reborn family

Chapter 676 Reversing Black and White


Nie Zhenbang's three-year training in the Northwest Military Region was not for nothing.At this moment, he roared angrily, full of energy.Coupled with a kind of majesty developed by being in a high position.This roar has an invisible deterrent force.

"Yo? What's the matter today? What the hell is the crotch leaking. I let you out. Now this Pengcheng City is getting more and more chaotic. Any cat or dog dares to jump out." Wen Long didn't care. He didn't take Nie Zhenbang and others to heart.

Just now, after being overturned by Xiong Taishun.Wenlong's companion was rushed out of the nightclub.I haven't seen Wenlong for so long.As soon as these people came out, they saw that Wenlong was upset.Naturally, a swarm of bees rushed up to Xiong Taishun, punching and kicking him.

However, Wen Long didn't know that what he said completely offended Nie Zhenbang to death.At this moment, if there is a family member from the capital here, everyone will know.The third brother Nie in the capital is kind and never bullies others.However, there are only two places that cannot be messed with.One is that the family cannot be messed with.The other one is this kind of insulting vocabulary.

Who doesn't know Sange Nie's life experience, to put it mildly, he is Si's son.However, in the capital, no one dared to say this in front of Third Brother Nie.

At this moment, Wen Long's words undoubtedly touched Nie Zhenbang's backlash.Looking into Wenlong's eyes, a cold light flashed past, and a murderous aura was aimed directly at Wenlong.

This piercing gaze made Wenlong feel very uncomfortable, as if being stared at by a wolf, it seemed that he had become a puddle of flesh and blood.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang said word by word, "You remember it for me. You have to pay the price for what you said today."

As he said that, Nie Zhenbang's gaze was already on Xiong Taishun who was on the ground.

At this moment, Xiong Taishun curled up on the ground, holding his head in his hands.The legs were bent, and the knees pressed against his abdomen.this pose.It is a subconscious protective action.

Luolu's outer skin was blue and purple.corner of eye.There were blood stains on the nose and the corners of the mouth.Immediately, Nie Zhenbang squatted down.Both hands were constantly moving and pressing on Xiong Taishun's body.

This is the emergency first aid technique in the army.Check it out overall.Nie Zhenbang also breathed a sigh of relief, although it looked miserable.However, fortunately, there was no internal injury, which was luck among misfortunes.

However, for Nie Zhenbang, this was tantamount to a slap in the face.Standing up, Nie Zhenbang told Huang Xudong who was next to him, "Xudong, take a taxi right away, take the bear to the hospital, and treat the wound."

At this time, the siren blew and the lights flashed.Two police cars had already parked on the side of the road, a domestic Great Wall off-road police car and a Buick Excelle police car.One after the other, they stopped.

In the car, four or five policemen in police uniforms opened the door and walked straight towards this side.At this moment, the onlookers had already spontaneously made way out of the way.

In China, the deterrent power of the police is extremely powerful in the eyes of ordinary people.

The leader was a middle-aged policeman about 40 years old.He is of medium build, and the most distinctive feature is that he has a big belly.At this moment, he looked at the scene with a serious face.Shen Sheng said: "What's going on? Why are you fighting?"

At this time, a staff member from the Sangong Office had already called a taxi, and Luo Quan and another colleague were also helping Xiong Taishun to leave here and go to the hospital.

However, what people didn't expect was that at this moment, the middle-aged policeman said, "What's the matter with you? Do you want to run away?"

These words made Nie Zhenbang's face darken even more, and he looked at the middle-aged policeman.Nie Zhenbang said in a deep voice: "Comrade, we are colleagues and friends of the injured. Isn't it different if we are here? You have also seen the situation of the injured. If life is in danger, will you take the responsibility? ?”

As an old Ann was.Middle-aged policemen still have this kind of eyesight. They can probably tell who is seriously injured and who has skin trauma just by looking at the situation.Listening to Nie Zhenbang's words, the middle-aged policeman looked unhappy.He said in a deep voice, "I take the responsibility? He won't die with such skin trauma. Now, what's going on at the scene is still unclear. Who is right and who is right should be investigated. As the person involved, if he runs away, you To be responsible? The police handle the case, and you don’t need to point fingers.”

Hearing this, Nie Zhenbang smiled instead of anger.With gloomy eyes, he looked at the middle-aged policeman and said in a deep voice, "Okay. I'd like to see how the police in Pengcheng City handle the case."

After speaking, Nie Zhenbang turned to look at Xiong Taishun and said, "Taishun, how are you doing? Can you persevere?"

At this moment, Xiong Taishun also nodded.Did not speak.Although, the chest and abdomen are still very painful.Even, can't talk too much.However, Xiong Taishun understood his own situation.Absolutely can't die.

