reborn family

Chapter 961

What caught my eye was a small village hidden deep in the valleys, with more than a dozen houses scattered scattered on the valleys and half-mountain slopes, and the muddy dirt roads were covered under white snow.The whole village was completely white at this time.It was only around 10:30 am.However, in the village, most of the houses were covered with curling smoke.Seeing this scene, Nie Zhenbang's face suddenly darkened.

Wu Guangshun from the nearby Liaotong Hall looked at this scene, but said with a smile, "Secretary Li, Wenchun City has done a good job. Although the road is a bit rotten, looking at it like this, the people in this village The life of the villagers is still very good. You see, they have already started preparing lunch."

As soon as Wu Guangshun finished speaking, He Zhenghui, the director of the nearby Water Conservancy and Electric Power Department, secretly teased him.

As the director of the Water Conservancy and Electric Power Department, He Zhenghui has traveled to quite a few places, and he has some understanding of the life below, especially in remote and impoverished areas.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang turned his head indifferently, looked at Wu Guangshun, and said, "Director Wu, it seems that you rarely go to the countryside."

Then, Nie Zhenbang pointed to the village in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "The reason why the cooking smoke is rising at this time is that it means that in this winter, the common people save food, and it is the slack season at this moment. The common people spend a day Only eat two meals.

Although Nie Zhenbang's words were not loud, they were enough for all the accompanying personnel to hear clearly.In the back, the leading cadres of Yaodu County and Jiashan Township showed shock on their faces.Secretary Nie's understanding of the countryside and the grassroots completely exceeded their expectations.

Looking at Wu Guangshun who was full of embarrassment, Nie Zhenbang said indifferently: "Director Wu, in a high position, you should think more about the grassroots. You should remember the bitterness and sweetness more when you are well-clothed and well-fed."

This sentence was not serious, but it reflected Nie Zhenbang's attitude. Secretary Nie was not very satisfied with Wu Guangshun's performance.This made Wu Guangshun a little apprehensive.Very embarrassing.

Nie Zhenbang didn't wait for Wu Guangshun to reply, and said to Li Youquan and Xu Hong who were beside him: "Let's go, let me go to the homes of the villagers and take a look. If you don't go deep into the grassroots, how can you understand the sufferings of the grassroots people."

A group of people walked into the village, and the appearance of the whole village was displayed in front of Nie Zhenbang without reservation.This is not like going to inspect some new rural construction.

That house is all in the same shape.Every household has electric lights, telephones, cars, and large buildings.Here, without those things, every house is basically a mud-walled or mud-brick house.Because of the limitation of building materials, the house is not high.

The whole village seemed very quiet, such a large group of people came in, except for the barking of dogs in the village, few people came out.

Next to it, the party secretary of Jiashan Township cut in from another path in the village at this moment.Coming to Liushan Village, this is something that Wenchun City, Yaodu County and Jiashan Township have never thought of. Now, after entering the village for such a long time, the village cadres of Liushan Village have disappeared. This is not to embarrass Jiashan Township what?

At this moment in Nie Zhenbang, Zong Quan is in a state of excitement.At the door of a villager with two bungalows, Nie Zhenbang suddenly walked up the road and said loudly, "Is anyone there? Fellow, are you home?"

As the words fell, in the house, a woman covered in grass ash came out from the next room.The clothes on the woman's body are very thin.The red sweater has turned white in some places.There was a hint of timidity and fear in his eyes, and he looked at the crowd, his tone was a bit stagnant: "You...You guys..."

Next to it, the leader of Yaodu County has come up and said in the local dialect: "This is our secretary of the Hongjiang Provincial Party Committee, Secretary Nie, who is here to visit you."

Although Nie Zhenbang could not speak Hongjiang dialect, his superior language talent made Nie Zhenbang quickly understand some characteristics of the local dialect after arriving in Ren Hongjiang, and quickly mastered the local dialect. Still understandable.

Seeing the woman's fearful look, Nie Zhenbang turned his head and said, "Don't be so serious, it will scare them."

Just as he was about to speak, a few people ran towards him panting. The party secretary of Jiashan Township introduced Nie Zhenbang, "Secretary Nie, this is the party secretary of Liushan Village, Comrade Liu Pusheng."

The village party secretary of Liushan Village is about 60 years old. If he hadn't been introduced by others, he would be a typical rural old man without the slightest aura of a village cadre.

Nie Zhenbang nodded, smiled and stretched out his hand and said, "Old Party Secretary Liu, hello."

Liu Pusheng never expected that Secretary Nie of the Provincial Party Committee would be so kind and even take the initiative to shake hands with him. He was stunned for a moment, stretched out his hand suddenly, and said excitedly, "Nie...Hello, Secretary Nie."

