reborn family

Chapter 950 The second fire

Liu Yong's words made all the members of the Standing Committee a little playful, Wen Guigui remained calm, looking at Liu Yong and Nie Zhenbang, at this moment, Liu Yong's words seemed to be on the line.This is a complete misinterpretation.

Any place, any government, no matter what level it is, local construction and development, local social development and economic development cannot be at the expense of public security. This is a basic principle and consensus.

Liu Yong's words were very ingenious, and he played a bit of a sideline, and did not clearly state that public security would be sacrificed in exchange for GDP.However, the meaning in these words is exactly that. Isn't that what it means to destroy the investment environment, affect the investment environment, and damage the reputation of Hongjiang Province?But, the wonderful thing is that this is what he said, but you can't use this to judge him. This is the shrewdness of the officialdom old fritters.

Wen Baogui is as immobile as a mountain at the moment, and there is a hint of the meaning of sitting on the Diaoyutai and watching the wind and clouds rise.At this moment, it is the best time for the fisherman to make a profit. In this matter, no matter who wins in this matter, it will not do any harm to Wen Baogui. In fact, Wen Baogui hopes that Nie Zhenbang will be slightly disadvantaged. In that case , your own support can appear precious and get the greatest benefit.

Nie Zhenbang also frowned, Liu Yong's words made Nie Zhenbang very dissatisfied, the meaning in the words, I believe no one here can't understand.

After a pause, Nie Zhenbang said in a deep voice: "Governor Liu, I think some things and some jobs should be treated differently. I think this action is very good. It not only reflects our red Jiang’s determination to combat corruption and uphold integrity also reflects Hongjiang’s sincerity in the comprehensive management of public security and improvement of the investment environment. Is Governor Liu exaggerating when he said so.”

As he said that, Nie Zhenbang glanced at Liu Yong indifferently, and continued: "Besides, this comprehensive operation of the province's public security. It was passed at the provincial political and legal work meeting. It is completely in line with the procedures."

Speaking of this, Nie Zhenbang looked at Chen Le beside him and said, "Comrade Chen Le, you are the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and also the director of the Public Security Department. Please report the results of today's surprise inspection operation."

In the use of words, Nie Zhenbang is very cautious. The word "notification" is naturally more appropriate and appropriate than the word "report", which also implies a meaning.Chen Le, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, is the top leader in the entire Hongjiang political and legal system.He is firmly behind it.

Chen Le nodded. At this moment, Chen Le was not in any panic. After so many years, Chen Le had already developed a whole body of skills. Back then, when he was only a deputy director of the county-level public security bureau, Chen Le Le Ji dared to overthrow a county party secretary with Nie Zhenbang.After that, Nie Zhenbang left suddenly when he was working in Liangxi.When Li Guohua fell, almost all the anger was focused on Chen Le, even so, Chen Le did not fall.These are all proofs.Chen Le's ability.

Just now, at the moment of resplendent resplendent, Chen Le had already prepared the perfect countermeasures at the moment of the accident.

At this time, Chen Le calmly said, "Secretary Nie, comrades. Tonight's surprise inspection of all business premises in Hongcheng City is the beginning of the Hongjiang Provincial Political and Legal Committee, the spring thunder operation. It will start at 35 o'clock this afternoon. , All the police forces participating in the war were concentrated at the Provincial Police Training Center. All communication tools were confiscated. The confidentiality of the operation was ensured. With the cooperation of the police station, the surprise inspection began. The Jinbihuang Entertainment City group was in charge of the Provincial Public Security Corps, and I personally led the team. After the surprise inspection of the Jinbihuang Entertainment City, a total of 87 packages of ecstasy and other drugs were seized on the spot. Drug addicts were caught There were 5028 people. In addition, a total of [-] pairs of sex dealers were arrested in the bathing center on the fifth floor. Among them, when room [-] was found, Comrade Wei Zhongmao, the former deputy director of the Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau of Hongcheng City, evaded inspection and Punishment, I checked the windowsill by myself, climbed out of the toilet, and accidentally fell to my death. On the spot, Wei Zhongmao’s clothes had been sealed up for sampling. In addition, we found used condoms in the trash can in the room. The opposite remains The ** is already undergoing assays and evidence collection. The entire surprise inspection process is completely in accordance with reasonable and legal procedures. I have finished my words."

Chen Le's words made Liu Yong's complexion a little ugly. It can be said that the problem on Chen Le's side is completely gone. Not only that, but more importantly, it also leads to other problems. The problem, the problem of corruption of party members and cadres.

Liu Yong knew very well in his heart that since Nie Zhenbang and Chen Le launched the comprehensive management of public security in the province, he probably already had such a plan. Taking advantage of this opportunity and reason, Nie Zhenbang started the second fire after he took office. .

