reborn family

Chapter 763

Is Nie Jiaozheng Jiaobang crazy, or is there something wrong with his ears?

At this moment, Zeng Taiping felt that his brain was not enough.Since the beginning of Nie Zhenzhengbang's tenure, he has always given the impression of being strong.This seemingly harmless young man has the arrogance of a child from a family, and an inexplicable stubbornness and firmness in his bones.This person has a tough heart.Stubborn character.Zeng Taiping has learned the lesson a long time ago.

But what happened today.Now that he had said such a thing, did Nie Zhengzhengbang simply accept his soft words?This feeling made Zeng Taiping very uncomfortable.

However, Zeng Taiping had to admit that Nie Zhenzhengbang's actions at the moment had disrupted his plan.On the issue of mergers and reorganizations in the liquor industry.Zeng Taiping also noticed it.This is definitely not a good idea.Even, it can be said that this is completely messed up.Every winery has its own different cultural background, brewing process and blending skills.It can be said that these things are all untold secrets.For example, Wuliang Group, a centuries-old wine cellar, has been in constant turmoil over the property rights disputes. For this reason, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government, and the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission have also participated in the coordination meeting discussions many times.However, the matter intensified, and now, it was already a mess.If they are merged, the things involved will be more complicated.Zeng Taiping also planned to take advantage of this opportunity to attack Nie Cao and revitalize the country.If Nie Zhenzhengbang insisted on a tough attitude as always.Zeng Taiping naturally has the means and strategies for the next step.However, what I feel now is that I have used all the strength in my body to punch, but it feels like I hit cotton.There is no rebound at all.It is directly digested.

This feeling made it difficult for Zeng Taiping to adapt.Even, a little uncomfortable.As an old cadre who has been tempered for many years, Zeng Taiping is very clear.These things in the system, don't look at the current is amicable.Maybe, the next step, where is waiting for you.Walking on eggshells is not just an excuse.Rather it is.At any moment, it is necessary to prevent the opponent from giving a fatal punch in a certain corner.

There was silence for a while, but Zeng Taiping said with a smile: "Governor Zhenbang, you can think so. It seems that I am a little redundant. In my opinion, the industrial structure in the province, Governor Zhenbang, still needs to expand the scale .Improve the level of technology and production level. I think, some time ago, the model of Hongxing Factory in Tianjiaofu City was very good? A small factory that was on the verge of bankruptcy. But it can be revived, and it has become a national It is a leading enterprise in the phenol industry in the province and even in the whole country, which is worth promoting.”

After hanging up the phone, Nie Jingzhengbang had a faint smile on his face.At this moment, the feeling of embarrassing Zeng Taiping is very good.Very comfortable.This is the way of advancing and retreating that the old straw master, straw, often described to himself when he was alive.

In the system, it is not advisable to blindly charge.It is contrary to the traditional thinking of Chinese people to show their sharpness.What Chinese people pay attention to is that they advance and retreat in an orderly manner, and keep a low profile.If you want to make progress with all your heart, you may have more haste than waste.

A proper retreat is for the next step, a better stride forward.This is one way.Retirement is not a purposeless retreat.Back without principle.

Before Nie Cao revived Cao Bang, he couldn't fully understand the words of old straw master Cao Zi.However, now, after years of tempering, he has really understood the connotation of this sentence.At this moment, when using it, there is a feeling of comfort throughout the body.

Thinking of this, Nie Zhenzhengbang picked up the phone and dialed Pan Jianzhang's number. After the call was made, Nie Zhenzhengbang said directly: "Jianzhang, are you busy now? If you are not busy, Come here."

As soon as the voice fell, on the other end of the phone, Pan Jianzhang's tone was a bit suspicious: "Governor, the Secretary of Bingyi just came up. Now...

As soon as he heard that Liu Bingyi had also come up, Nie Jingzhen and Cao Bang were stunned for a moment, and then said: "Bingyi is here, just in time, you come here together, about the issue of industrial reform and reform. I just want to discuss with you, let Bingyi Comrade Yi followed. He is the secretary of the Wuliang City Party Committee, and I just want to hear his opinion."

With the instruction of Nie Jiaozheng Jiaobang, Pan Jianzhang and Liu Bingyi walked in from the door in less than 3 minutes.

The office of the two was originally only a few steps away, 3 minutes, it is estimated that Pan Jianzhang has made some preparations.

Sure enough, this time, both of them had notebooks in their hands.It looks like I'm ready to take notes.This scene made Nie Jingzheng Bangbang laugh too.Sitting on the sofa, he said to Pan Jianzhang and Liu Bingyi, "Sit down. You're not an outsider. You don't need to be so cautious with me."

After both of them sat down, Nie Zhenzhen and Bang said seriously: "This time, I have also thought about the issue of the major reform and merger of industrial enterprises in the province. From the current situation Speaking, it can be said that there are mixed reputations.”

