The voyage lasted until dusk, when the Apis was chasing the black and white waterline upstream, about 20 nautical miles later, the sailors on the mast platform reported another exciting news, about ten nautical miles ahead Discovered an island group consisting of dozens of large and small islands!

Everyone cheered, and then the merchant ship stepped up and sailed with the wind at full speed. Captain Abbas ordered that he must arrive at the island and reef before sunset.

Seeing that the sea level in the distance is dotted like emeralds on the water surface, this group of islands is gradually enlarged in the field of vision, and everyone realizes that the islands are scattered in a crescent shape, with a semicircular shape arching a natural harbor, and a giant island in the middle of the arc .

Although it is about ten nautical miles away, the scenery above can be vaguely distinguished on the largest island. A circle of silver-white sandy beaches along the coast outlines a white line. It is rolling small hills and mountains, as well as steep and sharp ridges. In the west, there is a crater rising into the sky, soaring into the sky, it is estimated to be an extinct volcano.

This big island is long and narrow from east to west, and its area is estimated to be several hundred square kilometers, like a small continent.There is a river delta outlet at the tip of the island reef in the south, and the white calcium carbonate water flows into the sea from there.After the ship found its position, it was full of people and galloped to the island and reef at high speed in eager anticipation.

As the sky darkened, the Apis slowly sailed into the crescent-shaped harbor and leaned against the shore of the big island.Everyone was tired and thirsty all day, and now that they have found the island and reef where they landed, they finally let go of their hanging heart.

Accompanied by the sound of the coastal waves hitting the hidden reef, a few large ship lamps were lit on the deck, reflecting the dim light of the oil lamps, Abbas smiled and moved out the last half-small wooden barrel of fresh water from the cabin, and then called a chef who was best at cooking The sailors of West Asia Daqin moved out the last bit of bilge food in the cabin, and made a series of delicacies with the last remaining cured meat and bacon on board.

In order to avoid the danger of landing on the island land at night, such as large wild animals, Abbas immediately ordered Tianming to allow him to disembark.It makes sense for everyone to think about it. It's okay to stay up all night if you're thirsty. . .It would not be worth it if you rashly landed on the island and encountered danger and lost your life. Abbas's wise decision was quickly approved.

"Let's eat!" Everyone gathered around the dishes on the deck and looked very happy. Although there were only some meat and no fresh green leafy vegetables, this predicament of water shortage and fasting would be over tomorrow.

In the early morning, after a night's rest yesterday, the tired crew members woke up one after another when they heard the chirping of petrels and seagulls outside the cabin window.


Fatty has always been energetic. He was the first to wake up from the cabin bedroom early in the morning, and then ran to the bow of the deck and howled a few times at the boundless blue sea in the distance.

A new day has begun, and everyone is very excited about getting off the boat and landing on the island. The first thing is to find fresh water to drink, and then look for food. Familiarize yourself with the environment near the beach on the island one day.

"Today we are only going to be active near the beach, and we are not allowed to go deep into the deep forest in the interior of the island, do you understand?"

Abbas glanced at a row of more than ten crew members and shouted solemnly.At this moment, everyone's feet have set foot on the soft and white coral sand.

"Know!!!" Everyone echoed for a while, and then howled happily and formed a small team to move around.

In this event, everyone carried water urns, cables, files, fishing and hunting tools on their shoulders and hands, especially the fat man, who was covered with parts of all sizes. Seeing him looking around with bright eyes, he was probably lost. This is for hunting.

Tall coconut trees are sparsely scattered on the beach, and the greedy people with blue coconut shells are drooling.But don't rush to pick the fruit yet.The soft sand on the beach is filled with fresh water percolating from the interior of the island. After Abbas and a few sailors dug a seven or eight-foot-thick sand pit with shovels, the bottom of the pit slowly overflowed with clear water in about a quarter of an hour. Sweet fresh water.

Despite his huge body, the fat man is very nimble and flexible. It took only half a minute to climb up a coconut tree more than ten meters high. Then he clamped his legs around the trunk and freed himself to untie his back with one hand. shovel.

"Bang bang bang bang!" There was a burst of beating, and one by one the round coconuts fell on the sand.Guo Nuan and Pei Pei were busy with a big sack under the tree, picking up a dozen coconuts, and the three of them grinned extremely happily.

In addition to coconut trees, there are piles of bushes growing on the beach, like Pittosporum, sisal, but there are also pineapple trees and banana trees.

"Wow! Pineapples are sold at vendors in Haikang County. I've eaten quite a few!"

After the fat man picked the coconuts, he saw a row of pineapple groves 100 meters to the east from a tall tree with sharp eyes. He was so happy that he lost interest in the large coconut trees around him and left Guo Nuanhe behind. Pei Pei ran towards the pineapple field.

"Hey—come on everyone! There are many pineapple trees and papaya trees here, all hung with yellow and fragrant fruits!"

The fat man broke into the melon patch, twisted a pineapple with one hand, and picked a ripe yellow papaya with the other, stuffing his mouth full.But everyone is busy with their own prey, how can they have time to take care of the fat man.

Look at what the companions around are doing.

The west bank is a steep and vertical sea-eroded stone cliff more than [-] meters high. There is a clear water flow sloping down along the cliff, and the bottom is impacted into a clear pool several meters deep. The sea and the harbor are connected, and a few sailors are fishing in the pool with fishing nets and harpoons. Looking at them from a distance, occasionally jumping and jumping, and constantly loading things into the bamboo baskets, it is estimated that they have gained a lot.

In the north is the beach bushes. I don't know when Abbas ran there with seven or eight sailors. At this moment, they are looking for bird eggs in the grass.Interestingly, the sharp-eyed fat man also saw a scene like this 200 meters away:

The captain and his brave sailors were chasing a colorful red-footed pheasant. The unlucky pheasant fled in embarrassment under the hot pursuit of everyone. Abbas, who was always solemn and majestic, chased after it. With a pounce, the clever pheasant suddenly made a sharp turn, and the captain carried it to the sand pile with his feet on his back.This picture amused the fat man in the distance

As for the pheasant eggs on the Nanyang Islands, which were hatched by a pheasant hen in the warm sand, Abbas and several sailors managed to let the big pheasant escape despite great efforts, but they were Dozens of pheasant eggs were dug from the sand pit near the bushes, and each egg was as big as four or five chicken eggs!

In the south direction, a group of sailors are looking for delicacies on the low-tide shoals and hidden reef stones. There are many shrimps and crabs in the shallow water stones that are too late to escape, especially sea cucumbers and sea urchins can be obtained on the coral reefs that are exposed to the water.

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