reborn family

Chapter 421 Illegal Buildings

"Your tea, mayor."

Huang Xuyang walked into the office and put Nie Zhenbang's purple sand teacup on the table, but stood beside it.

Huang Xuyang's strange performance made Nie Zhenbang a little curious. After returning from inspecting Yanling City, all the work in Liangxi City was on the right track.The economic momentum of Liangxi City is very good, even if it does not have itself, it will naturally advance along this track.The location advantage of Liangxi City is unmatched by any place.In Nie Zhenbang's words, even if another pig were to serve as the mayor here, the economy of Liangxi City would still develop, but the difference was the speed of development.

"Xuyang, is there anything else?" Nie Zhenbang also asked curiously.

At this moment, compared with when he was his secretary just two months ago, Huang Xuyang's whole person has changed a lot. At this moment, Huang Xuyang also has a confident and calm look in his speech and demeanor.This is brought about by a change in status.

Hearing Nie Zhenbang's inquiry, Huang Xuyang hesitated for a moment, but said: "Mayor, I heard that recently, there have been violent demolition of many projects in Kuicheng District.

Violent demolition?

As soon as he heard this word, Nie Zhenbang's brows froze immediately. In the old city renovation project, this was the issue he was most concerned about.The reconstruction of the old city involves huge demolition.Once violent demolition occurs, the entire project will be greatly affected.This kind of atmosphere cannot be allowed to develop, otherwise, the powerless common people will be the ultimate victims.

After pondering for a while, Nie Zhenbang stood up immediately: "Xuyang, inform Qingshan, prepare the car, and let's go to Kuicheng District to have a look."

As soon as Huang Xuyang turned around, Nie Zhenbang stopped Huang Xuyang again: "Wait a minute, the car should not drive the second car, so you can coordinate and change to a more ordinary car."

The No. [-] car is really too conspicuous. Ordinary people will know that it is the mayor's special car if it continues to drive like this. What you can see in this way is definitely a scene of singing and dancing, prosperity and peace, where developers and ordinary people are in harmony. .

Walking out of the government office building, the car just arrived at the door. What Huang Xuyang dispatched was an ordinary black Santana. These cars were the special cars of the Liangxi Municipal Government back then, but now they are being processed, sealed, and can be found. Such an unremarkable car is already very rare.

As soon as he got in the car, Yang Qingshan smiled and said: "Mayor, the car is a bit old, and the air conditioning effect is not very good. Or open the windows."

"No, the distance is not very far. Go directly to the construction sites of several projects in Kuicheng District to check the situation." Nie Zhenbang said in a deep voice.

The car was speeding all the way, and soon entered the Kuicheng District, and the cars on the road became crowded. The Kuicheng District is originally an old city, and the lanes are narrow and there are traffic jams on weekdays. closed state.In this way, the blockage is even more serious.

Looking at the endless traffic ahead and looking at his watch, Nie Zhenbang pondered for a moment, then said, "Qingshan, Xuyang and I get out of the car first, you find a place to park the car and join us."

Nie Zhenbang was wearing a black T-shirt with bright silver stripes and a dark blue casual suit.It looks mature and stable. This kind of dress is also the regular dress of cadres. Basically, six out of ten are this type.

Walking less than a hundred meters from the side of the road, there is a pedestrian passage, through which, the entire Kuicheng District is a large construction site.

Next to him, Huang Xuyang was already introducing: "Boss, the front is the No. [-] project on the bid, which was won by Wanhe Real Estate. Now, this project is called Wanhe Blue Sky City."

Nie Zhenbang is very satisfied with Huang Xuyang's familiarity with these development projects in Kuicheng District. It stands to reason that, as his secretary, Huang Xuyang only needs to do his secretarial work well.From this point of view, Huang Xuyang put his heart into it.This work attitude is the foundation of a person's success.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang would not begrudge his praise, nodded in satisfaction and said: "That's right, Xuyang, it's good to watch and listen more, and at the same time, we should think about these things more."

As he spoke, Nie Zhenbang raised his foot and walked towards the front. Part of the original shanty town had already been demolished at this moment, and the road was going to be expanded. Naturally, these low-rise bungalows along the original road became the first batch of demolition object.

Road expansion is a municipal project belonging to the government. There are different standards for demolition standards and compensation. In law, there are mandatory regulations on these, so there will be no major problems at all.

At this moment, inside, as soon as I entered, I saw many old residents here gathered together, and many people were moving and demolishing some of their houses.

Because there was no forced demolition, but Nie Zhenbang also believed that Huang Xuyang would never talk nonsense about this kind of thing.Be patient and continue to walk forward. At this moment, the two groups of people in front are confronting each other.

"Jia Laoliu, let me tell you clearly, your house should be demolished as soon as possible, so that we don't have to do it. Up front, how about Huzi's house, how are you better than Huzi? Didn't we demolish it last night? Don't blame me for not reminding you, when the time comes, if there is anything valuable in those pots and pans in your house, they will all be buried there."

At this moment, the two groups of people were facing each other, leaning against the side of the house, and a slightly bald man in the middle had a complicated expression on his face.

The man who spoke seemed to be the leader of the demolition team this time, with five big and three rough, and a capable little crew cut.Chunky gold necklace.

These people should all be local residents. This is also the most common method used by developers to recruit and hire a group of people who are half-black and not-black in the local area to carry out these demolition work.These people are very familiar with the surrounding situation, and they can be described as fellow villagers.Generally, under the coercion of intimidation, threats, etc., as long as the conditions are not too excessive, most people will choose to sign a demolition agreement.

