reborn family

Chapter 776

At five o'clock in the afternoon, it was the time to get off work, and it was rare for Nie Zhenbang to not work overtime today.Walk out of the office building of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, and get out of the elevator.Seeing the back in front of him, Nie Zhenbang's heart moved, but he quickened his pace, went up to meet him, and said, "Secretary of Deputy Long, what a coincidence?"

Nie Zhenbang's words immediately stopped Long Genghua in front of him, but Long Genghua was also a little suspicious.On weekdays, between each other.When we met, basically, we just nodded our heads.Today, Nie Zhenbang took the initiative to call himself to stop. The meaning revealed in this is unusual.

On the surface, Long Genghua remained calm, and said with a smile, "Governor Nie, did you get off work so early today?"

Long Genghua is also the one who does not cast eagles when he sees no rabbits.Regarding Nie Zhenbang's abnormal behavior, he didn't express anything.The attitude adopted is also a way of probing.

Nie Zhenbang didn't care about Long Genghua's performance either.Smile lightly.Said: "Secretary Long Fu [Book], let's go together."

The two walked out of the office building of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government. At this time, the Provincial Committee and the Provincial Government were up and down, and no staff member dared to surpass these two. After walking to the compound of the Zhengfu Family District of Wei Province, it started to move.

The greening of the provincial government compound of the Bashu Provincial Party Committee is well done.Although it is a new place that has been newly built for less than three years.However, the green trees in the entire family area and office area can be said to have gone through careful planning and design.Between the family area and the office area, there is a dedicated pedestrian passageway and neatly paved cobblestone roads.On both sides, shaded by green trees.Most of the trees are over ten years old.In the middle, some stone benches and pavilions are ingeniously designed for rest. Beside these small scenery, there are many ancient trees transplanted by Hua at a large price.

The two were walking under the shade of the trees. At this moment, the sun still seemed to be sufficient.

In Bashu in September, it is usually dark after seven o'clock in the afternoon.

Between the trees, sunlight can be seen shining on the ground through the leaves from time to time.Nie Zhenbang pondered for a while at this moment, and then said: "Secretary Long Deputy [Secretary], do you have any entertainment tonight? If you are free, how about we get together tonight?"

This is Nie Zhenbang's invitation.It is also necessary to ask this question, let alone the provincial and ministerial level.Even at the county level.As long as you think about it, it's quite normal to have entertainment every day and activities every night.On the contrary, at the level of Nie Zhenbang, this kind of entertainment, basically, the leaders of the provincial party committee have the same attitude, and those who can shirk it, they try to shirk it as much as possible. At this age and position, I have never eaten any good things , what have not been tried.Now, what everyone thinks about is the big game of Bashu.Whether you are a good chess player or not depends on your ability.

However, you still have to ask this way, this is a necessary conventional attitude.After the words were finished, Long Genghua said with a smile at the moment: "Hehe, Governor Nie's invitation, even if I don't have time, I have to make time."

In this way, Long Genghua's attitude was truly expressed.At the same time, it also gave Nie Zhenbang enough face.

Hearing this, Nie Zhenbang smiled and said, "Then it's settled. Let's go together. I heard it. It's just behind the provincial party committee compound. There is a sifang restaurant that does good food."

From the back door of the provincial party committee family area, it is less than 500 meters away, in a residential area.A small two-story house.This side used to be the outskirts of Tianfu City, which is also considered a shantytown.After the relocation of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, this piece of land is also gradually developing. However, such a residential area has a lot of demolition and is not a main road.It has not yet been included in the plan.

The interior decoration of the house is quaint.The si density of the box is also very good.Two people, a small box.A few special classic dishes of Bashu.

The drink is home-brewed sorghum wine.The wine is strong and long.The aftertaste is sweet and sweet. Shu is a strong province in the wine industry.Liquor is famous all over the country and even the world.The boss here can still use this wine as a signature.It is enough to prove that the quality of the wine is indeed unambiguous.

Small two-two cups.After the two of them drank a few cups, Nie Zhenbang picked up a piece of boiled meat with his chopsticks, took a bite, then looked at Long Genghua and said, "Secretary Genghua [Book], I don't know, have you I heard about the things in Changhong City."

To make Xu Aiguo feel like he has offended everyone, the words of himself and Xie Aibiao alone are not enough.

Of course, this is not aimed at Xu Aiguo, it is aimed at Zeng Taiping.Zeng Taiping wanted to sell favors, and he sold two families at once.For Zeng Taiping, this deal is naturally a good deal.Supporting Xu Aiguo can not only benefit from the old Xu's family, but also make the old Li's family recognize this favor.This kind of thing can be said to be rarely encountered once in ten years.

In this way, if you want to make Zeng Taiping scruples, you must have enough weight.Who is Zeng Taiping? In the province, not to mention an absolute authority, he is quite a powerful figure.Naturally, relying on himself and Xie Aibiao is not enough.As for Long Genghua, he was naturally the best target to win over.

