reborn family

Chapter 815 Eye-catching Economy

After an in-depth discussion and exchange with Su Jue, the entire Bashu Province immediately returned to the peace of the past. Compared with Zeng Taiping, Bashu Province at this moment is more harmonious.Even more harmonious.

Su Jue's frankness made Nie Zhenbang feel relieved a lot.Nie Zhenbang's attitude towards politics has always been passive.It has always been the posture of soldiers coming to cover up water and earth.

And Su Jue's promise can be said to have dispelled Nie Zhenbang's worries, and the provincial party committee team showed unprecedented harmony and harmony.The focus of Nie Zhenbang's work has naturally shifted to economic construction and social development.

... "Governor, during this period of time, a number of key projects in the province have been signed. This time, we in Bashu can be regarded as turning around in the country." The speaker was Pan Jianzhang, Vice Governor of the Standing Committee.

Pan Jianzhang's words were indeed from the heart.The regional location of Bashu Province is very embarrassing, located in the southwest border.Belongs to the underdeveloped areas of the country.The province's gross national product is at the domestic level, although it is at the middle level.However, Bashu has a large population. On average, it is definitely at the bottom of all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in the country.

This time, the primary industry in Bashu Province has regained a new vitality.Implementation of the rural land centralized transfer system.Opened up a new idea of ​​rural land in the province.Agricultural production has achieved unprecedented success and a bumper harvest.Secondary industry.Industrial integration and the expansion of superior resources have made the industrial investment and output value in the province hit a new high over the years.The tertiary industry, high-tech science and technology, tourism and other industries have achieved blowout development.Combining these advantages, it is true that there are things that can excite Pan Jianzhang.

Nie Zhenbang did not speak, but looked out of the car, which was on the way to Xingzhou City.With a lot of accumulation, Bashu Province is not poor and empty. As the saying goes, you need to work hard to make iron.This is a sentence that Comrade Qiao Yiren often talks about.The foundation of Bashu is here. Its natural scenery, resource environment, technical reserves and other aspects have advantages that cannot be underestimated. However, in the past, it took some detours and took some wrong paths.Now, it is not uncommon for me to have such a phenomenon of accumulation and accumulation under the guidance of the situation.

At this time, Nie Zhenbang was the most indifferent, and did not take all the credit for himself.Equal credit and political achievements, allowing those who follow you to get the capital for promotion, this has always been the only magic weapon for Nie Zhenbang to govern.

Seeing that Nie Zhenbang didn't speak, Li Yunhe, secretary general of the provincial government, turned around from the front and said, "Governor, I have something to say, and I don't know whether I should say it or not."

On the Toyota Coaster business car, all the people are sitting on their own.Seven seats, except for the three leaders.It is the secretary of the three of them.They are all confidantes, so Li Yunhe's speech naturally seems a lot more casual.

Glancing at Li Yunhe, Nie Zhenbang paused for a moment. After more than a month, after Li Yunhe served as the secretary-general of the provincial government, he has been involved in various aspects.Overall, it's still pretty good.But, all right, Li Yunhe still has a bit too calculating personality in his bones.

For this, Nie Zhenbang still understands it very well.After a moment of silence, Nie Zhenbang also said, "Comrade Yunhe, if you have anything to say, you can say it."

Nie Zhenbang's words made Li Yunhe's expression a little awkward. As the chief steward of the government, he spoke so hesitantly, but there was a hidden meaning of beating in Nie Zhenbang's words.

After a pause, Li Yunhe said with a smile: "The governor is right in his criticism. The governor, Pan Sheng, after Secretary Su took office, I heard that many comrades have visited Secretary Su and Comrade Bo Jun. I met Secretary Su several times..."

Having said that, Nie Zhenbang already understood what Li Yunhe meant, and after a pause, Nie Zhenbang waved his hand with a serious expression on his face: "Comrade Yunhe, why are you like a woman in the market, this kind of chasing after the wind, in the future, or It would be better to say less. Comrade Ning Bojun is the person in charge of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. For some work, he needs to ask Comrade Su Jue for instructions and reports in person. This is normal. Comrade Yunhe, in the future, we still need to focus on Put it on work."

For this, Nie Zhenbang now sees it very plainly, and Su Jue has already made his attitude clear when he takes office.This is enough, not to say that Nie Zhenbang will trust others.No matter what, right now, the relationship between the two is in the honeymoon period.Su Jue met the comrades below, and communicated with some leaders in charge of the province.This is all very normal.

In this case, if you show too much care.On the one hand, it will give people a feeling of pettiness, and on the other hand, it may destroy this good situation.

Although Su Jue is a newcomer and his foundation is not stable, but no matter what, Su Jue's identity is here, and the relationship is at a standstill, which is not good for both parties.

