reborn family

Chapter 881 Choice

Guo Tiancheng's words, this is considered an invitation.However, Guo Tiancheng seemed to be a very casual invitation.However, Nie Zhenbang is very clear.This was also Guo Tiancheng's temptation to himself.Only by opening the mouth in this way can there be room for turning around.

At this level, one's own image, and other aspects are all issues that need to be carefully considered and carefully considered.Under this level, it is not possible to do whatever one wants.Pay attention to many situations.Just like now.If it is a very formal invitation, if Nie Zhenbang doesn't show face, Guo Tiancheng will naturally lose face.This can be avoided by saying this.

Nie Zhenbang also pondered in his heart, Guo Tiancheng's purpose for doing this.When it comes to communication, at Jinfan, there are plenty of opportunities and time for communication.However, Guo Tiancheng was not like this.Instead, he chose this kind of private occasion, which shows.Guo Tiancheng had something to say that he didn't want others to know.Or, to be more blunt, Guo Tiancheng didn't want Song Lihe to know.

Although, Nie Zhenbang is unwilling to intervene in the internal affairs of the Ganzhou Provincial Party Committee, and he is unwilling to offend anyone.However, drinking a cup of tea and communicating with each other is completely fine. Even if this matter reaches Song Lihe's ears, it is nothing.

Immediately, he nodded with a smile and said, "Governor Guo, you decide the place. I'm not very familiar with Ganzhou Province. It's a blind man trying to find an elephant, and he can't find the target."


Under Guo Tiancheng's guidance, Wu Li drove the car to Jinghua West Road in Ganlan City.Here is the commercial district of Cabbage City.Although it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.However, on the street, it was still a scene of bright lights.

On the side of the commercial street, a luxuriously decorated teahouse stands.The name of the teahouse is also very characteristic, there is a teahouse.

Tea.It is the best Longjing.The tea set is also a good Zisha tea set produced in Zisha City.Guo Tiancheng has a lot of research on the tea ceremony.Instead of letting the waiters and tea masters serve here, they go into battle in person.After some flushing, washing, soaking and other procedures.The tea room exudes the elegant fragrance of Longjing.

After handing over a small cup of tea to Nie Zhenbang, Guo Tiancheng smiled and said, "Mr. Nie. I have studied your resume carefully. From this, I have come to a conclusion. You and I are both the same kind of people." .”

After exchanging pleasantries, the atmosphere gradually eased in the conversation between you and me.Looking at Guo Tiancheng, Nie Zhenbang was also thinking about it.

As a person transferred from a party and government department to an enterprise, Nie Zhenbang is very familiar with those things in the party and government system.My goal is to get an Olympic aid in Ganzhou Province.But.Nie Zhenbang is also very clear.Judging from the current situation.It is simply impossible to please both sides.

On the surface, Song Lihe and Guo Tiancheng.All in harmony.However, in private, there are still some conceptual and ideological conflicts, which have nothing to do with personal grievances. In fact, many times, differences between the party and the government are a conflict of ruling ideas.

It is not unreasonable to say that the secretary manages people and the government manages affairs, but the problem is that most secretaries are promoted step by step.There is no leader who can say that he has been a secretary since he joined the's out of the question.

In this way, often, the top leaders of the local party committees will participate or intervene in the local economic construction and development.It depends on how to grasp this degree.

In Ganzhou Province, Song Lihe is pretty good.However, Guo Tiancheng still seemed a little dissatisfied.But now, Guo Tiancheng did this in order to win over Nie Zhenbang.

Although Huaxia Group is not an enterprise in Ganzhou Province.It is also not under the jurisdiction of Ganzhou Province.However, Zhong Yang gave Nie Zhenbang the status of a member of the Standing Committee of the Ganzhou Provincial Party Committee.This is the most critical.In this way, there is the possibility of cooperation with each other.

Guo Tiancheng was very talkative, and told Nie Zhenbang what he had seen and heard when he was the Minister of Civil Affairs in the capital.Discussed again this time, the Wenshu earthquake in Bashu Province.Guo Tiancheng praised Nie Zhenbang's performance in the earthquake.

People in the officialdom, not necessarily, everyone likes to talk nonsense, but what is certain is that everyone will talk nonsense.

At least, Guo Tiancheng's speaking skills are not bad.After some chatter.The relationship between the two, invisibly, has become much closer.

Looking at Nie Zhenbang, Guo Tiancheng smiled and said: "Nie Dong, this time, Huaxia Group is about to enter the stage of infrastructure construction. This is a big deal. Next, Nie Dong will be busy with his work."

Nie Zhenbang smiled wryly. Guo Tiancheng had something to say. If the 666-mu infrastructure project is converted into land area, based on 660 square meters per mu, [-] mu is [-] million square meters.Thirty thousand mu, it can be said, is enough to become another cabbage new city.

