reborn family

Chapter 979 Confrontation

Sometimes, the cohesion of the clan is unimaginable to most people. Zhang Daniu's age, in Zhangjia Village, except for those old men who are 80 or [-] years old, in the current generation that is in charge of Zhangjia Village, It can be regarded as a highly respected person, and also a very independent person.Otherwise, it would be impossible for Zhang Daniu to stand out as this nail household.

Zhang Daniu died. This time, the younger generation in Zhangjia Village basically had to wear sackcloth and filial piety. Originally, this time, Qing’an County chose to carry out a surprise attack on New Year’s Eve for forced demolition, which itself made The people in Zhangjiacun were very dissatisfied.Isn't it controversial that the dignified government still engages in such sneaky things?

The death of Zhang Daniu magnified this dissatisfaction even more.Now, when Zhang Chengsan, the head of Zhangjia Village, said this, suddenly, many people around shouted: "Okay, let's go and ask for justice and an explanation for Daniel. I still don't believe it. There is no place in this world." Reasonable."

"That is, if the county doesn't give us an explanation, we'll go to the city. If the city doesn't work, we'll go to the province. This lawsuit will be brought to the central government."

"Uncle Cheng, count me in this matter."

Among the crowd, the old and young men of Zhangjia Village, you-speak, I-speak, but gradually become excited.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound among the crowd, and then someone shouted, "Uncle Cheng, Mr. Peide is here. Mr. Peide is here."

Soon, the villagers spontaneously gave way to a road, and an old farmer walked in from the outside. The old man was about 80 years old, but his spirit was weak.Obviously, the physical fitness is still very good.

The old man in front of him is the elder generation of Zhangjia Village, his name is Zhang Peide. Everyone in Zhangjia Village respectfully calls him Lord Peide. It is said that Lord Peide also participated in the revolution and went to the battlefield before, but after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, For some reason, Mr. Peide came back by himself.However, in the village, no one does not respect him.

At this moment, Duke Peide's face was also a little lonely.Some seniors, holding a hoe in their hands, looked at the main room of Zhang Daniu's house, and looked at Zhang Daniu's body.Mr. Peide was a little heartbroken.The hoe stomped on the ground.

Mr. Peide said angrily: "Lawless, lawless, this is still the party's world, this is still the people's masters of the country. Looking at these people, they are bold and reckless. Human life is reckless. I really feel for those old guys who died. It’s not worth it. Chengsan, this matter can’t just be left alone.—I must ask for an explanation. If I break the law, I will go to jail, I will be shot, my old man—I will bear it, I have lived enough, I want to see, This is still not what we have conquered."

Obviously, Mr. Peide was really angry.With this old man's words, the villagers of Zhangjia Village got great encouragement.

Soon, sixteen strong men came out, and under the arrangement of the person in charge of the village, they swiftly carried Zhang Daniu's body into the coffin, and then sixteen men swiftly lifted the coffin , on the outskirts of the crowd, a truck drove privately

Soon, the people of Zhangjia Village gathered hundreds of strong men—pedestrians, big and small, and a dozen cars, all ready to set off.

Zhang Daniu's eldest son, Zhang Qinghua, stood on a high place and said loudly: "All uncles and brothers, I represent our three brothers and my father. Thank you everyone."

After speaking, Zhang Qinghua knelt down.Next to him, Zhang Chengsan had already stepped up, helped Zhang Qinghua up, waved his big hand and said, "Let's go, let's go to the county government."

As soon as the voice finished speaking, a piercing siren sounded at the entrance of the village.Immediately afterwards, a long-sprinting police car drove over from outside.

He stopped on the road ahead, blocking the way out of the village.

Police cars opened one after another, and uniformed police officers filed out of the cars.At the front, a middle-aged policeman with two three-star police ranks came down, looked at the villagers gathered in Zhangjia Village, frowned, turned his head and said, "Old Chen, have you notified yet?"

The voice fell, and a middle-aged policeman next to him nodded and said: "Guo Bureau, all the police officers in the county have been notified, except for the necessary personnel on duty at the "Store and Command Center and the Traffic Accident Handling Brigade, the whole county, All the policemen will cancel their vacations and rush over here immediately. "

Guo Haining, member of the Standing Committee of the Qing'an County Party Committee, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and concurrently the director of the County Public Security Bureau, nodded with a serious expression on his face at this moment. People who eat dry food, even came up with such a bad idea, forced to demolish it on New Year's Eve, isn't this just asking for trouble?

However, as a member of the county party committee, Guo Haining must implement the resolution of the emergency standing committee meeting of the county party committee.

Some people say that the police are hard to do.Some people say that the police are a vulnerable group armed to the teeth.The duties of the police are very complicated to say, and it is difficult to find the police, but Guo Haining summed it up—the main tasks of the police are nothing more than the following points.Petitioning—intercepting visits; forced demolition, resistance to demolition; group riots and so on.

