The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 11: The tiger treats me like a sick cat if it doesn't show off its power!

"Rebel, you bastards..."

Guo Nuan looked at the two arrogant and ugly smiling faces in front of her, and couldn't help but swear.

Damn, I really don't take me seriously as a son-in-law. . .No matter how good Guo Nuan's self-cultivation is, at this moment, his heart is still burning with anger, and his eyes are about to spark, almost gushing out.

"Hey, Nanny Rong, you are too presumptuous. Don't think that because you have a large number of people, I'm afraid of you and want to fight in groups. Let's join the gang of sons-in-law. I will educate you guys well." Arrogant servant of Lordless!"

Guo Nuan quickly suppressed his anger, took a step with his left foot, and acted like a horse with a horizontal sword. Then his legs flew up, his hands clapped, and then opened sideways, performing Bruce Lee's signature fighting action, and then the Yin-Yang monster The earth-tuning monkey yelled, bursting out a long, shocking and penetrating Qin opera tune:

"Ho~ ah hit!!!"

"What kind of martial arts move is that? It looks very powerful!"

A blasting sound shook everyone's ears, and all the handymen involuntarily retreated a few steps. When an old farmer retreated, even the hoe in his hand fell to the ground in fright.

"What are you afraid of? He's putting on airs. Whoever heard that when the six sons of the Guo family learned martial arts with an embroidered pillow, if they escaped, they should pack their bed and go home to plow the fields in the morning. Now I will work harder for my mother, come on!"

Nurse Rong looked down at Guo Nuan, who was posing in a strange posture, like an old tree with twisted roots. She was unmoved, and ordered the second servant to move forward.

All the family members looked at each other in blank dismay, and then whispered to each other for a while, and the whispering gradually died down after half a quarter of an hour.

"Don't mutilate the son-in-law's body, and you are not allowed to disfigure your face. Internal injuries are enough, so that the ragged son-in-law will not walk out of the princess's mansion with a mournful face, which will affect the reputation of the princess. You must take care of the face of our princess mansion... Come on, everyone!"

It was the same handyman who was crooked, seeing the permission of nurse Rong, he waved his hand vigorously at this moment, acting as the leader, yelling at more than [-] handymen to rush towards Guo Nuan.

"Hey, I really don't even know how to write the word dead."

"My son-in-law, I'm sorry for your disrespect. After a while, the servants will be gentler and will never let your handsome face be disfigured."

Guo Nuan's pupils flashed the triumphant smirk of the crooked melon cracking jujube handyman, who rushed to the front of the crowd, holding a broom, and swept towards Guo Nuan's face mixed with strong wind.

"Damn, hehe, you're so ruthless! I remember you..." Guo Nuan smirked unnoticed, and the trick succeeded.

"Brother Luo! Hurry up and teach me a good lesson on these ignorant bastards!" With a loud shout, a black shadow flew out from the depths of the courtyard in an instant.


A howl of ghosts and wolves pierced the sky, resounding through the sky, and then a body flew in a graceful arc in the air for three or four feet, just hanging on the crooked jujube tree at the gate of the courtyard.

"Quack, brother Luo, this shadowless foot is really amazing!"

When Guo Nuan was ready to be beaten with the broom, her whole face was buried in the crook of her arms, standing there like an ostrich buried in the sand, not daring to move a single step. After a while, the broom fell on her for a long time. Hearing a guy say "ah", he opened his eyes and saw that guy who was crooked and cracking dates was hanging on the bed and screaming in pain.

Standing next to him is a mighty patron saint of a big man like an iron tower——Luo Yuan, his eyes are wide open, and his purple beard is erected like a steel needle, so calm and majestic.

"Who dares to bully our brother Guo!"

Luo Yuan stared viciously at the servants who fled in all directions, and shouted with a loud voice like a gong.

"You rude barbarian, don't think that my old lady will be afraid of you."

Because the nanny who is used to domineering in the mansion has not changed her stern attitude at this moment, although Guo Nuan vaguely saw the trembling left hand of the nanny in front of her akimbo, even though the servants in the courtyard had already fled, she still Not to be outdone, he pointed his right finger at the noses of the two Guo Luo and yelled.

"I really don't want to teach you a lesson. I really don't know how powerful this young master is."