Here, the main buildings are mainly factory buildings, and the profits contained in this are also extremely huge.Not to mention how many people across the country are looking at this place, but only within the group, it is estimated that several vice presidents are staring at this area.

Any unit, any leader, engages in construction, which is the most profitable and the most political achievement.Therefore, no matter what the leader is, after taking office, he will consider the matter of construction.Because this not only represents political achievements, but also represents real interests in it.

After a pause, Nie Zhenbang also nodded and said: "Governor Tiancheng saw it?"

Speaking of this, Nie Zhenbang said with some self-deprecation: "Governor Tiancheng, to be honest, I feel like I've been put on a charcoal fire. I'm in torment."

"Hehe, that's all, that's all, let's not talk about this anymore. Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. Governor Tiancheng, this time, the Huaxia Group settled in Ganzhou Province. From now on, we will be neighbors. Neighbors, it is inevitable There will be some parents who are complaining, and at that time, Governor Tiancheng needs to take care of him more." Nie Zhenbang said with a smile.

Nie Zhenbang had also considered these words, but this time, Guo Tiancheng had already adopted an attitude.If you continue to pretend to be stupid, it's not impossible.But that would seem unkind.Think twice.Nie Zhenbang still lowered his posture and brought up the matter on his own initiative.

Guo Tiancheng was smiling at the moment, in the officialdom, sometimes, what is needed is nothing else.It is not a real action, what is needed is just an attitude.A good attitude.

Immediately, he also smiled and said, "Dong Nie is polite. Harmonious neighbors, harmonious government and enterprises, this is what I originally thought. Besides, Huaxia Group's settlement in Ganzhou will greatly promote the economy of Ganzhou Province. I am happy It's too late, in the future, contact and communicate more. I believe that there will be no problem in cooperating with Director Nie."

Guo Tiancheng was very happy, because on this matter, Nie Zhenbang's attitude had undoubtedly indicated that he was still inclined to cooperate with him.With this signal, the goal this time has been achieved.

After the breakup, Guo Tiancheng didn't smell much alcohol at the moment, he rejected Nie Zhenbang's proposal to take him home, and took a taxi to leave.

On Nie Zhenbang's side, he got in the car and drove towards the group. At this moment, in the front, the co-pilot, the secretary Yun Fei took out his notebook and said with a businesslike look: "Nie Dong. The day after tomorrow, For the birthday of Deputy Commander Zhang of the Northwest Military Region, a birthday reception will be held at the Bayi Hotel of the Northwest Military Region. You need to go there at that time. In addition, regarding the affairs of Ganzhou Province, I personally suggest. You better sit on the sidelines, Director Nie."

As soon as the words fell, Nie Zhenbang frowned, Yun Fei's words made Nie Zhenbang very dissatisfied.A secretary must have the awareness of a secretary and be able to abide by a duty.

Now it seems that Yun Fei did not do this well. What she said just now sounded very respectful.However, the meaning expressed in the words is not what a secretary should say.what is this?What does the leader do, do you still need a subordinate to guide you?

After a pause, Nie Zhenbang said in a deep voice: "As for the schedule, please record it and let me know the day before the reception. In addition, you can arrange the gift of Deputy Commander Zhang, and I won't ask about it."

As he said that, Nie Zhenbang changed the subject and said, "Comrade Yunfei, you have to do your best for the secretary's work. There are some things that you shouldn't think about. Don't think about it. I don't want it to happen next time."

Nie Zhenbang said this sentence rather harshly.Although it is not clear, the meaning here is expressed.This makes Yunfei a little embarrassed.Nodding his head, he seemed aggrieved: "Yes, I understand."

Yun Fei cursed in her heart, if the chief hadn't arranged for her to help and give some advice, she wouldn't have rushed over eagerly to be a shitty secretary, now it's a good thing, she's kind enough to be a donkey's liver and lungs.

However, Yun Fei did not dare to say these words directly. After working these days, Yun Fei also understood a truth. In my original unit, I can do whatever I want and do whatever I want.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang was sitting in the back seat, looking at Yunfei's performance through the rearview mirror, but Nie Zhenbang didn't speak any more. This kind of thing needs to be comprehended and experienced by oneself.This is like some relationship between myself and Ganzhou Province.Although Song Lihe is the secretary.However, he is already old and not the object of long-term cooperation.Therefore, Nie Zhenbang chose Guo Tiancheng.This is a trade-off.

Of course, saying this doesn't mean that you have to turn against Song Lihe, it's not like that, it just means that at the right time, Nie Zhenbang will naturally favor Guo Tiancheng.

Now, Yunfei is also facing a choice. Nie Zhenbang also understands what he said just now. It may not be that Yunfei wants to say that. The instruction may still come from above, but Nie Zhenbang doesn't care.If Yunfei really doesn't know the trade-offs and the rules, then at that time, she doesn't mind adjusting Yunfei's work.

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