reborn family

Chapter 390 Summoned by the Prime Minister

When arguing with these foreigners, the most important thing is to pay attention to the evidence, as long as the word is occupied, no matter what country or background he is in, it will not cause irreversible things.

What makes Nie Zhenbang even more ingot is that in his previous life, China's military strength was relatively weaker.But now, after Nie Zhenbang obtained the military science and technology from the former Soviet Union, and obtained a lot of industrial infrastructure and strength.

In this life, China's comprehensive national strength, especially in terms of military power, is far stronger than that of later generations.In my memory, the fifth-generation fighter that should not appear until 20 years later has already begun to be developed.And some technical reserves for aircraft carriers have also been completed. It can be said that as long as the Chinese government is willing, domestic shipyards can immediately manufacture nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

With this kind of background and strength, China's international environment is relatively better.Nie Zhenbang is very clear, don't say that he occupies a word of reason, even if it is unreasonable, the US government will not really break off diplomatic relations with China.

However, Nie Zhenbang also knows that Americans will definitely do superficial work, so at this moment, he must hold the evidence of Weiergang Pharmaceutical Factory and other factories in his hands, so that no matter what happens, They will all be invincible.While Nie Zhenbang was making preparations, several members of the Politburo Standing Committee, the country's highest decision-making body, sat together in the capital.

The capital, the Huaguang Pavilion in the Forbidden City, is the core of China. In the eyes of Chinese people, it seems that the central government office building of China is the core.In fact, the meetings of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of Huaxia, unless they were broadcast live to the outside world, were all held here.

At this moment, all members of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National Congress were present except Chairman Guo of the CPPCC who was out on a visit, and none of them was absent.Zhuang Aiguo, secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, is also sitting in a precarious position at the moment.Poker face.

On the first place, Yuan Kang'an, the general secretary, looked indifferently, and after slowly scanning the faces of the standing committee members, he said: "I believe everyone is very clear about the theme of this meeting. This time, it is mainly about Jiangbei Liang Xi City raided several American-funded factories and shut down operations for rectification. Now, the U.S. embassy has lodged a serious protest with me. U.S. President Collinwell also called me."

"These Americans just like to make such a big fuss. If such a simple matter is called to ask if it is in our factory in Huaxia, then we have to follow our rules. Otherwise, what is it?" Zhuang Aiguo watched from the side He seemed to speak calmly.

With Zhuang Aiguo's statement, the other members of the Standing Committee also showed a knowing look. Nie Zhenbang is the leader of Liangxi City's affairs, and Zhuang Aiguo was brought out by Mr. Nie. It would be strange if he didn't stand up.

Next to him, Premier Yun frowned. As the Premier of the State Council, according to the usual practice, he would take the lead in diplomatic disputes.

Zhuang Aiguo was clear about the attitude he wanted to express, and after pondering for a while, Yunbo [President] also said slowly: "Secretary Patriotic [Secretary], from our point of view, this matter is indeed done by the US side It's too much, and they mean to make trouble for no reason. However, the reason for their protest is not what they said. I suggest that for this matter, the person involved, Liangxi City Mayor Nie Zhenbang, should be called over to ask what is going on. It is us We corrected the mistakes and apologized. We must not impress our country's image in the world."

After a pause, Prime Minister Yunbo said again: "Of course, if it is the fault of the US side, we must also fully support the decisions of local grassroots cadres. Sustainable development is not just talking about it. If we are unreasonable, In my opinion, it is entirely possible to take this opportunity to express to the whole world and local governments across the country an attitude of the Central Committee. Never trade the environment for development, never trade people's livelihood for the economy."

"Okay, Prime Minister Yun's proposal is very good in my opinion. It fully demonstrates our independent foreign policy of peaceful coexistence. It is polite and proper. In my opinion, Premier Yun Bo will be responsible for this matter. After that, The General Office of the State Council can issue a document to let Comrade Nie Zhenbang return to Beijing to report on his work and explain the situation."

The country's actions were very swift. The incident of Wei Gang and other three companies ordered to suspend production for rectification has now attracted the attention of the whole world.Foreign media even described the incident as a confrontation between China and the United States.

With the attention of the whole world and the pressure from the United States, the country has no choice but to procrastinate.After the Politburo meeting of the Central Committee was held, in the afternoon, the General Office of the State Council made a direct call to the office of Shen Yanshuo, Secretary of the Jiangbei Provincial Party Committee.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Yanshuo frowned, Nie Zhenbang was really a worry.

