reborn family

Chapter 821 The Spring of Agriculture

On the highway, a commercial vehicle was speeding forward, back and forth.No vehicle following, all alone.But it seems unusually low-key.

This is on the highway to Guonan City, in the car, this time, members of the joint investigation team and the agricultural group, including the Ministry of Agriculture, the State General Administration of Grain, the Rural Work Office of the Government Administration Council, and several other related functions The elite soldiers and generals of the department.

The group leader who led the team was Vice Minister Qin from the Ministry of Agriculture. This person was single-handedly promoted by former Vice Minister Zhou of the Ministry of Agriculture.

In front, the commercial vehicle went up the ramp, and not far ahead was the exit of the toll station in Guonan City. Looking ahead, there was no one waiting, and Vice Minister Qin's face suddenly sank.

Next to him was an official from the Ministry of Agriculture, but his expression sank.Said: "Minister, the leading cadres of Guonan City and Sishu Province are really outrageous. Don't they know that the investigation team is here today? They didn't even send the guide car and the personnel to greet them. They are too defiant gone."

After the words fell, a leader of the State Grain Bureau, who was also the deputy team leader of this group, looked at this person indifferently.

Did not speak.But he sneered in his heart. As soon as the investigation team arrived in Sishu Province, Vice Premier Yin unceremoniously gave the two bigwigs in Sishu Province a big blow.Now, it's no wonder that others pay attention to you.

Moreover, even if he knew that Sishu Province was playing ghosts, but this matter was really a dumb eating Coptis chinensis, and he couldn't tell the pain.It is completely reasonable for people to do this.

According to the official reception regulations promulgated by the central government.Doing this is considered a business, what can you do.

Vice Minister Qin deserves to be a leading cadre at the provincial and ministerial level. Naturally, the city mansion should be deeper, and the effort and bearing of self-cultivation should be higher.After a pause, he waved his hand and said, "It's good that there is no pomp and circumstance to welcome you. This also fully demonstrates the strength of General Secretary Shen's implementation of the Sangong Regulations at the local grassroots level. It also fully demonstrates that in Guonan City, If you have full self-confidence, you can meet the investigation team's investigation. Don't complain. Before you come, the chief has already instructed you to keep the investigation fair and just, and never allow favoritism and fraud. That's fine. .”

After a pause, Vice Minister Qin looked at the people around him, and continued: "As the saying goes, the mouth of the eater is short, and the hand of the eater is soft. In this way, the mouth is not short, and the hands are not soft. Isn't it great? Get your spirits up, everyone. Ready to get to work."

On the side of the Guonan Municipal Party Committee Compound, at the entrance of the Municipal Party Committee Compound, Guonan Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wang Guofa and Mayor Jiang Jingui were already standing at the door, and on the left and right were other leading cadres of the Municipal Party Committee.Everyone is in suits and leather shoes, with a polite attitude.

Wang Guofa's face looked a little unnatural, and he said worriedly: "Comrade Jingui, will we go too far by doing this?"

Jiang Jingui naturally understood what Wang Guofa was worried about.In the past, the higher-level leaders checked, and the governments at all levels below were not ready to fight. They treated this kind of thing as if they were fighting a battle.

But now, this time, this concept has been completely overturned. There is no greeting convoy, and there are no police cars to clear the way.The cleaning of the city is done.However, in other aspects, there is no change.

After a pause, Jiang Jingui smiled and said: "Secretary Wang, you are worrying too much. This is what Secretary Su of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor Nie mean. Don't you understand? Governor Nie said that he is going to Meet the inspection under the most realistic situation."

Speaking of this, Jiang Jingui was very indifferent: "Secretary Wang, you are well aware of the situation in our Guonan City this year. The agriculture has achieved an unprecedented bumper harvest. In the city, several large grain growers and booming agricultural products The deep processing industry highlights our city's decision to industrialize and lead agriculture, so what are you worried about?"

The conversation between the two finally relieved Wang Guofa's hanging heart a lot. He gritted his teeth. Wang Guofa also accepted his fate at this moment. No matter how powerful the investigation team is, it is also from the capital. What does it have to do with him? But under the leadership of Sishu Province, he himself is still a cadre under the leadership of Secretary Su and Governor Nie.It's nothing to offend the investigation team.If I offend these two, my time in Sishu will be over.

After waiting for less than 5 minutes, a golden business car drove in, the car stopped in front of everyone, the door opened, and Vice Minister Qin came out first.

At this time, Wang Guofa and Jiang Jingui went up to meet him.Wang Guofa smiled and said, "Minister Qin, all leaders, welcome to visit Guonan City to inspect and guide the work."