At this moment, Guo Nuan's nose was almost crooked. She had never seen someone as blind as You Rong's nanny. Obviously, the situation was breaking out, and she was alone and weak, and she was still fighting.

Seeing that she still looked like this, Guo Nuan couldn't end the scene without giving her a lesson, so she moved to Luo Yuan and whispered to him:

"Brother Luo, I'll leave it to you to deal with it. Just scare this aunt a bit, and don't go too far."

Although Luo Yuan has a wide waist and a fat body, he is also very witty. He nodded immediately, and immediately understood what Guo Nuan meant.

"What do you think, if you get closer, I will call you molested."

Nanny Rong saw Luo Yuan stepping forward step by step with a grin on her face. At this moment, she was immediately discouraged, even her tone of voice was out of tune, and she quickly covered her chest with her hands.

With Luo Yuan twisting his knuckles and crackling, Guo Nuan seemed nonchalant, and lowered his head to pat the dust on his clothes, as if he didn't see it.

"Nurse Rong, it's not good to hurt your peace. I am also a magnanimous person. I have read the Four Books and Five Classics, understand the three cardinal guides and five constant principles, respect the old and love the young, and always listen to the teachings of Confucius. Don't dare to forget, what's the matter... Uh, Confucius said, you have to forgive others and forgive others, hello, hello, hello, everyone, I'm Chinese, why are you so anxious..."

Guo Nuan raised her head and chuckled meaningfully, took out two dead crickets from her sleeves, and held them in front of Nanny Rong with open palms.

"These two crickets, one named Baizi and the other Baiqing, are rare and rare species in the world of crickets. They are my son-in-law. It was purchased with 200 taels of gold, known as the No. [-] bug in Jiangbei."

Guo Nuan babbled nonsense, he didn't even catch his breath when he said something, pretended to be serious and glanced at Nanny Rong who was stunned by his words in the middle of the sentence, and then said:

"Ahem, the shopkeeper of the "Ancient Dao Tea Garden" in Ming Chong Pavilion wants to increase the price by two thousand silver. Guess what, I didn't sell it to him."

Guo Nuan exaggeratedly stretched out two fingers and shook them in front of her eyes, "The son-in-law is not willing to buy it, but after all the calculations, I didn't expect that when we were fighting crickets in the corner just now, a group of you happened to break into it." Come on, disturb them, and when the two got excited, they all hit the wall and died."

"Nurse Rong, these two crickets are rare items, and it will be difficult to buy them in the capital for a while. According to the seller, Hu Ren, they were imported from Tuyuhun in the Western Regions. What do you say?"

Guo Nuan saw that Nanny Rong had lost her mind, so she continued to ask questions.

Looking at the two extraordinary temperament crickets in Guo Nuan's hands, with big black teeth, purple clothes and backs, Nanny Rong also expected that they were not ordinary, so she didn't know how to answer for a while.

"How about exempting this month's rent?"

Finally, after a while, Nanny Rong gritted her teeth and finally opened her mouth, asking Guo Nuan tentatively.

"Cut! It's only been a month, and I'm ashamed to say it. You think these two big grasshoppers are something you can dig up from the latrines in the countryside at will. The ingredients you eat every day cost one or two dollars!"

Luo Yuan couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately raised his voice, making noise in Nanny Rong's ear.

Guo Nuan was very satisfied with Luo Yuan's cooperative words, and secretly gave Luo Yuan a thumbs up, then continued to add fire and said to the nanny:

"Aunt Rong, look, even Brother Luo, who has always been honest and honest, can't help scolding his mother, and the amount you bid is too low." After discussing for half an hour, Nanny Rong finally compromised and made an agreement with Guo Nuan. There will be no need to pay rent in the future.Guo Nuan was very satisfied with the result, squatting in the corner of the wall and pretending to fight crickets continuously, her legs and feet were sore, the hard work was not in vain.

It turned out that on the second day after Luo Yuan and Pu Shangxuan moved into the princess mansion, Guo Nuan went to the fish and insect market in Fangshi, found the shopkeeper of the insect house, and immediately bought two dead crickets of rare species.

At that time, the Bupleurum merchant who had been in the cricket business for most of his life was very puzzled. Customers always bought live crickets for cricket fighting. He had never met a customer like Guo Nuan, who threatened to buy dead crickets as soon as he entered the shop.

