The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 109: Mysterious Sea Turtle

Lost in the waters of Magnetic Island for about two days, the crew’s food is maintained by shells, sea fish, and edible fresh aquatic plants. Although the sun is circling on the sky for some reason, as the distance of the boat travels The farther away, the thick water mist gradually rose from the sea, and it lingered, especially in the early morning when the temperature dropped sharply, and the milky white water mist filled the surroundings. For example, the crew members cleaning the floor on the deck were separated by two meters. Just can't see clearly.

For the sake of safety, the captain Abbas ordered the crew to carefully operate the sails and move forward slowly. Yesterday, due to the surge of a seabed torrent, the hull was just above the undercurrent, and the course was disrupted. Shoals and reefs, this is not good, the hull smashed a hole that was a foot wide, and after a lot of rush repairs, it was finally repaired, but another cabin compartment was dewed and suffered heavy damage.

When everyone thinks that these mysterious waters are troublesome except for disorientation and lack of fresh water supplies, there is no danger.However, when a crew member went to the waters to catch fish in a small rescue capsule as usual, there was a terrible scream that completely shocked everyone on the merchant ship Abis.

At that time, the dark-skinned and strong young sailor was riding the small fry in the water with a basin. Just as everyone was on the mother ship watching him fishing in a small boat in the distance, suddenly there was a plop, a two-meter-long giant shuttle with a long beak. The big toothed fish leaped up in the air, and under everyone's stunned gaze, the big fish dragged the unfortunate sailor to the bottom of the water, leaving a string of churning bubbles and red blood on the surface of the water. In just a few seconds, the empty reality on the boat told everyone the truth, people were eaten by fish!

The loss of a long-term partner and crew member, the entire crew of the Abis was immersed in the emotion of great grief.This dangerous predatory giant fish is not safe to go fishing on the water surface. These days, the only place everyone can move is on the boat. Sometimes when encountering some very shallow reef beaches, it is only possible to confirm that the big fish cannot dive. In the area, everyone will disembark to collect some edible seafood.

The fat man volunteered to get off the boat in the afternoon. He caught a two-hundred-jin turtle on the black reef, but he was very happy. The death of the young sailor also made him sad for several days. What matters is the lives of himself and his teammates. Fatty Zhang, who is optimistic and free-spirited by nature, quickly recovered his mentality.

This turtle seems to be a kind of hawksbill, but even those who are knowledgeable about navigation can't figure it out, the shape and spots of the turtle shell don't look like it.For Abbas, an experienced seaman, he was sure the turtle was a new breed.

Just as everyone had been wronged for a few days after gnawing on the dried salted fish, the big guy in front of him was salivating after finally pulling it up to the deck, and everyone's eyes were shining brightly, wishing to finish it in one bite.

"Let Rang, let me do the work, Grandpa Turtle, you are unlucky to fall into Zhang Dabiao's hands, but saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, let alone saving the eighteen people on our ship. Oh, you Buddha, offer the turtle meat of Grandpa Turtle and rest in peace..."

Just as the fat man was babbling, he raised a giant ax above his head and was about to strike at the sea turtle flipping its flippers upside down, the sharp-eyed Pei Pei couldn't help but exclaimed: "Da Biao is slow!" Let’s do it! Everyone, come and see, there seems to be pictures and texts on the turtle’s belly shell!”

"Ah? What kind of pattern? Everyone is starving. Why is there such a fuss about Grandpa Turtle's strange appearance? Maybe it's a birthmark branded on him when he was pregnant."

The fat man was just about to pick up a big ax to disembowel the turtle, but he didn't expect the beautiful woman Pei Pei to say such a sudden cry. This is good, the fat man relies on his good strength control ability, and he weighs [-] pounds and [-] pounds. The heavy-duty ax suddenly stopped in his hand and stood still in mid-air, but there was only a click at the waist and spine, as if his waist had slipped, and Da Biao was having cramps in his waist.

Pei Pei's shout immediately attracted everyone's attention, and the matter of eating turtle meat was immediately put aside, and a clever sailor quickly brought a bucket of sea water to wash the turtle shell.

"Huh? A goddess is carved with a round moon on her head, seven stars around her head, and a golden disc beside her. A big snake opens its mouth and exposes its fangs to devour it..."

The turtle shell pattern gradually became clear after the sea water wiped off the black algae and moss attached to it. Guo Nuan looked at the pattern and began to describe it.

"What messed up icon? Can't you understand it?" The fat man stretched his muscles and bones a few times angrily, and then he did a set of aerobics, and finally he was relieved, and his waist felt a lot more comfortable.

"When the sun hovers over the end of the red ocean, the divine light of beauty and love is about to bathe the earth, and the wild flood and giant snake are about to swallow...the golden wheel is rising, the place where black and white meet...the treasure of the island ?”

"What, what, what country are these chicken intestines written in?"

When Abbas stared seriously at the line of incomplete small characters next to the pattern, he translated it into Chinese intermittently.But the ignorant fat man was still confused when he heard it, and the interrupted words in the middle immediately drew the eyes of everyone who was paying attention.

"This is a branch of the Frisian language of the British Isle." Abbas meditated lightly, and answered the fat man's doubts.

"Old English, Germanic, um, these letter structures and affixes are somewhat similar to modern English." Guo Nuan nodded, agreeing with Abbas's answer.He muttered to himself for a while, but the voice was so small that everyone didn't hear it.

Abbas knelt down and rubbed the inconspicuous lower corner of the tortoise shell, and finally saw clearly the two Chinese characters in official script where the final signature was made.

"Sun En?"

"Why, is this the masterpiece of the sad and end-of-life Pirate King Sun En?" Guo Nuan suddenly felt a little interested, and he happily looked at Pei Pei who was frowning beside him, and couldn't help but touch the woman.

"Looks like a blind cat bumped into a dead mouse. We, oh no, it was the fat man who caught a treasure coordinate. Hehe." Guo Nuan patted the fat man's shoulder carelessly, and the two buddies immediately put their arms around each other's shoulders like a pair of friends Hey, there was a smirk.

"However, the pictures and explanations on Grandpa Turtle's shell are very detailed, but I still can't figure it out. It's clearly Sun En, the dead ghost, playing charades."

Guo Nuan was a little speechless. The patterns were artistic techniques of ancient Greece and Rome. In addition to ancient English, there were two Chinese characters at the end of the text. This Sun En combined Chinese and Western, which is too talented.

"Venus, the goddess of beauty in Greek mythology, has also been figured out, and the snake is the god Ma Dongdong?"

"A divine snake described in Taoism that can create clouds and mists." Pei Pei, who had been thinking silently, suddenly accepted Guo Nuan's words and replied.

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