reborn family

Chapter 781 Demolition is the most important thing

At this moment, Lu Chengdong has such an agitation. The Tianfu City Shantytown Renovation Plan has been circling in his mind since he took office.However, before, they had never been able to get the support of the provincial party committee and provincial government.Such a large-scale renovation plan, without the support of the superiors, would not be possible with Tianfu City alone.

However, now, Nie Zhenbang's attitude made Lu Chengdong see hope, and it really deserved his reputation.Do things in the hands of Governor Nie.It's just comfortable. Governor Nie's atmosphere and layout are unprecedented.

Looking at Nie Zhenbang's smiling face, Lu Chengdong suppressed the joy in his heart, sorted out his thoughts, nodded and said: "Governor, our consideration is that the transformation of the entire shanty town is divided into three aspects. The first aspect. Renovation of municipal transportation and public facilities. In this regard, the city means to hire domestic and international well-known urban planning and design experts and teams. After fully considering the current situation, it is also necessary to prepare for the next 20 years, or even 30 years. , or even longer-term development, reserve enough space, and try to avoid the situation that many places in China have not been rebuilt for two or three years and are outdated. In terms of road layout planning, the ground transportation road network and the underground urban rail Transportation is fully considered. In water, electricity, gas, network communication and other public facilities, as well as urban drainage systems and other aspects. Do it once and for all, 30 years or even never out of date.”

"Secondly, in the planning of the business district, adhere to the principle of sustainable development, and adhere to the principle of excellence and excellence. In the selection and introduction of investors, strive to introduce top domestic and world-renowned companies to settle in the project planning Area. Within three to five years, Tianfu City will be built into a first-class business center in China, and the business core area of ​​the entire southwest region.”

"Three respects, on the issue of cultural relics, cultural heritage and precious ancient trees, strictly follow the guiding spirit of Zhong Yang's sustainable development strategy. On the existing basis, carry out the original restoration and improvement. Fully based on the existing Terrain and location. Protect the cultural heritage and connotation of our Tianfu City to the greatest extent."

Listening to Lu Chengdong's words, Nie Zhenbang nodded involuntarily. Lu Chengdong's plan still speaks to his heart.Nowadays, in many places in the country, many problems have occurred during the construction process.The road that has just been built for less than two years, suddenly suddenly, because of the increase in traffic volume.Don't care about Ran.It needs to be widened and rebuilt.Don't look at this step is divided into two steps.It seems that such an arrangement is the old-fashioned way of doing things, but in fact, it is true that the capital paid is less all at once.But in real terms, the price is even greater.The demolition price two years ago is naturally very different from the demolition price two years later.

In addition, the strategy for attracting investment also has a clear positioning.Compare.Business district, this is not to say that construction can be built, it is not enough to simply say a word, it represents the image and status of a city in the country and even in the world.This is not something that can be done with money alone.The coal bosses in Jinmei province are rich.However, on such a project as c.No connections.A company without prestige cannot attract Golden Phoenix.

Finally, Nie Zhenbang was very pleased with Lu Chengdong's protection plan for ancient trees and antiquities.In China, in so many places, the work on the protection of cultural relics can be said to be a mess.

Hundreds of years old city walls and ancient buildings are in the process of urbanization and urbanization transformation.Without any consideration, they have to be rebuilt in different places after being torn down.

either.After being overthrown, it was completely annihilated in the long river of history.

For this kind of behavior, Nie Zhenbang is the most disgusted.The reason why China is called an ancient civilization.It relies on this profound cultural heritage and cultural accumulation.Whether it is direct annihilation or reconstruction in a different place, this is a kind of irresponsibility to the country.This is irresponsible to future generations.

It was rebuilt in a different place, although the old bricks and tiles were still used, although the architectural techniques were tried to imitate.But, what's the point?there is none left.In history, what is important is not high-rise buildings, what is important is not food... but these things that are often not valued.

After a pause, Nie Zhenbang also nodded and said: "Mayor Chengdong, to be honest, I am very happy after listening to your report. Your shanty town renovation plan can be said to be very rigorous and detailed; All aspects have been considered very carefully. I support it."

"Do you have any ideas about expropriation and demolition? With an area of ​​eight square kilometers, there are many demolished households involved. You should also have an idea of ​​this. How to coordinate the relationship between the demolished households is the transformation of shanty towns." , the key to success. If, in this regard, you do not grasp it well, a good thing may turn into a big bad thing. Do you understand?" After finishing speaking, Nie Zhenbang looked up at Lu Chengdong.