No—exception, these are all things that make the police a headache and make the police look like human beings inside and out.

Now, looking at the hundreds of thousands of people gathered in Zhangjia Village, Guo Haining is really big.This time, things got serious. I am afraid that the entire Qing'an County will usher in a bloodbath.

After a moment of silence, Guo Haining turned his head to Chen Kun, the executive deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, and said, "Old Chen, tell comrades to park the cars side by side to form an obstacle. In addition, all the policemen form a human wall." .However, you can’t conflict with the people in Zhangjia Village. —Cut, wait for Secretary Jiang to come over.”

At this time, Guo Haining was playing tricks. According to the requirements of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Guo Haining's task was to ensure that people from Zhangjia Village could not appear in front of the county government to gather crowds to make trouble. When necessary, Guo Haining The right to resort to extreme measures.

However, despite what he said, Guo Haining is not a fool. This time, the forced demolition is so big that the county must not be able to hide it, and the city probably would not dare to hide it. If there is a problem, no one will take the blame for this blame. In the end, it is oneself who suffers.This is not what Guo Haining wants.

Seeing Deputy Director Chen making arrangements and scheduling, Guo Haining frowned and said in a deep voice, "Come on, set up the high-power speakers for me. I want to shout to the villagers of Zhangjia Village."

Here, the gathering of so many policemen directly ignited the anger of the villagers in Zhangjia Village.Among the crowd, Zhang Daniu's three sons roared angrily, saying: "Damn it, these people bully people too much, I want to kill them to avenge my father...".

Beside, Zhang Chengsan saw these three guys rushing out, and immediately shouted: "Shanzi, Er Gouzi, you guys, hurry over and watch these three guys for me. The others follow me to have a look. "

Zhangjiacun's convoy started, and soon they came to the front of the police car, and the people on both sides immediately matched each other.

Behind the row of police cars standing side by side, hundreds of police officers, arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder.

Two walls of people were formed, and everyone's face was full of seriousness.Calmly watching the villagers of Zhangjia Village.

Next to Guo Haining, the director of the local police station also introduced to Guo Haining: "Guo Ju, Zhang Chengsan, the head of Zhangjia Village, is here."

Guo Haining nodded, picked up the megaphone, and said loudly: "Men and young men of Zhangjia Village, I am Guo Haining, Director of the Public Security Bureau. Please calm down and listen to me."

As soon as the voice fell, someone from Zhangjia Village shouted: "Don't listen! People are dead. This is what your government forced. It's thirty years old, and you sneaked here to force the demolition. Now kill the son of man. It's impossible to bring us down like that."

"Small it, smashed all these cars, rushed out of a road, I don't believe it, they dared to catch us all."

Among the crowd, the violent emotions became more and more agitated, which made Guo Haining's head dizzy.In my heart, I have already started to scold. The stupid Jiang Dachun was in a hurry to flatter the Dadi Company and made such a mess. Now it is better to pat his ass and sit in the office. Let yourself do it.

However, at the moment, Guo Haining also has a feeling that he is in the arena and can't help himself. He bites the bullet and looks at the dark crowd. , Do you think it can solve the problem? Group visits, this is illegal. Besides, death is the most important thing, so do you have the heart to let the dead not find peace?"

Such words, obviously, have no effect.For the villagers of Zhangjia Village, and for Zhang Daniu's family members, they are already red-eyed.I can't care so much anymore, the actions of the Qing'an county government have undoubtedly angered the bottom line of these villagers.

"To put it bluntly, feelings, your family will not die. Uncles and brothers, don't believe them. If the government says anything, it's farting. I can't explain this matter clearly. The people in the Public Security Bureau can't make the decision. We To ask for an explanation."

Following this sound, the crowd surged again, many people had already rushed to the side of the police car, and some young guys even punched the hood of the police car.

Seeing that, the crowd became more and more excited. At this moment, sweat broke out on Guo Haining's forehead. Suddenly, the phone rang, and he took it out—look, Guo Haining stood up straighter involuntarily. Secretary Wei Sun's phone call.

Guo Haining didn't dare to be negligent, and when the connection was made, Guo Haining respectfully said, "Secretary Sun."

On the other end of the phone, Sun Hongjun, member of the Standing Committee of the Luji Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, came over with a serious voice, "Guo Haining, how is the situation in Qing'an County? No matter what, you must stabilize the villagers of Zhangjia Village. Now, the province Secretary Chen of the Party Committee, Minister Li of the Organization Department and the investigation team of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission are already on the way, before the arrival of several leaders, you must stabilize the people in Zhangjia Village, this is an order."

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