reborn family

Chapter 424

Li Guohua's office in the municipal government office building is located on the eleventh floor of the government office building. It is on the same floor as Nie Zhenbang. However, the two offices are diagonally opposite. Here, as the mayor's office meeting or meeting place.

The layout of the office is roughly the same as that of Nie Zhenbang's, with an outside office, plus a large office, a supporting lounge, kitchen and toilet.Although the sparrow is small, it has everything you need.The decoration style of Li Guohua's office is completely different from that of Nie Zhenbang's. The entire office has a very typical American style, reflecting the pragmatic attitude of Americans everywhere.

At this moment, Zhou Chen walked in from the outside angrily. Li Guohua's secretary, Huang Bao, saw that it was Zhou Chen, and sat down again after he had already stood up.

Zhou Chen walked directly into Li Guohua's office. As soon as he entered, he casually dropped the briefcase in his hand on the coffee table, while lying down on the sofa.

"Pay the fine?" Nie Zhenbang said with a smile at the moment.

As the executive deputy mayor and secretary of the Kuicheng District Party Committee, Li Guohua has two office locations, one, of course, is here, and the other is in Kuicheng District.On weekdays, when he went to the construction site to inspect the project, Li Guohua would not sit in the office in Kuicheng District, because Li Guohua was a little mistrustful and taboo.

I am a cadre at the deputy department level, and the [Secretary] of the Kuicheng District Party Committee is only at the director level, and then I go back to sit in the office at the director level. Doesn't this mean that I will be demoted?In the officialdom, one would even want to be promoted, but demoted, that would be cruel to, Li Guohua would never work in the Kuicheng district committee.

Zhou Chen at this moment.Very annoyed, he said with some attitude: "Pay it, what can you do if you don't pay it? Nie Zhenbang has said everything. I know him. He can do what he says. If he doesn't pay, he dares to Drive you away. Besides, Brother Hua, you have expressed your support. Although I don't understand why you turned to support Nie Zhenbang, I, Zhou Chen, will definitely not do things that drag you down. "

With that said, Zhou Chen also sat up straight, looked at Li Guohua suspiciously and said, "Brother Hua, let me tell you. Why are you getting less and less courageous, and now you feel as if you are afraid of Nie Zhenbang. Once the old man of the Nie family left, This Nie family has become a rootless duckweed, are you still afraid that he will fail?"

Li Guohua smiled lightly.A trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, how wise the old man of the Zhou family was, the old man of the Zhou family was before the founding of the country.It's not a high-level core of the central government, but, step by step, it is a force that cannot be ignored among the political families in the capital that has brought the Zhou family step by step.It's a pity that the second generation of the Zhou family is not very up to date.It is also a provincial and ministerial level.As for the third generation, just look at Zhou Chen in front of you, and you will know.To describe it as unsatisfactory is all polite words, perhaps it is the most appropriate adjective.However, Li Guohua would not say it at the moment, after all, Zhou Chen was also a loyal dog under him.There are a lot of use value.

Immediately, Li Guohua also slowly said: "It's not that I'm afraid. It has nothing to do with fear. Do you think that Nie Zhenbang will have no backing after the death of the old man of the Nie family? Not to mention that the current representative of the Nie family, Zhuang Aiguo, is also a member of the Politburo Standing Committee." Let’s just say that there is old man Yang at the house of Nie Zhenbang’s wife, Yang Anna, because the Yang family dotes on Yang Anna. If something happened to Nie Zhenbang, he would not ignore it. In addition, Mr. Nan and the Nie family, there is more or less affection in it. , From this level, everyone is quite equal. However, our family relationship, we can use it at any time and take advantage of it, but Nie Zhenbang, unless it is a life-threatening moment, he will not use these relationships, after all , this is a favor, if you use it once, you will lose it once."

Hearing this, Zhou Chen was even more puzzled: "Brother Hua, since this is the case, we can't just slap Nie Zhenbang to death, so that he will never stand up again."

Li Guohua also sighed at this moment, but he said patiently: "Zhou Chen, you have to be clear that there are not only struggles in the system, but if there are struggles all the time, let alone kill Nie Zhenbang, you will kill even his people." If you didn’t touch it, you would have been shot to death yourself.”

Thinking of this, Li Guohua himself was extremely depressed. This is also where Nie Zhenbang is clever, an open conspiracy.But it is the possibility that he has nowhere to start. Some time ago, Li Guohua wanted to find fault with Nie Zhenbang, and even, at any cost, instigated the National People's Congress to skip the ticket.However, at the end of the trouble, he almost got himself involved.After that, Li Guohua was also thinking.Up to now, it has reached a conclusion.

This kind of thing should not be rushed. Now, Nie Zhenbang is smart enough to stand on the commanding heights of morality. If he wants to do it against him, it is against the heavens. Live yourself.This is an opportunity.After the death of the old man of the Nie family, Nie Zhenbang used the method of taking advantage of the situation to the point of proficiency.

Thinking, but looked at Zhou Chen, and said again: "Xiao Chen, do you know why we feel restrained everywhere and everything is not going well? It's not that we can't beat Nie Zhenbang, but that we can't beat the current political situation. Because, Nie Zhenbang Now, everything is based on the current political situation and the overall situation. Confronting him is tantamount to confronting General Secretary Yuan. Do you think we can win under such circumstances?"