Both Pan Jianzhang and Liu Bingyi felt a little confused by Nie Jingzheng's self-criticism-like words, but in this case, neither of them spoke.At this time, no matter what kind of conversation it is, it is inappropriate.

Nie Jingzhen and Jiaobang also knew that the mentality of the two of them at the moment didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Don't be surprised, on this issue, from the perspective of Huagang's merger, it is beneficial. However, special things , special treatment, first of all, from the analysis of Huagang, the main heavy industry in the province is concentrated in Huagang. The level of metallurgical industry in other cities in the province is not strong. Merging with Huagang, this is more beneficial than harmful . This is a good thing.

From this matter, my mind is a little dizzy.The specific circumstances of other industries were not considered.It turns out.This experience is not applicable in other industries.For example, the liquor industry. "

Having said that, both Pan Jianzhang and Liu Bingyi knew what Nie Jiao meant to strengthen the country.Both of them were a little surprised, a little stunned, and at the same time, a little admired.

Governor Nie's determination shows great perseverance and great wisdom.At the level of Nie Jingzhen Caobang, it is not easy to take the initiative to admit mistakes.

In the system, many officials have been resigned. In fact, it is not because of other reasons.It is because of the face problem.He knew that he was wrong, but for the sake of face, he insisted on going his own way, and in the end, the trouble became uncontrollable.Lonely exit.

Pan Jianzhang pondered for a while, but then said: "Governor, do you know how this will affect you?"

Nie Jingzhen and Jiaobang nodded, very satisfied with Pan Jianzhang's statement.At this time, Pan Jianzhang is still willing to accompany him to continue making mistakes, which is enough to prove it.Pan Jianzhang is loyal to himself.

After waving his hands to signal Pan Jianzhang not to speak, Nie Jingzheng Bang continued: "In this regard, I did make an empiricist mistake. Mistakes are not terrible. What's terrible is that I didn't have the courage and courage to admit my mistakes. Determination. Secretary Zeng called me just now, and he mentioned this matter cryptically. I believe that if I refuse to give in, Zeng Taiping will definitely take a series of measures to attack me in the future. "

This sentence surprised Liu Bingyi and Pan Jianzhang again.Unexpectedly, in this short period of half an hour, the secretary and the governor had already experienced such a confrontation.

Nie Zhenbang smiled and said: "I readily admit that this is a mistake in decision-making. Zeng Taiping was very unhappy. His powerful fist, with all his strength, hit the cotton. I believe that at this moment, Zeng Taiping Taiping is a little sad."

Speaking of this, Nie Jingzheng looked at Liu Bingyi and said, "Comrade Bingyi, you are the leader of Wuliang City, and the Wuliang Group is under your jurisdiction. The former Luzhou City was also under the jurisdiction of Wuliang City." Scope. You come to talk about it, your real ideas. Don't have any scruples. You can talk about everything you know."

Liu Bingyi nodded. At this moment, Liu Bingyi has no worries. Speaking of this, almost everyone has already felt Governor Nie's sincerity.After deliberating for a while, Liu Bingyi said slowly: "Governor, to be honest, I also disagree with the integration of the liquor industry. The liquor industry is a pillar industry in our province. There are no less than five well-known liquor brands in the province. Each of them is a competitive relationship with each other. Moreover, when each winery is developing well, integration will inevitably be resisted. Moreover, after the integration, which brand to keep and which one to lose Whether the brand focuses on development or comprehensive development is a problem. After the integration, it may not bring advantages, but infighting. So...

Liu Bingyi's truth didn't embarrass Nie Jiaozhen Caobang in any way, he laughed and said: "You guys are still worried about me, worried that I will lose face. Anyway, on this matter, I also express clearly Personal attitude. Governor Jianzhang, in terms of industry. In the next stage, the main energy should be transferred to expand industrial technology, increase industrial added value, and enhance product competitiveness. Since the path of integration is not feasible, we I will not leave. We must fully respect the wishes of the people."

This sentence made Pan Jianzhang very happy. Nie Jingzhengbang's daring style has also infected Pan Jianzhang. Now, within the system, he can compete with Nie Zhenbang who is not afraid of losing face. Ministry, there are several, nationwide, I am afraid it is rare.If you follow such a leader, you will not suffer.

Immediately, Pan Jianzhang stood up and said: "Governor, please rest assured. I will definitely do a good job in the work of industrial technology reform."

As soon as the voice fell, Nie Zhengzhengbang's mobile phone rang, and he waved to Pan Jianzhang and Liu Bingyi with a smile, then connected the phone and said: "Honey, I'm calling at this time, I have something to do." Is it?"

On the other end of the phone call, Yang Anna's voice came over, a little embarrassed: "Husband, there is something I don't know how to say."

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