reborn family

Chapter 955

The conference room of the Civil Affairs Office is rectangular in shape. There is a cabinet-type air conditioner in each of the four corners of the room. There is a tea room outside the conference room, and an oval conference table in the middle of the conference room.In the middle, the oval hollowed out place was originally used to place green plants and flowers, but it is also vacated at this moment.

As soon as he sat down, Nie Zhenbang looked at Liu Yaosheng next to him and said, "Comrade Yaosheng, I think, this time, we will make a special trip to listen to Director Guo's report.

Today, we come with ears.Just listen but not talk. "

Nie Zhenbang's words were slightly joking, and it was impossible not to give any instructions when he really came.However, the meaning expressed by Nie Zhenbang is very clear. Today's investigation is still played by the Civil Affairs Department.

Liu Yaosheng also nodded with a smile and said, "Comrade Nansheng, Secretary Nie is watching you now. Next, let's look at the work report of your Civil Affairs Department."

Guo Nansheng seemed unhurried at the moment.This kind of attitude made Nie Zhenbang appreciate it very much, and he didn't hide it in his eyes.Only those who have truly done their work in a down-to-earth manner will not panic at all under such circumstances.

Guo Nansheng smiled and said, "Secretary Nie, all the leaders, the work of the Civil Affairs Department, in terms of rural orphans, left-behind children, and daily work, is the executive deputy director Li Qisheng who is determined to be in charge..."

Both Nie Zhenbang and Liu Yaosheng could understand the meaning of this sentence. Nie Zhenbang didn't think much about Guo Nansheng's move. However, basically, most of them follow the scriptures, so it is better to be true and direct. As for the so-called identity and face problem, Nie Zhenbang doesn't think so.

Moreover, judging from Bang Nansheng's attitude, this Li Qisheng should also be his right-hand man. Guo Nansheng took the risk of making the leader unhappy and won a chance for Li Qisheng to show his face. This kind of disposition is undoubtedly very rare. of.

Next, Zun Qisheng introduced in detail the summary and report of the routine work in the civil affairs work of Hongjiang Province.

On the whole, Nie Zhenbang is still very satisfied. Hongjiang’s finances are not rich in the first place. Anywhere, the degree of financial affluence directly affects the work of science, education, culture, health, sports, civil affairs, etc. in this place. Hongjiang’s civil affairs can have the present The results are quite outstanding, at least, compared with finances, the ranking in the country is not the bottom, which is a kind of progress.

Next, Liu Yaosheng nodded and said: "Director Guo, please introduce the current situation of the Hongjiang freezing disaster."

Guo Nansheng nodded, opened the notebook on the table, and said immediately: "Secretary Nie, leaders, this time, due to the severe and extreme weather, some areas of our province have also suffered from severe freezing disasters. The main affected areas, Concentrated in two cities, Wenchun City and Meiping City, 30.00 counties and cities were affected by the disaster. The whole province, including other places, suffered from different degrees of freezing disasters, and the affected population reached [-] million. This accounts for It accounts for a quarter of the total population of the province. It is estimated that the crop production in the two cities will be reduced by [-]%. In addition, due to the traffic jam, the materials in the two cities are currently in short supply, and it is difficult to supply fresh vegetables. The lives of the people have been affected to varying degrees. Impact."

"In addition, the Spring Festival travel season is just beginning, and the traffic is blocked. The tourists stranded in the two cities have also brought heavy pressure to the two cities. At present, the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs has urgently mobilized disaster relief tents, quilts, clothes and warming equipment. Try every means to transport it to the disaster area. In addition, the Provincial Electric Power Group is also working overtime. The whole line is rushing to repair and maintain the frozen power transmission lines to ensure the power supply in the disaster area.”

Guo Nansheng's words made Nie Zhenbang frowned. He didn't expect that the ice disaster on the Hongjiang River would be so serious. At the beginning of last year, Chunan, including Qianzhou Province and Sishu Province, also suffered from a certain degree of freezing Disasters, Chunan Province and Qianzhou Province were more seriously affected.However, Nie Zhenbang did not expect it.This year, Hongjiang will be affected no matter what.Moreover, it is so serious.

After a pause, Nie Zhenbang frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Although, this time, the freezing disaster of the Hongjiang River is mainly concentrated in two provinces, but we must not take it lightly. We must unite and do a good job in disaster relief." Work. Near the end of the year, the civil affairs department must do a good job in the resettlement of the victims, increase the intensity of rescue, and strive to distribute the relief materials to the victims in the fastest time. In addition, go to Meiping City The transportation with Wenchun City, including highways, railways and other methods, must be considered. A special working group should be set up in the province. I will personally serve as the team leader. The Department of Transportation should also take practical actions and use All kinds of construction machinery and equipment, increase the maintenance of the road surface, keep the road smooth, and ensure that the people of the whole province spend a stable and peaceful Spring Festival." Next.Liu Yaosheng also nodded, and said: "Comrades, Secretary Nie's instructions are very important, but here, I still have to make a request to the Civil Affairs Department. Although disaster relief is a systematic project, the Civil Affairs Department is the leader. Strength, here, the Civil Affairs Department must take practical actions, go deep into the disaster area, visit the masses, implement disaster relief materials and funds in place, and make preparations for follow-up investigations on the subsequent use of funds."

