially the local farmers, who do not understand science, naturally spread the word more and more. In my opinion, the province can take the lead and organize experts and professors from several universities in Jiangbei Province. These houses are a field test. I believe that scientific practice will give a clear and fair answer."

Ding Guohong's words were just to deceive the common people. It was too conspicuous to say who the people present were.

Bamboo and steel bars, the price alone is a huge difference, how much is a ton of steel bars.How much is a ton of bamboo?If bamboo can really replace steel bars, isn't the country vigorously promoting it?As for expert inspection, with Ding Guohong's status, isn't it normal to talk to a few experts at random?

As soon as the words fell, Yu Shouchang also said in a low voice: "Secretary Shen. I also want to say a few words."

Looking around at everyone, Ning Shouchang immediately said: "As for Comrade Guohong's words, I think there is still something inappropriate. The construction project is not a child's play. According to the materials sent by Qianzhou City, the batch of resettlement houses in Xiaxiang County It is divided into housing for leading cadres and ordinary people. The housing for cadres is all made of reinforced concrete. Then, let me ask Comrade Guohong. If you say, this so-called bamboo-reinforced concrete is really so superior , Then. Just change it. Let the houses where these cadres live now be given to the common people, and the cadres can also enjoy new building materials."

In one sentence, Ding Guohong was a little speechless.Glaring at Ning Shouchang, he sat down unwillingly. At this moment, Shen Yanshuo was also pondering, weighing the pros and cons of this matter.Shen Yanshuo decided not to get involved in this matter.The same faction is true, but it doesn't have to be the same in this kind of thing.What's more, this itself is Ding Guohong's own business.

After pondering for a while, Shen Yanshuo also said in a deep voice: "Okay, comrades, I don't think these unnecessary disputes are necessary. I think it's better to do a good job of receiving Deputy Secretary Zeng Youjie of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Do a good job in Qianzhou City How to minimize the impact of the review and aftermath of the fraud case is what we should consider now."

After Shen Yanshuo's words, the tone of the Jiangbei Provincial Party Committee team quickly settled down, and the matter has already [Baidu post first release] made a big fuss.The military is paying attention to the development of the situation, and it cannot be concealed.There must be a clear and fair account.On the government side, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection also came.It was also Zeng Youjie, the deputy secretary in charge of Jishuan Supervision.This person is notoriously ruthless.In any case, Jiangbei province's attitude is to be made.

Immediately, the Standing Committee of the Jiangbei Provincial Party Committee made a decision to launch a comprehensive investigation against the Dahai Group. At the same time, the Xiaxiang County case, no matter which level of leadership was involved, would be severely punished and never tolerated.

At this moment, in a secluded teahouse in Qianzhou City, a young man about 30 years old is sitting leisurely on a chair, with a soft pack of Chinese cigarettes in his hand, lingering in smoke.Immediately, the young man sat up straight, and pushed a box in front of him to the middle-aged man opposite.He smiled and said, "Mayor Han, I have a little bit of meaning, please accept it. Don't worry about Tianhai Group, my old man has also said that this is just a formality and a procedure. You don't want to Scared, the sky is falling, and my dad is there. As long as I protect you, you can rest easy."

The middle-aged man opened the box. Inside, there was an unregistered passbook without a password, but it made the middle-aged man's heart skip a beat. 1000 million is really a big deal.After closing the box, the middle-aged man hesitated in his heart.

At this moment, the young man seemed to be a little impatient. Seeing the hesitation of the middle-aged man, he immediately said in dissatisfaction: "Han Ziqi, what? Don't you trust me, Ding Haitao? My old man will protect you, so what are you worried about. Ugly words, I said earlier. You, Han Ziqi, will not be able to get away with this case. Tianhai Group came in, and you were the bridge between them. Moreover, this time, you have also gained a lot of benefits. Could it be that Xiaohong Bitches upset you?"

Hearing Ding Haitao's words, Han Ziqi's expression changed.Never should, never should, I took such a step, now, it's too late to regret.Sighing, he said immediately, "Young Master Tao, you know, I didn't mean that."

At this moment, Ding Haitao smiled gracefully and said: "Mayor Han, isn't that better? As long as you can cover the mouths of Niu Zhengfu and Fang Zhiqiang. The best thing is to let them bear all the blame, then you Or be your mayor, the big deal, after the limelight is over, let my old man help you with activities, transfer to other cities, maybe you can even be the secretary."

At this moment, Han Ziqi had no way out, and he didn't think too much about it.Immediately, he nodded and said, "Young Master Tao, I will try my best. You know that these two people have been taken away by the investigation team of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. We moved to the city. Except for Secretary Xu, no one can get in touch with us. We have to deal with this matter." Think about it."

Ding Haitao also knew that this matter should not be pushed too hard.The current situation is not as easy as he himself said. The Tianhai Group has also been seized by the investigation team and is doing its best to search for evidence and clues.If you are not careful, it will be beyond redemption.Therefore, Ding Haitao only spent 1000 million yuan to ask Han Ziqi to come forward to solve it.

Immediately, Ding Haitao also nodded and said: "Mayor Han is doing things, I am [-] rest assured, you can make arrangements, and I will wait for your good news."

Han Ziqi himself didn't know how he got home.After returning home, as soon as he entered the door, he saw the secretary sitting on the sofa. Before Han Ziqi could say anything, the secretary stood up and said in a low voice: "Mayor, you are back. There is an urgent message from "Hope Daily". Reporters from the two media outlets of News Observation and several large media outlets in the province have already arrived in Qianzhou City [Baidu post first release], and I think the purpose of these media outlets is not good."

Hearing this, Han Ziqi trembled, and the national news media came, especially the column "News Watch", which is the trump card column of the national TV station. out of the program.In China, many local cadres were pulled down by this column.This is the column known as the nemesis, and it's here.

Immediately, Han Ziqi turned around and said, "Let's go to the municipal party committee's family area."

Han Ziqi wanted to communicate with the province through Xu Qi's network, trying not to expose it as much as possible.In that case, social influence is under control.It works well when no one is watching.However, Han Ziqi didn't know.These media were all arranged by Nie Zhenbang.The only purpose is to use the media to suppress the Jiangbei Provincial Party Committee.In order to avoid some partiality.

No. [-] courtyard of the Municipal Party Committee, Xu Qi had just returned home not long ago, and now, there are gatherings of senior officials in Qianzhou City.Zeng Youjie, deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, personally sat down.

Li Yuntian, full-time deputy secretary of the Jiangbei Provincial Party Committee, and Sun Daliang, secretary of the Jiangbei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, accompanied the party.I am the head of the Qianzhou Municipal Party Committee, and now I am not a fart.

Seeing that Han Ziqi said to stop the media as soon as he entered the door, Xu Qi sighed: "Old Han, I'm afraid this is impossible. I have nothing to do with this matter. Unless, you can persuade Li Yuntian and Sun Daliang."

Han Ziqi walked out of No. 10 Municipal Party Committee Yard in despair. Suddenly, Han Ziqi had a sudden inspiration, and he took out his phone and dialed a number.After talking for about [-] minutes, Han Ziqi hung up the phone very satisfied.

The next day, Nie Zhenbang and others had just gone to work. As soon as they entered the lobby of the waiting room, Zheng Gensheng came up to him and said in a low voice, "Director, something is wrong. Fang Zhiqiang committed suicide last night."

ps: The second update is sent

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