reborn family

Chapter 824 Inspecting Shantytowns

Changhong City

Hongqi District, Changhong City

As the oldest old town in Changhong City, the history of Hongqi District can be traced back to before the founding of the People's Republic of China.Now, with the changes of the times and the passage of time, Hongqi District was the most prosperous area where the city government of Changhong City was located at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China.But now, it is a well-known shantytown in Changhong City.

Now, it's New Year's Eve 29.

The New Year's Eve is approaching, and every household is filled with the atmosphere of the New Year's Eve.In the red flag area, on the narrow road with two-way two-lane road, the width of the entire road is only five meters. It is a bit exaggerated to say that it is a two-way two-lane road.

On both sides of the road, there are two-story low houses, but the exposed red bricks and blue tiles show the desolation of the place. On the houses, in the circles drawn with white paint, there is a striking "demolition" , the word highlights the desertedness here.

Here, there is not much atmosphere of New Year's Eve. Before [-] o'clock in the morning, many cadres of the neighborhood committees, community and street leaders rushed here. Immediately afterwards, the police from the ** Sub-bureau of Hongqi District and the urban management bureau The staff are all here.

It used to be that the facades on both sides could place some things at will, but today, without exception, they were required to be placed inside the facades.

At nine o'clock in the morning, under the guidance of a police car, a convoy drove in slowly.The car door opened, and the first to get out were Changhong City Party Secretary Xu Aiguo and Mayor Huang Xingqiu.

This made the surrounding people look sideways.This is a big leader in the city, and he has seen it on TV many times.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yunhe, secretary-general of the provincial government, and Ma Yuequn, the deputy governor, also got out of the car. Finally, Nie Zhenbang, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and governor of the province, got out of the car.

After getting out of the car, there was deafening applause led by a large number of community street office workers, and many people shouted: "Governor!"

"Welcome Governor Nie."

Regarding this, Nie Zhenbang smiled indifferently. Looking at Xu Aiguo who was smiling beside him, Nie Zhenbang said, "Secretary Xu, the people in Changhong City are in good spirits."

Xu Aiguo was smiling at the moment, with crow's feet on his face, and said with a smile: "Governor, this is the wise leader of the provincial party committee and the provincial government. With a shareholder wind, our Changhong City is also developing rapidly. All of this is due to the governor."

Xu Aiguo's words can be said to be the essence of flattery.Listening to Xu Aiguo's words, Nie Zhenbang smiled lightly on his face, but it was very clear that Xu Aiguo was not an easy character to dismiss.

After pondering for a while, Nie Zhenbang said slowly: "Secretary Xu, I don't agree with that. As a party member, how can I engage in such idealistic things? The great economic development of Bashu Province, the economic development of Changhong City Construction, of course, has some reasons for this and the unified dispatch of the province, but in the end, it still depends on the dedication of the comrades below."

A group of people, led by the main responsible leaders of Changhong City and Hongqi District, walked into the alley next to them.This is a very typical shanty town.

On both sides of a path more than one meter wide, there are sheds built privately by the residents here. There are asbestos tiles, iron sheets, and plastic ones.

On the road, it's not that you can see puddles of stagnant water.There is some faint foul smell.

Next to Nie Zhenbang, a man about 40 years old. This is the secretary of the Hongqi District Committee. He is 40 years old. The shantytowns in Hongqi District, the residents here have a complex composition, including migrant farmers and local laid-off enterprise employees. According to the deployment of the municipal party committee and the city government, after the spring of next year, all of this area will be demolished. Negotiations on compensation and compensation have already been made. Considering the issue of the Chinese New Year, there is no rush to demolish the house.”

After the words fell, Ma Yuequn, the deputy governor in charge of science, education, culture and health, also nodded and said, "That's right. It's a good idea to fully consider the actual situation of ordinary people and be flexible."

Nie Zhenbang also nodded, seeing the mess, it was nothing.If this kind of place is really cleaned, Nie Zhenbang will not believe it.Shanty town?Whether it is domestic or foreign, shantytowns are synonymous with slums. In such places, social security problems are the most likely to arise. Dirty and messy, this is nothing.

"Respecting people's livelihood and understanding public opinion, this kind of governance attitude is worthy of affirmation. As the year approaches, issues such as public security and fire protection in shanty towns must be taken seriously. A public security rectification operation is to be carried out. The closer the year approaches , the more attention should be paid to law and order. The living environment here is poor. The personnel composition is complicated. The more this is the case, the more we cannot be negligent. The government of the whole district and even the whole city must pay attention to it and give the common people a stable and peaceful Spring Festival. "Nie Zhenbang said very calmly.

