reborn family

Chapter 770

"Arrest? What a joke! I've grown so big. I've never been arrested before. How dare you arrest me?" Ning Bojun roared angrily. At this moment, the boss of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission could no longer hold back the anger in his heart.It is tolerable or unbearable.These people are too courageous.Too arrogant, too rampant.I don't know if I don't come.If all the tourist attractions are like this, what is the development prospect of tourism in Bashu?

Next to him, Nie Zhenbang was very indifferent. Nie Zhenbang had seen this kind of thing a lot.Immediately said: "Lao Ning, don't be impatient, they are just some clowns. There can't be any big troubles."

This sentence is very contemptuous, and has a kind of defiant spirit.This contemptuous attitude immediately angered Lao Zhang.Said in a deep voice: "Shut up, lock them all up for me. I want to see how many storms a few outsiders can make."

The voice just fell.Outside the door, there was a shout: "Zhang Dekang, what are you doing?"

The door opened, and the person walking in the front was Li Ziniu, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Dingnan District and concurrently director of the Public Security Bureau.Beside him is the director and trainer of the Paige Station.Xiao Zhao followed behind.

As soon as I saw Xiao Zhao.A trace of resentment flashed in Lao Zhang's eyes.The traitor.He even reported himself.His expression stabilized for a while, but Lao Zhang was fearless.This relationship is very secretive.No outsider knows.Think here.Lao Zhang immediately greeted him, and said: "Ju Li, Hu Suo and Tu Jiao are here. Report to the leaders. Today, I received a report from a merchant in the scenic spot. These people don't pay for meals. Take them back to investigate. This group of people , Lawless. Lawless. They even uttered wild words and didn’t pay for meals. So, I ordered them to be detained here until their families pay the bill.”

Li Ziniu was covered in cold sweat. Just half an hour ago, he received a call from Hu Zheng in Yunshan. According to Hu Zheng's words, Li Ziniu stood up on the spot.This is not April Fool's Day, and Li Ziniu is also convinced that, as a member of the Standing Committee of the Dingnan District Committee and Secretary of the District Political and Legal Committee, Hu Zheng would never dare to say that.Good guy.The governor and the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee came to make an unannounced visit together.Li Ziniu felt it keenly.A storm.likely to form.

Without any delay, Li Ziniu drove over directly, and finally, at the most critical moment, Li Ziniu caught up.

Looking at the old Zhang next to him, Li Ziniu was furious.Stupid.Pigs are smarter than him.All the derogatory words that can be thought of in my mind are applied to Lao Zhang.

However, Li Ziniu said in a deep voice: "Zhang Dekang, now, I am formally notifying you that you have committed serious violations of discipline. You have colluded with merchants in the scenic spot to defraud tourists. The circumstances are very serious and have caused immeasurable losses to our Jinding scenic spot. .From now on, you are no longer worthy of serving as the people's police and serving the people. That is to say, you have been fired."

Having said that, Li Ziniu paused for a moment, and said to the other people beside him: "You guys, from tomorrow onwards, don't go to work anymore. The specific results will be officially notified to you later. Zhang Dekang, your question, I will report to the party committee of the bureau later. You go out first, and within three days, come to the branch bureau to go through the formalities."

As soon as Li Ziniu said this decision, Zhang Dekang and others were stunned immediately.What's going on here?Why all of a sudden, you have to fire yourself.

Just as he was about to speak to defend himself, Li Ziniu turned to Nie Zhenbang and the others, his expression suddenly became extremely respectful, and his tone was very low: "Governor Nie, Secretary Ning, I am Li Ziniu, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Dingnan District Niu, let the two leaders feel wronged, this is my mistake in work. It is my fault that such a scum has appeared in the public security team, and I ask the two leaders to criticize me and punish me."

Speaking of this, Nie Zhenbang and Ning Bojun all looked at each other. Now that things have come to an end, it is impossible to pretend anymore.

Ning Bojun stood up, nodded and said: "Comrade Ziniu, you are very good. However, regarding this...Comrade Dekang, my opinion is that the discipline inspection team of your bureau's party committee should immediately intervene in the investigation. If it is necessary to expel him, he will be expelled." If it should be handed over to the procuratorial organ, it will be handed over to the procuratorial organ."

Nie Zhenbang is clear about Ning Bojun's mentality.As the saying goes, a poor person must have something to hate. The Zhang Dekang in front of him seems to be very pitiful.However, if you can think more about it in advance, you should not take it.Don't want it.Sansheng himself, will there be today's ending?It can be said that everything is caused by himself.

Although Ning Bojun is not a strong person, he can serve as the leader of the Disciplinary Committee of Bashu Province.His own conduct is naturally still passable.On the whole, this is a person who has his own persistence.

People like Zhang Dekang must not have been investigated.As a tycoon, there must be more than one place where the money comes from. With Ning Bojun's instructions, it is not just a matter of just taking away his job.

