reborn family

Chapter 698 Never go against conscience

Cao Dingkun's face was a bit ugly, and he said with a sneer, "Old Zhu, what are you talking about? Director Nie is a leader from the central government, and he is here to inspect the work. Can you ask us for anything?"

Nie Zhenbang didn't care, waved his hand, and said with a smile: "Governor Cao, I think it's the most rare thing that Secretary Zhu can maintain this sincerity. Speaking of which, I really have something to ask of Secretary Zhu. "

This was also Nie Zhenbang's impromptu idea, Zhu Lijun's.Kiss, obviously already figured out the details of his son's situation, and must have done some reasoning about the Wo family group.

Zhu Lijun is a veteran of political law. He is a policeman who is good at handling cases. I guess he made various inferences in the office this morning about this kind of thing.

In front of this kind of person, they still play hypocrisy and slowly talk about it.On the contrary, it will backfire.Three years of military experience taught Nie Zhenbang one thing, when he was a soldier in his blood.If you are straightforward, you will win the favor of the other party.

Sure enough, what Nie Zhenbang said.Instead, Zhu Lijun relaxed a lot.In the morning, Zhu Lijun was worried about gains and losses, because he was afraid that he would not be able to bear the hospitality that offered to come to his door.Now, hearing Nie Zhenbang's affirmative answer, it will be easy to handle.

Immediately, Zhu Lijun also smiled and said: "Director Nie, with your family background, is there anything you can't do in China? Your uncle will not talk about it. Your father is also the newly appointed State Councilor, an upright deputy State-level cadres. You are also at the same level as me. What can't you do?"

These words made Nie Zhenbang laugh in his heart, saying that soldiers are straightforward, and this Zhu Lijun in front of him does have a soldier's straightforwardness in his temper.However, years of experience in local politics are not for nothing.This bend is twisted, this is a run on yourself.Its purpose is naturally to find out what it is.

Nie Zhenbang smiled and said calmly: "Secretary Zhu, although the words are true, but the state-owned state has family rules. Sometimes, everything is not up to the question. But, Secretary Zhu, I can give you the bottom line , I will not beg you for things that violate the law and discipline. I will not ask you for things that violate my conscience. Just make a promise. What do you think?"

After a pause, Nie Zhenbang said with a smile: "And Secretary Zhu's business is public and private. Don't worry about Zhengkang's affairs. Don't worry that I will demolish the bridge."

These repeated promises made Zhu Lijun a little embarrassed.In Zhu Lijun's inference.At first, I thought it was some relative of Nie Zhenbang who committed a heinous crime in Liaodong.You need to come forward yourself, but now it seems that this inference can be completely vetoed.

After a moment of silence, Zhu Lijun also said: "Director Nie, if there is anything that needs my help, you can just tell me. As you said just now, as long as you don't violate the law or violate discipline, as long as you don't violate your conscience, I, Zhu Lijun, will never vague."

Speaking of this, Nie Zhenbang has nothing to hide.Straight to the point, he said, "Secretary Zhu, this time, I have specially invited you here for the vacant position of deputy governor of Liaodong Province. I discussed with Governor Cao, and I feel that Comrade Lin Mohan, secretary of the Hong Kong Municipal Party Committee, is He is most suitable to take over the post of vice governor in charge of industry. Therefore, I would like Secretary Zhu to help me in recommending candidates for Liaodong Province."

Straightforward, quite straightforward.It can be said that Nie Zhenbang did not hide it at all.Zhu Lijun is also contemplating at the moment, his brain is running fast.

Zhu Lijun knew Lin Mohan quite well.Back then, after Lin Mohan took office as the secretary of the Gangcheng City Committee, the public security environment in Gangcheng City was very chaotic. In a heavy industrial city, there were a large number of workers and a large number of families and children.There are a lot of idlers, this kind of old industrial area, this kind of phenomenon is very common.After Lin Mohan took office, he made a special trip to contact the Provincial Public Security Bureau.The United Provincial Public Security Department launched a special campaign to crack down on evil forces and improve the public security environment.

After going back and forth, the two of them are quite familiar with each other.Zhu Lijun still thinks Lin Mohan is amazing.

However, as far as I know, Lin Mohan has no roots in Liaodong Province and does not belong to Cao Dingkun's faction at all.From this point of view, Cao Dingkun must have compromised with Nie Zhenbang.

Thinking of Lin Mohan's resume, one can guess that Lin Mohan must be from Nie Zhenbang.Thinking of this, Zhu Lijun also sighed in his heart. He really compares himself to others, and he is pissed off. Nie Zhenbang is only a deputy ministerial cadre, but now, he can intervene in the appointment, dismissal and promotion of a deputy ministerial cadre.This is the capital brought by a strong family background.

After a pause, Nie Zhenbang saw that Zhu Lijun was contemplating and hesitating, but he smiled and said, "Secretary Zhu, I don't know if you've heard of the three northern provinces' economic concubine meeting held in the capital some time ago?"