On the one hand, Long Genghua and Zeng Taiping had an unhappy quarrel over the previous matter in Yang Deshi.Ning Bo's army defected before the battle, which made Long Genghua lose face. Now in the province, Long Genghua's life is not easy.This is the basis for cooperation, as the saying goes.An enemy's enemy is a friend.

On the other hand, Long Genghua also has subordinates in Changhong City, if Xu Aiguo really messes around, then he himself will suffer.

According to Nie Zhenbang's analysis, there are generally several types of cadres in Bashu Province.One is the pro-Nie cadres. The Nie family has been operating in Bashu for many years, although the direct line has followed the old man out.However, in Bashu, there are not a few cadres who have been favored by the Nie family.This is also the reason why Bashu is called the traditional force of the Nie family.It does not mean that most of the cadres in the current Bashu Province are direct descendants of the Nie family.That kind of thing is absolutely impossible, and it is impossible for the higher authorities to allow the emergence of a du li kingdom with only the Nie family and no country.

However, this kind of relationship can allow the direct descendants of the Nie family to work in Bashu, and they can quickly integrate into it and get started quickly.

The second type is the neutral faction. There is nothing to say about this type. They are basically outside cadres, such as Tang Bingquan and Hou Wenkui.The biggest characteristic of these people is that they sit on the wall.Two not guilty.

The third is the local faction.The local faction, Zeng Taiping and Long Genghua can all be considered.Although Zeng Taiping is not from Bashu, he has been working in Bashu all the time, and it is completely possible to be included in the local faction.

However, within the local faction, Nie Zhenbang has a subdivision.Zeng Taiping belonged to the local academic school.As for Long Genghua, his highest education is just a correspondence college.This level of gap makes the relationship between the two parties not very good.Moreover, due to historical factors.The two have been rivals since the hall level.It can be said that he has been competing for a lifetime.

Therefore, if you win over Long Genghua, it will definitely put strong pressure on Zeng Taiping.Moreover, as long as Long Genghua speaks out.On my side, I have the support of Sun Jialuo and Pan Jianzhang.Plus Xie Aibiao and Long Genghua.After that, things will be easy to handle.I believe that Hou Wenkui and Tang Bingquan will not miss this good opportunity to take advantage of the fire.To sum up, it is imperative to pull Long Genghua into the water, and Nie Zhenbang also believes it.Long Genghua would not miss this opportunity.

At this moment, Long Genghua was also thinking deeply. He was clear about the things in Changhong City.Xu Aiguo's actions will naturally be told to him.However, Long Genghua couldn't figure it out, why is Nie Zhenbang so anxious about this matter?

After a pause, Long Genghua said with a smile: "I've heard about the things in Changhong City. Comrade Xu Aiguo, although he is a little anxious in terms of working methods. But the starting point is still good. Nie Does the Governor have any insight?"

Regarding Long Genghua's attitude, Nie Zhenbang secretly scolded the old fox.On the face, he smiled and said: "I don't have a good opinion. However, Comrade Ai Biao came to me yesterday and complained a lot of suffering. You know that Comrade Ai Biao used to work in Changhong City. This Once, Comrade Huang Zhenqiu from Changhong City also came to me and reported some situations. I heard that Comrade Xu Aiguo conducted some investigations on comrades in Shantong County. It can’t be done. Today, Shantong County might go to Youjiang County tomorrow. If the grassroots is not stable, it has a bearing on the overall situation.”

Nie Zhenbang also said these words very well, and his grasp of the fire is also very appropriate.First of all, it expresses the meaning of Xie Aibiao.Next, let me tell you clearly, Long Genghua, this time, although Xu Aiguo went to Shantong County, he went to Xie Aibiao.But, maybe it's your turn.

Xie Aibiao also revealed some things to himself. Long Genghua's person is the head of the Changhong Municipal Party Committee.The secretary of the county party committee in Youjiang County is also his.

Sure enough, Long Genghua also paid attention to what Nie Zhenbang said.There is a feeling of sadness when the rabbit dies and the fox.More importantly, if you really want to ignore it.When it's really my turn, who will help me then?

Thinking of this, Long Genghua pondered for a while, and then said: "Governor Nie's consideration can be described as deliberate. From this point of view, Comrade Xu Aiguo's method is still a little more advanced. However, Governor Nie, what's so good about it?" Is there any way?"

What Long Genghua said was nothing more than trying to test Nie Zhenbang. In this matter, Nie Zhenbang has hidden dangers in the long run, but in the near future, the hidden dangers are not great.After all, Long Genghua still didn't trust Nie Zhenbang very much.

Nie Zhenbang dismissed Long Genghua's concerns.Still the old saying, a sparrow can know the ambition of a swan!After a pause, Nie Zhenbang said with a smile: "I heard that recently, Jiangnan Province and Shandong Province have already begun to try the problem of directly managing counties in the province. In my opinion, this is a good opportunity. In this On the other hand, our Bashu Province should also actively try not to fall behind." (To be continued!.

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