After the words fell, Vice Minister Qin looked serious, and said in a deep voice: "I can't talk about guidance. You are Comrade Wang Guofa and Comrade Jiang Jingui from Guonan City. Let me introduce myself, I am Qin Tieniu from the Ministry of Agriculture. Comrade Wang Guofa, In my opinion, we are still working. Regarding the economic data of Guonan City, we have had a detailed understanding before. This time, please take us on a field trip to see your harvest here Rice Co."

This is just a matter of business. In the past, the investigation team and Wang Guofa had encountered many cases, but basically, it was just a formality.Generally speaking, when the higher-level investigation team comes over, the local government will have a delicious meal and a grand reception. Basically, they will not work directly on the first day.

But now, it naturally reflects the difference between the investigation team and the past. Wang Guofa had already expected this.

Looking at Vice Minister Qin, even though Vice Minister Qin is a deputy ministerial cadre, Wang Guofa did not show any fear or panic at the moment, and smiled and said: "It's natural, Minister Qin, let me introduce you, Jiang Jingui Comrade Jiang Jingui is the mayor, and Comrade Jiang Jingui is responsible for the city's economic construction and development. Comrade Jiang Jingui is fully responsible for the entire investigation and investigation work of the investigation team on behalf of the Guonan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. I will not participate more. "

What Wang Guofa said was very risky and bold. A department cadre disdains to communicate with deputy ministerial cadres. No matter how you look at it, it is a bit disrespectful.

However, Wang Guofa felt that this risk was worth taking.

If it is done well, it will definitely leave a mark in the hearts of Secretary Su and Governor Nie.

Jiang Jingui understood Wang Guofa's intentions very well, and smiled inwardly. Wang Zaifa knew how to fit in every corner and never let go of any opportunity to express his loyalty.

After a pause, Jiang Jingui smiled and said, "Minister Qin, let's go to the farmland."

"Guonan City, at the beginning of the year, took the lead in carrying out the pilot project of centralized transfer of rural land within the province. After a quarter of implementation, it has achieved very fruitful results. In the second half of the year, more than 60.00% of the cultivated land in the city has been transferred They left the countryside and went to land to concentrate on transfer work."

Along the way, Jiang Jingui introduced the basic situation of Guonan City to the comrades of the investigation team.

After the words fell, Vice Minister Qin frowned and said, "Land transfer, isn't this a prostitution business? Is this in line with the rules?"

Here, Deputy Minister Qin designed a small trap for Jiang Jingui.Jiang Jingui didn't care either. He smiled slightly, opened up the business issue, and continued: "Minister Qin doesn't know something. Guonan City, and even Sishu Province, have always been the provinces with the largest number of migrant workers. Most of the migrant workers are from rural areas. In the past, Guonan City was the same as the provinces with a large number of migrant workers in the country. The farmland was barren. No one cultivated it, and the agricultural production decreased year after year."

"The provincial party committee and the provincial government have a long-term vision, judge the situation, and according to the current actual situation. The land transfer system has been adopted, and a large amount of land has been concentrated in the hands of experts in farming and large grain farmers. In this way, the situation of barren land has been reduced. We have also obtained more land for production activities. The planting of autumn grain and the amount of grain produced in this season of Jinfeng have repeatedly hit new highs."

During the process of land transfer, the nature of the land remains unchanged, and the original contractors not only receive agricultural subsidies, but also obtain certain economic benefits from the contractors.It's the best of both worlds.

As he said that, the car parked on the side of the road. In front of him, there was a large piece of farmland, tens of thousands of acres of land. It looked like it was endless.but.The whole piece of land is not divided into very small areas. Most of them are in the area of ​​tens of mu or even tens of mu. Between the ridges of the fields, they are all constructed with cement and there are straight channels in the middle.It fully shows the pattern of large-scale agriculture.

Looking at these, Vice Minister Qin and his party questioned some local people in great detail.And asked the current contractor.

Next, the investigation team inspected local grain processing factories and various agricultural product deep-processing enterprises on the spot.And immediately checked the financial statements and data of some work.

The more he looked at it, the more Minister Qin felt startled.This Nie Zhenbang is really amazing.The Sannong work problem that has plagued the central government for many years, unexpectedly, was easily solved by him. This person is not easy.

I am feeling.Beside, some staff members have come over, and whispered to Vice Minister Qin, "Minister Qin, I have found out, Guonan City, this year's agricultural industry. The growth rate of mt has reached about 40.00% three."

Upon hearing this sentence, Vice Minister Qin was stunned for a moment, his face darkened, and he said in a deep voice: "What's going on? There were not so many when Sishu Province reported it. How did you calculate it? Could it be?" Was it a mistake?"

After the words fell, the staff smiled bitterly, and one of them replied: "Minister, because of this, we didn't believe it at first. However, after calculating it four times, it was the same result. Now it seems that this is a deliberate cover-up by Sishu Province. part of the economic growth rate.”

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