reborn family

Chapter 987 Secretary Nie's Principles

After so many years of leadership, from Nie Zhenbang's resume, it is not difficult to find that Nie Zhenbang has almost been in the leadership position of the party and government from the very beginning. systematic. ◎Smart children remember to update with super fast hands. ◎Nie Zhenbang's reputation for economics is also spread in this way.

The miracle of Lizhou, the development of Liangxi, the miracle of Wanghai, and the speed of Bashu, all of these represent the glory of Nie Zhenbang in the field of economic construction.

Regarding the reform of state-owned enterprises, Nie Zhenbang has encountered many such things during his years of administration. Even Nie Zhenbang himself served as the chairman of Huaxia Group. Nie Zhenbang is still very familiar with state-owned enterprises.

State-owned enterprise reform, this word, represents trouble, even petition, which is difficult to agree on, and it is most vividly reflected in this aspect.

Generally, as state-owned enterprises, most of them have existed since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The first problem that such enterprises face is the large number of retirees, which is a major problem that drags down state-owned enterprises.

In addition, in the last century, the prevailing shift system, the so-called shift, means that a job is passed from father to son, and from son to grandson, just like a hereditary system. Often, in an enterprise, most Parents are enterprise workers, and many of their children have taken over their parents' jobs and continued to work as workers.In this way, it is difficult to say how skilled the workers of the enterprise are.This part is also the main force of layoffs in enterprises nowadays.

Finally, one of the difficulties for state-owned enterprises is the issue of discipline inspection and supervision.State-owned enterprises are different from party and government departments, and the supervision of state-owned enterprises is not as strict as the party and government system. This has led to the corruption of state-owned enterprise power and the corruption of leadership life.Many state-owned enterprises were not crushed by the market, but by the leaders.

As for the restructuring of state-owned enterprises, the main contradictions are concentrated in the loss of state-owned assets and the diversion of laid-off workers.

Think here.Nie Zhenbang looked at He Yusheng beside him.But he had to admire He Yusheng's shrewdness. Undoubtedly, at this moment, He Yusheng raised this question, which was definitely a stroke of genius.

It has to be said that He Yusheng's grasp of timing and political research can be considered thorough.He Yusheng knew very well that the preparations for participating in the Travel Expo began.With Secretary Nie's support, Wen Baogui will definitely take this opportunity to establish his prestige in the provincial government. In this way, He Yusheng will have no chance to contend.

But now, after the issue of the restructuring of the Hongcheng Machinery Factory was brought up, if Secretary Nie's approval could be obtained.He Yusheng can also pretend to be a tiger.In the eyes of other leading cadres in the province, Secretary Nie is impartial. Governor Wen is in charge of the Travel Expo, and Vice Governor He is in charge of corporate restructuring. Each has a division of labor.This is just a different division of labor.

Although Nie Zhenbang saw through He Yusheng's petty thoughts, Nie Zhenbang was not prepared to speak out.As a high-ranking person, sometimes, he engages in this kind of balanced tactics, which was commonly known as the emperor's mind in ancient times.

Looking at He Yusheng, Nie Zhenbang also slowly said: "Restructure the Hongcheng Machinery Factory? I remember that Xiao Hong's parents belonged to the Hongcheng Machinery Factory. It doesn't mean that the Hongcheng Machinery Factory has been transferred to Hongcheng City for management, and has become a municipality. Are you in charge of state-owned enterprises? Why did you turn around and return to the province?"

Nie Zhenbang's words made He Yusheng a little stunned. Secretary Nie knew about the Hongcheng Machinery Factory, which was completely beyond He Yusheng's expectations. Why didn't he find out about this news beforehand.

However, for He Yusheng, he was not too worried. After all, he came prepared, but the next report could only be a matter of seeking truth from facts.

After a pause, He Yusheng also nodded and said: "Secretary Nie, you are right. Hongcheng Machinery Factory was indeed transferred from the provincial SASAC to the Hongcheng SASAC two years ago. However, at that time, the secretary of the Hongcheng City Committee Comrade Yao Dingguo does not agree with this matter, and the handover procedures have not been perfected. At present, Hongcheng Machinery Factory is under the jurisdiction of the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission on the issue of establishment, but in terms of specific operations, it is under the jurisdiction of the Hongcheng Machinery Factory. City State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. This has caused the current embarrassing situation. Hongcheng City does not want this burden, but the province thinks that it has already handed over to Hongcheng City. This matter has been hanging here. Now, Hongcheng Hongcheng Machinery Factory has been losing money year after year, and Hongcheng City doesn't want to take care of it anymore. Now that it has lost its financial support, Hongcheng Machinery Factory is like a child without a mother. The days are getting worse day by day. If things go on like this, there may be big trouble gone."

