reborn family

Chapter 55

This move by Nie Zhenbang moved Liang Ligui a little.Although Liu Kun didn't say it clearly.However, Liang Ligui also knew that Brother Nie's relationship background must be as good as the sky.

At this time, Nie Zhenbang was able to let go of his identity and make this call in front of him, regardless of whether the matter was successful or not.This incidates that.Nie Zhenbang's attitude is frank and sincere.

The phone beeped twice and was connected immediately.Nie Zhenbang immediately picked up the phone and said, "Hi, please call the chief's office. I'm Nie Zhenbang."

After a while, Mr. Nie's hearty voice rang on the phone: "Zhenbang, you're back? Why have you been away for more than a month this time? I haven't heard anything from you. You kid, don't remember to make a call. Are you coming back?"

There is some concern hidden in Mr. Nie's words.This also moved Nie Zhenbang a little.In the previous life, I didn't have much contact with the old man.

Thinking about it now, it's normal. In the previous life, first of all, the status of an illegitimate child, the old man was very displeased.Plus physically disabled.A person with the identity of the old man, no matter how much he loves him, he will not lose face.This life.Nie Zhenbang's series of actions made the barrier between the old man and Nie Zhenbang disappear.

Nie Zhenbang also smiled and said, "Grandpa, I've been really busy during this time. I don't have time to call at all. Fortunately, everything that needs to be done has been done. As soon as I got back, I called you. Grandpa, still There is one thing. I want to discuss it with you."

After speaking, Nie Zhenbang told the matter about Deputy Secretary Liang of the Grassland Province.On the other side, the old man was silent for a long time.

To be honest, the old man is not from the government.However, the old man also admitted that Nie Zhenbang's speculation was not wrong.After entering the core of the reformists, the old man also truly understood the far-sightedness of the head of state.

Since the million-dollar disarmament in previous years.Mr. Nie knew that the role of the army at this moment was mainly to maintain domestic stability. During this period of transition, the transition period between the old and the new.Guarantee the normal rotation of the country.Wait until the heir appointed by the head of state officially steps up to the fore.The role of the army will be transferred to its original position.The military does not interfere in politics, this is an overall principle and thought of our party.

Hearing that Nie Zhenbang can see this form at this moment.Elder Nie seemed particularly happy. The second generation of the Nie family, the eldest son Nie Guodong, could only be regarded as mediocre.The youngest son, Nie Guowei, was even more reluctant.Inside the third generation.Jialiang's ability is not bad.However, the future is limited.Because of the relationship with the Nie family, there is at most one deputy at the national level.And Nie Jiamin.That is obviously the material of mixing the army.

However, Mr. Nie did not expect that this third grandson, who once made Mr. Nie feel ashamed, would achieve much more than he expected.Immediately, after Mrs. Nie pondered for a while, he said, "Zhenbang, let's ask Xiao Liang to come to the capital in person tomorrow. It's just right. Tomorrow I will invite Lao Huang to have dinner at home."

Hearing this, Nie Zhenbang already understood what the old man meant.Old Huang should be Nie Jiamin's grandfather, Vice Premier Huang.It seems that Deputy Secretary Liang's matter has been completed.

After hanging up the phone, Nie Zhenbang looked at Liang Ligui who was looking forward to him.Then he smiled and said: "Ligui, I've already said it. In this way, you ask your old man to rush to the capital tomorrow. Just make this phone call."

Hearing Nie Zhenbang's words, the stone in Liang Ligui's heart fell to the ground.The way, others have paved the way for you.Whether it can be done or not depends on the performance of the old man tomorrow after meeting tomorrow.

Immediately, Liang Ligui also stood up: "Third brother, I will write down this feeling. From now on, if you have anything to do, just ask."

After staying in the Grassland Province for one night, Nie Zhenbang and Liu Kun boarded a direct flight from the Grassland to the capital the next day.

Beijing Airport

On the tarmac, at this moment, a lot of young people have gathered here, several brand new BMW 750i, this is a BMW car with the code e32.It is the latest product of BMW this year.

