reborn family

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

The audience was silent.Recruit egg, this is not a very good title. In fact, it also represents a discriminatory attitude of military veterans towards recruits.

Nie Zhenbang frowned slightly.In the previous life, Nie Zhenbang did not have such an opportunity. At this moment, apart from those major events, Nie Zhenbang's path is completely new.

At this time, the man who looked like an officer jumped out of the car, looked at about 18 recruits, and said in a deep voice: "Recruits, from today onwards, you are soldiers of the First Infantry Division of the No. 300 Group Army of the Northwest Military Region. Yes. Our station is more than [-] kilometers away from here. I order, all have, turn left, board the plane!"

The door of the large military transport plane opened, and the soldiers were divided into two rows and boarded the vehicle in an orderly manner. These recruits basically had undergone a simple training in the armed forces of their respective counties and districts, and they could still understand the military passwords. .

After more than 500 people got on the plane, the plane slowly entered the runway and gradually accelerated into the air. After nearly two hours of flight, the plane landed again.

At this moment, in the military airport located on the outskirts of Kazhou City, Tianshan Mountains, more than a dozen military trucks were parked on the side, and the officer appeared in front of the crowd again. Your recruit instructor, let me introduce myself, my name is Yao Yuan, starting today I will accompany you through an unforgettable three months."

The car drove out of the airport quickly, and the entire Kazhou was completely deserted.The car was speeding on the dirt road, raising dust all the way.

After driving for about half an hour, the car drove into the barracks. On the huge playground, many soldiers were training at the moment.

As soon as the recruit got out of the car, Yao Yuan's expression became serious again, and he roared angrily, "Assemble all, circle the entire playground ten times, and run forward!"

As soon as the voice fell, all the recruits started making noises. At this time, they were said to be recruits, but in fact, they were just a group of civilians who had just put on military uniforms.What organizational discipline, what military discipline, what military orders are like mountains, for these recruits, there is no such concept in their minds.

At this moment, in the eyes of the recruits, this instructor is completely making things difficult for them.Tired of traveling all the way, it is said that they should receive a grand ceremony to welcome recruits into the army, allocate barracks, and have a good meal.It's time to take a good rest, how can it be like this, just came here, didn't do anything, just started running.

Among the crowd, there were some city soldiers with some experience, and they whispered at this moment: "A standard playground, a lap of 400 meters, ten laps, that's four kilometers. This bastard wants us to die .Do not run. We demand fair treatment."

"That's right, before I came here, I heard from some soldiers that after coming here, the first thing to do is to allocate the barracks. There is no such thing. Let's not run away, let's see what he can do to us." Another courage One day old guy.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang also frowned slightly. The situation this time is quite unreasonable.Although, Nie Zhenbang has never entered a military camp.However, I learned a little bit from hearsay, and when Nie Jiamin came to the Northwest Military Region, he also called Nie Zhenbang and complained about his troubles.But no one ran as soon as he entered the door and the place was not settled.

Looking at Yao Yuan standing in front, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Nie Zhenbang suddenly realized that this instructor was probably not an ordinary person.

Sure enough, when Nie Zhenbang was still guessing what Yao Yuan was going to do next, Yao Yuan suddenly stood up and said in a deep voice, "Do you think it's unfair? Do you? Very good! But, let me tell you, the next three months. Here, there will be no fairness at all."

"Just now, those who questioned, you, you, you, and you, why are you hiding? Do you think I can't see you if you hide? Didn't you guys say it was unfair? Each of you ran three extra laps. I Let me tell you, this is a barracks, not your home, you recruits!"

Yao Yuan looked foolish and swearing, and after he finished speaking, he put on his full suit and looked around the crowd, saying, "Are you a recruit? Look, I am fully armed, with a load of forty catties. This time, I Run with you all the way, don't say I bully you."

However, at this moment, among the crowd, a recruit suddenly shouted, "Report."

Looking sideways, he saw a boy of about 1.7 meters tall, with a very thin body, but his whole body gave off a dark and strong feeling.As soon as he spoke, Mandarin with a strong southern accent sounded: "Instructor, why do you look down on our recruits. Let me compare with you. Isn't it just ten laps? I also carry forty catties. Anyway, I am used to running on mountain roads." .”

This sentence made Yao Yuan feel a little surprised. Looking at this kid, he also had a playful smile on his face, and then said: "Okay, I will do as you say. However, if I surpass you by two If you do laps, run ten extra laps for me yourself. Enter the queue."

If this had been the case in the past, Nie Zhenbang might have stood up.However, Nie Zhenbang listened to Mr. Nie's words.At this moment, Nie Zhenbang did not take the initiative to stand out, but silently prepared.Under Yao Yuan's command, five hundred recruits immediately started to run.

After one lap, the fastest runner at the beginning has almost slowed down at this moment.At this time, Nie Zhenbang and the boy who was fighting Yao Yuan just now followed closely behind Yao Yuan.

After three laps, many urban soldiers who lack physical fitness have begun to walk forward.

But at this time, Nie Zhenbang and Yao Yuan were already advancing side by side.In the back, Yao Yuan's kid followed closely in four circles, and under the same load, his speed also slowed down.He was also a little out of breath at the moment.

Looking at Nie Zhenbang, Yao Yuan's eyes shone brightly, and then he said: "Boy, not bad. He is much smarter than that kid. He knows how to make use of his strengths and avoid weaknesses. He is a good seedling. Next, my speed will increase. How dare you follow?"

Nie Zhenbang sneered in his heart, this Yao Yuan looked cynical, he looked like the boss, his second child, but in reality this kid was extremely cunning.Four kilometers of armed running, this is for a veteran like Yao Yuan.It's just pediatrics.After all, the Chinese army is best at physical training.

On weekdays, people who do ten kilometers or even twenty kilometers of armed cross-country.At this moment, putting all his physical strength on the four kilometers, Yao Yuan's speed can naturally be accelerated a lot.

Moreover, this guy has bad intentions. He knows that talking is the most taboo when he is running, but at this moment he deliberately induces Nie Zhenbang to talk, so as to disturb Nie Zhenbang's breathing rate.It can be described as extremely sinister.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang glanced at Yao Yuan indifferently, raised his eyebrows, and showed a provocative look in his eyes. Not only did he not answer, but he accelerated his speed, surpassing Yao Yuan and temporarily ranked at the front.

At this moment, in an office on the top floor of the office building of the First Infantry Division, two officers stood in front of the window, watching the situation on the playground with binoculars.

One of them was a middle-aged man who looked very kind.He looked like a good gentleman, looked at a middle-aged man with an extremely serious appearance next to him and said, "Master, what is this Yao Yuan doing? You said, this military region is also the same, obviously it can be selected in the entire military region, why must it be arranged for us?" Division. Wouldn’t it be great to go to the 21th Regiment of the 84st Army?”

The division commander put down the binoculars at this moment, and said in a deep voice: "Chief of staff, the thoughts of the head of the military region are beyond your ability to fathom. This matter is a death order issued by the head of the group army. Our mission is only one, to do our best Assist Comrade Yao Yuan."

Speaking of this, the teacher's eyes were a little envious, and he sighed: "Chief of Staff, Yao Yuan came down from the front line of Laoshan and is the king of the 21th Regiment of the 84st Army. This time, the 84th Regiment is in the defensive battle of Laoshan. It is a heavy loss. The elite of the entire military region is gone. I heard that the Vietnamese agents have caused us a big loss. Now it seems that the head of the military region has made up his mind. This time, Yao Yuan’s mission is I received personal instructions from Deputy Commander Nie of the military region. We people will do a good job supporting the work wholeheartedly."

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