The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 115: Jungle Dead

It is said that everyone wandered around in the tropical jungle as if they had entered a botanical garden. Now that they have walked more than ten miles, the surrounding terrain began to appear steep slopes. The shrubs and trees in front of them are so dense that there is nowhere to stay. A few agile ape primates.

On the small hill, everyone was already out of breath. The fat man took a sharpened shovel and struggled to cut open the thorns and vines in front of him. At this moment, a large part of his back was also soaked. If you look closely, you can see the A piece of flesh-colored.

"It stinks! What's the smell?" Guo Nuan held his bow and arrow, and he was scanning around the deep jungle vigilantly, when he suddenly smelled the stench of rotting flesh.

"It has a smell!" Everyone echoed in reply.

"Look, there is something protruding from the vines on the mountain wall!" Just as everyone was looking for the source of the smell, a team member found something under the cliff of the rock pile next to the earth gully.

"Wow! This is a dead body!"

The extremely curious fat man hurried over and swiped the shovel a few times. After sweeping away the grassy branches and leaves under the wall, he immediately revealed a highly decomposed corpse with an unsightly face. The mutilated head was covered with maggots and blowflies. buzzing around.

"Wow——" several team members couldn't bear the disgusting rotting corpse in front of them at first, and then they bent down and vomited.

"Well, it looks like I've been dead for seven or eight days." Guo Nuan and Abbas looked at each other, and there was a hint of worry in their stern eyes.

Abbas walked up to the stone wall and looked at the corpse on the ground. He resisted the stench and searched the objects on the corpse. He only found a copper round embossed coin, and said slowly: "That's right, there is a knife on the chest If it is pierced, the degree of decay should not exceed ten days at most."

The tropical rainforest is full of carnivores and scavengers. Abbas just wondered why the corpses were not eaten by wild animals in seven or eight days, but only flies were left to eat away?

"This is? Pirates?"

Received the embossed copper coin handed over by Abbas. This object looks like an organization's identity certificate, with a skull carved and "Five Dou Rice Pirates" engraved on the lower right corner

Handing over the copper coin to each team member for inspection, everyone had little doubts about this item. Just when they couldn't see its origin, Puhe stared at the copper coin and spoke, then his whole body was shocked, and he took a long breath. He said slowly:

"It is estimated that it was the five-dou rice pirate group that was active in the Indian Ocean 20 years ago. Many Tianzhu merchants who sailed in the Indian Ocean were killed by them. This outrageous team also has a name called 'Mikukuku' , I didn’t expect them to appear again now, it’s really a bad omen.”

"Mikulou? What kind of strange name is this?"

Pei Pei took a silver needle and inserted it into the carrion of the corpse, and found that the tip of the needle turned black immediately: "Well, eight out of ten, nine out of ten were poisoned first, and then he stabbed in the chest when he was weak. The killer is really vicious. It seems that he has the intention to take this person's life."

"Let's go!" Abbas waved his hand. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Everyone continued to explore the depths of the jungle with suspicion and vague uneasiness after discovering the corpse.

It seems that someone has landed on this island recently. Guo Nuan's brows were furrowed into a ball, and his hand subconsciously clenched his bow. Maybe the next journey will become extremely dangerous.

"Oh, what is this!"

The fat man cursed and continued to lead the way in the brambles and grass in front of him. Just as he reached the mountain stream and valley, what he saw before him was a vortex of water with potholes and large stones scattered around, but the most important thing was that lying on the black stone was a head over ten feet tall. (about two meters), a large lizard weighing two hundred catties.

Gray wrinkled rough skin, with a bright red snake tongue open, and scarlet cold eyes are looking at the fat man at a distance of ten meters. The sudden appearance of the monster made the fat man drop his shovel with a bang, ouch Ah, he is from the Central Plains, how come he has seen a large lizard species that is only found in the tropics.

"Whoosh!" The prey was locked, and the big lizard opened its mouth angrily, with its long and thin fangs like needlepoints. In the blink of an eye, it immediately jumped down from the resting boulder, and suddenly accelerated from a standstill. Visual estimation estimated With a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, it ran for a short time and ran directly to the fat leader who bore the brunt.

"Everyone spread out and run to both sides! Pei Pei, you go and protect everyone, and the fat man quickly pick up the shovel to defend yourself! Let me deal with the lizard!"

At this critical moment, Guo Nuan let out a loud roar, and then stretched the bowstring of his strong bow. With a bang, the arrow with the tip of the triangular fine iron cone flew towards the lizard's abdomen with a scream.

"Crack!" Everyone panicked and scattered in all directions, turning their heads and looking closely, it's okay!An arrow shot by Guo Nuan forcefully shattered!How thick must the rough wrinkled hide of the damn tuatara be!

"Grandma, eat another arrow from your uncle!"

Guo Nuan took a deep breath, and then drew a barbed hard arrow from the quiver on his back. In the milliseconds that passed, he stood there calmly watching the lizard chase after the fat man who was running away.

"This is the moment!" Guo Nuan shouted in his heart, seized the golden opportunity, and used a piercing arrow from a long distance. This is a hard bow pulled out with a pulling force of 150 jin. The falcon's tail arrow feathers were spinning in the air, and suddenly a straight force shot through the air and pierced the lizard's forehead.

"Hiss!" The lizard's forehead instantly burst into a bloody mark, and then the arrow of the barbed arrow tore off the flesh of the entire forehead, and the barbed thorn smashed the thick skull of the lizard, and the powerful force flew away. White blood splashed out, and this series of changes was completed in just one second.

Everyone was dumbfounded after watching this scene, they didn't expect Guo Nuan, who looks like a frail scholar, to be so tough!All the sailors felt admiration spontaneously in their hearts.

"Boom!" The big lizard fell down with a bang, and stopped because of its sudden death while running fast. The inertia of its huge body weighing more than 200 kilograms stopped instantly and plowed a half-meter-long ditch on the water beach, and one of its claws was about to die. He caught the fat man who was running a few feet away and stopped deeply.

"Damn! You scared me to death, and you dare to attack me, Zhang Dabiao! I'll shoot you to death, shoot you to death..."

Fatty narrowly escaped death, he was still in shock, especially his face was as pale as a consumptive ghost, seeing the big lizard being dealt with neatly by Guo Nuan, he turned around and raised the shovel to slap the dead lizard violently.

Seeing the funny appearance of the fat man in the distance like a child, Guo Nuan couldn't help smiling.At this moment, when his friend was in a very critical situation, he used his two arrows with the greatest skill. At this moment, he spent a lot of energy.

"Could it be that my archery has broken through? Was it forced out of the bottleneck at a critical moment?" Guo Nuan thought secretly, feeling that the barbed arrow was four levels stronger than usual.

"Uh! Why is your index finger bleeding, Guo Nuan?" At some point, Pei Pei walked up to Guo Nuan with concern, and quietly took his bow-drawing hand and exclaimed in a low voice.

"Huh?" Guo Nuan immediately raised her hand to take a look. The inner side of the thumb ring is usually used to hold the bowstring, but she cut her finger when she shot an arrow with too much force just now.

"Really, I was so anxious that I even forgot to put on the finger guard for pulling the string. This hard bow is so powerful... It's no wonder that if you shoot arrows a few times, the archer's fingers won't be destroyed... Hurry up , wrap it up."

Pei Pei then said coquettishly, and while speaking, took out a white silk from his bosom and bound his injured finger with concern, with a hint of tenderness in his words.

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