reborn family

Chapter 350 State Asshole

After the investigation by the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Nie Zhenbang did not eat at the Municipal Public Security Bureau, but went back to his lakeside villa in Dahu District, Liangxi City to have a warm family lunch.

Different from the previous time in Xinli City, Northwest Autonomous Region, this time, after confirming their husband and wife relationship with Anna Yang, Dong Wan and Li Lixue lived together openly.This is also a strategy of Nie Zhenbang, the more secretly momo.On the contrary, it will make people suspicious. Now that it is like this, people outside will definitely think that Dong Wan and Li Lixue are Anna's friends, and they will not think of other aspects at all.

Moreover, now Li Lixue's belly is getting bigger, so Nie Zhenbang has more energy on the family.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, as soon as he went to work, Yi Jun walked in from the outside and said in a low voice: "Mayor, Director Liu Kunshan from the Land Bureau is here, look...,?"

Hearing Yi Jun's words, Nie Zhenbang was also stunned for a moment, so quickly, he had just entered the office, and Liu Kunshan entered the door. It seems that Liu Kunshan was waiting at the city hall, watching him enter the door. Follow up.Nie Zhenbang has no objection to the reporting of the cadres below.Subordinates report to their superiors and ask for guidance.This is normal.

Moreover, as the saying goes, a good man has three gangs.As a newcomer, I really need a group of subordinates, not to mention confidantes, at least they must be able to obey orders, otherwise.It's not good if you can't get out of the gate of the government for your own words.

Immediately, Nie Zhenbang also nodded and said, "Let Director Liu come in."

Liu Kunshan is about 45 years old, which is not considered young among department-level cadres.Liu Kunshan is not very tall, about 1.7 meters.However, the whole person is very characteristic.Impressive at first glance.Because, Liu Kunshan's eyebrows are very thick.Plus the already bald hair.It's hard not to remember.

A black leather jacket with a fur collar.When he came in, he held a black briefcase in his hand.As soon as he entered the door, Liu Kunshan nodded and bowed slightly: "Mayor, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet me. I would like to report to you about the work of our Land and Resources Bureau of Liangxi City.

His voice trembled slightly, and some sweat could still be seen on his forehead.This made Nie Zhenbang somewhat satisfied.As the saying goes, always be in awe.Especially a department like Homeland.Especially in a developed area like Liangxi City with rapid economic development.As the head of the land department, if you want to make money, there are too many opportunities.In later generations, the famous land economy is not obvious in this era.However, in Liangxi City, it was gradually manifested.This can be seen from the advertisements of various commercial real estate properties in various modern communities that are booming in Liangxi such critical functions.You still have to have that mentality.Otherwise, either there will be no problem, and if there is a problem, it will be a big problem.

A smile appeared on Nie Zhenbang's face.The demeanor is very relaxed and casual.He waved his hand and pointed to the sofa, and said, "Director Liu is here, sit down first. As the saying goes, it's hard to keep a standing guest.

Report work, or sit down and talk. "Liu Kunshan nodded, with a smile on his face. Then he sat down. Looking at Liu Kunshan's sitting posture, he knew clearly that half of his buttocks is a common tactic for reporting work within the system.

This habit seems to have become a common tactic within the system.But, why should half the buttocks be seated?In fact, this is not to say that this is the only way to show subordinates' respect for their superiors.

Because sitting with half your buttocks is, in fact, equivalent to standing.This posture is actually more uncomfortable.However, you can also remind yourself at any time.What occasion is this.In addition, once the leader is dissatisfied, or gets angry.You can stand up immediately without giving the leader a feeling of sluggishness.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zhenbang also laughed, waved his hands and said, "Director Liu, you may not have come into contact with me. Don't come here for old-fashioned things. Sit down properly. Sitting like this makes reporting work uncomfortable. Sit down a bit. Report the work well. That’s fine. Those imaginary things. I don’t like it.,…

These words made Liu Kunshan's expression soften a little.There is also some joy on the face.When talking with the leader, you must be able to guess what the leader is thinking at any time.There are two meanings revealed in Nie Zhenbang's words.The first meaning.I haven't thought about moving Liu Kunshan's position as director.You can rest assured to be your bureau chief.Your seat is very secure.The second meaning is to achieve work results with a pragmatic work attitude.No official language is required.

Immediately, Liu Kunshan nodded, 1 carefully put the briefcase in his hand aside, took out a black notebook from the bag, placed it on the side of the tui, and said, "Mayor, our Land Bureau , last year. A combination of bidding, auction and listing was adopted. A total of [-] mu of land was sold.

Obtained nearly 20 billion yuan in land transfer funds..." "Director Kunshan, the land department still needs to strictly control the transfer of land.Regarding the resettlement and compensation of the demolished households, we should learn from the demolition standards and working methods of Xinli City in Northwest China.Resolutely put an end to forced demolition and violent demolition.In terms of land planning, it is necessary to consider both the current urban scale and the future development needs.The qualifications of each company must be strictly reviewed.To prevent the empty glove white wolf thing from happening.

Nie Zhenbang was very satisfied with Liu Kunshan's report.A report down.The titles have all changed, and now they are all affectionately called Director Kunshan.

