reborn family

Chapter 785 The Old Man on the Embankment

Chapter 785 The Old Man on the Embankment... Oh?The old town and the flood embankment are close together?In this case, will it have an impact on flood control in Xingzhou City? "Nie Zhenbang asked suddenly at this moment.

This sentence made Li Yunhe and Hu Baoguang stunned for a moment, and then Li Yunhe smiled and said: "Governor, don't worry. It won't have any impact. When the city was being built, it was fully considered— problems. The flood control embankment can withstand the level of a once-in-a-century flood. It can fully guarantee the safety of the lives and property of the 400 million people in Xingzhou City."

Nie Zhenbang nodded. The convoy passed through Xingzhou City. On the road, there were policemen on duty at every intersection. As the convoy passed, policemen at each intersection conducted temporary traffic control.

The terrain of the entire city of Xingzhou is not high.Along the great river, except for the middle and lower reaches, this phenomenon is rare in the upper reaches.

To put it vividly, the city of Xingzhou is built in a hilly basin area, close to the side of the big river. In the past, when there was no water storage in the reservoir area, the terrain was considered high.Now, with the increase of water storage in the reservoir area.As the water level rises, the gap of a few meters gradually disappears.In the past, the altitude of Xingzhou City was roughly the same as the height of the sea waves of Dajiang.However, now, after the reservoir area is filled with water, the gap will become bigger and bigger.This is a problem that cannot be ignored.Even, this will be the biggest hidden danger in Xingzhou City.

When the convoy entered the old city, the scenery had a completely different feeling.Nie Zhenbang also frowned.

This contrast is far greater than Tianfu City.Although the old city of Tianfu City is also dilapidated, the inside is dilapidated, and the part along the main road outside is considered golden and jade.

However, on the side of Xingzhou City, there was no cover-up at all.Looking at the new urban area, the wide roads, the green belts on the side of the road, and the sidewalks covered with colorful bricks.Street lights—various facilities in the green belt, as well as the high-rise buildings on both sides of the road, the modern atmosphere is vividly displayed. However,—entering the old city, the road becomes narrower obviously.

A one-way four-lane becomes a one-way-lane.The houses on both sides are all three or four storey houses, and the tallest one is only six storeys.Or old-fashioned wooden windows.Pedestrians and traffic are relatively rare.

The convoy first stopped at the gate of an enterprise's family area.Above the gate of the courtyard, a banner has been hung, "Warmly welcome the provincial leaders to guide the work..."

This time, Xingzhou City obviously learned from Tianfu City. Even the inspection arrangements are so similar, but they are a bit nondescript.

After entering the door, a team of aunts and aunts were arranged on both sides, wearing bright red clothes and playing waist drums.The traces of acting for a show are too serious.It was far less natural than when he inspected Tianfu City.

Nie Zhenbang frowned a little.However, it didn't show up either.It's really hard to criticize in terms of welcoming the ostentation.You have to talk about it, others can say that it was spontaneously done by the masses.When the time comes, it will give people a kind of nitpicking, a deliberate feeling.

— After the pedestrians got off the bus, Li Yunhe and Hu Baoguang were at the sides of several leaders of the Provincial Government "Spread Wings Watermark".Behind them were other leaders of the Xingzhou Municipal Party Committee, surrounded by them, and walked into the family area.

Here, the feeling is similar to that of Tianfu Hongguang Agricultural Machinery Factory.The factory has completely gone bankrupt.Next to the office building, there is a sign of the left-behind office.Most of the original factory buildings have been transformed into accommodation areas.

The Tongzilou in the 60s, with exposed red bricks, gives people a feeling of vicissitudes.At this moment, it has also been transformed beyond recognition.

Looking from the corridor, it looked extremely dark and deep.Nie Zhenbang also habitually asked some local residents.However, during the conversation, Nie Zhenbang was a little unhappy.The traces of Xingzhou's arrangement are too heavy.Li Yunhe really cared too much about superficial work.

After visiting several houses, Nie Zhenbang lost interest, and exchanged opinions with Sun Jialuo next to him in a low voice: "Old Sun, how do you feel?"

Naturally, Sun Jialuo knew what Nie Zhenbang meant, so he smiled calmly. This time, Li Yunhe was trying his best to win the governor's favor.However, it is obvious that he has done too much, what kind of temper is Nie Zhenbang.Sun Jialuo is clear.

Then he said indifferently: "Governor, the comrades below have always been like this, Comrade Yunhe. You can't get out of the ordinary. But, overall, the old city renovation plan of Xingzhou City is still very good."

Sun Jialuo was kind and didn't say too many bad things about Li Yunhe.Nie Zhenbang was also a little helpless.Shaking his head, he sighed and said, "That's the case with the country. Isn't there a couplet that's out of order? The upper level suppresses the lower level, and - the level - level, and the level increases to success; It's a matter of course. If the work in Xingzhou City is like this, don't worry about it.