The middle-aged policeman didn't take another look at this moment, but turned to look at Wenlong and the others, and said, "You guys called the police?"

This kind of cooperation is not the first time.Although they are acquaintances.However, in this case, it is also necessary to show an unfamiliar look.Only in this way can people have nothing to say.If you meet, you will be very familiar.In the eyes of others, is your handling of the case still fair and impartial?

It's not the first time Wenlong has done this kind of thing.Then he nodded and said: "I called the police. Comrade police. My car was parked on the side of the road. I was going to go to a nightclub to play. After that, I remembered that my wallet was still in the car. As soon as I went out, I saw This person was walking around the license plate frame of my car, and took a few photos with his mobile phone. I guess, these people must be an organized and premeditated criminal gang. First, they will step on the spot. Then they will commit the theft. "

"You spitting blood! Wenlong, don't think I don't know. Just now, you called this person. The police officer's surname is Qian. You are in the same gang." He was framed like this for no reason.Xiong Taishun immediately became angry, and said out loud what he had just heard.

These words made the middle-aged policeman's face darken, he looked at Xiong Taishun and said, "Cuff me, I suspect that you have a significant relationship with the recent car theft cases in Pengcheng City. Bring them all to me." Go back to the bureau and investigate."

Nie Zhenbang is not afraid of this kind of administrative vocabulary.Stepping forward, looking at the middle-aged man, he said, "Comrade policeman. You have to arrest people and make up reasons. These are all your powers now. But to arrest people, you always have to show us your documents. You can't , You say you are a policeman, you are a policeman. These days, there are fake officers, let alone the police.”

If, if the children of the aristocratic family in the capital saw the appearance of Third Brother Nie, they would definitely shout, what kind of unlucky ghost is being so blind.

Anyone who is familiar with Nie Zhenbang knows it well.If Third Brother Nie got angry directly, he would either hit someone, or be disdainful.That explains.Things are not serious.However, whoever makes Third Brother Nie start to be cynical.This incidates that.Brother Nie is going to play with you to the end.

Looking at the capital, even if it is a family with such a powerful background as the old Li family, wouldn't even the grandson of the old Li family, Li Guohua, be played to death by the third brother?

Next to him, Huang Xudong and others saw that Nie Zhenbang hadn't revealed his identity at the moment, and they had roughly guessed Nie Zhenbang's intentions.

Huang Xudong turned his head sideways, and said to Li Jupeng next to him: "Secretary Li, I can only trouble you with this matter. I'm afraid the director will be hurt, so go and contact him and see if there is anyone familiar with Pengcheng City? "

Li Jupeng was also thinking carefully at this moment.There was a flash of inspiration in his mind, and he said in a low voice: "The director's second brother, Nie Jiamin used to be a soldier of the Jiangzhou Military Region. I think you can contact him."

As he spoke, Li Jupeng nodded and said, "Chu Huang, I'll leave the director here to you. I'll leave first."

At the scene, there were so many people, all eyes were on Nie Zhenbang for a moment, no one really noticed Li Jupeng's departure.

At this moment, the middle-aged policeman laughed, and looked at Nie Zhenbang full of lust.Immediately, he took out his police officer ID, handed it to Nie Zhenbang and said, "Hehe, of course you can read it. This is a necessary procedure. You can read it."

Nie Zhenbang glanced over the other items on the police officer certificate.However, Nie Zhenbang remembered the name, Qian Dongmao.Three words, also saw the heart.

It seems that what Xiong Taishun said is right, this old money is with this Wenlong.

After returning the police officer's card to Qian Dongmao, Nie Zhenbang said indifferently: "Officer Qian. Even so, why do you say that we are related to the car theft case? Why do you say that we are involved. You can eat indiscriminately. Don’t talk nonsense. If you say that, I can sue you for defamation.”

Nie Zhenbang's difficulty was beyond Qian Dongmao's expectation.During the years of working life, there are a few who are not afraid of the police.

At this moment, Qian Dongmao also felt that he had encountered a difficult bone.Getting ready to speak.

However, Nie Zhenbang continued: "Officer Qian, just listen to one-sided words, this is not the way to do things. I can say it now. This man named Wenlong is deliberately provoking trouble. Beating my companion, a city, How many cases of wounding, in this case, can I think, and you also think that they are involved in several cases of intentional wounding, and you want to take them back to assist in the investigation?"

Not loud.However, Nie Zhenbang's words were very clear.It was extremely harsh to Qian Dongmao's ears.

That said, there is indeed a hint of partiality.Just as he was about to speak, a younger middle-aged policeman came up next to him and said with a smile, "These are all hypotheses. We are not swearing at the streets, we are handling a case. Even if it is an ordinary security case. I think, both sides All parties involved must go to the police station to make a record." .

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