reborn family

Chapter 846 8 Party Support

State TV, below, broadcast a group of urgent news. Just this morning, at 28:7.8, a magnitude [-] earthquake occurred in Wenshu County, Yizhou City, Bashu Province, my country.The Party Central Committee and the Government Affairs Council have held an emergency meeting. Comrade Leng Yunfei, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and Prime Minister of the Government Affairs Council, flew to the earthquake-stricken area by special plane an hour after the earthquake.Next, please see our reporter's report from Bashu! "

This was the emergency news on national television within three hours of the earthquake.

When the news of the earthquake came, the whole country was shocked for a while.How many people with relatives in Bashu began to call their relatives and friends, but at this moment, there was no news.

"National TV station, the latest news, Tianfu Military Region, the first batch of troops, has entered the epicenter of Yizhou City on foot. According to the spirit of the central government's instructions, today, a regiment of airborne troops will enter the epicenter area by airdrop. In addition, Comrade Leng Yunfei, Prime Minister of the Government Administration Council, issued an order to airdrop supplies such as food, water, and drugs that are currently in short supply in the disaster area."

One after another, the news was presented to the world one by one through TV stations and news media at home and abroad.

In Tangcheng, Yanbei Province.

As a survivor of the Tangcheng earthquake.The seven middle-aged men gathered together at this moment. The leading man was very simple and ordinary, but his gaze was very firm. Looking at the six people beside him, the man said in a deep voice: "Brothers, I want to Go to Bashu. One side is in trouble and all sides support. Back then, we were compatriots all over the country in the Tangcheng earthquake and saved our lives. Now, I am going to the disaster area to save the lives of our compatriots.”

"Go, go together, let's go together."

Beside, the other six people followed suit and made a decision.

In Shanghai City, here, as the economic capital of China, elites from all over the world gathered here. In the World Trade Plaza in Shanghai City, although it is already night at this moment, the people in the Plaza are The candles were spontaneously lit and placed in the shape of 412. Here, everyone, with solemn and solemn expressions, was praying for the people in the disaster area.

On the streets of Jiangzhou City in Jiangbei Province, volunteers were carrying donation boxes. At this moment, an old man in ragged clothes walked over.From his body, he took out five yuan and silently put it into the donation box.

This is a beggar, but at this moment, the old man put the money he begged into the donation box without hesitation.

Just when everyone thought the matter was over, after about half an hour, the old man walked back to the donation box again, took out a hundred yuan from his pocket, and put it in very firmly.

When the reporter next to him stepped forward and asked the old man, "Master, did you go to withdraw money just now?"

The old man's face was a little shy and embarrassed: "Just now I was full of change, sorry, I went to the bank to change the money."

The reporter asked again: "Grandpa, you are still begging on the street, why are you willing to donate so much?"

The old man waved his hand, but at this moment, the old man's face was very determined: "At this time, the people in the disaster area need the money more than I do."

Things like this are happening all over the country.Touching deeds continue to emerge.How difficult it is to make a country prosperous.In the face of catastrophe.The Chinese people have shown unprecedented unity and cohesion.


With the opening of the traffic line, a large amount of materials were transported in from outside, and the lives of the affected people were basically guaranteed.

On several large open spaces, disaster relief tents urgently allocated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Civil Affairs Department were erected here in an orderly manner.The life order in the disaster area has also been guaranteed at the most basic level.

Here, the temporary offices of the Yizhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government are also established here.At this moment, in a tent, Mr. Leng was sitting in the central seat, with a group of accompanying leaders beside him. Su Mei and Nie Zhenbang could only sit in the lower seats.

Mr. Leng said in a deep voice: "Comrades, more than 50 hours have passed since the earthquake. At present, the most urgent task is to rescue the buried people. The post-disaster reconstruction is not in a hurry for the time being, and we have to wait until the rescue is over. , and then finalize."

Speaking of this, Mr. Leng looked at Nie Zhenbang next to him: "Comrade Zhenbang, what is the life and mood of the affected people now? In this regard, Bashu Province must do a good job in ensuring adequate protection."

Nie Zhenbang nodded. These things are all in his mind, and he doesn’t need them at all. At this moment, Mr. Leng asked, Nie Zhenbang immediately organized his thoughts, and replied: “Chief, according to the latest statistics, as of As of 830:63 this afternoon, a total of 360 tents have been transported in the entire Yizhou City. Among them, there are a total of [-] tents in the main urban area, and the rest are scattered in various districts and counties under the city. A total of food, pure [-] vehicles of supplies such as water and medicine can basically guarantee the living needs of the victims. In addition, medical rescue teams from major hospitals across the country have arrived here, and all major hospitals in the province, major hospitals and large hospitals across the country have already prepared In addition to the preparations for the wounded, at present, Yizhou City has transferred a total of [-] seriously wounded people.