Next, I inspected a few more places. Without exception, they were all warmly welcomed and encouraged. They all praised the city's policies. However, the biggest difference from Tianfu City is that in the official In terms of handling opinions, it is not reflected.For example, the regulations on resettlement and compensation for relocated households in the renovation of old cities and so on.Without these things, it will be difficult to convince the public and make people believe what they say.

At this moment, it has completely penetrated into the old city. Right in front of it, there is a high wall made of stones. On the side, there are winding steps going up.Before I knew it, I had already reached the flood control embankment.

Nie Zhenbang was interested, but he said to Li Yunhe and others next to him: "Comrade Yunhe, go up and see how your Xingzhou flood control project is doing?"

This sudden request immediately changed the face of the Standing Committee of Xingzhou City, and the expression of a middle-aged man next to him was even more serious.

This scene made Nie Zhenbang even more curious. He looked at Li Yunhe and Hu Baoguang with a smile and said, "Comrade Yunhe, Comrade Baoguang. Did I cause you trouble?"

Having said this, Li Yunhe was suddenly shocked, and Nie Zhenbang's title changed.From the beginning, Secretary Yunhe became Comrade Yunhe.This is already expressing dissatisfaction.If you don't know a person, the next address is probably Comrade Li Yunhe.Besides, it is obviously impossible to prevent the governor from going to inspect.Although there is no arrangement, Li Yunhe is also thinking in his heart.

In the old town, there were no people at all.On the embankment, there were even fewer people.As long as you take care of it properly, there should be no problem.

Immediately, he said to Nie Zhenbang: "Governor, you are joking, no trouble, no trouble at all, just now, I was thinking about the safety and security of the leaders."

Nie Zhenbang waved his hand and said solemnly: "What is security? We are the cadres of the people and serve the people. Are we afraid that our own people will hurt us? The relationship between the party and the masses, the relationship between cadres and the masses. This is the magic weapon for our party to win. It must not be lost at any time. This is the highest state of coming from the masses and going to the masses. I believe that as a province of the people of the whole province President, the people of the whole province gathered together to support and love him from the bottom of their hearts."

Li Yunhe brought up security again, which made Nie Zhenbang a little dissatisfied, and he began to criticize outspokenly.Immediately, Li Yunhe's face looked ugly.

After Li Yunhe's father-in-law passed away, after two years of adaptation, the arrogance and edges of his body also faded away.At this moment, he also nodded his head and said: "The governor's criticism is correct. Before I knew it, I made a mistake of bureaucracy. I will definitely correct it."

Speaking of this, it is obviously impossible to stop it,—pedestrian, go up the steps.The cadres in Xingzhou can only hurry up and deploy.

Stand on the embankment.Near the side of the river is a slope.Height, about six meters.Stretches down obliquely.Below that is the original urban area of ​​Xingzhou City.Because of the water storage in the reservoir area, they have all been relocated, and the original urban area has been completely abandoned here.It didn't explode.After the reservoir area is filled with water in the future, this area will be submerged in the river.

Along the levee, down, the entire flood control levee is very neat - very perfect, along the trend of the river, winding out, at least a few thousand meters away.

Beside, Hu Baoguang also introduced: "Governor, the Xingzhou flood control levee is in the process of construction of the Three Gorges. It is personally surveyed by the National Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, and is allocated by the Central Water Conservancy Committee-the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Finance. It was built with funds. The total investment is 5 million yuan. This levee will prevent the river from flowing back into Xingzhou. This is the protection line for our 400 million people in Xingzhou. In June this year, it just passed the provincial acceptance."

After the words fell, Nie Zhenbang looked at a place two or three hundred meters away in front of him. In an open area, an old man with a somewhat stooped figure stood there, with white hair all over his head, facing the blowing of the river. Jiang Feng who came looked so desolate and lonely.

Intuition told myself that this old man must be someone with a story, but at this moment, Nie Zhenbang suddenly walked forward.Before all the leading cadres in Xingzhou city and the accompanying policeman An Min had time to respond, Nie Zhenbang was only a few hundred meters away from the old man.

Nearby, people from Xingzhou City also followed, but at this moment, Nie Zhenbang suddenly shouted: "Old man, what are you looking at?"

"Looking at your preoccupation, it seems that there is something unhappy. Is it a family matter or something? Are you interested in chatting with me?"

So, Nie Zhenbang wanted to block the safety of these people in Xingzhou City.If he walked over slowly, the old man would definitely be cleared.At this moment, I could clearly see the appearance of the old man.I yelled again.Under my nose, the people of Xingzhou would never dare to play tricks.

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