reborn family

Chapter 856 The Unexpected Scene

Just as Nie Zhenbang's voice fell, the car parked at the entrance of the Provincial Party Committee Auditorium just opened the door. Outside, a staff member of the Provincial Party Committee Office came up profusely, and whispered to the Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee Said a few words in my ear.

Immediately, the secretary general of the provincial party committee changed his face, walked to Su Yi's side and whispered.

For this scene, Shi Jiandong saw nothing in his eyes. However, Shi Jiandong didn't say anything. At his level, he naturally knew when to turn a blind eye. If something happened in Bashu Province What matter, when the time comes, someone will naturally deal with it, now?I can't afford to be this villain.

Su Mei's complexion was also changing. After a pause, Su Mei came up to meet her and said, "Minister Shi, it seems that today, you and Comrade Zhenbang must have lunch before leaving."

Speaking of this, Su Wei explained: "Minister Shi, just got the news that the people in the province don't know how to know that Comrade Zhenbang is leaving Bashu today. Now, a lot of people have gathered outside."

"Oh? There are crowds gathering? Could it be a group visit?" Shi Jiandong raised his eyebrows, but said such a sentence lightly from his mouth.

Group visits, this is a big deal, no matter what level of government it is, if it encounters such a thing, it is a serious dereliction of duty. Just imagine, the people under your rule have been forced to such an extent that they have nowhere to go. Go to visit.Although group visits are not allowed by law, once this kind of thing happens, no government at any level will be able to go around. This is a matter of leadership responsibility.

Su Mei shook her head and said: "Minister Shi, you are embarrassing us. I will remember Mr. Shen's words, no matter what time, you can't sell the common people. When the common people have no way to go, when the time comes, the common people I’ll just sell you. This time, the people in the province heard that Comrade Zhenbang was leaving Bashu, so they came here to send Comrade Zhenbang off.”

Shi Jiandong is more interested now, and it's not like Shi Jiandong has never seen the scene of people sending each other off.Excellent cadres in the party, good cadres still account for the majority.The requirements of the common people are very simple, and it is not necessary that you, a cadre, should be honest and selfless.As long as you drive the development of the local economy and let the masses of the people get real benefits and benefits, the people will think of you.

To say that Nie Zhenbang has such appeal in Wanghai, or Nie Zhenbang in Lizhou in the northwest, Shi Jiandong believes, but in Bashu, Nie Zhenbang has only been transferred to work here for more than a year.So much prestige so quickly.It's unbelievable.

With a wave of his hand, Shi Jiandong said: "Secretary Su, Comrade Zhenbang, let's go and have a look together. The common people have good intentions, but it's not a big deal. If you can persuade them, try to persuade everyone to leave. We don't know if it spreads. What happened to Bashu?"

Now that Shi Jiandong has said so, everyone in Bashu Province, including Nie Zhenbang, can only accompany him.Turning a corner from the Provincial Party Committee Auditorium, in front of you is the square of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government compound. At this moment, looking out from this side, there are thousands of people gathered on both sides of the street.Among the crowd, several banners have been raised high.

"Governor Nie, please stay!"

"Governor, we miss you."

"Governor, the people of Bashu will never forget you."

Wait, such a similar banner slogan.Seeing this scene, Shi Jiandong also felt a little bit emotional, as an official, he could do what Nie Zhenbang did, so it can be said that he would die without regret.

I remember that when Comrade Zeng Taiping, the former Secretary of Bashu Province, passed away unexpectedly, even though the media was full of praises, such a situation never happened in Bashu Province.

Seeing a group of people coming out of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government compound, the crowd became a little excited. Among the crowd, someone shouted: "Governor Nie, you can't leave, we still think about you We are going to be well-off."

This sentence has won the sympathy of many ordinary people.They all yelled.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zhenbang felt a little sad and wanted to cry. Remember, someone said that crying sometimes does not mean weakness.

"Minister Shi, let me persuade everyone." Nie Zhenbang's voice was a little strange.At this moment, Li Yunhe also brought up a portable speaker.

After taking over the trumpet, Nie Zhenbang said loudly, "Fathers and folks, please be quiet."

Speaking of this, Nie Zhenbang turned his head, and said bluntly to Su Yi next to him: "Secretary Su, look, there are so many people at the scene, and there is constant traffic on the road, isn't it? Comrades from the ** side, please forgive me." Temporarily implement traffic control on Tianfu Avenue?"

For Nie Zhenbang's careful request, it was naturally impossible for Su Yi not to agree. There was no need for Su Yi to speak. Next to him, Hou Wenkui, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, had already moved.Originally, at both ends of the crowd, there were people from the public security system around. With this order, the two ends were quickly put under temporary traffic control.

