There was a long silence on both ends of the phone.

The problem before them is not as simple as a multiple-choice question, but more like a crossroads, go left and go right.

For some reason, Xi Haitang's heart seemed to have been suddenly violently shocked, and her uneasy mood prompted her to call Gu Xijue immediately, "Gu Xijue!"

"Hmm..." His voice came through the microphone shallowly, long and infinite, low but clear.

She let out a long breath of relief, as if she was relieved, the corners of her eyes couldn't help sour, her voice was choked up, "Gu Xijue, you have to wait for me... Please, please wait for me..."

Missing him is a kind of pain, faint but unforgettable.Thinking of him, never tires, unknowingly seeps into the blood, piercing the heart.

He knew what she was talking about, and he understood her uneasiness. She was afraid that he would make up his own mind again, not because she was afraid that the separation would last another three years, but because she was afraid that she would never look back...but this time, he would not up.

I always thought that happiness is in the distance, in the future that can be chased, my eyes are always looking out, my hands are always listening, but later I found out, those hands I shook, the songs I sang, the tears I shed, the people I loved... the so-called The past is happiness.

"Haitang, I will wait for you. See you in front of the clock tower of the city hall."

"Okay, see you next Sunday." She has already booked a ticket, and this time, no matter how many mountains and rivers, no matter how difficult it is, she will never turn back!

It's not that butterflies can't fly over the sea, but that there is no waiting at the other end of the sea, and now, on the other side of the sea, there is the person she misses the most and the person she loves the most. blink!


In the evening, Xiaochen and Yunhen packed things in the room. Although they were a little busy and tired, the faces of the two children were full of smiles.Haha, I will be able to meet my dad soon, and the family will be reunited!

Xi Haitang sorted out most of the children's clothes and daily necessities, and only handed over some study stationery to them, but she still couldn't help but reminded, "Xiaochen, Yunhen, take out all your IDs, mom Mi check it, don't let it fall."

"Well, it's all ready, Mommy, look!" Xiaochen and Yunchen handed over all their documents to Xi Haitang, there were ten or twenty documents, large and small.

The two biggest ones are also the newest ones. They were obtained from the school just a day ago. The two children have officially transferred to another school and skipped a grade!

Xi Haitang sighed lightly, still looking very uncertain, and asked for the nth time, "Xiaochen, Yunhen, do you two really decide to go to Denmark and go to middle school directly?"

"Yes!" The two children nodded firmly.

"But will you be unable to keep up if you skip three grades in a row?"

"No way! The courses for primary school students are too simple now. We have learned them all by ourselves. It would be a waste of time to continue studying. We want to go directly to middle school and see if we can skip grades in middle school. It's best to study halfway through." Skip to high school, and then you can go to college!"

Xi Haitang felt that it was outrageous. How old is this child, and he wants to go to university? !

"Xiaochen, Yunhen, Mommy knows that you are very smart. Although you have learned the knowledge from those textbooks, you can't just learn. Mommy hopes that you can grow up with other children and have the joy of childhood."

"We are very happy!" Xiao Chen and Yun Hen looked very proud. In school, they led their classmates to speculate in stocks together, and they all made money. Wow, they are very happy!Even the teacher was moved!

Xi Haitang was speechless for a moment, it was a headache for an ordinary mommy to give birth to a genius baby!

Continuing to check the documents, Xi Haitang was stunned suddenly. Among the dozens of certificates, she saw three birth certificates, two of which were real and one was fake. When the senior helped find someone to get it, and the real one, like Yunhen's, was issued by Changkang Hospital, and the baby's footprints were printed on it.

Her hand gently caressed those two small footprints, they seemed to be alive, as if they carried warmth, warming her fingertips and passing them all the way to her heart.

It's so hard, her two babies are finally by her side, and they are so happy!

"Mommy, it was printed when we were born, isn't it?"

"Yes, you were so small back then, look, your little feet are only so small." Xi Haitang made gestures, her eyes were full of smiles.

Xiao Chen and Yun Hen looked down at their feet, uh, there really is a huge gap!

"Mommy, after we settle in Denmark, you and Daddy will have a younger brother or sister, okay? Let's watch the baby grow up from such a little bit, so much happiness!"

The children fantasized beautifully, but Xi Haitang smiled a little stiffly. Such a thing was impossible. After she gave birth to two children, the doctor told her that because she was stimulated during the delivery, The blood loss is too much, the uterine wall becomes thin, and it cannot regenerate in the future.

Gently hugging the two children, Xi Haitang kissed their little faces, "Darlings, Mommy doesn't want any more children, Mommy just has you two, enough!"

"Mum, are you afraid that we will be jealous with our younger brother or sister? Don't worry, we will never compete for favor, we will love the little baby very much! Just like we love Xiaoyi!"

When Xiaoyi was mentioned, the smile on the corner of Xi Haitang's mouth softened again, "Xiaoyi will go home with Suxin's mother tomorrow, are you happy?!"

"Of course I am happy. We have been looking forward to it for a long time. We also prepared toys for Xiaoyi, which are the kind of jigsaw puzzles to develop intelligence! Xiaoyi can talk now, and her progress is getting better every day. I think she will be able to do it soon." Learn to count, learn to recite multiplication formulas and Tang poems!"

"En!" Xi Haitang nodded slightly, and hugged the two children tightly in her arms.The footsteps of happiness approached step by step.

(Sorry, there was a problem with the network cable in the morning, and the update was late...)

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