5.0l v12 cylinder engine.It can bring a strong power of 750 horsepower to the car.There were three black BMW [-]s parked beside them, and behind them, there was a Ferrari and a Porsche.A convoy of this size immediately caught the attention of passing passengers.However, as soon as they saw that the license plate numbers were all military plates, everyone took a quick glance and left.

All the people in the capital are very clear that these people are not something ordinary people can offend.

At this moment, Yang Anbang was standing in front, and next to him was Xiao Yali. The relationship between the two was now clear.Even, the elders of both sides have already met for the first time.It is estimated that the relationship between the two will be formalized before the end of the year.

Next to him, Li Special Period, Li Hua, and Zhang Xu were all waiting by the side.

As the plane landed, Nie Zhenbang and Liu Kun just stepped out of the gangway.Look at the formation below.Liu Kun clicked his tongue and said: "Hey, third brother, are these the masters of our capital? Why do I look like I am welcoming Nixon. This ostentation is too big. It's like a nouveau riche. I I think it’s better to use the Ganonagas.”

Looking at these cars and listening to Liu Kun talking about GAZ cars, Nie Zhenbang's eyes lit up at the moment, cars are men's favorite.In his previous life, Nie Zhenbang didn't have this opportunity to enjoy driving.However, it does not prevent Nie Zhenbang from appreciating and studying cars.

In my memory, Audi has not yet entered China at this time. At this time, it is estimated that FAW is still negotiating with Chrysler.

This is a good opportunity.If it is possible to snatch Audi from FAW, Nie Zhenbang believes that he can definitely take advantage of it, at least it will not be worse than FAW's 50:50 shareholding ratio.

Yang Anbang was also filled with emotions at the moment.Before Nie Zhenbang went to the Soviet Union, I was a little skeptical, and I also persuaded Nie Zhenbang. However, when the country and the central bank transferred Nie Zhenbang's 2000 million US dollars according to the current exchange rate of 3.722 to 1.In the company account of Wojia Supermarket, there was an extra RMB 7444 million.

Moreover, what was even more surprising was that the news Yang Anbang got from his father was just the beginning, and there were still more assets being processed by the Soviet Union.

At this moment, Yang Anbang felt astonished. Even if Yang Anbang hadn't known that Nie Zhenbang's ambition was in the political arena, Yang Anbang would have had the urge to pull Nie Zhenbang into the business world.In Yang Anbang's view, it is a pity that Nie Zhenbang does not do business.

As Nie Zhenbang got off the plane and walked towards him, Yang Anbang waved his hand.Everyone shouted: "Third Brother, welcome to Triumph."

At this time, Zhang Xu has also come up, looking at Nie Zhenbang, Zhang Xu now feels less competitive.They hugged each other, and at this moment, both of them felt a sense of sympathy for each other.

"Third Young Master, I admit it. I am compared with you. I am indeed not as good. Originally, I was going to go to the army. I knew you would come back today, so I deliberately postponed it for a day. I am leaving. Third Young Master, the competition between us is not over yet Don't worry, I, Zhang Xu, will not admit defeat so easily." Zhang Xu left very freely.

Looking at Zhang Xu's back, Nie Zhenbang also sighed a little, this is the dragon and phoenix among men.Zhang Xu is indeed a friend worth making.

Shaking his head, Nie Zhenbang adjusted his mood, but hugged Yang Anbang's neck affectionately, and whispered: "Brother-in-law, is the development going well? Now, I have a new business. I wonder if you are interested?"

Yang Anbang was a little speechless. This kid really doesn't know what has changed. There are always traps in these words, and he has developed well.I don't know whether to ask the supermarket or the relationship between myself and Xiao Yali.Yang Anbang avoided this topic, but he was a little curious about the business: "What kind of business. Whether you are interested or not. In short, I will do it if you do it."

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang laughed and said, "Second brother, this time I'm not going to be a supermarket. This time, I'm going to start a car company and start a business. Do you know Audi? I heard that Audi seems to have a lot of interest in FAW. Or, our brothers robbed the business?"

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