The whole debrief.Liu Kunshan didn't open his notes at all, and talked about the policies and regulations of the land, and some things about the land, in a clear and eloquent manner.this means.Liu Kunshan is still a real person.

This is why Nie Zhenbang values ​​him.

As for the following words, to be honest, it is about the work guidance of the land department.Nie Zhenbang is not particularly familiar with it either.However, it is not acceptable not to speak or express your opinion. In that case, doesn't it appear that the leadership is not up to standard?

Therefore, in the end, Nie Zhenbang made a summary and raised some requirements based on some things encountered in the land work of later generations.

However, to Liu Kunshan's ears, it sounded astonishing.Mayor Nie really lived up to his reputation.Thinking of this, Liu Kunshan also confirmed his determination to seek refuge.Immediately, Liu Kunshan stood up and said: "Mayor, don't worry. After I go back, I will definitely hold an internal meeting of the city's land and land system to deeply study the spirit of the mayor's speech and instructions, and strive to bring our city's land and land work to a higher level." Liu Kun Immediately after the mountain, on the front foot, Liu Kunshan had just left, and on the back foot, Jiang Yucai, the deputy head of the Dahu District People's Government, walked in under the leadership of Yi Jun.

The communication with Jiang Yucai was not long, and Nie Zhenbang didn't have a good impression of Jiang Yucai.Jiang Yucai is a person who gives people a feeling of boasting.

"Mayor, here in the Great Lakes District, we plan to allocate a piece of land along the banks of the Great Lakes this year as an extension of our urban area in the Great Lakes District. At the same time, we are initially planning to introduce several large paper-making enterprises." Jiang Yucai spoke eloquently. talk.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang's complexion is not good-looking.Paper-making enterprises are placed on the edge of the Great Lake. It is conceivable that in three to five years, the fish and shrimps in the Great Lake may all die.

Moreover, according to what Nie Zhenbang knew, Jiang Yucai was the deputy district chief in charge of agriculture and water conservancy, which had nothing to do with the economy.From the looks of it, come here to report this time.The purpose is one, to do what you like.Everyone knows that he is a graduate of economics and is an expert in economics.If you can get your own appreciation in economic development.It is absolute to make rapid progress.However, Jiang Yucai ignored Nie Zhenbi's character.

Frowning slightly, Nie Zhenbang put his hands flat on the desk.After Jiang Yucai finished speaking, Nie Zhenbang waved his hand and said, "Comrade Jiang Yucai, I think that's all for today's report.

I still have some things, next time we have a chance to talk about it. "

Hearing Nie Zhenbang's words, Jiang Yucai also showed a trace of embarrassment. At this moment, Jiang Yu,

Only then did he come back to his senses, his expression was a little gloomy, I'm afraid, this time he flattered him on the horse's legs.

Immediately, Jiang Yucai could only stand up and leave.Under such circumstances, Jiang Yucai absolutely did not dare to challenge Nie Zhenbang, and the mayor offered to resign in a cryptic manner.Staying any longer will only make people feel more annoying.

After Jiang Yucai left, under Yi Jun's arrangement, Lu Wu, Secretary of the Kuicheng District Party Committee, also walked in from the outside.

As soon as Lu Wu entered the door, before Lu Wu could speak, Nie Zhenbang stood up and said with a smile, "Comrade Lu Wu is here. Please sit down quickly. I have heard the old secretary of Dingbang talk about you a long time ago. Lu Wu〖 The secretary's work in Kuicheng District is excellent."

As the saying goes, Lu Wu is not a fool if he voted for me with peaches and rewards. The reason why Nie Zhenbang is so polite is because of the face of the old secretary He Dingbang. I won't be so polite anymore.

Immediately, Lu Wu also smiled and said: "Mayor, it's late. Please forgive me. Since last year, the incidents of several factories in China Textile City have caused our Kuicheng District Committee and District Government to be overwhelmed. No Thinking about it, it still alarmed the mayor, this is my dereliction of duty, and I have caused you trouble."

Hearing this, Nie Zhenbang laughed, waved his hands and said, "Secretary Lu Wu, don't underestimate yourself. The matter of Qingfang City. Your Kuicheng District Committee and District Government play a big role. The people of Qingfang City The three factories are all state-owned enterprises directly under the municipality. It is very good that you can do this." After exchanging pleasantries for a while, the two discussed the affairs of China Textile City. Lu Wu is the secretary of the Kuicheng District Committee 〗Remember, I am familiar with the affairs of China Textile City, so it is a good channel to find him.

After talking about Qingfang City, Lu Wu changed the subject at the moment and said, "Mayor, I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not." This made Nie Zhenbang happy.Even Lu Wu said that, it must be an important thing, and then Nie Zhenbang also said seriously: "Of course, with me, you can open your heart and say everything you know."

Lu Wu pondered for a moment at this moment, as if he had made a huge determination in his heart.Then he said: "Mayor, as far as I know, the problems of China Textile City may still be caused by the leadership team. Among other things, according to what I know, the leaders of the three factories may have serious problems."

As soon as he heard this sentence, there was only one thought in Nie Zhenbang's mind: the country moth! ! .

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