reborn family

Chapter 745 3 Year Plan

Sun Jialuo smiled very reservedly at the moment, he didn't pay much attention to Nie Zhenbang's words.At this age, Sun Jialuo has already passed the time when he could get excited just watching someone draw a cake.Now, what Sun Jialuo sees is the most practical things.

Now that a decision has been made, Sun Jialuo's views and attitude towards Nie Zhenbang have also changed a lot.The out of place expression was gone.Now the relationship between the two parties seems to be much more harmonious.

After a pause, Sun Jialuo also said: "Zhenbang, this plan is undeniably a good one. However, the difficulty is not small. The amount of investment involved here is too large. It is not considered a social business. The amount of investment in infrastructure construction invested by the government is not a small amount. Just now, I also took a rough look at it. In three years, the cumulative investment in infrastructure construction will be completed. 3000 billion yuan. In fact, only A little more than two years, on average, at least 400 billion a year will be shared. It is very difficult."

"I remember that last year, the province's GDP was 800 billion yuan, and its fiscal revenue was less than 500 billion yuan. This means that this year's GDP must be at least quadrupled, and its fiscal revenue must be doubled several times before it is enough. Use. It’s not realistic.”

Sun Jialuo is worthy of being the executive vice governor, and he has real materials.After acknowledging this matter.When doing things, he suddenly became meticulous and extremely rigorous.Moreover, this data is at your fingertips.For this alone, Nie Zhenbang admired him very much.

He pondered for a while.Nie Zhenbang smiled and said: "Old Sun, you can't say that. The economy of our province is not balanced. Some places rely on large state-owned factories and the economy is very good, but some places are not developing satisfactorily. There is a saying As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, build roads first. In fact, these infrastructure investments are mainly concentrated in the province’s expressway network and aviation airport investment. Among them, it accounts for 80.00% of the share, which is two Thousands of 400 billion. This part of the investment can be realized through the introduction of capital. The remaining 600 billion, an average of 300 billion per year. I expect to invest 180 billion in the first year. I expect to invest 400 billion in the second year. The first half of the third year Put in 120 billion. No problem at all.”

Listen to Nie Zhenbang's analysis.Sun Jialuo obviously didn't take it seriously.Is this investment so easy to pull?Now, which place, which government does not pay attention to attracting investment.If you really want to quote, you can quote.Will Bashu still be like this?

However, at this time, Sun Jialuo didn't like to pour cold water on Nie Zhenbang, nodded and said: "You have an idea in your mind, that's fine. Now, since I've said it, I agree to you. I, Sun Jialuo, are not the kind of double-faced person." , as long as you can stand it, I personally support you with all my strength."

As soon as the voice fell, a golf cart drove over from the tree-lined path next to it. In the car, Yang Anna and Sun Jialuo's wife, Feng Lihua, seemed to be chatting speculatively.

The car stopped at the side, and neither of them got out of the car. Anna smiled and said, "Zhenbang, it's almost noon. I think we should go to eat first."

In the clubhouse of the Wojia golf course, the four of them had a real French meal.On Xiao Wu's side, Nie Zhenbang originally wanted Xiao Wu to eat together, but Xiao Wu insisted on refusing.Anna could only help Xiao Wu make another arrangement next to her.

In the afternoon, after playing a few more rounds of bowling here, both families were in good spirits. After a hard day's work, although they sweated a lot, they felt refreshed.

After taking a shower at the clubhouse, he left.Before getting into the car, Sun Jialuo said worriedly: "Zhenbang, are you sure that this plan will be passed by the Standing Committee?"

Hearing this, Nie Zhenbang laughed, and said confidently: "Old Sun, it just so happens that Monday will be the Standing Committee. When that time comes, just look at it."


This is the last week of April, and at the same time, today is also the time for the regular standing committee meeting of the Provincial Party Committee at the end of every month.

The entire month of April was thrilling, and the earthquake in Yangde City's officialdom was shocking.At this moment, all cadres in the province are paying attention to this Standing Committee meeting.Even, many people were secretly looking forward to what the new governor would do this time.

nine in the morning.

There are also rules for this time arrangement.Under normal circumstances, the topics of the standing committee meeting must first be deliberated and decided by the secretary's office meeting. Every time the routine standing committee discusses something, it must be listed first, and then the secretary, full-time deputy secretary, governor, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.These five, in some places, are the secretary and two deputy secretaries who hold a secretary's office meeting.In Bashu Province, the latter kind of secretarial office meeting is adopted.Out of the five or six or more topics, select a few to be discussed at the Standing Committee.