Come on, it’s a fool not to do business. I don’t care what use Guo Nuan wants to use the useless dead crickets. A few days ago, the shrewd palm picked up a few rare species of dead crickets in the Fangshi arena of cricket fighting. It was made as a specimen for ornamental purposes. Seeing that Guo Nuan needed it, he offered to sell it for 50 taels. After Guo Nuan rubbed it hard, he finally bought two dead crickets for [-] taels of silver.

After buying it back, Guo Nuan squatted in the corner every day pretending to fight two dead crickets. He guessed in his heart that the days when Nanny Rong would come to make things difficult for him would pay off. One play.Of course, there must be a master like Luo Yuan as the backing. Only by staying in the place can we forcefully deter such handyman who see the wind and the wind. Otherwise, just relying on Guo Nuan's embroidered pillow, I really can't play this scene, and I can't achieve it. to such good effect.

After intimidating nurse Rong with force, Guo Nuan not only got three rent-free rent discounts, but also expressed an attitude towards the people in the princess mansion, that is, Guo Nuan, Guo Consort, is not a A sick cat at the mercy of others.

He reckoned that after this day, the few of them would have a much easier life in the mansion, because he had dampened Nanny Rong's previous vigor, and every time she saw Guo Nuan, her arrogance had also subsided a lot. The phenomenon is what Guo Nuan is most willing to see.

As for what Shengping would think, Guo Nuan didn't know. He guessed that Princess Shengping's silence meant that she acquiesced to the outcome of their struggle that day.However, Shengping still hasn't shown his face in front of Guo Nuan these days, and he still regularly rushes to various social occasions of the upper class in Chang'an every day, ignoring Guo Nuan's son-in-law at all.

What's more, it didn't take long before the news about Guo Nuan's defeat of nurse Rong quickly spread throughout the mansion. Even Nanny Rong, who had always been domineering, no longer dared to provoke Guo Nuan. Not to mention making trouble in front of Guo Nuan.Regarding the change in the attitude of the handyman, we have to start with a detail.

Two days after Li Rong's nanny's provocation, it was another sunny morning, Guo Nuan stood guard in front of the courtyard, coincidentally, he caught the 80-year-old mother from last time, There is a little maid with a three-year-old child.

"Uh... the wing room is dirty again, can I trouble the girl to help you..."

Guo Nuan and A Fu, the two elders, are pampered and pampered in the Guo Mansion, so they really can't bear to do the rough work of cleaning up. After Guo Nuan finished speaking, the little maid showed a smile, blessed the maid gently, and said softly:

"Nurse Rong has ordered that if the son-in-law needs any help, he can call the servant at any time."

When Guo Nuan heard this, she couldn't help being taken aback. The wet nurse has changed her sex, and the sun hasn't come out from the west?Even so, Guo Nuan continued to mutter.

But having said that, Guo Nuan was no longer ambiguous, regardless of her true feelings, since she came to her door, she still ordered her.Immediately after ordering some work, he went out to go shopping in the imperial city.When I came back in the afternoon, not only was the wing room cleaned up, but the yard was also cleaned without dead leaves and branches, and everything was in order.

Since the servant girls in the mansion were moved, Guo Nuan was also happy to be at leisure.However, Guo Nuan was incapable of commanding the one or two hundred guards dispatched from the palace by the mansion. Except for Princess Shengping, the only ones who could command the private army at will were Cong Qipin from the Princess Mansion.

A middle-aged magistrate with a tough and resolute appearance. Although he is not a high-ranking official, he has always revealed a majestic and steady aura when receiving people and things. Guo Nuan has been in the princess mansion for more than half a month. One day, I saw from the door that Nanny Rong respected him very much. One can imagine the status of a person who can make Nanny Rong show a flattering attitude with an apologetic smile.

Usually, the government order rarely stays in the Princess Mansion, because the government order is an official of the imperial palace's ministerial staff and enjoys the official salary of the seventh rank, and is more busy dealing with the princess's affairs outside, such as the princess's travel matters, the affairs of the fiefdom and the territory Take care of the princess' property, enter the palace to report on official affairs, etc.

However, it seemed that the government order had no intention of provoking Guo Consort, Guo Nuan followed the principle that more things are worse than less things, so he didn't bother this high-ranking government official.

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