This in-depth explanation made Zhou Chen somewhat understand: "Brother Hua, from this point of view, we have nothing to do with Nie Zhenbang now. Then what should we do?"

"A solution?" Li Guohua pondered for a while at the moment, then shook his head and said, "No, so, this is also the reason why I asked you to pay the fine quickly, and this is also the reason why I cooperated with Nie Zhenbang, because I decided to follow the trend."

Following the trend, Zhou Chen's eyes dimmed immediately upon hearing this sentence. If so, didn't he follow Nie Zhenbang's ass?Isn't this a follower?Then how to kill Nie Zhenbang.Just like now, Nie Zhenbang is going to vigorously rectify developers and illegal buildings. Isn't Li Guohua's actions no different from that of a follower?

Maybe because he noticed the change in Zhou Chen's demeanor, Li Guohua's eyes flashed a trace of idiot contempt, and then.But he said indifferently: "Zhou Chen. You have to remember that political struggle is not a life-and-death situation where both sides suffer. After the last National People's Congress incident, I saw it. If we fight against each other, it is very likely that Nie Zhenbang did not fall, and we ourselves I was knocked down first. Follow the trend. On the surface, we are cooperating with Nie Zhenbang in doing things, but in the same way, he is also cooperating with us in doing things. Now, we are competing for patience. Let's see who will have the fatal attack first Flaws and stains, whoever makes a mistake first, the other party will seize the opportunity, step on it, and even put the other party to death. This is a political struggle."

After a pause, looking at Zhou Chen's pensive look, he continued: "If, the struggle is that simple. Then, do you think there will be any factions in our grandfather's generation? If, just Struggle, how does the country develop? Struggle. It is just something that is covered under the general trend of development. The [central] government wants to balance the relationship between the various factions. All factions are following the trend. The main thing is to see who goes first. Made a mistake, understand?"

now.Zhou Chen understood somewhat. Back then, in the confrontation between reform and conservativeness, didn't the Nie family follow the general trend of reform and thus rise like the sun?As for my own family, it was because they were half a beat too late, reluctantly, those steadfast reform factions, weren't they simply lost in the tide of history?

Thinking of this, Zhou Chen gave a thumbs up, and said with admiration: "Brother Hua, this move is so high. In this way, Nie Zhenbang must not allow us to think. Under the consideration of gains and losses, it is inevitable that we will Make a foolish move. When the time comes, our chance will come."

Li Guohua nodded and said, "Yes, you can see this step, Xiaochen, you have made progress."

In a good mood, Li Guohua's tone and attitude towards Zhou Chen also changed. From the beginning, he called Zhou Chen directly, but it turned into Xiao Chen.

After a pause, Li Guohua snorted coldly and said: "That old fellow Fan Changsheng is more accurate than anyone else, and he has long understood the principle of following the trend. Now, sitting in the municipal committee For Nie Zhenbang's work, if he doesn't ask about it and supports it with all his strength, he can easily achieve political achievements. This move is really ruthless."

Li Guohua's change caused the situation of the entire Liangxi City to change in an instant. Suddenly, the cadres of Liangxi realized that now, the entire municipal party committee team was suddenly united.Some projects proposed by Mayor Nie have received full support.

Naturally, this change has made Nie Zhenbang's position in Liangxi City more stable now, and many cadres have come to report to work.

As for the old city renovation project, it is fully operating. What Nie Zhenbang said is like a sharp sword hanging over their heads. If they are not careful, the sharp sword may hang down and kill them. For the sake of thinking, these people have also eliminated their intentions of playing tricks.

All of a sudden, including Saturdays and Sundays, the red line of the old city renovation project was out of bounds. From time to time, planning and law enforcement vehicles patrolled by, and illegal buildings were completely curbed. The demolition households also got their due compensation after the re-examination.As for those illegal buildings that have been built, after the detailed budget of professional engineering budget units, the compensation standards for these illegal buildings have been released. Basically, the compensation given by the government, except for the cost price of these materials and wages , the owner of the house has to subsidize the working hours paid by himself, as well as the subsidies for the young crops on the original land.Although there are opinions, no matter how much trouble is made about this kind of thing, it will have no effect. After a few days, these common people who are greedy for cheapness have fallen silent.

The changes during this period of time have made Nie Zhenbang's work a lot easier, and he has regained the feeling of handiness when he was working in Xinli City.

Every day, the overtime hours are also much less.After get off work, go home and visit the night market in Liangxi City with Anna Yang and her three daughters.It seems relaxed and comfortable.

Now, Li Lixue's belly has gotten bigger. She is six months pregnant with a high swollen abdomen. Although she has gained a lot of weight, she still has a maternal brilliance.What made Nie Zhenbang even more delighted was that Dong Wan and Yang Anna were also pregnant.It can be described as double happiness.

As time entered June, Nie Zhenbang also started to get busy. There was also good news from Yanling City. Xicun Group had signed an agreement with Huaxia Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Industrial and Commercial Securities, and the preparation team for the listing of Xicun Group was formally established.Nishimura Group will officially enter the countdown to listing.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang received a call from the central government. ! .

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