Mr. Leng nodded, very satisfied. The traffic in Yizhou City has been opened up, which is tantamount to opening up the lifeline.A steady stream of disaster relief materials and rescue personnel can enter Yizhou through this line to participate in the earthquake relief work.In this way, the overall situation in Yizhou City has stabilized.Mr. Leng is very clear that this is inseparable from Nie Zhenbang's mediation and coordination.

After pondering for a while, Mr. Leng continued: "Zhenbang, the overall situation in Yizhou City has stabilized, but next, the earthquake relief work in Bashu Province will continue. It is still necessary to coordinate the overall situation and guide the province's earthquake relief work."

Speaking of this, the expressions of Su Yi and the others beside him were moved. They looked at Nie Zhenbang with some thoughtful expressions.

Mr. Leng said so, then, the meaning has been revealed undoubtedly.As the governor of the province, Nie Zhenbang naturally couldn't just focus on the earthquake relief work in Yizhou City.

This time, the Wenshu earthquake, a total of six cities in Bashu Province suffered disasters of varying degrees.Even though Yizhou City was the hardest hit area this time, Nie Zhenbang couldn't stay here forever.As the parent officer of a province, the work of the whole province is the focus of Nie Zhenbang.

Mr. Leng's words and purpose were to tell Nie Zhenbang to return to the work of coordinating the whole province, and to hand over the work of Yizhou City to other people.

Nearby, many people looked at Nie Zhenbang. The work in Yizhou City is the focus of this disaster relief.Whoever can preside over the work of Yizhou City will definitely be a huge boost to the future road.

Saying this, it seems that it sounds a bit like making a fortune for the country.However, this is an undeniable fact. Now that Mr. Leng is here, it is certain that Mr. Shen will come to the disaster area to inspect the work in person.Yizhou City is a must-see place.If, at this time, he can take over Nie Zhenbang's job.If you do a good job, you will definitely leave a deep impression in front of Mr. Leng and even Mr. Shen when the time comes.

Nie Zhenbang pondered for a while, and then said: "Chief, this time, the leaders of the Standing Committee of the Yizhou Municipal Committee, because when the earthquake happened, the regular meeting of the Standing Committee in April happened to be held in the meeting room of the Municipal Committee. All comrades, Unfortunately, they were all killed. Today, there is an extreme shortage of leading cadres in Yizhou City. In terms of work, I suggest that a capable cadre must be retained. Prestige cadres are here. I suggest that Comrade Sun Jialuo stay. Sun Jialuo Comrade, is the executive vice governor, has rich work experience, once stayed in Yizhou City, and is familiar with the situation in Yizhou. In addition, Comrade Sun Jialuo is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, which facilitates coordination in all aspects."

After the words fell, Mr. Leng looked at Su Yi beside him indifferently, and asked: "Comrade Su Yi, what do you think?"

Sun Jialuo?At this time, Mr. Leng naturally understood what Nie Zhenbang meant. Nie Zhenbang was afraid that he wanted to increase Sun Jialuo's political qualifications in preparation for his future promotion.So, Mr. Leng didn't say anything, but pushed the favor to Su Yi.

If Su Mei agrees, she will naturally get a lot of favor.

For this kind of thing, Mr. Leng also showed his superb skills. Anyway, Su Wei and Nie Zhenbang are both under Mr. Shen's sect. If he does this by himself, no matter what the outcome is, it has nothing to do with him. Whether it succeeds or not, it all depends It's an internal matter under Mr. Shen's sect.

Su Mei was also thinking, paused, then nodded and said: "Chief, I agree with Governor Zhenbang's opinion. At this time, it is more appropriate for Comrade Sun Jialuo to be in charge of the disaster relief work in Yizhou City. In addition, I I feel that Comrade Ma Yong, the executive deputy director of the Civil Affairs Department, can be here to assist Comrade Sun Jialuo."

For this candidate, Su Mei also has her own purpose. Sun Jialuo presided over the work of Yizhou. After the disaster stabilizes, Yizhou City and even Bashu Province will enter the post-disaster reconstruction work, and the leaders of the Yizhou Municipal Party Committee must be reappointed.At this time, Ma Yong took the initiative.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang naturally wouldn't argue with Su Yi about such things.Slightly nodded, said: "I think it's okay, Comrade Ma Yong, just in the middle to do some coordination work."

The voice just fell.At this time, there was an urgent report from outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, a man with the rank of major general came in from the outside with a very dignified expression. He looked around the crowd and said, "Report to the leaders, the news just received is that in the mountains [-] kilometers outside the city of Yizhou, a camel Due to the collapse of the mountain, the river formed a huge barrier lake, and according to the report below, the barrier lake is in danger of breaking through."

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