Listening to He Yusheng's words, Nie Zhenbang didn't need to think too much, he could guess it casually.The Red City Machinery Factory must have been deliberately done by He Yusheng at the time, wanting to throw this burden on Yao Dingguo, but unfortunately, Yao Dingguo also kept his eyes open and accepted it but not.This has caused the current embarrassing situation of Hongcheng Machinery Factory.

Nie Zhenbang pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Well, it's time to change the system."

Regarding this, Nie Zhenbang is very clear that the Hongcheng Machinery Factory is not bankrupt. As a result, the workers of the Hongcheng Machinery Factory have a difficult life, cannot pay wages, and have nothing to do.It drags on year after year, and when the time comes, once the employees make trouble, it will be a big deal.It really can't be delayed any longer.

After thinking about it, Nie Zhenbang looked at He Yusheng and said, "Old He, do you have any clues about the reformation on your side? Is it going to be reformed, transferred and sold as a whole, or what? Do you have any specific regulations?"

He Yusheng nodded and said: "Secretary, this is exactly what I want to report to you. In the province, the relevant comrades of the Hongcheng City Committee were called and several coordination meetings were held. It can be regarded as a set of plans. It is said that the significance of technical transformation is no longer significant. At present, the consideration is to introduce investment and send out the Hongcheng Machinery Factory in the form of an overall transfer. At present, we have contacted and negotiated with Dongying Lingsan Heavy Industry several times. On the price, a preliminary agreement has been reached, but there are major differences on the arrangement of the workers. What Lingsan Heavy Industry means is that they will not accept all workers. "

Upon hearing this, Nie Zhenbang frowned instantly.One is not, that is to say, it is completely purchased by a naked factory.Without even thinking about it, Nie Zhenbang immediately said: "Isn't this playing the piano randomly? What do you say?"

Nie Zhenbang's words basically expressed his meaning clearly. He Yusheng naturally knew how to answer after hearing this.

"What we mean is that the province and Hongcheng City are responsible for the problems of retired workers. Part of the purchase money is used to pay for medical insurance and social security for retired workers, and the social security relationship is transferred from the factory to the social security center. In this way, the wages of all retired employees will be properly settled, and Hongcheng Machinery Factory can also go into battle with ease. In addition, for the current employees, Lingsan Heavy Industry can conduct assessments and compete for posts. Laid-off distribution and other methods are used to solve the problems of employees. However, Lingsan Heavy Industry insists that it will not accept any workers. In addition, Lingsan Heavy Industry also asks for five years of tax exemption and half of five years, and, by The Red City Committee allocated a part of the industrial land and sold it to Lingsan Heavy Industry at the most favorable price. It is impossible to agree to these conditions, so the negotiations have been deadlocked here."

The more he listened, the more angry Nie Zhenbang felt.In itself, Nie Zhenbang didn't have much of a good impression of the Dongying people, and it had nothing to do with the cynical youth or not.However, now, the conditions proposed by Lingsan Heavy Industry are completely like a lion's mouth.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in China. Nie Zhenbang is very clear that in many places in China, in order to one-sidedly pursue political achievements, the introduction of investment, such as the introduction of world-renowned enterprises such as Lingsan Heavy Industry, is itself a kind of Political achievements, to use the simplest analogy, are also two companies, one is an international giant and the other is a domestic private company. Although the investment is the same, even domestic companies may create higher benefits, but most places will choose international companies. A giant, because the brand of an international giant is itself a gimmick.It's just a halo.

This back and forth, Zheng Fu's attitude has made these international giants' tastes bigger, and they want policies at every turn.And this point, Dongying people are undoubtedly the most proficient.In the eyes of these Dongying people, their coming to invest is to give your government an aura of introducing foreign capital. You should be grateful and give more preferential policies, which will not harm your own interests as an official. There is no reason to hesitate, that's why Lingsan Heavy Industry is so strong.

Judging from the conditions of Lingsan Heavy Industry, it is certain that after they take over the factory land of Hongcheng Machinery Factory, they will definitely transfer it, and maybe make a fortune.

Thinking of this, Nie Zhenbang's face was very gloomy and extremely serious. He looked at He Yusheng and said, "Old He, I mean not to consider the conditions offered by Lingsan Heavy Industry. My principle is to treat them fairly. Regardless of whether it is domestic capital or foreign capital, they are all treated equally. In terms of tax policy, we must follow our standards. , we would rather not cooperate with Lingsan Heavy Industry. You should personally take charge of this matter, conduct a full investigation and consider the opinions of the staff representatives of Hongcheng Machinery Factory. When appropriate, an on-site office meeting can be held at Hongcheng Machinery Factory. At that time, I can go there. The general principle is that one-sided pursuit of investment should not harm the interests of the country and the interests of the people, and there is no room for negotiation on this big issue of right and wrong.”

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