Jia Laoliu hesitated for a moment, as if he had overcome his timidity, looked at the man and said, "Three treasures are all neighbors, so don't do anything wrong. The person who weighed them hurt Da Liu and the others. How do you calculate it? It’s okay to demolish the house, but you have to be reasonable, how many people are there in Da Liu’s family, why only count [-] square meters.”

"Bullshit, Jia Laoliu, Liu's houses were all built by himself, and they are illegal buildings. These classes cannot compensate for the area. This is stipulated by the government." Sanbao seemed very confident.

Hearing this, Nie Zhenbang already understood that for the people in the shantytowns, the houses here were built decades ago, and a family with two bungalows in a few books is considered very good.At that time, living was considered ample, but after so many years, many people's families have increased by more than a dozen people, and this house is obviously not enough.

In this way, it is natural to try to build some sheds, which is also the origin of the term shanty town.And the city has indeed issued a policy that, for illegal buildings, except for subsidizing the cost price, it is strictly forbidden to compensate for the area.However, this regulation is aimed at newly built shacks after March this year.Does not include any previous construction.Unexpectedly, these developers took advantage of this loophole.

"Yes, there is this regulation, but this regulation is limited to newly built shantytowns after March this year. Those built before, within half a year before that, will be compensated according to the half area. Those beyond half a year will be compensated according to the full area. Whether this big Liu's house is newly built or old." Nie Zhenbang suddenly said beside him.

As soon as the words fell, Sanbao's expression changed, and Jia Laoliu and the others said, "This boss is right. We don't want to sign the contract because we know about it. The Liu family, there is a boss , there is a small one, a family of more than a dozen people, those sheds were built a few years ago. According to the area, it is more than 200 square meters. However, they insist on only admitting [-] square meters, isn't this bullying?"

As the saying goes, there are countermeasures at the top and policies at the bottom. I didn't expect that these developers would act like this, holding the red-headed documents of the municipal party committee and government.People who don't know it may really be bluffed by them.

After pondering for a while, Nie Zhenbang said to Huang Xuyang next to him: "Xuyang, call Li Guohua and ask all the bosses of these projects to rush to the district government of Kuicheng District. Today, we will hold an on-site office in Kuicheng District." meeting.

Nie Zhenbang's words can be said to be... Shi Ji stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and for a moment, the two groups of people were stunned. Sanbao and others were pale, afraid that Mayor Nie would pursue them. It's not a gangster, but, more or less, it's not an honest person. The fear of the government is inherent.

As for Jia Laoliu and the others, their faces were full of joy. This time, they had a way out.The new house has a head start.

This is also what Nie Zhenbang deliberately did. Such things are widely circulated in the market. Television broadcasts may not convince these people, but what actually happened around them can convince them. suspect.

Waving his hand, Nie Zhenbang said with a smile: "Neighbors, the transformation of the old city is a key project in the city. It needs everyone's support and cooperation, but it can't harm everyone's interests. Here, I assure you that the city committee will The municipal government will definitely give everyone a satisfactory result.

The office building of the District Committee and District Government in Kuicheng District is in the same courtyard, but it is divided into two different buildings. The district committee is on the left and the district government is on the right.

When Nie Zhenbang arrived here, the people in charge of the six real estate projects and the relevant leaders of the Kuicheng District Committee and District Government were already waiting here.

Li Guohua and Zhou Chen sat here impressively. When they walked into the office, Nie Zhenbang sat straight on the main seat, looked around the crowd, and said, "Comrades, bosses, this time, I also made a temporary decision, but I didn't expect , I saw a bad scene. Some companies, in the name of the municipal party committee and the city government, borrowed the spirit of the red-headed documents, took out of context, and were suspected of embezzling the compensation area and property of the people. This kind of behavior is extremely bad. Here, I won’t name names, but I hope that the relevant companies will handle such things properly.”

As soon as the voice fell, Zhou Chen complained beside him: "Mayor Nie, just to ensure the interests of the people, you must also be considerate of the difficulties of us developers. After the renovation of the old city began, these people wantonly Building illegal buildings, in our Yujing and Lanhu projects, there are even more than a few thousand square meters of illegal buildings, and our demolition cannot go smoothly. Sometimes, we have to resort to some measures because we have no choice. .”

Sure enough, it was Zhou Chen who took the lead, Nie Zhenbang sneered in his heart, Zhou Chen came out, this was expected a long time ago, Ji would not fight with the officials, these enterprises are unattainable outside, but in front of him, they dare not Presumptuous, only Zhou Chen is suitable, his own background, doomed Zhou Chen to have no fear of himself at all.As the boss of the largest real estate project, it is inevitable for him to speak on behalf of these developers.

As soon as the words fell, it really aroused the sympathy of other developers. After someone took the lead, these bosses complained one after another, saying that there were so many illegal buildings in their projects and so on.

For these tricks, Nie Zhenbang is very clear, this is a typical practice of changing the concept and changing the concept.It is not difficult to guess the purpose of Zhou Chen and Li Guohua, throw the responsibility on themselves, but they take away the political achievements, the calculation is shrewd.However, Nie Zhenbang was not fooled.

Immediately, Nie Zhenbang smiled lightly and said: "This time, my purpose of coming here is for this matter. Since it is an on-site office meeting, I think so, let's do a field inspection, first go to Mr. Zhou's side to have a look. "!" .

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