Now, in Huaxia official circles, Nie Zhenbang even has the title of Provincial Party Committee Killer.

In the Northwest Autonomous Region, a director of the National Taxation Bureau at the departmental level stepped down, and the [chairman] of an autonomous region retired, all of which were 'credit' to Nie Zhenbang.Now, he has just been elected as the mayor, and has caused international disputes, shaking the center of the [central].Shen Yanshuo was even worried about whether he could keep his position.

With a sigh, Shen Yanshuo picked up the phone and dialed Nie Zhenbang's cell phone. The call was connected quickly, and Nie Zhenbang's voice quickly came over: "Secretary Shen [Secret], you are looking for me."

Ever since he closed these factories, Nie Zhenbang has been prepared, but Nie Zhenbang did not expect that the response from above would be so quick.On the other end of the phone, Shen Yanshuo said in a deep voice: "Mayor Nie, why didn't you report such a big matter to the provincial party committee in advance, and even caused diplomatic disputes and international incidents. You are too bold. In your eyes, Is there any organization, and is there a superior.”

Although the matter has been taken over by the State Council, this does not prevent Shen Yanshuo from beating Nie Zhenbang. He has only been in Jiangbei for a few months, and he has made such a big commotion. .

"Yes, Secretary Shen, I want to review this matter with you. My handling of this matter was a little impulsive. I request criticism from the organization. However, Secretary Shen, you did not see the scene. Enterprises are not investments at all. If such enterprises stay in Liangxi City, they are a time bomb. Chemical and pharmaceutical industries are very polluting enterprises. However, they do not have any protective measures. The waste water and The waste residue was directly discharged into the Liangxi River without any treatment. This is the murder of 600 million people in Liangxi City. I decided to suspend business on the spur of the moment." Nie Zhenbang's posture was very low at the moment.

In official circles, you can’t just be justified. For example, in this matter now, the fault is obviously in the American-funded enterprise. However, Shen Yanshuo’s criticism is not wrong. If diplomatic disputes are involved, Nie Zhenbang should indeed report to the provincial party committee and the provincial government, otherwise Nor will the provincial party committee and the provincial government be as passive as they are now.

So at this moment, after Shen Yanshuo's stern words, Nie Zhenbang admitted his mistakes directly and accepted criticism, with an attitude of humbly asking for advice.

In this way, it would be difficult for Shen Yanshuo to say anything more.After pondering for a while, Shen Yanshuo still remained angry and said: "This is not an example. This time, I called you, do you know what it is? Just now the General Office of the State Council called me and asked you to rush to the capital overnight tonight, Explain the situation to Prime Minister Yun. In addition, tomorrow morning, you should prepare. Maybe, you will be allowed to attend the press conference held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Remember, the image of Jiangbei Province is in your hands. Be good. "

After hanging up the phone, Nie Zhenbang was shocked. The central government intervened. Nie Zhenbang had already expected this matter. Those Americans were so arrogant that it was impossible not to expose it.When international disputes are involved, the country will definitely come forward, but Nie Zhenbang did not expect that the [Central] Central Committee would go directly to him, bypassing the provincial party committee.Originally, Nie Zhenbang's idea was that the [central] government would ask the provincial party committee to inquire about the situation, and the provincial party committee would then come to him.

Now, since this layer of relationship has been omitted, Nie Zhenbang is also a little happy in his heart. Let the province handle it. A sanction is definitely indispensable. Now, if he can successfully pass the hurdle of the Central Committee, most of the province will There will be no action.This is also a good thing for me. Moreover, Nie Zhenbang is also a little [excited] at the thought of instilling the concept of this system into [President Yun] again. He doesn't want much effect, as long as it can reduce some environmental pollution. It's a good thing anyway.

Immediately, Nie Zhenbang didn't dare to neglect, stood up, and shouted to the outside: "Xiao Yi, get ready, go and book six tickets to the capital. Bring Liu Gong from the Environmental Protection Bureau, and Director Du from the Environmental Protection Bureau and You, in addition, bring Director Chen and the section chief of the Legal Affairs Section of the Municipal Public Security Bureau."

This kind of arrangement is also very particular. According to media reports, today, the issue of US-funded revelations mainly focuses on two points. One, legal business.Second, the local government used violent agencies to enforce it.Bringing the Environmental Protection Agency is to issue a formal investigation report, and letting Chen Le bring people there is also to clarify the facts.