Nie Zhenbang said these words not lightly, it can be said that Li Yunhe was hit hard, and Pan Jianzhang looked at this scene, but he was also a little contemptuous.Li Yunhe is far from outstanding in all aspects of his abilities.But it's not too bad.However, this kind of personality is a bit extreme.It's no wonder, after all, Li Yunhe has a good father-in-law, and Li Yunhe has been going smoothly along the way.Frustration is experienced less.Temperament, it is inevitable that there are elements of restlessness.

After a moment of silence, Pan Jianzhang also said: "Governor, this year's economic data has been released, why don't you take a look at it. To be honest, I can't believe it."

After the words fell, Nie Zhenbang also looked at Pan Jianzhang: "Oh? Is there anything else that surprised you, Jianzhang?"

Beside, Li Yunhe naturally gave Pan Jianzhang a grateful look. At this time, if Pan Jianzhang hadn't diverted the topic, he would definitely not be able to step down just now.At the same time, Li Yunhe has a deeper understanding of Nie Zhenbang's character.

On Nie Zhenbang's side, he looked at the summary report of various economic data of Bashu Province this year.Next to it, Pan Jianzhang introduced: "Governor, this year, the province's economic growth rate has reached an unprecedented 30.00% 60.00. Among them, agriculture has increased by 20.00% compared with the same period last year. 54, the total industrial output value has increased [-]% three. The tertiary industry, an increase of [-] percent."

As soon as Pan Jianzhang said these words, everyone nearby was shocked. Under the current situation, the economic growth rate of Bashu Province this year, among all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, Bashu is definitely the only one in the world.This speed can kill any province or city in seconds.

Today, when the economic growth rate in the developed eastern coastal areas is maintained at 15.00% to [-]%, and when the economic growth rate in the western region is maintained at around [-]%, the economic data of Bashu Province will definitely increase. become the target of public criticism.

Nie Zhenbang saw everyone's demeanor clearly. In this situation, Nie Zhenbang also had a similar experience. Wasn't it like this when he was in Li County?But now, it's just that the layout has changed from a county to a province.

Of course, with the passage of time and changing circumstances, we will naturally have different angles and different views when looking at problems.Nie Zhenbang glanced down. Last year's per capita GDP was 8000 yuan.Compared with Bashu's population of [-] million, it has not been able to enter the trillion club.But this year, the per capita gdp output value has soared to [-].That's a huge improvement.

Nie Zhenbang was also thinking about reporting the truth, but he still had some reservations. I am afraid that this is also the fundamental reason why Pan Jianzhang handed over the report to himself.

What is certain is that if it is reported without any modification.At that time, Bashu Province will be the best in the country. To put it mildly, it will become the target of all provinces and cities to catch up. To put it mildly, how will Bashu Province make other people lose face by doing this?

They are all serving as leaders. Bashu has achieved such great achievements. In other places, isn't this just eating dry food and idle food?

To put it bluntly, if he really did that, then Nie Zhenbang would probably be outraged.After a moment of silence, Nie Zhenbang looked up at Pan Jianzhang and said, "Jianzhang, what's your opinion?"

"Governor, I mean, be conservative. On the one hand, on the basis of maintaining the top ten nationally, it is almost the same as the provinces and cities in the western region that are developing relatively fast, such as the Northwest Autonomous Region. In this way Come on, it won’t be too ostentatious. On the other hand, this can also guarantee our economic growth next year.” Hearing Nie Zhenbang’s question, Pan Jianzhang didn’t hesitate much. After pondering for a while, he immediately said up.

Basically, this way is also the most normal.Nie Zhenbang also nodded, Chinese people have always been particular about the golden mean.The so-called Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it is talking about this kind of thing. If this matter is reported without reservation, it will completely offend other provinces and cities.

After a pause, Nie Zhenbang said slowly: "At this time, don't worry about it for the time being, let it go for now, and I'll think about it seriously. What to do, we'll talk about it later."

... About half an hour later, at the front, in the co-pilot position, Li Yunhe's secretary had turned his head and said to Li Yunhe, "Secretary General, Xingzhou City is ahead."

Although it was said so, in fact, everyone heard it.At this moment, Li Yunhe still reported to Nie Zhenbang again.

Looking in front of the front windshield, there are more than a dozen cars parked on the side of the road.front.Fang Yuan was the leader standing on the side of the road, Liu Qingyuan was on the left, and beside him were the leaders of the four major teams in Xingzhou City.The main comrades in charge of the National People's Congress, the CPPCC and the military sub-regions all stood on the sidelines.

Nie Zhenbang also laughed at this moment: "I didn't expect this Fangyuan to pay attention to these ostentations after going down."

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