Nie Zhenbang took a step forward and continued: "Fathers and folks, please calm down. I can understand everyone's feelings, but what I want to say is that the achievements of Bashu Province are not due to me alone, Nie Zhenbang. It is the Bashu Provincial Party Committee and the leaders and cadres of the following cities. This is the credit of all the cadres in Bashu Province. Today, Bashu Province has suffered a once-in-a-century earthquake. After this earthquake, we Bashu people , showing our indomitable spirit. The spirit of bravery and selfless dedication is the credit of all Bashu people. Nie Zhenbang, He De and He Neng, I am honored and grateful to everyone for your favor. But, the world, There is always a banquet. In terms of organization, I still need to continue to work on more important jobs. I believe that the selfless Bashu people will understand, right?"

When the voice fell, everyone seemed relatively silent.Nie Zhenbang continued: "Fathers and folks, when I go to other places, I will also contribute my strength to the country and the people in other places. I think everyone will not be so selfish."

This was a joke made by Nie Zhenbang. Immediately, many people laughed. Among the crowd, someone also said: "The Governor is right. This time, our Bashu was hit by an earthquake. All over the country Give full support, we can't be so selfish. Hold on to Governor Nie."

Among the crowd, Nie Zhenbang saw the former employees of the Red Star Factory, the extremely poor households transformed from shantytowns in Tianfu City, and many small vendors.Familiar faces.

Nie Zhenbang said again: "Fathers and folks, here, I can tell you that Bashu Province, under the leadership of Secretary Su and the new Bashu Standing Committee, I believe that our Bashu will definitely become more and more prosperous in the future. The better it is. Our hometown will definitely become more and more beautiful. Just now, I saw many familiar faces among the crowd. There are comrades doing business at the night market, as well as residents of the old city renovation area, and I saw the red star The employees of the group, I am very gratified and happy. Everyone’s life is very good now. Then, as a parent of a province, I am very satisfied. This is me, and this is all the colleagues of the Bashu Provincial Party Committee. It is a goal that the leading cadres in the whole province are pursuing. There is a time when the song ends and people leave. Everyone leaves, and after leaving, they all do their jobs well. This is the best reward for me, the biggest reward.”

I have to say that Nie Zhenbang's personal charm is still very strong. After these words, there is neither any high-spirited talk nor any harsh words. On the contrary, Nie Zhenbang has continued to weaken his achievements in Bashu Province. Highlight the role of the current provincial party committee team of Bashu Province.It is undoubtedly correct to do so.

This is a positive improvement to the image of Su Mei and others in Bashu Province, and it is definitely conducive to the development of work in Bashu Province.

Shi Jiandong nodded in satisfaction. Nie Zhenbang's style of understanding the general situation and taking into account the overall situation undoubtedly made him appreciate it very much.

Under Nie Zhenbang's persuasion, first of all, the vendors at the Red Star Factory and the night market dispersed one after another. As a result, the crowd dispersed one after another.

Su Mei greeted him again: "Minister Shi, Comrade Zhenbang, it's past twelve o'clock now. If you go to the capital, it will take some time on the way. I think it's better to have lunch here before leaving."

Shi Jiandong was in a good mood at the moment, looked at his watch, and said with a smile: "Comrade Zhenbang, since it is noon, why don't we respectfully obey orders?"

Nie Zhenbang also smiled and said, "Minister Shi, I personally don't have any opinions. I even wish for it. It just so happens that I take this opportunity to say goodbye to Secretary Su and all comrades in Bashu Province."

In the banquet hall of the VIP building on the side of the Bashu Provincial Party Committee Hotel, the team of the Bashu Provincial Party Committee, together with East Chief Shi Jiandong and Nie Zhenbang, made up a seat.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, after lunch, at the entrance of the Provincial Party Committee Hotel, Nie Zhenbang and Shi Jiandong set off for Tianfu International Airport.

This time, Shi Jiandong came here on a civilian flight, but he deliberately reserved the first-class cabin.In addition, the boarding channel is also different from that of ordinary people.

Here, although we have eaten lunch, there is absolutely no problem with this line time adjustment.As soon as you arrive at the airport, there are already flights waiting here.

After boarding the plane directly on the airport apron through the VIP passage at the airport, Nie Zhenbang and Shi Jiandong also sat down, and beside them, the flight attendant had already delivered drinks.Shi Jiandong readjusted the inclination angle of the seat to a comfortable angle, turned to look at Nie Zhenbang and said, "Comrade Zhenbang, this time, you are under a lot of pressure."

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