Nie Zhenbang frowned at the moment and said: "Comrade Yaosheng, it is said that the disaster situation in South Chu this year is more serious than our Hongjiang side, but it is much better in South Chu."

This is indeed what Nie Zhenbang is curious about. This year's freezing disaster, the hardest-hit areas are concentrated on the Chunan side. However, the disaster relief work in Chunan Province is orderly, and the whole province has not found anything. Very serious news came out.This makes people feel strange.

Next to him, Liu Yaosheng, as the leader in charge, is very clear about this, and then explained: "Secretary Nie, because of the severe freezing disaster in southern Chu, last year, road icebreakers and various anti-corrosion Ice equipment preparations are relatively adequate. In addition, after the winter this year, Chunan has a clear understanding of the freezing disaster and has made full preparations. Therefore, although their side, although the actual disaster is more serious than ours However, because of the effective handling, the loss is much smaller.

Hearing this, Nie Zhenbang pondered at the moment. After a while, Nie Zhenbang stood up and told Xu Hongzhuan next to him, "Secretary-General, please make arrangements immediately. Today we will go to Wenchun City overnight to have a look. As the saying goes, without investigation, there is no right to speak, keep your feet on the ground, go to the front of the disaster area to see the real situation of the people, and see what the road has become."

Nie Zhenbang's words stunned everyone present. No one thought that Nie Zhenbang would make such a decision temporarily.However, who is Nie Zhenbang? This is the leader of the provincial party committee. In Hongjiang, what he says is an order.

Without hesitation, Xu Hongzhuan nodded and said, "Yes, I will arrange and prepare right away. Also, on the nose of the entourage...?"

Nie Zhenbang looked around at Liu Yaosheng and Guo Nansheng, and then said: "I think, we will arrange responsible comrades from the four relevant departments of transportation, civil affairs, agriculture, and electric power to accompany him. In addition, Comrade Yaosheng will also accompany him. The accompanying media reporters let the provincial newspaper Just follow along with the provincial TV station Lu. It’s easy to drive. We set off in an hour, and it’s 02:30 in the afternoon, and we try to arrive in Wenchun City by [-]:[-] in the evening.”

Following Nie Zhenbang's order, the relevant departments also began to act. The Political and Legal Committee, Chen Le, also called. Considering the problem of icy roads and traffic congestion on the road, after weighing it, Nie Zhenbang still adopted it. According to Chen Le's opinion, this time, there will be two police cars accompanying him.The entire fleet, a total of eight off-road vehicles, plus two Coaster commercial vehicles, all vehicles are equipped with anti-skid chains and rescue equipment.

At the same time, on the side of the Provincial Party Committee compound, Wu Guangshun, director of the Transportation Department, Cai Xinkai, director of the Agriculture Department, and He Zhenghui, director of the Water Conservancy and Electric Power Department, also rushed over.

They were all the top leaders of the department and bureau committee, and they were no strangers. The three of them got out of the car and walked to Guo Nansheng of the Civil Affairs Department, talking in low voices.

At this moment, Guo Nansheng did not expect that Secretary Nie would suddenly do something like this. However, from this point of view, Guo Nansheng also admired Secretary Nie. Secretary Nie really put the people and the suffering of the people's livelihood in his heart , Hongjiang has such a secretary, this is Hongjiang's blessing, this is Hongjiang's luck.

One after another, the publicity personnel rushed over. Although Chen Le did not personally accompany the Public Security Office, Zhou Yumin, the chief captain of the Provincial Public Security Traffic Police Corps, followed him.On the side of the Provincial Party Committee, the comrades in the trolley class also put all kinds of rescue tools and snow chains in the trunk of the car.

Before 03:30 in the afternoon, with more than ten minutes left, Nie Zhenbang, Xu Hongzhuan and Liu Yaosheng walked out of the Provincial Party Committee building together. Nodding slightly, he said immediately: "Everyone get in the car. This time, everyone has worked hard."

Just when Nie Zhenbang set off for Wenchun City.At this moment, on the side of Wenchun City and the municipal government building, Li Youquan, secretary of the Wenchun Municipal Party Committee, also stood up from his desk, walked out of the office, and told the secretary, "Xiao Chen, go and inform the secretary. Director, just received a call from Secretary-General Xu of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary Nie and his party are already on their way to Wenchun City, immediately notify all the standing committee members to hold an emergency meeting."

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