Zhu Lijun was taken aback for a while, but he didn't know what to do.I can't figure out what is the connection between the economic work conference of the three northern provinces and the vice-governor of Liaodong.However, he nodded to show that he knew.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang continued: "Secretary Zhu, since you also know about this meeting. I believe that there is no need for me to say more. This time, at this meeting, Mr. Leng emphasized and proposed the idea of ​​revitalizing veterans in the three northern provinces. The economic planning of the industrial base. I believe that this will become a reality in the near future.”

After a pause, Nie Zhenbang said indifferently: "So, this time, Liaodong Province is the candidate for the deputy governor of industry. In Liaodong Province, neither Huo Siyuan nor Governor Cao has any expectations. This position , Even in the capital, all the families are competing with each other. It depends on who can have the last laugh."

Zhu Lijun is not a fool, on the contrary, he is very smart.One click is clear, and I quickly figured out the key point here.This position represents a huge amount of political capital, and it must be a battleground for military strategists.These people in Liaodong Province really have nothing to look forward to.

"Director Nie, what do you mean, let me cooperate with Governor Cao to support Comrade Lin Mohan in the selection of candidates in Liaodong Province? But even if I support him, I may not be able to defeat Comrade Huo Siyuan." Zhu Lijun He reacted quickly.

Nie Zhenbang nodded, and then said: "Secretary Zhu, as for whether it can be passed at the standing committee meeting of your Liaodong Provincial Party Committee, Secretary Zhu doesn't need to worry about it. Since I dare to do it, I naturally have my way. Liaodong Province can If I recommend Comrade Lin Mohan, I will naturally make adjustments and arrangements for matters at the central level."

Speaking of this, in fact, there is not much need to go deeper.Zhu Lijun also knew that at this time, he must make a clear statement.

Originally, Zhu Lijun usually turned a blind eye to this kind of thing.He neither supports nor opposes, anyway, Zhu Lijun's attitude has always been a good man.Neither side is to blame.Whether it's Huo Siyuan or Cao Dingkun.Due to Zhu Lijun's strong prestige in politics and law.He didn't dare to trouble Zhu Lijun.

At this time, Zhu Lijun really thought about it. Lin Mohan is very capable in all aspects. He has put in a lot of hardships and efforts in industrial management and reform. However, the results obtained, But also extraordinary.

From this point of view, what Nie Zhenbang said about not violating the law and discipline or violating conscience really makes sense.At this moment, Zhu Lijun also felt like he was on a pirate ship, looking at Nie Zhenbang's calm and elegant expression.

There is also a kind of surprise in my heart.Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved, the youngest vice-ministerial cadre.This kind of self-confidence, this kind of demeanor, and this kind of skill are not comparable to ordinary people.

A few words, at first glance, this is for his own sake, but now it seems that this is completely blocking his retreat.

It is certain that Lin Mohan is not the right candidate if he quotes himself today against his conscience.The Liangzi between the two parties is definitely forged. Inside, there is Cao Dingkun's suppression, and outside, there is the behemoth of the Nie family. This is not something I can bear.

Considering this, Zhu Lijun did not hesitate any longer, nodded and said: "Director Nie is right. Lin Mohan indeed has the ability and qualifications to serve as the deputy governor. It is true that he did not break the law or violate the conscience. In fact, even if Director Nie, you don’t want me. If Governor Cao elects Comrade Lin Mohan, I will also raise my hand in favor of this proposal.”

This last sentence is basically nonsense, Zhu Lijun said so, but he also has some military cunning and tact.

At this moment, Cao Dingkun also picked up the wine glass with a smile, poured Zhu Lijun a glass himself, and said with a smile: "Old Zhu, I respect you!"

After taking care of Zhu Lijun, Nie Zhenbang also relaxed more than half of his heart.In the past few days, Cao Dingkun has also communicated with He Duixiang, deputy secretary of the Liaodong Provincial Party Committee, several times. He Duixiang had no idea about this matter.Even if there is no central affairs, He Duixiang knows that he is basically the role of accompanying the prince to study.This time, being able to cooperate with Cao Dingkun and Nie Zhenbang, He Xiangxiang naturally has no objection. This time, if the cooperation is successful, it will naturally have its own benefits in the future.He Xiangxiang saw this very clearly.

In this way, Nie Zhenbang has firmly grasped six votes in his hands.This is the last vote.It fell to Zuo Zhonghua, Party Secretary of Lianda City.

The next day, the inspection team of the Three Public Offices also quickly completed the inspection of Shenjing City.Thus.In Liaodong Province, the provincial government agencies, various departments and bureaus, the four major provincial teams, and Shenjing City have all completed the sub-inspection work.

Under the escort of the police car dispatched by Zhu Lijun, the Sangongban and his party left Shenjing City in two vehicles, without any stopover, and went directly to Lianda City, the second largest city in Liaodong.

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