reborn family

Chapter 864 Target Star-Moon Country

The person sitting on the upper left side of Nie Zhenbang is about 45 years old, with a well-proportioned figure and looks very ordinary.

Yes, the whole feeling is ordinary, so ordinary that people can ignore his existence. This person was transferred from Minister Gu, and he is an elite agent.

This one, is his ability. As an agent, his characteristics are too distinctive.Undoubtedly it is a deadly hole.Therefore, this person is an excellent agent talent.

Looking around, this is a habitual action. As an agent, naturally you have to pay attention at all times. After looking around, he said: "Boss, I will come first, Li Yong, I am from Chunan, and I am currently the business information department of Huaxia Group. ministerial post."

Li Yong's self-introduction was extremely simple, without any past, a simple name, and then, his current position.For this, Nie Zhenbang can understand very well, as a former agent, he must have such qualities.

Next, the man next to Li Yong also stood up and said: "Boss, my name is Zhou Kun, I am from the Wild Wolf Regiment of the Northwest Military Region, and I am currently the head of the travel department of the group.

After Li Yong finished speaking, the middle-aged man on the right side of Nie Zhenbang, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, smiled and said: "Hello boss, hello colleagues, I, Ma Ruhai, used to work in the Weapons Import and Export Company, and now , as the head of the group's external relations department, in the future work, I also hope that the boss and colleagues can help and give more guidance., After finishing speaking, under the hands of Ma Ruhai, a man in his fifties also Standing up, he said, "Nie Dong, I'm Zhang Jin, I used to work in Huaxia Academy of Military Sciences, and I'm currently the chief engineer of Huaxia Group. "

The personalities of the four people are different. Agent Li Yong has all the characteristics of an agent, and his words are simple, which can not attract attention and never say much.Zhou Kun in the travel department has a military temperament all over his body. Compared with the tiger group, the wild wolf group is actually a lower level, but Zhou Kun is different. This person has rich practical experience and has participated in the hunter school. Three-year training丨.He really came out of the hail of bullets. This person deserves his title as the Minister of Tourism.

As for Ma Ruhai, even though he had worked for Weapons.But there was something tactful about this man.In foreign trade, sometimes such people are indispensable.The last Zhang Jin.This is a bookworm, with a very old-fashioned sex network.

These are my real subordinates, and many, maybe even all, of my work in the Huaxia Group revolve around them.

In addition, Nie Zhenbang was also ingenious in choosing the names of the departments. For example, for the secret service team, Nie Zhenbang named it the Business Information Department, while the action team named it the Tourism Department.The foreign trade group is named the External Relations Department.In doing so, Nie Zhenbang also consciously wanted to make the outside world unclear about the situation of Huaxia Group.

After a pause, after the four of them had finished speaking, Nie Zhenbang also said: "Everyone introduced ourselves, starting today, starting from the listing of Huaxia Group, we will be in the same trench from now on, colleagues and comrades-in-arms. Here, I would also like to introduce myself. I, Nie Zhenbang, previously served as the governor of Bashu Province. This time, the organization arranged for me to be transferred to the Huaxia Group. This is a kind of trust in me. I chose you. This is for you. A kind of trust, I believe that our Huaxia Group will definitely create countless miracles. Next, let’s get down to business. Now that the group has been established, this time, I will call everyone over to discuss the first business of our Huaxia Group. How to do it."

Speaking of this, Nie Zhenbang paused, turned his gaze to Ma Ruhai next to him, and said with a smile: "Minister Ma, you are the Minister of External Relations. After the establishment of the group, your focus of work will be on this aspect. Tell me, at present, How is the work of the external relations department, are there any satisfied customers?"

When it comes to work matters, Ma Ruhai's expression also becomes serious. These people, who can be favored by Nie Zhenbang, naturally have their own unique abilities, just like the Ma Ruhai in front of him. Although he looks extremely smooth, but, This man's ability should not be underestimated.Back then, when he was on the weapon side, Ma Ruhai created a miracle that no one could surpass in the history of weapons.Ma Ruhai insisted on selling a large number of light weapons hoarded in the warehouse in the 60s and [-]s of last century to the African market.This kind of ability to turn dead into living and sell mud as gold is also valued by Nie Zhenbang.