Next to him, Huang Xingqiu immediately nodded and said, "We must implement the spirit of the governor's instructions. Before that, the Municipal Spiritual Civilization Office, the Public Security Detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and various branches of the city launched a one-month During the Spring Festival, the city's officers and police will work overtime to fully ensure that the people of the city can live a stable and peaceful Spring Festival."

"In addition, the fire exits are blocked in the shanty town, look." When Nie Zhenbang said this, he pointed to the area in front of him. The low-rise houses, your house next to mine, came and went one after another.Continuous one.Continued: "The houses here are all one-story houses, all of which are old-fashioned brick and wood structures. Once a fire breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous."

Speaking of this, Nie Zhenbang turned his head to look around everyone, and said earnestly: "I just looked at it, and the road here is narrow, and the fire trucks can't get in at all. This is a very serious fire hazard. During the Spring Festival, fireworks and firecrackers are the culprit of the fire. The culprit, this issue must be taken seriously, and we must be prepared for it. The fire department must also be fully prepared, and comrades in the streets, communities, and neighborhood committees must pay attention to it."

Nie Zhenbang's words were very plain and simple. Everything was based on reality. In his speech, he fully considered the people and people's livelihood, but he did not criticize the local party and government leaders too much.

Next, Nie Zhenbang and his entourage, led by the local community workers, walked to an ordinary private house, and the secretary of the district committee of Hongqi District also stood up and introduced: "Governor, in front of you is the poor household in our district. The home of the top three."

Comrade Lin Sanqiang was paraplegic at a high position due to a work-related injury.Both parents died.His wife also left because of the burden of the family. Now, he and his two children depend on each other for life.Life was relatively difficult.

After this introduction, then, the conversation changed: "The district and the city, after having a detailed understanding of Lin Sanqiang's family situation, provided them with subsistence allowances. Both children's schooling was given Lots of care."

For such things, Nie Zhenbang is very understanding, and the condolence inspections at the end of the year must be representative.Or, it must be able to reflect the excellent economic construction of the local government.For example, Wanwan Village, Xiaokang Village, and other places, or they can reflect the humanistic care of the local government.For example, the current scene.

Regarding these, Nie Zhenbang will not cynically say that these people are perfunctory.Now, after more than ten years of hard work, Nie Zhenbang has already passed that age.

No matter what era or society it is, there must be a sunny side and a dark side, which is inevitable.

It is unrealistic to completely eliminate the darkness. What I can do is to enable the majority of people, the vast majority of people to live a happy life, and this is considered a success.It is only a dream, not a reality, to want a completely harmonious world.

After the staff of the neighborhood committee knocked on the door, a girl about thirteen or fourteen opened the door. In this cold weather, the child was still wearing a blue and white school uniform, without a thick cotton coat.His face was flushed with cold, and he looked very timid.Looking at everyone.

Nie Zhenbang had already walked up and said with a smile, "Little girl, we are from the government, and we have come to visit you."

At this moment, as Nie Zhenbang's voice fell, the leading cadres accompanying Hongqi District and Changhong City all seemed more nervous and serious. At this time, everyone was afraid that what the child said would make the governor make a fool of himself Not good.

Fortunately, the neighborhood committee did a good job before, and the child's answer was quite decent.Welcome Nie Zhenbang and his party into the room.

Lin Sanqiang's home is just a square of a single room. In the room, there are two beds in a mess. After Nie Zhenbang put down the rice, oil, meat and other condolences he brought, he sat next to Lin Sanqiang and smiled. Said: "Comrade Sanqiang, I am here to see you on behalf of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government."

Lin Sanqiang could only lie on the bed, but he seemed agitated. He stretched out his thin hand and held Nie Zhenbang's hand tightly. He was very excited and kept murmuring: "Thank you to the party and the government.

What people didn't expect was that at this moment, Nie Zhenbang suddenly took out a stack of money from his body. Nie Zhenbang didn't count the exact amount. Nie Zhenbang never carried money with him. Up.

Putting the money on Lin Sanqiang's bedside, Nie Zhenbang smiled and said: "Comrade Sanqiang, take good care of your illness. Don't worry, the party and the government will not ignore you. You must accept this little money. It represents me and my family's thoughts."

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