reborn family

Chapter 944

Of course, this does not mean that Yu Li is really afraid of Nie Zhenbang. This time, the reason why Yu Lizhen is so forthright is that on the one hand, the two of Zhao and Chang are too rampant.The two were fine, and came back after a cutscene.

This kind of thing, if it is an ordinary deputy provincial cadre, it will understand that there is no good way to take these people.

However, the problem is that Nie Zhenbang personally intervened in Hongjiang's matter, and the nature of this is different.Deputy provincial cadres may not be able to have a direct dialogue with their superiors, but Nie Zhenbang can definitely.The fact that Zhao and Chang didn't go to the disaster area was enough to make them drink a pot.

With this premise factor, Yu Li's true aura was first reduced by half.This is a matter of principle.

In addition, at this moment, Yu Lizhen also has his own considerations, and at the same time, he can see that Nie Zhenbang is trying to use these two people to establish his prestige.The effect of this kind of prestige is much stronger than the cadres who took down Hongjiang, and it shocked the leading cadres of Hongjiang. Just imagine, Secretary Nie can even take down people from ministries and commissions, let alone inside Hongjiang leading cadres.

Of course, the reason why Yu Lizhen agreed, but he also has another consideration of his own. Although Nie Zhenbang is not in a time of crisis, it is also a difficult situation. At this moment, if he agrees, he will naturally form a fate with Nie Zhenbang. This face, Nie Zhenbang must remember in the future.

Under the collision of various factors.All kinds of situations come together.This situation has been created, Yu Li really knows very well, until now, it can only be done in a business-like manner.Moreover, from another perspective, it is beneficial to oneself and not harmful.

The two of Zhao and Chang are not his direct confidants.use this opportunity.Take it all together.These two positions can be replaced by their own people.It can also sell Nie Zhenbang's face, which is a good thing.

After a pause, Yu Lizhen also nodded and said: "Secretary Zhenbang. Be safe and don't be impatient. This matter, the party group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs will definitely give you Secretary Zhenbang. Give the people of Hongjiang a satisfactory explanation. Comrades from the Disciplinary Inspection Team of the Ministry of Civil Affairs will rush to Hongjiang, conduct an investigation on Zhao and Chang. Everything is based on the facts, it should be dealt with, and it should be dismissed. What do you think?"

Speaking of this, Nie Zhenbang also knew that it was not easy for Yu Lizhen to make such a concession.Immediately, he smiled and said, "Minister Lizhen, it's enough to have your words. After the next meeting, I must thank you very much."

If there is, just click and stop.Everyone is at this level.Just understand the meaning here.That said, it means that Nie Zhenbang remembers this face.This favor.


Minzheng Hotel

In the normal standard room on the fourth floor of the Minzheng Hotel, Zhao and Chang have already moved out of the luxury suite of the Minzheng Hotel, and requested to live in the standard room.

At this moment, in room 407, Zhao Chang and Zhao Chang looked depressed and looked at each other in silence.

On the faces of the two of them, the arrogance of the past has long since disappeared, and what is left is remorse and fear.Director Chang is even more so at this moment. As the director of the rescue department, Director Chang does not have much support in the ministry.Otherwise, it is impossible to stay in this position at this age.If you really have a big backer, even if you are unable to be promoted due to lack of ability, you should go down to the local government to serve as a party and government leader.

Looking at Director Zhao, Director Chang was a little discouraged and said, "Old Zhao, is there really nothing you can do now?"

Director Zhao is also lifeless at this moment, he loses every step with one wrong move, and his arrogance and complacency has suffered a heavy blow at this moment.At this moment, Director Zhao suddenly repented.However, it was too late.

Looking at Lao Chang next to him, at this moment, Director Zhao also felt extremely disgusted. If it wasn't for this person's instigation, how could he have come to this point.That's how people are. At this time, they still habitually push the responsibility on other people. At this moment, he didn't think about it at all. If he didn't have this thought, could he be bewitched by others?

A little frustrated, he sighed: "What should I do? What else can I do? You always try to find some way out. This time, the ministers in the ministry have already spoken out, and they will never deal with things and cadres that seriously damage the image of the ministry. Appeasement. In the Ministry, a discipline inspection team has been ordered to be formed by the discipline inspection team leader, and the discipline inspection team leader personally led the team to Hongjiang. This time, I am afraid we are doomed."

Director Zhao calmed down at this moment, and after restraining his thoughts, he became more sober.There are many things about the two of them, although none of them are earth-shattering events.However, the accumulation is enough to make them lose their jobs and go to prison.As for the position, Director Zhao no longer thought about it. From the moment the Ministry made a decision to send a working group down to verify the investigation, Director Zhao knew that his career was completely hopeless.