Generally speaking, when delineating topics, one principle is followed.Urgent and important, put them first.Put the less difficult ones in front.Controversial ones will be shelved first.In addition, those related to development are generally not cut off.

In addition, the choice of meeting time should not be too early.Although I gave the members of the Standing Committee a period of time to think about it, it is basically not much.Setting aside an hour also allows the members of the Standing Committee to make a transition.Of course, these are all routine Standing Committee meetings, except for emergencies.

Eight forty-six.

However, Nie Zhenbang just came out of the elevator on the side of the Provincial Party Committee building. As soon as he entered the corridor, he saw Long Genghua stop in front of him, waiting for him with a smile.

"Governor Nie, today's Standing Committee, you're the one to play the leading role." There was nothing unusual on Long Genghua's face.Still very enthusiastic.

Nie Zhenbang also laughed: "Secretary Long, you're flattering me. I'm just trying to attract others, and I mainly depend on everyone's opinions, the opinions of the organization. Secretary Long, please!"

As soon as the two entered the conference room, they sat down and the hour hand had just reached 58:[-]. Zeng Taiping walked in with his hands behind his back, pacing squarely, and came in from the door.The secretary followed behind, holding a teacup and notes.There is a squad leader's demeanor very much.

Sit down.Zeng Taiping said: "It's a meeting. This meeting is a routine standing committee. I believe everyone has seen today's topic. There are two main aspects. One is about the province-wide campaign against pornography." Cracking down on crimes against black and evil forces. The other one is the three-year development plan proposed by Governor Nie. If you have any opinions, please speak up. Let’s start with the first question.”

On the first topic.In fact, there was nothing to discuss. This kind of action was entirely derived from the incident in Yang Deshi.Lessons learned from the past, put it there, all members of the Standing Committee.Every fool.At this time, naturally no one will come out to sing the opposite.

When several Standing Committee members spoke, they all agreed with this topic.It was unanimously passed.This operation, named Operation Thunder, was led by Hou Wenkui, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and joined forces with discipline inspection, procuratorate, public security, courts and other departments. The Provincial Public Security Department took the lead to launch a three-month operation across the province.

Next, when it came to the second topic, at this moment, Ning Bojun, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, coughed and said: "Governor Nie, I have been engaged in discipline inspection work all my life. I am not very good at economics. However, I also know that last year, the province's total fiscal revenue was only 500 billion yuan. Excluding expenditures, the surplus is even less. I don't know exactly how much. However, in the past two and a half years, the provincial government has invested 3000 billion yuan in infrastructure Construction. Listen, it sounds like the Arabian Nights."

Nie Zhenbang is very calm at this moment.Ning Bo's army launched an attack, which was expected long ago, and it was a good thing that he ruined his wife and brother Fan Youcai.Ning Bojun must be angry with himself, there is no doubt about it.Indeed, this 3000 billion investment.It sounds too unreasonable.

Zeng Taiping is very calm at this moment.At the secretary's office meeting, Zeng Taiping had already understood it.He smiled and said, "Governor Nie, this plan was formulated by you yourself. I think it's better for you to introduce and explain it to everyone in detail first. What do you think?"

Nie Zhenbang nodded, and then explained again what he said with Sun Jialuo on the golf course the day before yesterday.

When it comes to the 3000 billion investment, Nie Zhenbang introduced in detail his experience in Wanghai and Lizhou.

Nie Zhenbang spoke very carefully, introducing various details of the operation methods, as well as how to pay attention and distribution, etc., one by one.

Beside, many Standing Committee members nodded slightly.If, according to Nie Zhenbang's method, attracting investment for infrastructure construction, the development of Bashu Province can indeed be accelerated.

For development, everyone has no opinion.This kind of thing is not the only one that is beneficial.Bashu Province is doing well.Of course, Zeng Taiping and Nie Zhenbang have achieved political achievements.But so do others.After all, everyone knows that Rome was not built in a day, and this achievement cannot be achieved by one person alone.As long as you are a member of the team, the achievements you deserve are naturally indispensable.

However, at this moment, Ning Bojun seemed to be determined to fight Nie Zhenbang to the death.I frowned.Some yin and yang said strangely: "Attracting investment. The method is a good way. However, all parts of the country are attracting investment. In the past, Bashu Province was also attracting investment. Could it be said that Governor Nie's method is different, so the plane tree can be planted for sure , to attract the golden phoenix?"

Nie Zhenbang didn't care about Ning Bojun's provocation.Things have developed to the point where it is now, and there is no doubt that it will pass.However, in order to convince Ning Bojun, Nie Zhenbang said proudly: "Of course!"

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