"Boss, according to your instructions, in the past half a month, I have used the old relationship with Weapons, and then, because the import and export of heavy weapons has been transferred to our group, I have contacted some foreign customers for a while. Under Wings Renewal Team], at present, two target customers have been preliminarily determined. One of them is the Star-Moon Country in Europa. The Star-Moon Country is a member of the Europa League and has very close relationships with many countries, especially in the field of military equipment In fact, the relationship between the United States and the Xingyue country is very close. Because the United States needs the Xingyue country to contain the polar bears on the front line of the Earth Sea and the Black Sea. This time, some people who are pro-China in the military of the Xingyue country hope that they can come from our side Introduce Gu-style main battle tanks. Therefore, I classify Xingyue Kingdom as a prospective target customer."

Type 93.Nie Zhenbang is still very clear that this is completely different from the previous life. This is a new generation of main battle tank developed after he obtained a lot of information and technology from the polar bear.In this regard, the technology of tanks has reached the level of the United States and Germany.Just half a generation behind.

Today, China's army has been equipped with Type 2000 main battle tanks. After the original Goo has undergone a certain degree of modification, it is now the world's most advanced main battle tank. This kind of tank is in short supply in the international market, even if it is sold. Want to choose the Xingyue Kingdom to sell?Hearing this, Nie Zhenbang's heart moved, but he had a vague idea that the good cooperative relationship between Xingyue Kingdom and the United States is a place that can be used.

However, Nie Zhenbang didn't speak at this moment, but waited for Ma Ruhai to finish his analysis. This is a gesture that a superior must have.If he interrupted hastily, of course, Ma Ruhai would not have any opinions on the surface, but in his heart, there must be some uncomfortable places, this is human nature.

In Ma Ruhai's analysis, another customer is the ancient country in Latin Africa.The same political system as China.Compared to this), Nie Zhenbang is more interested in Xingyue Kingdom.

After a pause, Nie Zhenbang looked around at the crowd and opened.Said: "Minister Ma's analysis is in place, which fully shows that Minister Ma's work during this period is very worthy of recognition. Huaxia Group is a newly established group. Since it is a new group, it naturally needs new Here, we are all moving towards a common goal. There is no need to have too many scruples in speaking and doing things. I am not a small-minded person. As long as everyone thinks it is right, they can speak freely. "

First of all, Nie Zhenbang affirmed Ma Ruhai's achievements. Next, Nie Zhenbang continued: "I think the list of the ancient country in Latin can be handed over to other people. The relationship between the ancient country and us has always been very good. Moreover, the weapons and equipment of the ancient country There are not many sources. This time the transaction should be a matter of course. There should be no problem with the people below. This time, the focus of our work is still on the Xingyue Kingdom.

As soon as Nie Zhenbang finished speaking, Li Yong next to him showed a thoughtful expression and said, "Boss, what you mean is to open a breakthrough from Xingyue Kingdom. Take this opportunity to get some American s things?"

The people here are basically core figures. When he joined the group, Nie Zhenbang had already confessed to [Zhanyi Update Group·Mengshui]. Therefore, Li Yong did not have the slightest scruples when he spoke.

Because of this, Ma Ruhai designed two customers ingeniously. The ancient country's side is to create stable performance and create benefits, while the Xingyue country's side is to create political achievements.

After the words fell, Zhou Kun said in a low voice: "Boss, if there is anything that our travel department needs to do, you can just tell me. I promise, we will make a battle in 24 hours... Uh, travel plan丨."

Beside, Zhang Jin also slowly said: "Dong Nie, there are some things we need on the side of Xingyue Nation. This time, Xingyue Nation has imported an anti-missile destroyer from the United States. If possible If so, I think there must be something we need in it.”

Nie Zhenbang nodded. Nie Zhenbang was very satisfied with the performance of the four people. Let alone Ma Ruhai and Li Yong. With him, the goal can be very clear and targeted.

At this time, Nie Zhenbang also stood up, looked around the crowd seriously, and said: "Since everyone has no objections, then, this time, it is settled. Let's go to Xingyue Kingdom. Tourism Department, Zhou Kun, you should immediately make a plan. A detailed travel plan, both light and dark. In addition, call Chen Dashuan together, he can give you a lot of advice, put it on my desk tomorrow, is there any problem?"

"No problem." Zhou Kun's answer was as loud as ever.

Then, Nie Zhenbang looked at Ma Ruhai and Li Yong and said, "Minister Ma, Minister Li, I will leave the specific plan for communication and implementation to you."

Seeing the two nodding, Nie Zhenbang finally looked at Zhang Jin, nodded and said, "Mr. Zhang, do you have any problems with technology acquisition? If not, Ma Ruhai, please inform the logistics side and give us Get the air ticket in three days. Let's go directly to Xingyue Kingdom."

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