A group of people, without any delay, took three cars directly to Jiangzhou Airport.Three hour flight.The plane landed slowly at the Beijing International Airport. Just as he walked out of the airport gate, a middle-aged man about 40 to [-] years old came up to meet him. When he saw this man, Nie Zhenbang's face changed. Unexpectedly, Yunbo [President] He paid so much attention to it that he even sent a secretary to pick him up.Immediately, Nie Zhenbang told Chen Le and Yi Jun: "You go to our Beijing Office in Liangxi City to rest first. The phone remains open. I will call you anytime."

After finishing speaking, Nie Zhenbang hurriedly greeted the middle-aged man, and said with a smile, "Secretary Qian, why are you here?"

As the secretary of [Prime Minister Yunbo], Qian Shangjin is also a serious deputy ministerial cadre, with the title of deputy director of the General Office of the State Council hanging on his head.At this moment, Nie Zhenbang naturally did not dare to neglect.

Qian Shangjin also smiled at the moment and said: "Mayor Nie, I haven't seen you for many years, but now I am more and more elegant. This time, I am relieved to hear it. Come, the chief is already waiting for you in the office."

Walking out of the airport, a big black red flag was parked in the parking lot of the airport. After getting in the car, Qian Shangjin gave instructions to the driver, and the car, which was covered with various passes, drove out of the airport directly and drove all the way. Entered the gate of the State Council.

Under the bright red national emblem, beside the majestic office building, there is a signboard of Bingda, the State Council of the People's Republic of China.

Under Qian Shangjin's leadership, he went upstairs without any pause, and followed Qian Shangjin into the [Prime Minister's] office. At this moment, Qian Shangjin also whispered: "Zhenbang, you sit first. I'm going out."

At this moment, Prime Minister Yunbo, wearing glasses, is busy writing a book. As the [Prime Minister] of a big country, he manages a lot of affairs every day. This is definitely not bragging, especially for Prime Minister Yun.Quite the demeanor of the founding prime minister.

[President Yun] is very thin and thin. He looks like a completely different type from those local cadres with big bellies.After waiting for half an hour, Premier Yun finally wrote the last word, put the document aside, raised his head, looked at Nie Zhenbang, and then took off his glasses before he spoke: " Xiao Nie is here. Do you know the reason for calling you here this time?"

Nie Zhenbang nodded, and immediately took out a document from the briefcase he was carrying, handed it over, and said respectfully: "Prime Minister, I understand that I didn't think carefully and caused trouble for the country Please criticize the Prime Minister. This is the on-site photos of the three companies including Weirgang, as well as the test report and inspection report issued by the environmental protection department of our city. In addition, there are comrades from the Public Security Bureau of our city and the other party's personnel The recording of the exchange. Please have a look."

Watching Nie Zhenbang take out a few documents from his bag, although he admitted his mistakes in his words, who is [President Yun], can he not see this attitude?

Immediately, Prime Minister Yun also laughed and cursed: "You kid, you are really daring. This is how you ran to the Soviet Union back then, and it hasn't changed now. Seeing how confident you are, it seems that you are taking advantage of the reason." That's fine, I'll just read your report first."

Opening the materials handed over by Nie Zhenbang, Premier Yun read carefully, his brows and expressions frowning from time to time as the report progressed.

Du Nianchun organized the report of the Environmental Protection Bureau very well, in a clear and well-organized manner.

Du Nianchun also knew that this report must be for the purpose of reporting to the superiors, but Du Nianchun didn't know that it was actually for the 〖President

In the previous paragraph, there are a lot of photos, starting from the joint operation of the Environmental Protection Bureau and the Public Security Bureau, the dispute at the gate of the factory, and the subsequent entry, all of which were photographed one by one. After that, it was matched with the sewage outlets built by the three factories along the river. , various close-up photos, and the water quality of the river.Seeing the sewage ditch in Lu Tian, ​​Prime Minister Yunbo frowned.

After that, the components of the wastewater and waste residues of the three enterprises were tested.As a result, it is naturally exciting, and it is not an exaggeration to call these waste water poisonous.In the second half of the report, it is the water quality test report and biological test report along the Liangxi River polluted area.

After reading these, Premier Yun's face also became serious, he raised his head, stared at Nie Zhenbang and said, "Zhenbang, are these data real?"! .

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