The leadership position of the Social Disaster Relief Department is neither big nor small.However, there are quite a few people who are waiting and looking forward to take this seat. Such a big incident happened to me. These people, especially those who are expected to take this seat, must work up and down to add fuel to the flames.

This is the case in the officialdom. When you gain power, the people below will try their best to get closer to you. However, if there is any abnormality, these people will stand up immediately, because you have blocked others from advancing. path of.

With a sigh, Director Zhao had lost his vigor, and said in a deep voice, "What else can I do? Everything, wait for the ministry's investigation and handling opinions."

The Ministry of Civil Affairs acted very quickly. On the second day, a team of ten people arrived at Hongjiang on the earliest flight.This time, the Ministry of Civil Affairs did not notify Hongjiang. Instead, it notified Hongjiang Province after arriving at the Hongjiang Minzheng Hotel.

In the Minzheng Hotel.On behalf of the ministry, the discipline inspection and investigation team of the Ministry of Civil Affairs read the ministry's decision to Zhao and Chang and they were temporarily suspended.And ordered the two to make a written report on this investigation and investigation of Hongjiang.In addition, some people went deep into Hongjiang and visited Hongjiang Provincial Government Office, Hongjiang Civil Affairs Department and other units to learn more about the itinerary and arrangement of the working group in Hongjiang this time.

For the entire investigation, the investigation team is very fast. In fact, there is not much to investigate. All the facts do exist, and there is no need to spend much effort. This link is omitted. The progress of the investigation and The speed is naturally fast.

After the investigation results came out, the investigation team immediately made a detailed report to the capital.The party group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs also held an emergency meeting, and decided to administratively remove Zhao and Chang from their posts and give demerit sanctions within the party.At the same time, the investigation team was instructed to re-investigate Hongjiang's disaster-stricken and social assistance situation, and re-determined the amount of disaster relief funds and the review and distribution of relief funds.More importantly, the investigation team, on behalf of Minister of Civil Affairs Yu Lizhen, submitted a sincere letter of apology to the Hongjiang Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government.

The investigation team of the Ministry of Civil Affairs made such a big splash, which naturally attracted the attention of leading cadres across the province.

Hongjiang Provincial Government Compound

In the provincial government office building.

Liu Yong stood at the window of his office, condescending, watching the scene of people coming and going in the square below the provincial government compound, and the street was full of traffic.His face was very serious.

On the sofa in the reception area next to it, He Yusheng, the executive deputy governor, was sitting next to him, with a cigarette in his finger. The butt of the cigarette had already been burned halfway, but a large amount of ash remained on the cigarette, which meant that.After He Yusheng lit it, he didn't actually take a few puffs.It's even possible that he didn't even move.

Turning around, looking at He Yusheng, Liu Yong said: "This time, Comrade Zhenbang is using his strength to fight, this fire is completely beyond everyone's estimation, and the shock it brings is also severe. Next, the work in the province may not be easy to do."

At this moment, Liu Yong is having a headache, yes.It seems that it sounds a little mysterious.The majestic head of a province, can he still have any headaches?However, this is the case.

Within the system, what is fought is people and territory.Now, Nie Zhenbang has entered Hongjiang.He has already shown his fangs, this time, with the help of the fire from the Ministry of Civil Affairs.It can be foreseen that in the future, leading cadres in various cities in the province will be touched.As a person who came up step by step from the grassroots, Liu Yong knew very well that the political insight of the grassroots cadres must not be underestimated. When capturing the political climate and judging the direction of the political wind, these people are excellent people.

This is the fundamental reason why Liu Yong said that the work is difficult to do.In addition, what made Liu Yong difficult was that when his successor was chosen, although he had the right to recommend it to the superiors, the big factor would be Nie Zhenbang. After all, Nie Zhenbang was the leader, and the superiors would consider him no matter what. feel.

However, now, Liu Yong has to go all out to support He Yusheng. He Yusheng has been brought up by himself all the way. It can be said that in Hongjiang, everyone knows that He Yusheng is his number one confidant.A leading cadre.Especially for a cadre like myself who is about to retire.It is necessary to have a successor. If a person does not have such a steady stream of old subordinates to follow up, then this cadre is incompetent.When you retire, you really have nothing.

Among the old comrades in Hongjiang, Yan Cangsheng is a relatively successful example, and Zhang Tianyue is Yan Cangsheng's person, which is also the fundamental reason why Yan Cangsheng still has such a big face in Hongjiang after retiring for many years.In the same way, there are people in the court who are good at being an official. Only when there are people in the court will others respect you as an old comrade as always.Therefore, Liu Yong is already riding a tiger, and he must persist if he does not persist.

He Yusheng's heart was quite shocked at the moment. Nie Zhenbang's strength made him feel a little bit of crisis.Not from Nie Zhenbang, but from Wen Baogui.

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