There are three fires for a new official to take office. This fire is also particular and strategic. The main reason why there are three fires for a new official to take office is still a process of mastering a dominant position.Newly appointed.I am new here, and the comrades below are not familiar with it. It is inevitable that some units need to be adjusted and replaced with cadres who have taken refuge in themselves.In this way, when you do things, you will not be restrained, and the people below will listen to you.

However, burning fire is not what you want to burn. Everything must be carried out under a rule. The level of the three fires also has different levels. Some people, the fire is burning, but they are not careful. Bring yourself in too.

Undoubtedly, Nie Zhenbang's level is extremely powerful. After taking office, he did everything in an orderly manner. When the cadres in the whole province thought that Secretary Nie had initially established his foothold and would not start a fire, suddenly, Nie Zhenbang The first fire was started, and it started from the external department. In the end, all the cadres in the province can see the series of measures of asking the ministries to apologize and suspending their duties for investigation.

And now, the comprehensive management of public security is the second fire planned by Nie Zhenbang.If there was no such thing, it would be the most practical benefit for Chen Le to control the political and legal system, but now, if this kind of thing happened, then Nie Zhenbang would be given a second reason to fire.

After a pause, Liu Yong was about to speak, but Nie Zhenbang suddenly said: "Absurd! Shame!"

These two sentences immediately attracted everyone's attention, and Nie Zhenbang said in a deep voice, "I really didn't expect that such a thing would happen in our party and government team. Open prostitution, this kind of behavior is extremely bad In my opinion, it is very necessary to strengthen the ideological education of party and government leading cadres, party style and party discipline throughout the province, precious secretary, you are the deputy secretary in charge, you are an expert in this regard, you must Work out an effective plan to deepen the ideological and political study of cadres, take doing good things for the people and doing practical things for the people as an important learning content, strengthen the education of clean government, deeply study the spirit of the 21st National Congress of the Party, and deeply understand the Party Central Committee. Instructions. Strengthen the quality construction of the cadre team."

This is the cleverness of Nie Zhenbang. Obviously, this kind of thing is good for him, but it is absolutely impossible for one person to monopolize this kind of benefit. Now let Wen Baogui take charge of this work On the one hand, Wen Baogui is the secretary of the party and the masses, and he is in charge of this matter.In addition, I also pulled a strong support for myself in the team.

After a pause, Nie Zhenbang continued: "In addition, I think that the province still has to come up with a plan for Wei Zhongmao's aftermath."

Looking at the crowd, Nie Zhenbang continued: "Here in the Propaganda Department, Comrade Wei Ran, you should be responsible. You must do a good job in the propaganda work and do it carefully. In the media inside and outside the province, you must ensure that no negative news appears. As for Wei Zhong Comrade Mao’s death, in my opinion, should be an accidental death. In addition, Secretary Yao, the Hongcheng Municipal Committee must do a good job in comforting the family members. They must explain the situation and explain the problem to the family members. Don’t get emotional.”

After Nie Zhenbang's voice fell, Yao Dingguo and Wen Baogui exchanged views with each other, but they also nodded. Of course, Wei Zhongmao's matter was only his own problem, but if it was really pursued, Yao Dingguo, the secretary, did not have any responsibility. , but, after all, it is a stain.Moreover, Nie Zhenbang's actions are in line with the traditional concepts of the Chinese people, and they are open to the outside world.This is humane, people are already dead, even if there is a crime of beating again, how to investigate?It would be unreasonable to dig deep, but now the family of the deceased can accept it.

Yao Dingguo also nodded and said: "Secretary Nie, please rest assured that the Red City Committee will do a good job in comforting the family members of the deceased. Be sure to control the impact of this matter to a minimum."

Next to it, Li Weiran also said, "Secretary Nie, don't worry. I'll make arrangements for the Propaganda Department right away. I'll make sure to keep the propaganda going. I will never discredit the provincial party committee and the provincial government."

Looking at this scene, Liu Yong's expression was very gloomy, and Nie Zhenbang's play of hitting and canceling was really beautiful.It is foreseeable that next, there will be a major change in personnel throughout the province.This is the essence of Nie Zhenbang's second fire.

After pondering for a while, Liu Yong glanced at He Yusheng next to him, and then said, "Secretary Nie, I object! I object to launching such formalistic learning activities across the province."

These words silenced the audience, Nie Zhenbang frowned, Liu Yong, finally couldn't bear it anymore?

At this moment, Liu Yong looked very serious, looked around everyone, and said slowly: "I think Wei Zhongmao's problem is just an isolated case, and it is not representative at all. In my opinion, there is no need to discuss it all over the world. To carry out such a large-scale purge operation within the province. This is no longer the era of political campaigns."

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