reborn family

Chapter 837 Project Initiation

This has become a consensus with Longxi Province. After the signing of the memorandum, the two provinces took the time to act and implement it.

For this, both Longxi Province and Bashu Province attach great importance to it. In addition, the secretaries of the two provinces are personally in charge and the governors personally supervise it. Coincidentally, both provinces have a nationally renowned Jiaotong University.

One is the ancient capital Jiaotong University and the other is the Western Jiaotong University. These two schools still have strong technical reserves in the field of railway design and construction.

In addition, with the previous preliminary plan of Bashu Province as the blueprint, after dispatching helicopters to conduct on-the-spot aerial photography and measurement of the entire line planning of the Gutian high-speed railway, in less than a month, the two provinces have completed Come up with a unified plan.

At the same time, the two provinces sent working groups headed by the governors to the capital to fight for this project from the central government, the Ministry of Railways, the Development and Reform Commission, and the Communist Party.

In the Beijing airport, Nie Zhenbang led a team of more than a dozen people from Bashu Province out of the gate of the Beijing International Airport. At the domestic flight exit, Liu Qiuhe waved his hand with a smile.

Nie Zhenbang hastened his pace, the flight has a priority, no one can decide this, but Liu Qiuhe, who is also the governor of the same province, took the initiative to wait for you at the airport, which has already shown his attitude. , I have to be more proactive.

He quickened his pace and greeted him. Before Liu Qiuhe could speak, Nie Zhenbang smiled and said, "Governor Liu, I've been waiting for a long time."

Liu Qiuhe laughed at this moment: "Governor Nie, you are welcome, your comrades from the Jishu Office in Beijing have not come here yet, why don't we come together?"

As soon as the words fell, under the leadership of Li Yunhe, Secretary-General of the government's "Xuantianyin" Office, the director of the Beijing Office of Bashu Province and several staff members came over.

Nie Zhenbang smiled and said: "Governor Liu, together, the Bashu Building is closer to all ministries and commissions, and it is within the second ring road. Otherwise, Governor Liu will also stay here. This time, we It is the first time in China that the two provinces have jointly applied for a project, and there must be many things that need to be contacted in the future, and maybe the plan also needs further coordination and revision, and it will be more convenient to be together."

Nie Zhenbang's words were very tactful and polite. After all, to say that someone else's Beijing office is not doing well is a kind of slap in the face. If one is careless, it will inevitably leave a bad impression on people. In this way, There is nothing wrong with it.For work.Moreover, Nie Zhenbang gave Liu Qiuhe and Longxi Province enough face in his words.

Sure enough, Liu Qiuhe groaned for a while, then nodded very readily and said, "In this case, let Governor Nie make arrangements.

With the nods of these two big men, the two groups of people naturally merged into one place, each got into the car, and drove towards the Bashu Building.

Entering the building, here, the staff of the Beijing Office of Bashu Province who have been notified in advance have already prepared rooms for the two groups of people, resting, working, and meeting. It can be said that the preparations are very complete.

A group of people did not take a break. After putting down their things, people from the two provinces had already gathered in the conference room. The director of the Beijing Office of Bashu Province was readjusted after Su Cui took office. He was transferred from Bashu Province. It's called Lee Hamp.This person is Su Kuai's old subordinate.I also have experience working in a team.

This time, the transfer to the director of the Beijing Office also fully proved the status of this person in Su Kuai's mind.In addition, the director of the Beijing Office of Longxi Province, surnamed Wei, is about forty years old, with a potbellied figure, and looks more like a boss than an official.

As soon as he sat down, Nie Zhenbang, as the host, smiled and said: "Governor Liu, I think this is the case, let's first listen to the work contact situation of the two chief directors. This time, our purpose is to come to the department. Listen to their work situation, and we will decide on the next work plan, what do you think?"

Liu Qiuhe was very satisfied with Nie Zhenbang's cautious attitude. No matter what, he gave himself enough face everywhere, which made people feel very comfortable.

After a pause, Liu Qiuhe also nodded and said: "Governor Nie's opinion is very pertinent. In my opinion, let Director Li and Director Wei introduce the situation to us first. Now, we are all following orders."

Liu Qiuhe's words were slightly joking and sophisticated, and the atmosphere in the venue suddenly became much more relaxed.

Here, Director Wei of Longxi Province smiled and said: "Since the two leaders have said so, then I will start by throwing bricks to attract jade."

People who can serve as the director of the Beijing Office are all well-rounded, and Director Wei showed it as soon as he opened his mouth: "Both leaders, this time, after receiving the notice from the province, the Beijing Office will also contact you. Now, I have initially made an appointment with Vice Minister Wang, but there is no progress on the side of the Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Railways."