Listening to Secretary Ning's words, Li Ziniu was startled, what did Zhang Dekang do to make Secretary Ning kill him like this.However, he promised: "Yes, Secretary Ning, I will follow your instructions and immediately form a task force to investigate Zhang Dekang and others."

Next to him, Nie Zhenbang also said: "Secretary Ning, I think it's not just Zhang Dekang. The problem in the entire Jinding Scenic Area is not small. Now that this is the case, we don't need to go on unannounced visits. I see, for Jinding Mayor Liu Xiaobo called and asked him to come over. Right here in Dingnan District, we have completely resolved the matter of the Golden Summit Scenic Area.”

Ning Bojun nodded.Veteran cadres and leaders who have worked in discipline inspection for a long time still have this insight.Nie Zhenbang wants to take this opportunity to clean up the tourism environment in Bashu, and Ning Bojun is very supportive. After experiencing this kind of thing firsthand, Ning Bojun agrees with Nie Zhenbang's approach.Immediately said: "I think it will work. Jinding City's tourism revenue is the city's pillar industry. I really don't know how Liu Xiaobo did it."

The words and deeds of the two big bosses of the provincial party committee were heard in Li Ziniu's ears, and there was a feeling of trepidation.The majesty and level of the provincial party committee boss is just extraordinary.Liu Xiaobo, that is the secretary of the Jinding Municipal Party Committee, the top leader.A person who you must look up to.Yes, in the mouths of these two big shots, it's an understatement.There was even some blame.This is the limit.

At the same time, Li Ziniu was also overjoyed.If you can seize the opportunity, you dare not say the words to climb the relationship.As long as these two big bosses casually say a few good words in front of Secretary Liu, their future will be limitless.

Immediately, Li Ziniu also said: "Governor Nie, Secretary Ning. You see, why don't the two leaders move first and go to the Dingnan District Committee Hotel to rest first."


Here, under the leadership of Li Ziniu, Nie Zhenbang and Ning Bojun are heading to Dingnan District.The entire Jinding Municipal Committee Standing Committee was in a state of excitement.

When he got the news, Liu Xiaobo was watching TV at home, and the provincial news broadcast.In the news, the achievements of land transfer in Guonan City were reported, and the further trend of technological transformation of industrial enterprises was reported.Reported the activities of some leaders of the provincial party committee.Liu Xiaobo was still wondering why he hadn't seen the report on Governor Nie's activities.Could it be that there is another problem in the province.Why didn't I get the news?

However, a phone call made Liu Xiaobo immediately angry.Governor Nie is in Dingnan District, Jinding City, and has already gone to Dingnan Hotel.Moreover, it was because of the scammers in the scenic spot.Let yourself and the mayor and relevant leaders rush there immediately.

Liu Xiaobo immediately picked up his briefcase, walked out of his house, and his cell phone rang. He saw that it was Mayor Guo Yi's call.Liu Xiaobo said in a deep voice: "Old Guo, let's make a long story short. Now, what you say is all nonsense, so go to the Dingnan Hotel first. This time, both of us must be prepared to be criticized."

More than a dozen cadres from Jinding City rushed to the Dingnan Hotel. As the first and second leaders, Liu Xiaobo and Guo Yi could only bite the bullet.

One walked into the room.Nie Zhenbang and Ning Bojun sat on both sides of the sofa.This scene made the two of them tremble with fear.

Liu Xiaobo bit his head and said: "Governor, Secretary Ning. You see, the conditions of Dingnan Hotel are still limited. Otherwise, please invite the two chiefs to live in Xiaozhao, a municipal party committee."

After the words fell, Ning Bojun snorted coldly and said: "No need, Secretary Liu, Mayor Guo, the consumption level of your Jinding City is too high, I'm afraid I can't afford it. It's good to live here .”

Nie Zhenbang also said from the side: "There is no need to move. Wherever you live is not where you live. I believe that I know the reason why you two are called here today."

This strategy was also communicated in advance. This is a common practice where one sings the red face and the other sings the bad face.As the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, Ning Bojun is naturally more suitable for singing a bad face.

Seeing the two nodding their heads to make it clear, Nie Zhenbang continued: "Since it is clear, that's good. I won't talk too much about this matter. I believe you all know that several major domestic media have reported on the Golden Summit before. Slaughtering of customers in scenic spots. This has already had a huge impact on the overall tourism image of Bashu Province. With a responsible attitude, a decision was made at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to let Secretary Ning and I take a look at it in person. As a result, let’s not talk about it. This is the dereliction of duty of the Jinding Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government.”

These words made both Liu Xiaobo and Guo Yi look very uneasy.This is also normal, Jinding City has such a big problem, although it is not possible to withdraw the two of them, it will definitely affect their official career.Nie Zhenbang didn't care, and continued: "Just now, Secretary Ning and I discussed it. We feel that it is necessary to visit the province's tourism industry, scenic spots, employees, merchants in scenic spots, and other aspects. Wide-ranging rectification actions. First of all, we must start from your Jinding City."

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