Under the arrangement of Old Party Secretary Liu, the woman finally understood what was going on, opened the door of the main room, and welcomed the group of people in.

Of course, the size of the house is limited, and those who can sit in with Secretary Nie, in addition to the accompanying leaders of the provincial government, are the main leaders of Wenchun City, plus the top leaders of Yaodu County and Jiashan Township.Sitting next to him, as for the others, they can only wait outside.

Soon, the villagers in the whole village knew that a high official had come to the village, and many people gathered around.With the help of the villagers, soon, a fire was lit in the brazier in the main room.

Everyone sat around the fire, and beside Nie Zhenbang was the village secretary of Liushan Village and the head of the family.Similarly, the male host's clothes are also very thin.This made Nie Zhenbang a little worried.It's not that they are not cold, everyone is raised by their mother's parents, no one is a fool, everyone knows how to keep warm and warm.In such a cold weather, if there are thick clothes, no one would know how to wear them. This only shows that the conditions of this family do not allow them to have so many clothes.

This made Nie Zhenbang feel very heavy.Although it is not enough to say that the whole family shares a pair of trousers, under my rule, there are still such impoverished families in Hongjiang Province, which is my own dereliction of duty.This is the dereliction of duty of Quan Hongjiang's leading cadres.

While one-sidedly pursuing the speed of economic growth and the pursuit of Qukou, it is really fundamental to take into account the actual lives of ordinary people.

Looking at the old party secretary next to him, Nie Zhenbang smiled and said, "Old party secretary, how is our harvest in Liushan Village this year?"

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the leaders of Jiashan Township and Yaodu County immediately became nervous. This was not rehearsed and arranged in advance. A few words, but Liu Pusheng's character, he is clear.This old man is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

At this moment, Secretary Nie asked a question. In this case, if he said something that should not be said, it would be a trivial matter if he couldn't step down at that time. The anger from above, he, a small township party secretary, could not bear it. rise.

Hearing Nie Zhenbang's question, Liu Pusheng showed a smile on his dark face: "Secretary Nie, this year's harvest is still good. The party's policy is good. With good technical guidance, the grain harvest is bumper."

"However, Secretary Nie, our ravine is too remote. Cars can't get in, and food can't get out. Every household eats old grain every year. This is the biggest problem."

Nie Zhenbang didn't move too much at the moment, nodded, and said with a smile: "Old branch secretary, are there any difficulties besides these? I came here, on the one hand, to see how our common people are affected by the disaster. I really hope to hear the real voice of the grassroots. The old party secretary said it very well."

The voice fell, and the old branch was a little embarrassed, but after thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said: "There are many difficulties. The children in the village are a problem. Our Liushan Village has a small population, and the school was abolished a long time ago." Now, I have to walk twenty or thirty miles to study. It is difficult for the children. In addition, it is inconvenient to use electricity, and there are frequent power outages. Another thing is that the people in the village are not educated. It is also difficult for Lu to go to work. I hope that the leaders can give more policy support and support."

These words are very harsh, but they allude to a lot of rascals.Nie Zhenbang pondered for a moment, then looked up at Li Youquan and said, "Comrade Youquan, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government must attach great importance to the issue of education in Liushan Village. No matter how poor you are, you cannot have poor education, and no matter how hard you are, you cannot suffer children. This should not be empty talk. In the allocation of grassroots education resources, we must do a good job.

average distribution. "

As he spoke, Nie Zhenbang looked at Wu Guangshun and He Zhenghui who were beside him: "Director Wu, Director He, one of you is the head of the Transportation Department, and the other is the head of the Water Conservancy and Hydropower Department. Today, right here, when In front of the old branch secretary Liu, you come up with a compromise plan."

After the words fell, Wu Guangshun nodded and said: "Secretary Nie, please rest assured. After returning, I will immediately ask the relevant staff from the Rural Road Planning Office of the Communications Department to come and conduct field inspections and measurements. Guaranteed, at this time next year, It will definitely go smoothly.”

Next to him, He Zhenghui also said, "Secretary Nie, it's a coincidence. The Department of Water Conservancy and Electricity happens to have a rural power grid reconstruction plan. The purpose is to solve the problem that the current rural power grid is overwhelmed and often fails. Wenchun City It is also one of the key areas of our work. I believe that after next year, this phenomenon of power outages will be completely improved."

From the words of the two, it can be heard that the level of the level can be said to be immediately apparent.

Here, because I came here, because I paid attention to it, all aspects began to tilt, but what about other places?Nie Zhenbang felt a little heavy.My own road to Hongjiang has just begun, and there is still a long way to go.

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