Director Wei's words are very humble. In fact, the division of labor is already very clear. On the side of the Ministry of Railways, there are strong connections in Su Kuai, Bashu Province.The Development and Reform Commission is also the place where Nie Zhenbang's father, the current Vice Premier Nie, used to work. It has been agreed before that these two ministries and commissions will be coordinated by Bashu Province.Naturally, there was nothing wrong with Longxi Province.When Director Wei said this, he undoubtedly lowered his attitude.

Next, Director Li also opened his mouth to report on the situation. With the help of Su Kuai and Nie Zhenbang, the work of the Ministry of Railways and the Development and Reform Commission went very smoothly, and even the director of the Development and Reform Commission came forward in person.

After listening to the report, Ji Zhenbang also said with a smile at the moment: "Governor Liu, it seems that the work of the two directors is very good. In this case, I think, in order to speed up the progress, let's split up first, and then, Then make an appointment with the leaders of these parts to see if they have any requirements and difficulties, and try to find a way to solve them, what do you think?"

For this, Liu Qiuhe naturally has no objection. This time, Longxi Province is also a beneficiary of the Gutian high-speed rail project. Bashu Province has undertaken the main part of the early work. Here, this itself is a relatively independent department. If there are no acquaintances here, or outsiders, others may not care about it. Now, Su Kuai has this relationship, so naturally there is no problem.

In fact, with the status of the joint application of the two provinces, this matter itself is much easier.After all, standing behind this were four senior officials at the ministerial level.If you really refuse, everyone will have to weigh it.

In addition, in the three most important departments, there are relatively strong personal connections, and the whole process seems to be very smooth.At least, there was not much hesitation on the issue of meeting alone. The Ministry of Railways is also very clear. On the one hand, the relationship with Su Kuai is very good. The big red man under his hand.

Especially Nie Zhenbang, not only has a very harmonious relationship with Mr. Shen, the former Mr. Yuan, and now Comrade Qiao Yiren, this kind of strong network is unmatched by any provincial and ministerial cadre in the country. , Nie Zhenbang's own age is here, offending such a prosperous cadre, isn't this courting death?

As for the Development and Reform Commission, there is no problem at all.

Next, through Nie Zhenbang's connection, Bashu Province and Longxi Province hosted a banquet at the Dynasty Club, and specially invited several major leaders of the three ministries and commissions to attend.

After the matter was basically settled, Liu Qiuhe was obviously in a good mood. Together with Nie Zhenbang, he stood at the gate of the dynasty, waiting for the leaders of the three ministries to arrive.

On the *** side, the top leader and three deputy ministers were all present, and on the Ministry of Railways side, there was also one officer and two deputy ministers, plus five people from the Development and Reform Commission.

Together with Nie Zhenbang, Liu Qiu and fourteen people, they sat down in a large box on the fifth floor of Dynasty.

After a meal, basically, with the Gutian high-speed rail project, the heads of the three ministries and commissions were all present, and a preliminary intention has been reached.

Today, with the completion and opening of the Jiangyue-Guangdong high-speed railway line.Domestically, the high-speed railway from Beijing to Shanghai is also under intense construction. In China, the wave of high-speed railway construction has come.The Ministry of Railways already has a clear high-speed rail construction plan.

Longxi and Bashu, as the main provinces in the west, build a high-speed rail line from the ancient city to Tianfu City, which can also fully reflect the response to the country's western development strategy.

Next, the three ministries and commissions held special meetings on the second day to discuss and approve the construction plan of the Gutian high-speed railway line submitted by the two provinces.

On the third day, in the Press Conference Center of the Government Affairs Council, the Ministry of Railways, the National Development and Reform Commission, Longxi Province and Bashu Province jointly held the launching and signing ceremony of the Gutian high-speed railway project.

Representatives of the four parties signed the agreement respectively, and at the same time pressed a locomotive model that symbolized the launching ceremony.Next, the Ministry of Railways will send an expert group to audit the road planning, and it is expected that construction will start around May at the latest.

After the signing ceremony was completed, Nie Zhenbang and others were interviewed by domestic and foreign news media and reporters.Afterwards, a grand reception was held in the banquet hall of the Great Hall.

Here, Nie Zhenbang has already walked to Liu Qiuhe's side, raised his wine glass, and said with a smile, "Governor Liu, congratulations."

As soon as the voice fell, Liu Qiuhe hadn't spoken yet, suddenly, the whole house seemed to be shaking.This scene made many people in the venue panic.

At the same time, Nie Zhenbang's cell phone rang.

Looking at the number, it was the phone number of Su Kuai, the provincial party committee, and it was Su Kuai's military line.Seeing this, Nie Zhenbang frowned suddenly.

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