The bad emperor of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 128: Pirate Ship

It is said that after Guo Nuan and Pei Pei fell into the Xuanhe River, they were immediately washed away by the torrent under the cliff of the waterfall and disappeared without a trace.

"Huhu! I don't know how Guo Nuan and Pei Pei are doing now."

The fat man sat on a sand dune listlessly.There were nine people sitting around him. A sailor was wounded by an arrow in his abdomen. Fortunately, the wound was not very deep. Captain Abbas's leg was wrapped with wild herbs and then bandaged.

Regarding the sudden pursuit of the native pirates, nine crew members were shot and drowned in the river three days ago.Half of the companions who died all of a sudden, in addition to the grief and remembrance of the deceased, more people who are alive now feel a little bit sad.

In addition to Fatty, he still has the ability to protect himself with martial arts, but the other crew members are faced with the difficult situation in front of them. There are hundreds of ferocious native pirates wandering on the island, and they may die at any time.

Since they separated from Guo Nuan along the Cha River, Fatty and the other sailors have been drifting downstream along the river.After getting rid of the natives behind them, everyone went ashore and hid in the mountains.

After more than five hours of arduous trek, when the fat man led everyone to the harbor where the Apis ship was moored yesterday, he couldn't help feeling disheartened and sad.

Hiding at the edge of the forest, everyone looked across the beach at the ships moored along the coastline. In addition to the merchant ship Abis, there were seven or eight more sailboats in the surrounding waters.A giant multi-masted catamaran three times the size of the Abis. Abbas, an experienced sea merchant, visually observed this large warship and estimated that its load capacity was more than 1 stone.

As for the mother ship, there are several sharp-headed paddle boats known for their flexible steering and fast speed, and two square-headed square-tailed sand boats that can quickly clear waves and land on shallow reef beaches. The last one is similar to a medium-sized Windsurfing fishing boat, this boat is estimated to be used for replenishment.

A few hundred meters away, Fatty and his group can clearly see the building. On top of each other, there are rows and rows of rest cabins for sailors, also called sparrow cabins, plus a few watchtowers with guards walking back and forth on guard. The tall and majestic The hull deck is full of colorful flags, fluttering, and even the fat man can see that there is a wide vegetable field planted on the wide balcony on the top floor of the upper floor of the ship. This facility undoubtedly solves the big problem of lack of green and fresh vegetables during the voyage.

It can be seen that this group of pirates is very strong, otherwise it would be impossible to have these luxurious sea-going fleet configurations. While Abbas was secretly amazed, he was also a little frustrated because his own Abis had already been captured by the pirates. The ships were surrounded tightly, and the pirate ships locked the ships together with a large number of cables and aerial hangers.

"Well, there is a high probability that the three crew members who stayed behind have been killed by these ferocious Nanyang native pirates, and the most optimistic is that they were captured."

Abbas struggled to move his injured right leg, and sighed. They hid in the shade of a dense tree under the slope of a ravine. At this moment, he crawled and looked at his beloved Abis docked by the sea in the distance. No., seeing it lost but helpless.

And most of the sailors lying on the ditch beside him were full of melancholy. They were extremely exhausted during the days of fleeing for their lives, and lacked food and sleep. The possibility is almost impossible to realize. Without a boat, it means that everyone will not be able to escape from the island. As expected, sooner or later, the natives who will be searched all over the island are useless. Everyone simply closed their eyes and rested. Hang on for a while.

"No, old man, here it is." The fat man ran into the depths of the jungle and searched for a while, with a few drops of blood splashed on his body. Rose petals, two months of oranges, and some sour grapes.

"Why, Da Biao, are you injured?" Abbas came back to his senses, looked at the blood on the fat man and said in surprise.

"Hey, it's okay, I just had bad luck. When I was picking berries, I encountered a big wild boar with huge fangs. I tried to hunt it, but I didn't have a piece of iron in my hand."

Recalling what happened just now, the fat man felt aggrieved. Just as he was starving, he was concentrating on looking for food in the bushes. He accidentally ran into the nest of a big male wild boar. He felt that something was coming from the haystack behind him. Angrily staring at the fat man who broke into his house without saying hello, the big wild boar snorted strongly and dissatisfied, and then dug out a few ditches with its hooves. Look, this formation is planning to fight the fat man. , but Da Biao didn't notice the big guy behind him holding a curved pipe with sharp pig's fangs at all.

The big boar with black bristles jumped at him and gave the fat man a slap in the buttocks. The fat man, with his exceptional hearing and responsiveness, relied on his sixth sense to sense the danger of a gust of pig wind behind him. Twisted his buttocks and rolled towards the side of the donkey, a piece of buttock meat was able to make intimate contact with the pig's fangs, and a shallow cut was drawn by the brush.

The fat man didn't have a weapon. Looking around, he saw a crabapple sapling with a thick wrist beside him. He immediately grabbed the tree trunk and pulled it up desperately, trying to pull out the sapling as a weapon.

But at this critical moment of confrontation between the enemy and the enemy, how can the boar tolerate the enemy blatantly ignoring his own existence and looking for weapons.The pig groaned and chirped for a while, and bit again. The sad fat man found that he had made a wrong decision. Don't look at this crabapple sapling, which is only half a head taller than him, and looks as thin as bean sprouts. The underground root system is so strong that he can't pull it out even if he tries his best.

"Grandma, you are good at being bullied by pigs, don't you see that I have nothing in my hands, and I didn't bring a gift when I visited your house, so I don't need to be so angry."

Fatty was in a hurry, seeing the boar galloping towards with its sharp fangs, he turned around and kicked the most vulnerable nose of the pig, the boar then howled terribly, startled the tree Birds flew up from the top.

"It's sad, I didn't take away any treasure from the treasure cave, and the golden shovel is gone. Otherwise, the wild boar would have smashed it, and the buttocks were scratched with a shallow gash." The fat man said. With a regretful look on his face, he came back to his senses, then pointed to the hole in his buttocks and pants and said.

It is said that the fat man threw his ancestral shovel behind the temple, took out hundreds of gold necklaces from the cave, and wrapped them around his neck. , It was so sad that I realized that I overestimated my floating ability. The remaining 50 gold chains around my neck and the nearly 35 heavy gold shovel pinned to my waist almost crushed him alive under the water and made him unable to float to the surface. .

Reluctantly throwing down the gold chains one by one along the river, waiting for the aborigines to hunt them down, his life was almost lost, so the fat man simply threw them all into the water.As for that yellow golden shovel, it was also washed away in the river, and now he has been working in vain, and there is nothing left.

"Well, be careful next time, as you Tang people have a proverb, money is something outside of the body, and if you don't bring it with you, you don't take it with you when you die." Apart from being lucky, Abbas also has a parchment Bible in his arms, which is very important for the pious. As a religious believer, he was satisfied to get it, and then comforted the fat man.

Now the situation is dangerous, even if a large number of pirates fill the island to find the people of Abis, it is not easy to make an open fire, and they have to sneak around to find a cave with a rock wall, otherwise the smoke from the cooking will easily attract the attention of the pirates. Be a herbivore.

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