These words made Lu Chengdong stunned for a moment, pondered for a while, and nodded: "Governor, I know that once the renovation plan for the shantytowns is announced, the cost of demolition alone will be enough to spend tens of billion Calculation. Once the work is started, it is like an arrow shot out, and there is no possibility of turning back. Once there is any obstacle in the middle, it will have an immeasurable impact on the entire work.


This is not intentional exaggeration, nor is it aimless.Such a large area of ​​demolition and rectification.Of course, some of them will be resettled in situ, but many will be resettled in different places.Here, the collection standards and compensation standards involved.This is a complex and meticulous process.In situ resettlement, what a way to do it.How much area is one square.How much do you pay?How much is the resettlement compensation price per square meter for remote demolition?The official demolition was carried out by the city.Or by the companies themselves to carry out demolition collection.These are issues to be carefully considered.

Moreover, as the saying goes, the same rice feeds all kinds of people.Here, if there are such a few nail households, by then, the whole person will be full.Business district, neither fish nor fowl.This is failure.

Hearing these words, Lu Chengdong also smiled at the moment and said: "Governor, the specific compensation standards for expropriation and resettlement plans. There is no clear plan in the city. Now, some comrades mean that the removal of municipal projects Except for the traffic rectification and widening project, all commercial land acquisitions will be handed over to these companies to negotiate the expropriation and demolition. This will save a lot of work in the city. Governor, you are an expert in this area, When you were working in Lizhou, Liangxi, and Wanghai, there were never any disputes over demolition. In this regard, the governor needs your guidance."

Upon hearing this sentence, Nie Zhenbang frowned immediately. Sure enough, many prefectures and cities are now adopting the problem of demolition by commercial companies.

However, it turns out.This method of demolition is very unsafe.Often, it is this mode of demolition that causes major problems.

But any commercial company, no matter what the job is.They are all commercial activities, and there is one thing to pay attention to.Pursue the highest profit and economic value.

In this way, in terms of demolition compensation, the principle of commercial companies is to achieve the goal at the lowest price possible.

Generally, commercial companies, most of which are foreign enterprises, need to rely on local professional demolition companies for demolition collection.However, this kind of demolition company, in order to pursue profits, is often those who are neither black nor white.In the face of interests, they can even lower the compensation standard for eviction, and in this way, conflicts arise.The demolition households are unwilling to move, and the demolition company's forced demolition and forced demolition will naturally emerge in endlessly.

Thinking of this, my concubine Zhenbang said in a deep voice: "This is absolutely not possible. In terms of demolition, the general principle is that the government must come forward to coordinate the demolition and resettlement work."

When he said these words, Nie Zhenbang's face suddenly became serious.Demolition, especially a demolition that involves such a large area, must have a unified schedule, otherwise, there will be big problems sooner or later.

After a pause, he looked at Lu Chengdong and said, "Mayor Chengdong, I see that for the entire shantytown renovation plan, a special headquarters and leadership team should be established in the city, and a special leadership team for demolition and resettlement work should be established under the headquarters." The team, together with the municipal demolition office, and comrades from the demolition office of the relevant districts, form a special demolition team. We must ensure the smooth progress and complete success of the demolition work."

Lu Chengdong nodded, convinced. This time, he came here not only to ask for funds, but also for policies. In terms of thinking, after listening to Governor Nie's words, Lu Chengdong felt like seeing the blue sky through the clouds and mists.It can be said that it was suddenly enlightened.This is the real thing.Regarding this, Lu Chengdong had nothing to say.Then he said: "Governor, please rest assured. With your spirit of instruction, I also have a feeling of enlightenment. I must follow the spirit of the governor's instructions, and the soldiers and horses will go first before the food and grass are moved. First, the entire shanty town will be prepared. demolition and resettlement work.”

Nie Zhenbang nodded. This is the biggest benefit of an economically developed city. For such a large area of ​​shantytown renovation, Tianfu City needs to carry out the demolition work in advance, and the funds paid in advance are not small.If this is replaced by poor prefectures and cities, it will be impossible to implement it.Can only be hopeless.

At this time, Nie Zhenbang also stood up and said, "Mayor Chengdong, be careful and careful. You must do a good job in this area and don't be careless. When the foundation stone is laid for the renovation of the shanty town, I will definitely come to the scene and go Congratulations to you."

The voice fell, there were two bangs outside the door, Li Jupeng pushed the door and walked in, and said in a low voice: "Governor, Comrade Xu Aiguo, Comrade Huang Xingqiu from Changhong City, and leaders from several other cities are waiting outside Already." .

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